The list below includes 4240 deleted tweets by michael82379998.
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- 11 October 2020: Why would Antifa carry a US flag?
- 11 October 2020: I've run into this situation before.
- 11 October 2020: If you are not a named party in the Covenant/contract you receive none of the benefits. Jeremiah 31:31 Hebrews 8:8
- 11 October 2020: No body? Seriously? That's like saying you just ignore a foreign army because it has no body.
- 11 October 2020: Neither are bump stocks or auto sears.
- 11 October 2020: Deadly elegance.
- 10 October 2020: What did the Lefty do to get maced?
- 10 October 2020: Fortunately I don't have any experiences to compare with yours.
- 10 October 2020: Please accept my apologies, Ma'am. All we can do is what we can do. Only God can remove the blinders from their eyes and make them move towards self-preservation. All we can do is provide the framework for them for once they awaken from their slumber.
- 10 October 2020: I just hope things don't have to get as bad as Haiti, Rhodesia, or South Africa before our people wake up and do something about it.
- 10 October 2020: I agree, brother. But I've been watching our people for so long, trying to push them and lead them and guide them in One Direction. With white people you can't even lead the horse to water let alone make him drink. They will have to suffer and suffer hard.
- 10 October 2020: When you no longer have the legal political power you do what resistance groups have done throughout history. Only when Whites finally realize they are the minority and are legally treated as such will they work together to reclaim what is theirs.
- 10 October 2020: I've never watched football in my life. Where's my cabin?
- 10 October 2020: Then we should probably just count on it being that way and make the most of it.
- 10 October 2020: Obadiah 18.
- 10 October 2020: You know, that "removed from society" shit can work both ways, right?
- 10 October 2020: Strangely enough, it doesn't work for me.
- 10 October 2020: I'll have to research that, my friend. Thanks.
- 10 October 2020: My ancestors in the Tennessee militia marched with Colonel Coffee from Tennessee to New Orleans in 1814. They pass through Alabama and found some very nice land there. Shortly after the war of 1812 they moved to Alabama and took up residence.
- 10 October 2020: Mikhail Kalashnikov had the assistance of Willie Schmeisser working for him. I don't think Kalashnikov had all the brilliance people say he did. They completely ignore Schmeisser's contribution.
- 9 October 2020: The South knew that there were greater powers at work then Abraham Lincoln. The Republican Party was an Abolitionist party and if they didn't get what they wanted under Lincoln they would get it with someone else.
- 9 October 2020: Well, she's a dude, so...
- 9 October 2020: In all fairness, I think it's a joke defending Antifa.
- 9 October 2020: No, I think he's whatever comes below Beta males.
- 9 October 2020: There were only 6 alleged "death camps" in Poland. Where did the other 5 come from?
- 9 October 2020: When we run out of animals we'll eat the livers of our enemies.
- 9 October 2020: God bless these Polish badasses! Mat God grant them victory over the degeneracy that plagues their land.
- 8 October 2020: The world ignored her until she set herself apart by her race. Now the world wants to kill her.
- 8 October 2020: I sent her a friend request and messaged her some encouraging words but, I'm a guy. She needs some of y'all women folk to swarm her messages with some positive words.
- 8 October 2020: People are doxxing her, posting addresses, phone numbers, criminal charges, etc.
- 8 October 2020: She has a Facebook page. People are doxxing her right now. She's led a crappy life. Stripper, prostitution, drugs. Loves cats. Some White man needs to save her from herself.
- 8 October 2020: Most of Antifa and many BLM supporters are White too. So what? There's video's of the ring leader speaking and he's obviously a Left wing Anarchist with an Anarchist flag hanging behind him.
- 8 October 2020: Maybe she meant 700 million jobs in China.
- 8 October 2020: I find the idea of a sperm bank disturbing.
- 8 October 2020: Good work!
- 8 October 2020: Looks like they were Left wing Anarchists.
- 8 October 2020: I like her already.
- 8 October 2020: There were known to be others involved with other targets.
- 8 October 2020: More Left wing Anarchists.
- 8 October 2020: As is usually the case, it was probably encouraged, planned and financed by the FBI and then they step in to squash it to make themselves look like heroes. Got to justify that budget coming up in the beginning of the new fiscal year.
- 8 October 2020:
- 8 October 2020: I'm absolutely certain nobody else ever uttered these words in any language during any time period in history. I guess we need to analyze every syllable of the English language to see if it was ever spoken in German between 1920 and 1945.
- 8 October 2020: Trump will do nothing. Even if all legal and illegal immigration were completely halted, non-replacment level White birthrates will still contribute to our minority status. Only Divine intervention or something too frightening to discuss in public will change that.
- 8 October 2020:
- 8 October 2020: Thank you. Polarization increases and your ideology loses sympathy with every broken window.
- 8 October 2020: It was a turning point that frightened the Left.
- 8 October 2020: You mean Israel will never allow us to be allies with Iran?
- 8 October 2020: Jesus is referred to as the second Adam. The word Adam in the Hebrew language is translated in Strong's exhaustive Concordance & Young's as, "pale or ruddy complexion, to blush or turn rosy, to show blood in the face."
- 8 October 2020: The Jews DID deal with Him. They tried and convicted him before bringing him to Pilate. Pilate had Him crucified to appease the Jews and keep the peace.
- 8 October 2020: Public service Announcement: Don't point guns at police.
- 8 October 2020: I wish Pence would have asked Harris to denounce Antifa/BLM violence at least for entertainment value.
- 8 October 2020: An "idea" is taking to the street tonight.
- 8 October 2020: We're moving towards Bladerunner scarey.
- 8 October 2020: Whenever Ronnie says "turn it up" I always do.
- 8 October 2020: Protestants have been denied their own church history.
- 8 October 2020: The book. "The Sword of Christ" has a chapter titled "The History of Christian Zionism" that provides a great condensed history of the heresy and of course details the contributions of John Darby.
- 8 October 2020: Yes, Sir, you are correct.
- 8 October 2020: Don't F' around with the E-4 Mafia.
- 8 October 2020: You made me Google Tiramisu.
- 8 October 2020: Yeah, Minneapolis might be looking a little spicy soon.
- 7 October 2020: Is it getting dark in Ferguson yet?
- 7 October 2020: As a side note, the Galatians to whom the "good Word" was taken to were Celts.
- 7 October 2020: "Edomites" not Edom lights. Dang voice to text.
- 7 October 2020: Use a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and look up the word origins and meanings in the Hebrew and Greek. Strong's is keyed to the King James translation.
- 7 October 2020: Christ is referring to those who masqueraded as the descendants of the tribe of Judah but are actually Edom lights living in Judea and iduemia (sp?).
- 7 October 2020: According to Josephus and others, those who occupied Judea and surrounding areas during the time of Christ were Edomites, the sons of Esau, not Israelites. Most everywhere in the New Testament where the word Jew is translated from the Greek it is referring to the Edomites.
- 7 October 2020: It started with Cyrus Schofield.
- 7 October 2020: Beat me to it. Lynco Bearcat.
- 7 October 2020: Abortion murders one while miscegenation murders countless thousands.
- 7 October 2020: Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote participated in the Battle of Lepanto and was wounded there. It is said that he carried that wound with pride until the day he died and made sure everyone knew that he was wounded there.
- 7 October 2020: We will have to follow the Irish model and create Hedge Schools.
- 7 October 2020: By the time California gets around to being renamed it would be more appropriately called Zimbabwe. Or more likely Aztland.
- 7 October 2020: The practical aspect of what they are doing includes working out the logistics to get that many armed people from across the country in one place on any weekend they choose to enforce their will through intimidation. Every time they make a public appearance they grow larger.
- 7 October 2020: The first step to your defeat and replacement is underestimating your enemy.
- 7 October 2020: Give them time. The party is just getting started.
- 7 October 2020: If that is the case what are the top 3? I haven't seen any other militias larger and meeting in one place.
- 7 October 2020: Servers already know they don't tip anyway.
- 7 October 2020: We have people who were given citizenship 150 years ago who still can't assimilate.
- 7 October 2020: Amen! Lovin' it.
- 7 October 2020: By any chance do you have a link that tells the story of how the SBR foolishness was originally implemented?
- 7 October 2020: Guess what's going to kick off tonight?
- 7 October 2020: Whatever you do, make it count for something. Your ancestors are watching.
- 7 October 2020: 13=56
- 7 October 2020: There is no "Rapture".
- 7 October 2020: I have to wonder if any of these people are embarrassed to be there.
- 7 October 2020: A nation and a country are two different things in some cases. My people are my nation wherever they may plant their feet. Their country is run by aliens.
- 7 October 2020: No, torment them and have fun with it.
- 7 October 2020: What if their country hates them?
- 7 October 2020: A soldier's opinion doesn't define justice. Most soldiers will find a way to justify their sacrifices.
- 7 October 2020: It would be easier to count the years the US was not at war with someone.
