These are the wonderful people who have donated their time and effort to help make Open Source better for all of us. We wouldn't be where we are today without your contributions. Thank you! 🙌
New contributors should add their name to the bottom of this list on their first pull request. If you are a contributor in other ways other than code, please either submit a pull request adding your name, or mention it to another maintainer and we will add you. All contributors belong here - please don't hesitate do add yourself even if you have contributed to documentation, or in any other way!
- Brad McCoy @bradmccoydev
GitHub | Timezone | Offset | Areas of Interest |
Brad McCoy | AEST | UTC +10 | GitOps, GoLang |
Abhigyan Srivastav | IST | UTC +5:30 | Carrer Advice, GoLang |
Uttam kumar | IST | UTC +5:30 | DevOps, Kubernetes, etc |
Jayesh Srivastava | IST | UTC +5:30 | Career Guidance, Kubernetes, GoLang |
Deepayan Mukherjee | IST | UTC + 5:30 | GitOps, GoLang |
Piyush Dhir | IST | UTC +5.30 | Cloud computing (AWS,GCP), Networking fundamentals |
Aniket Prabhakar | IST | UTC +5:30 | Cloud Computing , Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning , Security research , DevOps |