Simple wake on LAN magic packet generator for golang
Wake-on-LAN (WOL)
describes a simple data link layer protocol which tells a listening ethernet interface to power the target machine up.
Each target system typically exposes a setting in it's BIOS which enables or disables the system's WOL capabilities (since this can slowly consume a small amount of standby power).
The listening interface just looks for a Magic Packet
with it's MAC address encoded in the WOL scheme. The packet is basically 6 bytes of 0xFF
followed by 16 repetitions of the destination interface's MAC address (102 bytes total). The Magic Packet
does not have to be exactly 102 bytes, but it's relevant payload is. This payload can be sandwiched anywhere is the broadcast's payload.
It is important to remember that since this is typically sent over the data link layer, the target machine's IP address is irrelevant.
$go get
$go install
$wol 08:BA:AD:F0:00:0D