- 6 October 2020: Most of the time the enemy of my enemy is still just another enemy but I'm not going to get in their way while they're fighting each other.
- 6 October 2020: Naturally the Serpent's seed would worship their father, the old Serpent himself.
- 6 October 2020: What's the 2nd word?
- 6 October 2020: Imagine living under Black Supremacy. Like she is.
- 6 October 2020: Think Weimar Germany followed by a successful Bolshevik Revolution. We're seeing glimpses of it now.
- 6 October 2020: The biggest obstacle is men who fear death or prison. Once you get over that anything's possible. 10 men like that could write a new chapter in future history books. Icing on the cake would be money, skills and knowledge for those 10 men.
- 6 October 2020: Evil made the rules we live under to protect itself.
- 6 October 2020: I'm most of the way through "The Sword of Christ" now. Everyone should read it.
- 6 October 2020: The oldest human remains ever recovered in North Ameria were known as the Windover (Florida) Bog People and their DNA identified them as Caucasions.
- 6 October 2020: He probably has a collection of cop porn.
- 6 October 2020: Congratulations, Sir!!!!!
- 6 October 2020: Modernism is hideous.
- 6 October 2020: Why aren't they unconscious and bleeding out on the sidewalk?
- 6 October 2020: Today's conservatism is just yesterday's liberalism. Conservatives have never conserved anything but the Left's victories and then wear them proudly like they were always their ideas.
- 6 October 2020: Mandarin must have finally got some diversity.
- 6 October 2020: There's a song in all that somewhere.
- 6 October 2020: As vice president, Alexander Stephens once said, "the cause of the South was the cause of us all".
- 5 October 2020: They were part of the First Earth Age which existed before Genesis 1:1 and was destroyed. We are living in the 2nd Earth Age. There will be a 3rd Earth Age.
- 5 October 2020: You just resurrected my Catholic school-induced PTSD. I thought I had it long suppressed.
- 5 October 2020: There's always going to be supremacy. You just have to decide whose supremacy you want to live under.
- 5 October 2020: Heimbach and Schoep went where the money is.
- 5 October 2020: I've gone my whole life without being hit in the face with a police impact munition and I'm twice as old as she is and, according to some, at least twice as dangerous as her. Life really can be easy if you let it be.
- 5 October 2020: Your city isn't being burned and looted like Portland, Sesttle, etc but no matter who's in charge you still have 13% of the population committing 56% of the violent crime. Unless you want that entire 13% wearing ankle monitors the only thing you can do is arrest after the fact.
- 5 October 2020:
- 4 October 2020: They look loaded.
- 4 October 2020: "Legally" meaning what?
- 4 October 2020: LOL! Yeah, that and a bunch more!
- 4 October 2020: Make light of them at your own peril.
- 4 October 2020: As a whole, maybe as is the same with all military and police forces. However, I know that a large number of them do train and train well. One of the organization's security lieutenants lives in my hometown and trains at local ranges. He has a YouTube channel.
- 4 October 2020: They will make up for their low IQ with sheer numbers and firepower as a couple of my friends learned in Mogadishu. They also will not stay stupid forever. Casualties (Darwinism) and experience will make them stronger, sharper and more dangerous as happens with all new troops.
- 4 October 2020:
- 4 October 2020: Regardless of their errors during their learning curve your underestimation of large numbers armed Black militants shutting down your streets will lead to your already quickening replacement and extinction.
- 4 October 2020: I wonder if they complained about having all those white people come to their rescue?
- 4 October 2020: Uh, because both sides are actually in favor of both legal and illegal immigration?
- 4 October 2020: Well, the banking system is controlled by literal antichrists so there you go.
- 4 October 2020: Men and women were created to compliment each other. Nobody stands alone to accomplish what nature and nature's God has tasked us with.
- 4 October 2020: It looks like the restrooms were segregated by male and female rather than by colors. So blacks and whites use the same restrooms.
- 4 October 2020: Face-to-face rallies allow leadership to assess new members for leadership positions and exchange information in a secure environment that cannot be exchanged electronically.
- 4 October 2020: Everything done in public is always part of a recruiting campaign. The marches help leadership understand how effective their propaganda is based on the numbers in attendance. Face-to-face Rally's allow leadership to finally meet off the net and face-to-face.
- 4 October 2020:
- 4 October 2020: As an outsider looking in, these demonstrations are getting larger and larger because they are able to positively influence fellow Blacks with their message. These marches are an effective way of monitoring their growth and popularity amongst the black population.
- 4 October 2020: "Parents may or may not be aware". 15 year old female. Yeah, that's the problem.
- 4 October 2020: They are Black Nationalists. They have clearly stated they want a Black homeland, preferably on US soil. Their leader has (perhaps half jokingly?) suggested they be given Texas. This means the eventual displacement of Whites, "legally" or forcefully.
- 4 October 2020: "Most of the time the enemy of my enemy is just another enemy" - some wise man
- 4 October 2020: That change is you. And you. And you over there. And me.
- 4 October 2020: They appear to be in need of some diversity.
- 4 October 2020: She could eat an ear of corn through a chain link fence.
- 4 October 2020: Don't ask God to do what he gave you the power to do yourself.
- 4 October 2020: Remember all the things you couldn't find on the store shelves when the Covid scare first hit? Buy those items now before the election.
- 4 October 2020: If they haven't instituted martial law by now they never will.
- 4 October 2020: Where were they allowed to get married in 1961?
- 4 October 2020: I heard it was Lafayette.
- 4 October 2020: Good for her but where were her parents when a 15 year old was at a party with older Arab men?
- 3 October 2020: "I'll eat your f'in' face off". I wouldn't mind standing knee-deep in brass with this guy.
- 3 October 2020: Honestly, a Chinese "Bio-weapon" that gives it's victim a 99+% chance of recovery isn't much of a bio-weapon.
- 3 October 2020: Yellow Fever manifesting itself.
- 3 October 2020: Due to rapidly changing demographics, Trump will be the last Republican president anyway. Not that there's significant difference between what Republicans and Democrats actually do. Might has we'll start preparing for the inevitable collapse either next year or four years later.
- 3 October 2020: Gavin McInnes? You mean the guy that stuck a dildo up his own arse on camera to own the libs? I'd rather vote for a white supremacist.
- 3 October 2020: Everybody wants to be something other than what they are.
- 3 October 2020: I think the side she picked is truth while the shallow among pick sides by what letter they have after their name.
- 3 October 2020: "A man has as many masters as he has vices". - Saint Augustine From the book, "The Sword of Christ".
- 3 October 2020: I'm reading a great book called "The Sword of Christ" by Giles Corey. Chapter 9 is titled "Jewish Promotion of Sexual Degeneracy". They control the porn industry from top to bottom. Jewish arthur, Philip Roth described pornography as "a way of defiling Christian culture".
- 3 October 2020: I'm just saying that a situation could arise in the future. Much like soldiers quickly found out that getting a mental health counselor led to them not being able to own a firearm or other penalties.
- 3 October 2020: Her crying was probably partially generated by the realization that she had been betrayed by her own family and they thought so little of their betrayal that they found humor in it.
- 3 October 2020: Just curious and never looked into it but, most if not all the slave ships were owned by Jewish slave merchants. That's an unarguable fact. My question is, were those really US flagged ships or were they foreign flagged?
- 3 October 2020: I know you don't know me so my opinion on the matter counts for next to nothing but I would avoid putting on permanent record that you had to seek professional mental medical counseling due to the possible long-range legal repercussions that could be used against U in the future.
- 3 October 2020:
- 3 October 2020: Reported
- 3 October 2020: Not sure why he would do such a thing. His ego wouldn't allow it and there's nothing Pence can do that he can't do just as well.
- 3 October 2020: His daddy did him a disservice by, 1, not giving him "the talk" and, 2, not teaching him to fight and fight until you can fight no longer.
- 3 October 2020: (((Rubin)))
- 2 October 2020: I wouldn't have found it funny or entertaining without your introduction.
- 2 October 2020: I feed 3 of them every night.
- 2 October 2020: Huh? What does that mean, you think?
- 2 October 2020: Liter was caught on video beating the hell out of UTR people all day with two of those sticks but I don't see anyone putting in any effort to hunt him down and bring charges against him.
- 2 October 2020: Those are the kinds of things that really mean something to Southerners. I have a jar of dirt from my grandparents driveway.
- 2 October 2020: Are you in the 52% or the 48%?
- 2 October 2020: Who said Benjamin was from the North?
- 2 October 2020: You're deflecting from the subject at hand by telling us how many more slaves are in Africa today rather than deal with the fact that Jewish slave traders and carpetbaggers destroyed your Southland.
- 2 October 2020: Yes, I'm well aware of Varina's statements on Benjamin, but I'll take the word of the man who actually ran the Confederacy over his wife's on how useful those many hours a day were.
