Donders Institute & UMich
- Tübingen, Germany
- www.beingsaige.com
- @being_saige
- @[email protected]
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💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws
All materials you need for Federated Learning: blogs, videos, papers, and softwares, etc.
Processing pipelines for the HCP
MRtrix scripts to generate dense weighted structural connectomes from the Human Connectome Project "minimally pre-processed" diffusion MRI data
Scripts for analyzing diffusion data with MRtrix
SLURM refers to the "Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management" and is a job manager for high performance computing.
Code to organize fMRIprepped data for further processing in AFNI, SPM, or FSL
Files related to running the HCP Pipelines using Singularity