AOD_Net Public
AOD Net keras implementation
broadway-lottery Public
Forked from NameFILIP/broadway-lotteryAn automated way to sign up for lotteries for broadway musicals
TypeScript UpdatedMay 14, 2024 -
WeddingEvite Public archive
Forked from sarthak-1998/WeddingEviteAnimated website
HTML GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 25, 2023 -
keras-retinanet Public
Forked from fizyr/keras-retinanetKeras implementation of RetinaNet object detection.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 4, 2020 -
sewar Public
Forked from andrewekhalel/sewarAll image quality metrics you need in one package.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 21, 2019 -
ML_GCN Public
Forked from megvii-research/ML-GCNPyTorch implementation of Multi-Label Image Recognition with Graph Convolutional Networks, CVPR 2019.
Python UpdatedNov 5, 2019 -
SHiP++ cache policy project
rl_a3c_pytorch Public
Forked from dgriff777/rl_a3c_pytorchA3C LSTM Atari with Pytorch plus A3G design
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 11, 2018 -
Machine_Learning_Projects Public
Machine Learning Self/Class Projects
typo Public
Forked from publify/publifyTypo is the oldest and most powerful Ruby on Rails blogware, providing custom templates, powerful drag and drop plugins API, advanced SEO capabilities, XMLRPC API and many more.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedOct 12, 2018 -
hw-acceptance-unit-test-cycle Public
Forked from saasbook/hw-acceptance-unit-test-cycleRuby UpdatedOct 6, 2018 -
rottenpotatoes-rails-intro Public
Forked from saasbook/rottenpotatoes-rails-introRottenPotatoes app skeleton for saasbook/hw-rails-intro
Ruby UpdatedSep 28, 2018 -
Kaggle_competitions Public
Projects and submissions of Kaggle competitions
Python UpdatedSep 13, 2018 -
hw-ruby-intro Public
Forked from saasbook/hw-ruby-introRuby Introduction Assignment for Agile Development using Ruby on Rails
Ruby UpdatedSep 11, 2018 -
Google-Image-Parser Public
Selenium based script to download images from google. If you are planning on using the downloaded data for training, it needs to cleaned further to remove noise
Python UpdatedAug 10, 2018 -
hw-refactoring-legacy-code-bug-fix Public
Forked from saasbook/hw-refactoring-legacy-code-bug-fixLegacy Assignment involving a bug fix
UpdatedApr 17, 2018 -
Perceptron based branch predictor
C++ UpdatedMar 10, 2018 -
awesome-datascience Public
Forked from academic/awesome-datascience📝 An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
MIT License UpdatedDec 12, 2017 -
cheatsheets-ai Public
Forked from kailashahirwar/cheatsheets-aiEssential Cheat Sheets for deep learning and machine learning researchers
MIT License UpdatedNov 9, 2017 -
pytorch-tutorial Public
Forked from yunjey/pytorch-tutorialPyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 4, 2017 -