- 2 October 2020: Same reason many Southerners did and for the same reasons they have been kicked out of 109 countries.
- 2 October 2020: "Sow a Weimar, reap a Reich". That's something I'm going to remember until the Reich is born.
- 2 October 2020: I don't expect him to do so in these times or any other times. The fact that he caved so quickly to label a non-white supremacist group as such just shows that he's weak and anxious to please his masters at anyone's expense.
- 2 October 2020: PS. They are the same ones who owned the slave ships, transported the slaves to North America, and sold the slaves to us.
- 2 October 2020: The Jewish Merchants were criminal Carpetbaggers raping a prostrated South and selling everything that wasn't nailed down North and to Europe. Most Southerners hate carpetbaggers. If you knew your Southern history you would know who most of these Carpetbaggers were.
- 2 October 2020: The so-called "most brilliant man of the Confederacy" was so unimportant to Jefferson Davis that Davis only mentioned him in one sentence in his entire two-volume set, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government.
- 2 October 2020: Even Grant was able to recognize a Jewish criminal enterprise and put a stop to it in order to protect Southerners. It is a shame that so many Southerners today cannot see as clearly.
- 2 October 2020: You mean the guy that absconded with Confederate gold to England and never looked back?
- 2 October 2020:
- 2 October 2020: Sounds fascinating. As a wise man once said, amateurs talk tactics while professionals talk logistics.
- 2 October 2020: Ouch.
- 1 October 2020: Well, everyone at the ADL is a lying sack of shit so...
- 1 October 2020: Ha! Good catch!
- 1 October 2020: Yeah, that's ok too.
- 1 October 2020: And you won't. I used to be a big hater of Carter (and really still don't care one way or the other about him) but I recently did some reading on him inspired by a Palestinian co-worker. I learned a lot about how his reputation was permanently tarnished by the Tribe.
- 1 October 2020: The Jews hated Carter due to his dealings with the Palestinians. That's why he gets such a bad rap in history.
- 1 October 2020: Honestly, they were released because Carter had been negotiating with the Iranian government for a year. The Iranians weren't afraid of Reagan.
- 1 October 2020: What led him to believe that you do?
- 1 October 2020: Antifa translates to modern day Commie scumbags who murdered over 100 million people in the 20th century and who our fathers fought against in Korea, Vietnam and through various proxy wars during the Cold War.
- 1 October 2020: Or Charlottesville.
- 1 October 2020: Since when did people start making a big public spectacle of a miscarriage?
- 1 October 2020: Because it will take monstrous actions to correct.
- 1 October 2020: I saw one of these up close and was amazed at how huge it was. Easy to forget it's a "bomber" rather than a "fighter".
- 1 October 2020: Careful, that's antisemetic.
- 1 October 2020: Always happy to see our people grow stronger!
- 1 October 2020: Congratulations on your discipline and accomplishment, Sir!
- 1 October 2020: Mark Potok Morris Dees Heidi Beirich
- 1 October 2020:
- 30 September 2020: As Dirty Harry once said, "A man's got to know his limitations".
- 30 September 2020: Anyone who is not willing to face death or prison for what they allegedly believe in it is just LARPing.
- 30 September 2020: Antifa and BLM travel from all over the country to engage in riots. Maybe he mistook you for having determination on par with them.
- 30 September 2020: Really? How many Communists have you shot in the last 4 months, tough guy? I'll give you a break and just ask you how many Communists you've looked in the eye and said a harsh word to?
- 30 September 2020: BLM and Antifa were what made Charlottesville as bad as it was.
- 30 September 2020: Just for the record, those are not Proud Boys in the video and they did not have anything to do with the death of Heather Heyer.
- 30 September 2020: The great Patriot, Patrick Henry once described the 1787 Constitution as, "the most fatal plan that could possibly be conceived to enslave a free people". And here we are.
- 30 September 2020: Don't confuse the Framers with the Founders. Many of the Founders were absent from the shenanigans of the current Constitution's Framers. The 1786 Annapolis Convention was the beginning of the end of the Founders' plan.
- 30 September 2020: The only reason Charlottesville was a singular event was because white people actually stood up and opposed the various communist organizations in the streets more so than any of the events before Charlottesville and after Charlottesville.
- 30 September 2020: Rose City Antifa, Antifa Atlanta, Antifa Sacramento, Louisville Anti-Racist Action, John Brown Gun Club, Socialist Rifle Club, Redneck Revolt, Industrial Workers of the World and many more are all flesh and blood organizations with memberships, websites, Facebook pages, etc.
- 30 September 2020: #Charlottesville .
- 30 September 2020: Yet the KKK was given the same label. Both anti-facism and White supremacy are ideas while the KKK and Antifa are organizations.
- 30 September 2020: Apparently you are unaware of the multitude of Antifa organizations spread across the US, Rose City Antifa being one of the most popular ones in the Northwest. "White supremacy" is just an idea.
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020: Excellent work!
- 29 September 2020: Strangely enough, I have that patch.
- 29 September 2020: What kind of surname is Exoo?
- 29 September 2020: Is Matt Bracken on Twitter?
- 29 September 2020: Look at the rust on that 1911. Battlefield pickups are going to be a great disappointment when fighting these commies.
- 29 September 2020: Since the United States was originally founded as a Confederation of sovereign nations under the original Constitution (Articles of Confederation) the dream of the Founders died when the AOC were illegally overthrown and replaced with the singular Republic in 1789.
- 29 September 2020: Good work!
- 29 September 2020: Jesus is referred to as the Second Adam. The word Adam in the Hebrew language is defined in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, word number 120. It means, "pale or ruddy complexion, the ability to blush or turn Rosie, to show blood in the face". There's only one race that does that.
- 29 September 2020: Was there a typo in this headline?
- 29 September 2020: LOL! Amen, Brother!
- 29 September 2020: The war could have been over its first day at the battle of Manassas if the Confederate troops had pursued the routed Union to Washington DC and demanded surrender right then and there. But we were too kind.
- 29 September 2020: In the New Testament the words sorcery and witchcraft, which are forbidden are translated from the Greek word, Pharmakeia where, of course, we get the words pharmaceuticals, pharmacy, etc. There's a lesson in that.
- 29 September 2020: Why? Is it littering?
- 29 September 2020: It was a no-commentary 24 hour weather radar channel with rain, wind and temperature forecasts. I found it useful for work planning and hurricane tracking.
- 29 September 2020: What are the first important highlights you notice in this article?
- 29 September 2020:
- 29 September 2020: Top right. "Are you not entertained?"
- 28 September 2020: I used to like the Weather Channel until they took it off tv.
- 28 September 2020: Whst kind of war would make you happy?
- 28 September 2020: I wonder if the poor soul at the FBI who is forced to tweet this rubbish ever wonders if he's still working for the same honorable organization he saw on TV as a kid and thought he was joining?
- 28 September 2020: Let's have some more info on the "2 people".
- 28 September 2020: There's something wrong with these mutants.
- 28 September 2020: Warning: please pardon the explicit language. Explicit- Fuck your feelings:
- 28 September 2020: Florida patriots man-up and run BLM and antifa off our streets to the cheers and clapping of good citizens.
- 28 September 2020: I was kinda surprised that Ann Coulter retweeted this David Cole article. She's living on the edge of being memory holed.
- 28 September 2020: Apparently you've never been exposed to a television or are too dim to understand what you are seeing on one.
- 28 September 2020: Thank you, very much! I'll check it out after work.
- 28 September 2020: Yes, I would. Nice to know there's Baptist churches that aren't cucked on Zionism.
- 28 September 2020: Wow! I'm surprised. What kind of church is it?
- 28 September 2020: Or even to Obama. That's a big dude.
- 28 September 2020: I hate to ask, for or against?
- 28 September 2020: Reported.
- 28 September 2020: Why would they be wearing their headgear indoors?
- 28 September 2020: I'm seeing that the last 4 months have got a lot of people going back to question the whole Charlottesville narrative.
- 28 September 2020: Pretty soon you'll be picking it up off of bloody streets for free. Don't sweat it.
- 28 September 2020: @apolitical367 @NyxdoIl_i4oo Whites kids in the US are too expensive. I know people who went all the way to Russia to adopt an affordable White child. But that's not to say there aren't plenty of cucks who adopt merely to virtue signal.
- 28 September 2020: Small victories.
- 27 September 2020:
- 27 September 2020: It's a Righty Twitter position as well.
- 27 September 2020: With our extinction on the foreseeable horizon nothing is off the table when it comes to dealing with our enemies.
- 27 September 2020: Whatever is worse for the Empire is ok by me.
- 27 September 2020: He's voting with his Gene's. To be expected.
- 27 September 2020: I doubt he get's more than 5%, if that.
- 27 September 2020: I'm cheering for Armenia.
- 27 September 2020: I'm sorry, I'm just now tuning in. What is it that happened recently between Armenia and Azerbaijan?
