PHP And Laravel (PaL) Server Info And Laravel Requirements Checker + PHP And Mysql Benchmark + Scan PHP Configuration in single file !!
Php And Laravel (PaL) Server Info Also this tool performs a benchmark test on MySQL database and PHP server.
- Check Laravel Requirements (5.8,6.x,7.x,8.x,9.x,10.x,11.x supported !)
- Php Config Information
- Check Php Config
- Scan Web Server Headers
- Php Benchmark
- Mysql Benchmark
- PHP INI Editor (in web ui only)
- CLI mode
- Web UI : Pal-Server-Info.php
- CLI (command line) : PaL-cli.php
- Php
- Bootstrap 5.3
- Jquery 3.6
download "Pal-Server-Info.php"
Just copy the file to your server or host and call it.
To run it on localhost, just call the following command or copy it to your web server folder
php -S localhost:8000
or in 'Pal-Server-Info.php' on line 27
'host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'USER_NAME_HERE', //ex : root
'password' => 'PASSWORD_HERE', //ex : password
'db' => 'DB_NAME_HERE', //ex : laravel_db
'benchmark_insert' => 100, //ex : 100
- Refresh Your Browser
Download the "PaL-cli.php" file and use :
php PaL-cli.php help
php PaL-cli.php -i -s -o -r
Download the "pal-config.json" file You can edit this file
Just click on "Check for Update" at the bottom of the page (footer)
in cli you can use :
php PaL-cli.php up
Telegram: Saeed Abdollahian - @PhpWebDeveloper - [email protected]
Project Link: