Todoist CLI Client, written in Golang.
Todoist is a cool TODO list web application. This program will let you use the Todoist in CLI.
Demo (with peco)
$ todoist --help
todoist - Todoist CLI Client
todoist [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
list, l Shows all tasks
show Show task detail
completed-list Shows all completed tasks (only premium user)
add, a Add task
modify, m Modify task
close, c Close task
delete, d Delete task
labels Shows all labels
projects Shows all projects
karma Show karma
sync, s Sync cache
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--color colorize output
--csv output in CSV format
--namespace display parent task like namespace
--indent display children task with indent
--project-namespace display parent project like namespace
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
You need version 1.7 or higher Golang.
$ go get
When you run todoist
first time, you will be asked your Todoist API token.
Please input Todoist API token and register it.
install peco and load
on your .zshrc
, like below.
fish version is here. ka2n/fish-peco_todoist Thanks @ka2n!
$ source "$GOPATH/src/"
<C-x> t t: select task with peco
<C-x> t p: select project with peco
<C-x> t l: select labels with peco
<C-x> t c: select task and close with peco
<C-x> t d: select date
<C-x> t o: select task, and open it with browser when has url
- Refactoring
- Restrict view option