- 27 September 2020: 4. Will the driver's social media be combed for anti-right wing rhetoric for proof of murderous intent?
- 27 September 2020: In all fairness I'd like to know: 1. Did the Trump crowd have a permit to block the street? 2. Did the crowd attack the car as it tried to pass through? 3. Was the driver just "trying to get home" or did he have malicious intent?
- 27 September 2020: Only the tyranny of the government said no. If you're not free to leave, you're not free.
- 27 September 2020: They have the 5th largest economy in the world. They'd figure out quickly how to live without our handouts.
- 27 September 2020: If you are ever forced into a situation where you have to hit one to save your life the prosecutor will use this tweet to prove intent and you'll get the James Alex Fields treatment. I'd like to offer a friendly suggestion to delete it.
- 27 September 2020: Capitalism is fascism in their minds.
- 27 September 2020: Isn't everyone taller than Ben Shapiro?
- 27 September 2020: My daughter recently got her DNA test back. She's proud of it. Me too.
- 27 September 2020: For those who never trusted the Yankee, Blue State billionaire with a Jewish grandbaby to do anything for them in the first place they were never disappointed.
- 27 September 2020: Does she have a Twitter page?
- 27 September 2020: Some know more than you and others and when you find that man make him your Pastor
- 27 September 2020: Robbed? She'll be ok now that she has the new 800,000 house and Bentley we bought her.
- 26 September 2020: Prayers going up to the Great Healer of the Universe and One True God to deliver healing, strength and peace to your father.
- 26 September 2020: That's interesting. But Jews only make up about 2% of the US population and now represent 25% of the Supreme Court. While Ginsburg was on the Court 2% of the population had 33% of the representation in the court. But who's counting?
- 26 September 2020: Pics or it didn't happen.
- 26 September 2020: Compared to the money needed to build the wall I bet the 500 billion will effortlessly appear out of thin air.
- 26 September 2020: At first glance this pic looked like the World Trade Center (or some high rise) surrounded in flames. Sorry!
- 26 September 2020: The Nineteenth Amendment is an odd one to select when the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were allegedly ratified during Reconstruction when the Southern states were under military occupation, white men had been disenfranchised and had no Representation.
- 26 September 2020: The 19th Amdt is an odd one to pick considering the 13th, 14th and 15th Amdts were allegedly ratified during Reconstruction while the Southern states were under military occupation with puppet governments and Southern white men had been disenfranchised with no Representation.
- 26 September 2020: The Constitution itself is unconstitutional. The Articles of Confederation should have been amended rather than thrown out and completely replaced. The entire edifice built upon 1789 Constitution is a legal farce.
- 26 September 2020: If Murika is what passes for a right wing country we're screwed.
- 26 September 2020: Imagine not being filmed performing a single violent act all day when surrounded by angry screaming BLM and antifa but then at the end of the day when you're going home you decide to Total your brand new beautiful Dodge Charger just to own a few commies.
- 26 September 2020: Oh shit! Commies are going to call us bad names? I'm outta here!
- 26 September 2020: Massive demographic replacement has changed California forever. It is blue and will remain blue. It's next step is to secede from the US and rejoin Mexico as part of its Reconquista.
- 26 September 2020: Makes you wonder if Sanger saw things similar to this video.
- 26 September 2020: Never happen. Unless you mean Red as in Communist.
- 26 September 2020: Let them leave. We don't need them sending their Blue State Representatives to vote in policies detrimental to Red State standards. Give them their own Union to screw up as they see fit.
- 26 September 2020: If only you were serious I'd fully support your Blue State secession.
- 26 September 2020: Maybe the Florida Scrub Jay should just be forced to adapt to more "diversity" as we are told to. Diversity is strength, don't you know? Open borders for Scrub Jays.
- 26 September 2020: They're not as invisible as they'd like to think they are.
- 26 September 2020: Amen, Sister.
- 26 September 2020: Some places won't let you use silhouette targets at all unless you fold the "head" back to reduce the human shape.
- 26 September 2020: So sorry for your loss, sir. Drugs are a plague on our land.
- 26 September 2020: Thanks for your kind words, sir but I'm just a normal guy who was thrust into an abnormal situation and did the best I could with what God blessed me with. The blood of our fathers burned bright in many of our men that day and I have never been more proud to stand with my people.
- 26 September 2020: Don't worry, this battle is just getting started. You will have plenty of opportunities in the future, unfortunately.
- 26 September 2020: Just incredible.
- 26 September 2020: But the Democrats are the real racists! LOL!
- 26 September 2020: You can tell a lot about a man by his bookshelf.
- 25 September 2020: So, California New York and Maryland would be screwing us anyway? That says a lot about demographics.
- 25 September 2020: Just riot and everything will be forgiven.
- 25 September 2020: Facts are racist.
- 25 September 2020: He did. It was a political show trial.
- 25 September 2020: (((Blonde)))
- 25 September 2020: Holly McGlawn Zoller is a confirmed member of the violent Leftist "Louisville Anti-Racist Action" as well as Antifa. She was with Antifa in Charlottesville, Aug. 2017 when she received a leg injury from the James Fields auto accident.
- 25 September 2020: How 'bout we just start getting rid of illegals without any complications? We could afford to stop most of the legal ones from coming as well.
- 25 September 2020: There's plenty of video available for the last 3 years showing (even in slow mo) protestors attacking his car before he hits the cars in front of him. You think this was the only time the media wasn't lying to you because, "Nazis" and stuff
- 25 September 2020: Reasons.
- 25 September 2020: It's been that way since the election of Lincoln.
- 25 September 2020: Wife material right here.
- 25 September 2020: And they had their "Soros's" of the day in the form of "The Secret Six" and others.
- 25 September 2020: I'm not sure how people believe that James Fields would total a beautiful new Challenger for some Commies after not having been filmed committing any violent acts the whole day earlier.
- 25 September 2020: Stephen's opinion was the dominant opinion among whites, both North and South at that time and had been for nearly two thousand years of Christianity. It had been preached from the pulpit every Sunday. The Abolitionists of those days were much like the Antifa and BLM of our day.
- 25 September 2020: Yes, and his plan also include the genocide of entire races and tribes of people. Go ask the Canaanites, Hittites, jebusites, Etc. See if their lives matter.
- 25 September 2020: The same reason there's more US military recruiting stations per capita in the southern red States than the rest of the country. It's where the Warriors are.
- 25 September 2020: No, just ask James Alex Fields if any of that matters.
- 25 September 2020: I saw that one earlier but didn't know if that was really her. If so, she cleans up fairly nice.
- 25 September 2020: They've been getting reparations since 1865 and have been doing just that ever since.
- 25 September 2020: And since he's driving a Prius you know he's a lib.
- 25 September 2020: First picture of Kyle's mom that I've seen.
- 25 September 2020: Do you think James Alex Fields was thinking the same thing on 12 August 2017 in Charlottesville?
- 25 September 2020: What's with the crossed wrists raised in the air?
- 25 September 2020: Remember when simply Jaywalking was a crime?
- 25 September 2020: What? BLM blocking roads, again? Attacking and chasing a driver, again? Driver trying to escape the crowd, again? Seems like there's a pattern here.
- 25 September 2020: Ask James Alex Fields. He's wondering too.
- 25 September 2020: Are you still believing that bullshit story?
- 25 September 2020: You can thank Cyrus Schofield.
- 25 September 2020: 60 years ago a library fire would have been a tragedy but based on current content and agenda I'm not so sure anymore.
- 25 September 2020: To the helicopter.
- 25 September 2020: I'm pretty sure it happened just the opposite.
- 25 September 2020: No, there's two of us.
- 25 September 2020: That's all I use for everything.
- 25 September 2020: This article fails to mention that Holly "UHaul" Zoller is also a member of Louisville Anti-Racist Action and Antifa.
- 25 September 2020: Keto and Intermittent Fasting could have fixed all that and gave her a long lufe.
- 25 September 2020: Her "husband", Sean Liter was on the streets of C'ville with a helmet, goggles, and armor beating people with two sticks, Escrima style.
- 24 September 2020: Praises everyone but his base.
- 24 September 2020: Holly Zoller getting owned by guy faking as UHaul employee.
- 24 September 2020: There IS a God.
- 24 September 2020: I'm sure they thought so.
- 24 September 2020: Her husband was beating the crap out of our people in Charlottesville with two sticks.
- 24 September 2020: @TheMadDimension @NyxdoIl_i4oo The cops are getting a taste from Antifa and BLM of what we got at Charlottesville. I hope they like it.
- 24 September 2020: What, this is not Trump's America? Who's is it?
- 24 September 2020: The Democrat party has been a tool of the Communist Party USA ever since CPUSA stoped running candidates under its own banner in 1984 and started backing Democrat party candidates.
- 24 September 2020: Where's the lie? Welcome back!
- 24 September 2020: It's never ended.
