A Django web application designed to provide real estate price estimations, along with additional features like a blog, contact us page, and various informational sections.
Monero Light Wallet Server (scans monero viewkeys and implements mymonero API). Fast LMDB backend.
Simple zero-dependency input mask for Vue, Svelte, Alpine.js and vanilla JS.
Credit card form with smooth and sweet micro-interactions
smooth scrolling and parallax effects on scroll
Alcor Exchange | First self-listing onchain DEX for eosio tokens;
A web-based application for scanning Receipt
π± A performant, easy to use hold to open context menu for React Native powered by Reanimated π
Enable two-way data binding for form fields saved in a Vuex store
Implementing Transformer Model using Tensorflow2 from scratch : )
π± A React Native library to get the Device's Screen's corner radius
Tabbed navigation that you can swipe between, each tab can have its own ScrollView and maintain its own scroll position between swipes. Pleasantly animated. Customizable tab bar
React Native wrapper for the Android ViewPager and iOS UIPageViewController.
A React Native component for android view pager with tabs.
In this project, we implemented a topic detection system on Twitter. This system reads tweets from a data stream and assigns them to one of the existing clusters or a new one. Each cluster acts as β¦
Add material design ripple effect to your Vue project.
Set of components and helpers for building complex and beautifully animated charts
π React Native Button that animates scale when pressed
Component library that allows for scroll views and table views to scroll over interactable content without poor performing size and bounds animations.
A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options π