- 24 September 2020: I kinda miss this guy.
- 24 September 2020: Car blocked by mob, car attacked, driver panics and drives through mob. How many times have we seen variations on this since Reginald Denny?
- 24 September 2020: Be careful what you ask for. That would open a wicked can of worms.
- 24 September 2020: You need to get up to speed on that situation. I know you have been deceived by a lying news media but it has been confirmed through outside witnesses that it was not a no-knock raid. And, Breonna Taylor's name was on the warrant. She was neck-deep in the drug trade.
- 24 September 2020: "Wanton endangerment" and "assault of a police officer". That's all you get for shooting cops in BLM's Murika.
- 24 September 2020:
- 24 September 2020: You posted this right after BLM shoots two police officers in Louisville? What the fuck's wrong with you?
- 24 September 2020: The line was crossed many times in the past. Most notable to recent memory was BLM supporter Micah Xavier Johnson who murdered 5 officers and wounded 9 others during a 2016 BLM protest in Dallas. But present events are merely a continuation of the struggles of the 50s & 60s.
- 24 September 2020: A cartoon from a 1960s newspaper.
- 24 September 2020: There must have been some glitch. I don't know what happened. I lost everybody I was following and all my followers. I'm trying to rebuild everything right now. Looks like a whole bunch of other people experience the same thing.
- 24 September 2020: Well, at least they're "MOSTLY" peaceful.
- 24 September 2020: Thanks, time to rebuild.
- 23 September 2020: I guess we can do away with Grand Juries and poll celebrities instead.
- 23 September 2020: If you're organized you can fund it all yourself. I mean, what's the expense there? Renting a U Haul? Making some shields out of plywood and paint and some signs and banners?
- 23 September 2020: Twitter said I am suspended. Can anyone see this message?
- 23 September 2020: They're mostly peaceful. Isn't that enough?
- 23 September 2020: That's an awful lot of sleeping.
- 23 September 2020: And then, all of a sudden, for no reason at all...
- 23 September 2020:
- 23 September 2020: They seem to be mostly peaceful.
- 23 September 2020: Prayers going out now!
- 23 September 2020:
- 23 September 2020:
- 23 September 2020:
- 22 September 2020: I hear a white supremacist are planning on wearing black neoprene skin suits that disguise themselves as Negroes and will be committing violent acts to blame it all on blacks.
- 22 September 2020: Once the US breaks up Blacks will have more options. They can have their own state(s) like NOI, NFAC and other Black groups have expressed a desire for or they can move to wherever they feel the most free from all that "systemic White racism". There's room for everyone.
- 22 September 2020: The same way we're dealing with them now but without interference from the federal government.
- 22 September 2020: I'm all for letting the Democrats eliminate the electoral college, give statehood to DC and Puerto Rico and whatever foolishness they want to sow. It'll just make Southern Red State secession happen faster. Once we're gone who cares how the US falls apart?
- 22 September 2020: For God's sake don't let that back in our country. We should consider a border wall with Canada.
- 22 September 2020: Show us the arrested right wing agitators. Otherwise you can't prove a negative.
- 22 September 2020: This seems like a pretty big move in the overall scheme of recently developing actions.
- 22 September 2020: All 13 Colonies became free and independent countries at the Treaty of Paris.
- 22 September 2020:
- 22 September 2020: It looks like some folks are sitting on the sidelines waiting for the innovation to come to them.
- 22 September 2020: It's not over 'til we say it's over.
- 22 September 2020: Isn't as he violating the rule of "not make a spectacle of Black womens' hair"?
- 22 September 2020: Conservatism has been dead for generations. The only thing it conserves is what is fought against 20 years earlier.
- 22 September 2020:
- 22 September 2020: Continuing, the Theology of Christian holy war, violence against infanticide.
- 22 September 2020: Continuing, Jewish promotion of sexual degeneracy, Jewish ritual murder, toward a doctrine of Christian racialism, Christian ethno-nationalism, evangelism at what cost, pro-slavery theology, theories of Christian violence, against absolute pacifism.
- 22 September 2020: Never mind, I just Googled imitation of Christ. I don't think this is anything like it. Here are a few of the chapters. The heresy of Christian Zionism, the Theology of Christian Zionism, the myth of judeo-christianity, historical Christianity on Judaism, Jewish Gentile hatred.
- 22 September 2020: Sorry, I've not read that. Should I?
- 22 September 2020: That will depend on who has the guts to be the winner.
- 22 September 2020: Read this story. It's shameful. BLM terrorists rule our streets.
- 22 September 2020: White Death?
- 22 September 2020: And not everything that fits in your mouth is "food".
- 22 September 2020: Minorities are given more than equal treatment. They are given preferential treatment in nearly every category but it's still not enough.
- 22 September 2020:
- 21 September 2020: I think we are rapidly approaching an era when we will see heads on Pikes again. Hey, I didn't say I was looking forward to it but I see it coming.
- 21 September 2020: I wanna see heads on pikes.
- 21 September 2020: "...the last bastions of Western traditionalism were the devoutly Christian societies of the American South and Afrikaner South Africa, neither of which found anything in their faith to stunt white racial consciousness." The Sword of Christ Giles Corey Page 30
- 21 September 2020: Like anything else we are forced to sift for the truth. But there is a wealth of information on that page and the several parts that follow it.
- 21 September 2020: There is music that, even if my ears do not understand it my blood does. Perhaps there is such a thing as genetic memory
- 21 September 2020: Read what this violent pervert did to young girls and his community to only get 22.5.
- 21 September 2020: Sex trafficker gets 22.5 years which he won't have to do all of while James Alex Fields gets life +412 years. Go figure.
- 21 September 2020: Amen! The footstool of the Lord of Hosts!
- 21 September 2020: It will always be Rhodesia.
- 21 September 2020: Sounds good to me.
- 21 September 2020: "Lock her up!" LOL!
- 21 September 2020: Maybe they would feel more comfortable, safe and closer to their families and culture just across the border in Muslim Pakistan as so many Mujahideen did in the 1980s. Let's work that out with the Pakistan government.
- 21 September 2020: Happy Monday, Sister!😊
- 21 September 2020: The type of nominal small-c christianity you're talking about didn't start advocating for multiculturalism until the latter part of the with 20th Century. Christendom was strong and United when it was monoracial. It began to grow weak and rotten once it Diversified
- 21 September 2020: By the way, I'm sorry that your father had to witness that and sorry for his neighbors. Where was that? What year?
- 21 September 2020: Was your father a child soldier at age 5? Lots of children see and get caught up in ugly things. Soros was no different. Yes, Soros betrayed his people but if we're going to hold all adults accountable for what they did below the age of responsibility we're all in trouble.
- 21 September 2020: Take a look at point #13 on the link to start with but this article ties in many other proofs as well.
- 21 September 2020: They could have stayed in the Middle East and turned it, Aftica or Asia into "Christendom" but they didn't. Christ said His sheep hear His voice and follow Him and that's exactly what Europe did.
- 21 September 2020: Honestly, a thorough reading of the Bible would lead one to understand that Ancient Israel was White and that Christ's mission was to redeem the "Lost" White tribes of Israel. That's why His Disciples went North and West into Europe carrying His message.
- 21 September 2020: But nobody but pedophiles thinks 15 is an age of responsibility and nobody but 3rd world African and Asian shit holes draft child soldiers. That's why we don't let 15 year olds vote, smoke, drink alcohol, work full time, or register for the draft, among other things.
- 21 September 2020: There are at least 5 historic documents written by people who were no friends of Christ who describe Him as White. Also, Christ is referred to as the "Second Adam". If you look up the Hebrew definition of Adam in Strong's Concordance, (word number 120) you might be surprised.
- 21 September 2020: Our God doesn't advocate for acceptance of everyone. Never did. It's the enemy-controlled churches that do now.
- 21 September 2020: I'd like to see secession from the United States before 2024 in which case I wouldn't care who their President was.
- 21 September 2020: Good morning everyone!
- 21 September 2020: Of course he also ruled against segregation in public schools in the Brown v. Board case and helped sentence White children to all the attendant horrors.
- 21 September 2020: That may be true but we're not talking about the Jews on the other side right now. We're talkin about Jewish control of labor unions.
- 21 September 2020: Maybe so, maybe not. Neither were Communists or Jews. But one thing's for sure as is evidenced by this conversation. Once you start praising the work of labor unions you soon find yourself praising Communists and Jews.
- 21 September 2020: Do you have any examples of Southern populist labor unions not controlled by Jews and Communists I could look into?
- 21 September 2020: The 40 hour work week came from Jew Rabbis and their labor unions.
- 21 September 2020: Well, Jewish labor unions helped to destroy the Christian Sunday Sabbath. Less than 2% of the population changed the long-established culture of our land so that a minuscule number of Jewish shop keepers could work on Sunday. That's kinda poisonous.
- 21 September 2020: That's ok. The US has sown the seeds of it's own destruction and is in the beginning stages of Balkanization. Enjoy your nuclear superpower while you still can.
- 21 September 2020: The history of labor unions in the US has been predominately socialist/Communist and Jewish. That's not to say that we didn't get anything out of the Commie deal that we can't enjoy or that we can't form future labor unions that aren't intended to stifle our production.
- 21 September 2020: Because they were living under a tyranny just as we are today. If you're not free to go, you are not free. Even the 15 nations of the "Evil Empire" of the Soviet Union were able to go their separate ways. Same with the Warsaw Pact Nations. Not so under the US regime.
- 21 September 2020: I
- 21 September 2020: If we want to talk about unfair labor practices that don't exist today we can go all the way back to Plantation holders and chattel slavery. The same people who said slavery was unfair to White workers were the same kind of people bombing coal mines and textile mills.
- 21 September 2020: Don't worry, you will always have commie labor unions on your side ready to strike or sabotage the fat guy with the mustache and monocle.
- 21 September 2020: We have less regulated Mexican truck drivers coming North across the border and making money in the US where our own people can't make money because the Mexicans are unfettered by the same restrictions we put on our own people.
- 21 September 2020: Obviously you have to have regulations but over regulation and taxation is killing us. I personally know of three cross-country truck drivers that have had to sell their trucks and get out of the business because they cannot afford to keep up with regulations.
- 21 September 2020: You can't hardly find a ship this registered under a u.s. flag. Due to over regulation and Taxation foreign countries are reaping the benefits of international shipping. Same goes with cross-country truck drivers. Too much regulation for the little man to keep up with a big dogs.
- 21 September 2020: The problem we have is too much government regulation and taxation as it is. Government stifles business owners to the point they go out of business and o ly the bigger and stronger survive. We should have more billionaires not fewer.
- 21 September 2020: It all just sounds like Commie class envy leading to wealth redistribution . I never got a job from a poor man and if I thought my boss wasn't paying me enough I'd ask for a raise. I never thought that my boss made too much money and that he ought to redistribute his profits.
- 21 September 2020: After you make so much money, you don't have to do any hard work. You pay other people to do it for you. As long as the employees are in agreement with how much you pay them for how much work they give you there shouldn't be anything to complain about.
- 21 September 2020: He sounds like he's on his last leg.
- 21 September 2020: Some people take Twitter and Twitter relationships way too seriously.
- 21 September 2020: It won't be boring for long.
- 21 September 2020: I wish!
- 21 September 2020: I knew a guy in the Army who was an E5 and was going to be promoted but he refused his promotion because it would put him in a higher tax bracket and he would make less money to suppirt his family. He had no reason to advance or excel beyond his present rank due to taxation.
- 21 September 2020: I don't know if anyone starts off thinking they're going to earn billions but obviously some do. Nobody is going to make billions selling hotdogs on a street corner but what about people in the Aerospace industry or automobile Manufacturing or international shipping?
- 21 September 2020: What would a company owner's incentive be for producing wealth beyond the cap limit to only hand it over to government?
- 20 September 2020: AKA "The White Regiment".
- 20 September 2020: What's the max limit someone should be allowed to have and what would be the socialist redistribution plan implemented to make sure that person's profits get shared?
- 20 September 2020: Who was it?
- 20 September 2020: Why does the right-wing always say that defending ourselves, our community, our nation, and our culture is "taking the bait" from the Left? Is it cowardness? An excuse to do nothing and remain safe?
- 20 September 2020: Anything by Pro-mag should be called "crap".
- 20 September 2020: Cultural enrichment will soon follow. Rejoice at your good fortune.
- 20 September 2020: Their weakness will make our secession from the Empire much easier.
- 20 September 2020: Gotcha! Agreed.
- 20 September 2020: Why do you say it's good news?
- 20 September 2020: Those who cried for His crucifixion were not Israelites but rather Edomites. Those who call themselves "Jews" today are not the Israelites Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but of the line of Abraham, Isaac and Esau.
- 20 September 2020: "The human heart is the most deceitful Above All Things, and desperately wicked." Jeremiah 17:9 Never follow your heart.
- 20 September 2020: Does she really have Tourettes or is that part of her internet appeal schtik? Not familiar with her.
- 20 September 2020: Is having a vagina a prerequisite now?
- 20 September 2020: Is this coded language for the initiation of something big? "The chair is against the wall". "John has a long mustache."
- 20 September 2020: Christ/Yahshuah is referred to as the "Kinsman Redeemer". His death can only redeem His own kin, nobody else. Look at who constitutes the land once known as "Christendom". This tells as much who Christ is as it does who Christian's are.
- 20 September 2020: That sounds like Pastor Pete Peter's narrating that.
- 20 September 2020: Could more likely be a Yugo M53.
- 20 September 2020: Actually the Bible is full of racism and sexism but it's not called that obviously and the Bible approves of both.
- 19 September 2020: They make up for the Black abortion deaths by flooding us with legal and illegal brown immigrants.
- 19 September 2020: Trump could expand the number any time he wanted.
- 19 September 2020: If the trials weren't offered to minorities there would be big tears that minorities were being ignored and left to die. Nothing you can say or do is enough to appease the perpetually offended.
- 19 September 2020: There's a difference?
- 19 September 2020: When I read and hear what passes for tradition and conservatism among my normie Republican friends I realize that all is hopeless without Divine intervention on our side. I know the Serpent's seed is laughing right now. They'll laugh in Hell.
- 19 September 2020: My current reading assignment arrived yesterday. Everyone who calls themselves a Christian should read it. Thanks to my friend, Char who made me aware of it.
- 19 September 2020: Does the whole of the FBI really believe this diversity tripe or is your organization being held hostage by some militant gay faction that keeps the rest of you silent?
- 18 September 2020: Wow! I like that guy even more now!
- 18 September 2020: So you're saying it doesn't really matter who the President is. This country is screwed.
- 18 September 2020: They get what they don't pay for as well.
- 18 September 2020: Anything someone finds offensive can be tied back to "Nazis" if one tries hard enough. Plus Godwin's Law.
- 18 September 2020: Iron sharpens iron. I'm good with that.
- 18 September 2020: We're going extinct because we're not even having children at replacement birth levels.
- 18 September 2020: Our ancestors did it.
- 18 September 2020: Soros was a 15 year old kid at the end of the war in 1945. Lots of Jews older than him sold out to save their own skins.
- 18 September 2020: The majority of Jews don't believe in God but that does not make him any less Jewish.
- 18 September 2020: Well, they were both Jews so that makes him pretty Jewish.
- 18 September 2020: The enemy must not be named.
- 18 September 2020:,-85.93350244107124,33.71423214878918,-85.74124169888374&c=shrink
- 18 September 2020: I just picked up this baby Alligator Snapping Turtle yesterday out of the road and put him next to a creek (without getting bit).
- 18 September 2020: You have no hope of ever being on his level.
- 18 September 2020: You don't need a costume to tell the truth.
- 18 September 2020: He doesn't appear to be worshipping you. Why would you ask?
- 18 September 2020: As opposed to you who is a loser in life's Divine lottery and no one will remember your name.
- 18 September 2020: "More diverse" is coded language for "less White".
- 18 September 2020: You don't know you're history either.
- 18 September 2020: You have zero understanding of Antifa or their history in Weimar Germany. Antifa were the foot soldiers of the German Communist party formed in 1919. The "Nazis" (NSDAP) along with the SA were created as a reaction to the unbearable Communist subversion in Germany.
- 18 September 2020: Yeah, I volunteered for a unit that was created in 1952 specifically to liberate the captive nations behind the Iron Curtain. But they never did. I didn't actually get to fight Commies until 2017 on our own soil. It appears our government never took fighting Commies seriously.
- 18 September 2020: And finish that wall and lock up Hillary. Just wait and see.
- 17 September 2020: I grew up wanting to free Eastern Europe, trained to free Pineland but learned it all lead to freeing Dixie. De Oppresso Liber
- 17 September 2020: An Englishman seeing his first 16 foot gator had to be quite the sight! Reminds me of the Louie La'mour "Sackett" series where there's a cool scene of a shipwreck survivor in the New World encountering his first gator. Might has will be a dragon.
- 17 September 2020: I might be wrong but my experience with "Nazis" and Klansmen leads me to believe that they share similar outlooks with outlaw bikers. It's more about playing dress-up and parading publicly to generate fear and envy "with your boys" then actually accomplishing something.
- 17 September 2020: LOL! Same kinda deal the US has with them!
- 17 September 2020: Honestly, if this is a "peace deal" why is any of that stuff on it? Looks more like a trade deal than a peace deal. And when has the UAE or Bahrain ever been at war or had a territorial dispute with Israel?
- 17 September 2020: Charlottesville.
- 17 September 2020: You must not name the enemy.
- 17 September 2020: Actually, the US does not print "it's own money". The Federal Reserve, which is not "federal" and is a private banking institution prints money and loans it to the US government with interest which can never be repaid.
- 17 September 2020: (((White)))
- 17 September 2020: Was it Megyn Kelly?
- 16 September 2020: Looks like she's ready for jogging.
- 16 September 2020: Doing the jobs White people won't do.
- 16 September 2020:
- 16 September 2020: Be prepared for this to become a "new thing" on the Left.
- 16 September 2020: I'm still trying to figure out where our achievement is in all this.
- 16 September 2020: What a man.
- 16 September 2020: Most of that Yankee crap in Florida takes place South of the I-4 corridor and is confined to the coasts of that area. North Florida and the interior of South Florida is pretty Southern Redneck but you would never know from TV.
- 15 September 2020: As our forefathers once said, "If this be treason let us make the most of it."
- 15 September 2020: I've been "denunciation" child beauty pageants for decades. Most normal people I talk to feel the same way.
- 15 September 2020: Kinda like the Flu. People seldom die of just the Flu. There's usually comorbidities.
- 15 September 2020: Goes back to 1967, Loving vs Virginia. The first slippery slope of the 20th century.
- 15 September 2020: I'm always stocked up on canned goods anyway no matter what's happening.
- 15 September 2020: Amen. Obadiah 18 is their next big event.
- 15 September 2020: What do you base this unprecendented opinion on?
- 15 September 2020: Never mind. Found it. Guess I already had him blocked.
- 15 September 2020: Having joined the military in the past for the purpose of stopping Communism I've come to the conclusion that either it was all a big show or the US is actually a paper tiger or probably a combination of the two.
- 15 September 2020: He's pretty cool!
- 15 September 2020: Trouble is, I can't seem to get to his profile. I type his "@" in the search bar and his profile doesn't come up. Do you have a direct link?
- 15 September 2020:
- 15 September 2020:
- 15 September 2020: Get out of Babylon if you don't live there.
- 15 September 2020: So, ice cream, candy and cake is all I need from the food pyramid?
- 15 September 2020: I guess the CHP didn't learn anything from Charlottesville. You're supposed to stop for rioters attacking your car and let them drag you out and beat you, Reginald Denny style.
- 15 September 2020: "Doing their time" includes paying their fines.
- 15 September 2020: I can't find his profile for some reason.
- 14 September 2020: Winners never quit!
- 14 September 2020: Great job while it lasted!
- 14 September 2020: Wait until white people have had enough of the burning, looting and murder. You haven't even seen Barbarian yet.
- 14 September 2020:
- 14 September 2020: Hey, did you know that the 3rd letter in LGBTQ means there's only two genders?
- 14 September 2020: You're right, they didn't exactly say that. Here's what they really said.
- 14 September 2020: When the Army screwed me over on my paycheck and my family had to eat MREs for a week. After that incident I've always maintained a 1 year stockpile of food.
- 14 September 2020: The South was Right.
- 14 September 2020: Do you really think their fathers would teach them any better? Most of them are in prison for doing the same things.
- 14 September 2020: More like 1865.
- 14 September 2020: Apparently you're mistaken. A large portion of the police-hating population who have been attacking police for the last 100+ days are ok with it.
- 14 September 2020: I won't bother watching that useless distraction even if they do.
- 14 September 2020: Only Americans will be voting at the ballot box so he's correct. Unless you think non-Americans should also be voting in American elections. You're not stupid enough to believe that, are you?
- 14 September 2020: Actually a good portion of the population thinks it's acceptable to kill cops. You're living in a fantasy world.
- 14 September 2020:
- 14 September 2020: This is why you keep driving when a mob surrounds and attacks your car.
- 14 September 2020: I don't think anything on the Golden Dragon's menus is Kosher though.
- 14 September 2020: It means you can give it the gas because they're busy with someone else.
- 14 September 2020: At the old stockade?
- 14 September 2020: Well, damn!
- 14 September 2020: Hey, where have we seen this before?
- 14 September 2020: Hmmm? Where have we seen this before?
- 13 September 2020: Better listen to what the fans want because it sounds like they're losing them.
- 13 September 2020: What a creepy buffoon.
- 13 September 2020: Who Carrie's matches anymore?
- 13 September 2020: Take them to the helicopter ride.
- 13 September 2020: It's a state issue and none of Trump's business.
- 13 September 2020: Why is the audience smiling and clapping?
- 13 September 2020: They're just asking for information relating to this possibility. So far there is no evidence that he was an informant.
- 13 September 2020: Blax have plenty of their own communities and they're all crime-infested hellholes. That's where this is headed.
- 13 September 2020: Sounds like a Trade Deal rather than a Peace Deal and it really screws the Palestinians.
- 13 September 2020: Not likely since the people masquerading as the descendants of ancient Israel in no way fulfill any of the prophecies foretold of Israel.
- 13 September 2020: But he was "charming". When he threatened to kill himself if she didn't come back then she shouldn't have come back and the problem would be solved.
- 13 September 2020: You're expecting Israel and Bahrain to go to war? Why would that happen?
- 13 September 2020: I don't remember Israel and Bahrain ever being at war or having a dispute over territory. So what's the "Peace Deal" about?
- 13 September 2020: Antifa and BLM were a no-show in Lake City today. The rain was more of a pain in the ass than they were.
- 13 September 2020: It's for exactly that reason that Union Generals after the war formed the NRA to teach Yankees to shoot better.
- 13 September 2020: It ain't over yet.
- 13 September 2020: Of course, Gentiles is translated from the word goyim which means Nations. Since Israel was prophesied to become a multitude of Nations as they migrated north and west from their places of captivity these are the nations Paul and the disciples before him were commanded to go to.
- 12 September 2020:
- 12 September 2020: There's probably not 1 in a thousand Christian's who understand this.
- 12 September 2020: LOL! That's great!
- 11 September 2020: More like the Talmud.
- 11 September 2020: With friends like Israel...
- 11 September 2020:
- 11 September 2020: When has Bahrain ever been at war with Israel or had a territorial dispute with them?
- 11 September 2020: This is classic!
- 11 September 2020: Probably started with a hyphenated last name.
- 11 September 2020: Iran has been "on the brink of nuclear weapons" for what, 20 years now? Nuclear weapons are 80 year old technology. If they wanted one they'd have one. Like Israel already does.
- 11 September 2020: Agree 100%, my brother. It's a shameful comparison for dogs. However the scripture refers to those who will remain outside the kingdom that Christ did not come for as dogs. You and I both have much worse names for them, I'm sure.
- 11 September 2020: What is Modernism?
- 11 September 2020: That's a great summary!
- 11 September 2020: The age old battle over the Birthright.
- 11 September 2020: Started right after Cali legalized paedophilia.
- 11 September 2020: There are things worse than war and we're heading at them with breakneck speed. War would be preferable to the slow decay into slavery.
- 11 September 2020: South Africa and Rhodesia might could have used a little less White cuckery politics and more kinetic action.
- 11 September 2020: They're worthless anyway.
- 10 September 2020: Psalm 14:1.
- 10 September 2020: LOL! He should be wearing some Timbs too!
- 10 September 2020: This is what happens when you give what is Holy unto dogs.
- 10 September 2020: " slavery and involuntary servitude" are written into the 13th Amendment as legal.
- 10 September 2020: The Jews version of the End of Days narrative.
- 10 September 2020: When I look at the lineup of who hates Christianity and wants to destroy it, I know I'm on the right side with Christianity.
- 10 September 2020: How is everyone "enjoying" this performance not a paedophile?
- 10 September 2020: Bas assery at its finest.
- 10 September 2020: Honestly, it's not even that.
- 10 September 2020: Asians don't have the same engrained guilt, self-loathing and fear of racial repercussions that Whites do. They don't give a flip.
- 10 September 2020: Joggers gotta jog.
- 10 September 2020: After 20 years of US occupation and Reconstruction they'd probably be accepted now.
- 10 September 2020: I had ancestors that started off in the Army of Tennessee and ended up in the Army of Northern Virginia.
- 10 September 2020: Who are Israel's "friends"?
- 10 September 2020:
- 10 September 2020: What do you think they were doing to get kicked out of at least 109 countries, some of them twice?
- 9 September 2020: It's been promised. Believe them when they tell you.
- 9 September 2020: I think your second sentence is most telling.
- 9 September 2020: Does it rhyme with news?
- 9 September 2020: I bet there's a medical team on the sideline with 6 defibrillators unpacked and ready to go.
- 9 September 2020: Yes Sir, I understand, but the poster I was responding to used the term "Nazis" and his brain dead followers were already familiar with that aspect of the subject and I did not wish to confuse them any more so than the original poster.
- 9 September 2020: We have tried to export the good news by giving what is Holy unto dogs and a casting our pearls before swine and in appreciation for our efforts they have turned and rent us.
- 9 September 2020: But he's "seriously considering it" this time!
- 9 September 2020: They admit that they Edomites rather than Israel in John 8:33 when they claim that they are of the Seed of Abraham but have never been in bondage.
- 9 September 2020: If poverty causes crime then the white people of Appalachia ought to gang Bangin like South Chicago every weekend.
- 9 September 2020: Yeah, we know all that.
- 9 September 2020: I really wouldn't expect anything out of either of them approximating what I would recognize as "resistance".
- 9 September 2020: Either you are a liar or you know nothing about 1930s Weimar history. Antifa was a Jewish Communist militia that fought against the Nazis. They were never allied with them.
- 8 September 2020: We were planting corn in Virginia for 13 years before that tiny band of religious Misfits got lost and ended up in present-day Massachusetts
- 8 September 2020: You'd never be allowed to colonize Mars without one or more ethics along for the ride. They'd nip that White Martian colony in the bud.
- 8 September 2020: Citizen, do not believe what you see with your own eyes! It is not the Communists of Antifa and BLM burning and looting your cities and killing police! It's all those evil White supremacists!
- 8 September 2020: God bless these Italians with success.
- 8 September 2020: How many officers make up the Command Staff?
- 8 September 2020: I like you pretty well so he's a liar.
- 8 September 2020: That poor woman.
- 8 September 2020: "Cops and Feds are in bed with the Reds"
- 8 September 2020: "Cops and Feds are in bed with the Reds"
- 8 September 2020: Somebody had a 37mm gas gun?
- 8 September 2020: There appear to be some problems in both groups.
- 8 September 2020: It's true. Just checked other sources. Just not sure how many personnel constitute The "Command Staff".
- 8 September 2020: People are DYING waiting on socialized medicine to help them. I have good medical insurance but had to cure myself through diet because doctors just wanted to prescribe pills. I feel great now!
- 8 September 2020: When is the FBI going to crack down on American Antifa going over to Syria to get some trigger time fighting along side Communist Kurds?
- 8 September 2020: Because the mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the socialist Left.
- 8 September 2020: No father in the home.
- 8 September 2020: That cat is beautiful!
- 8 September 2020: If it was there should have been some very large debris pieces to be found.
- 8 September 2020: @conchrepublic83 And, of course they also supplied Aid to communist Yugoslavia under Tito, albeit with an eye towards disrupting a relationship between the USSR and Yugoslavia.
- 8 September 2020: Going back to WWII again, the US supplied the Communist French Resistance as well.
- 8 September 2020: I find it kinda funny that New Yorkers are getting a taste of what they forced on the South at gun point. Drink deeply from the cup of woe.
- 8 September 2020: Much of France was a bunch of Commies during WWII anyway.
- 8 September 2020: Southerners are a se po state and distinct people from their neighbors to the North and West. Everyone instinctively knows it. That's why the South is a place and North and West are just points on a compass.
- 8 September 2020: What time do the riots start?
- 8 September 2020: Thankfully I haven't got a clue.
- 8 September 2020: I hope I don't know who you're talking about but we both knew a former "Furry".
- 7 September 2020: Shapeshifter
- 7 September 2020: Sorry for your pain, brother.
- 7 September 2020: At the next stop he'll be defecating in full public view.
- 7 September 2020: I live on a dead-end road with only five other households on it. So whenever there is a hurricane or tropical storm that knocks out power to our area we are always the last to get power restored. We've gone for up to 11 days before the local utility company switch to us back on.
- 7 September 2020: What I was saying is, most commonly found portable gas generators have a 5 gallon gas tank which is designed to run for an eight-hour workday. In order to keep refrigerators and freezers cold you can maybe crank up the generator two - four times a day.
- 7 September 2020: And a way to safely stockpile sufficient fuel to run one. Plan on 5 gallons of gas typically running a standard generator for 8 hours. You could keep refrigerators and freezers functioning well on 5 gallons a day. Multiply that times how many days you want to prepare for.
- 7 September 2020: I know many Whites who would materially support such a plan. What's the plan?
- 7 September 2020: Available on pdf here. Reading it now.
- 7 September 2020: Keto and Intermittent Fasting would fix that in no time.
- 7 September 2020: @BeComfy 5th largest economy in the world plunging into 3rd world status at break neck speed.
- 7 September 2020: I love White people.
- 7 September 2020: We had to dumb down our education system so people with sub-70 IQs could pass and feel good about themselves. Embarrassing for us but we let other people handle the rocket science stuff.
- 7 September 2020: Good job, Sir.
- 7 September 2020: Pipe dream, LOL!
- 7 September 2020: We deserve fire from Heaven.
- 7 September 2020: I bet a whole bunch of new racists were made that day.
- 7 September 2020: The greatest threat of foreign influence on our elections comes from several million illegal aliens. What are you doing about it?
- 7 September 2020: When your enemies are fighting each other it's ok to cheer one side.
- 7 September 2020: This world has always sucked. It's never been an excuse before.
- 7 September 2020: "Heritage Foundation". LOL! Whose heritage?
- 7 September 2020: You're the one pushing the Marxist multicultural agenda.
- 7 September 2020: Where do you think culture comes from? Aliens from Central America, Africa, and Asia are not going to duplicate our culture.
- 7 September 2020: Wonderin' where you were!
- 7 September 2020: Where did he go?
- 7 September 2020: Another peaceful BLM activist.
- 7 September 2020: It's been too late for a while now anyway. Only a river of blood and an ocean of tears can make up for how far we've fallen behind and I don't know how many Whites are really up for that.
- 7 September 2020: Civil War 2.0 Incoming
- 7 September 2020:
- 6 September 2020: Jazz has always been alien to me. Much like Rap.
- 6 September 2020: Interesting. Thanks.
- 6 September 2020: If that's the same guy, it was his bicep, not his shoulder.
- 6 September 2020: Trump, a facist? You'll know facist when it shoots you into a ditch.
- 6 September 2020:
- 6 September 2020: Forrest had slave-soldiers riding with him.
- 6 September 2020: The truth is the cause. Too many SCV-types have been hiding the truth in Hope's our enemies will like us. Let our enemies eat steel.
- 6 September 2020: Quiet manhood.
- 6 September 2020: Personally, I think child beauty pageants are kinda creepy as well.
- 6 September 2020: Working on it every day!
- 6 September 2020: That's called "horse sense". Wish more people had it.
- 6 September 2020: I wish I could have met your dad.
- 6 September 2020: Even horses know better.
- 6 September 2020:
- 6 September 2020: Reminds me of this.
- 6 September 2020: May God smite us from sea to shining sea.
- 6 September 2020: Your message was still powerfully on point.
- 6 September 2020: The US has consistently only play acted against communism.
- 6 September 2020: Yes, I remember. We allied with them in World War II and gave half of Europe over to Godless Communist slavery. Then we half- assed our way through the Korean War to an armistice. We half-assed again in Vietnam to defeat. We let them run our universities and now burn our cities.
- 6 September 2020: No, they run the US.
- 6 September 2020: Best post all day.
- 6 September 2020: "Never whine". LOL!
- 6 September 2020: Is she running for Congress or the Knessett? I'm confused.
- 6 September 2020: She's "fake right".
- 6 September 2020: You beat me to it, brother.
- 6 September 2020: But strangely enough, the red States haven't been burning our cities down for 100 days straight. Maybe y'all should just let the red states secede see you can be without us.
- 6 September 2020: A probation violation gets you the death penalty when you're locked in a cage with the Beasts of the Field.
- 6 September 2020: It's really just an excuse to get free new kicks and TVs.
- 6 September 2020: @SnowDuchess1 @ThatOldSheepDog It was a Reconstruction era formation to suppress the South but the enemy have found new and more effective ways to fund and organize Blacks that aren't so obvious and leave plausible deniability.
- 6 September 2020: Even the old Andy Griffith show introduced a non-traditional family with a single dad.
- 6 September 2020: The war is in the streets. In case you haven't noticed there's an Anarcho-Communist revolution being waged. Turn on your TV or radio. My people are being murdered and genocide out of existence. It's not imaginary.
- 6 September 2020: I think the guy on the left is Burt Colucci, the new Commander of NSM after Jeff Schoep jumped ship and went full anti-racist.
- 6 September 2020: I'd go with the latter.
- 6 September 2020: You must not be familiar with NSM than. Their "Commander" Jeff Schoep recently abandoned national socialism and went full anti-racist and turned the organization over to Burt Colucci.
- 6 September 2020: What else is there to do when you're larping out in public but pose?
- 6 September 2020: You have nothing to offer. What 3rd world shit hole did your family escape from?
- 6 September 2020: The KKK is not even in the running.
- 6 September 2020: You know why. Now go back to sleep and don't rock the boat.
- 6 September 2020: That's our resupply team there.
- 6 September 2020: Thanks. Not many folks outside the South have ever heard of the Union League.
- 6 September 2020: Putting in trains is like putting in a bus route. Everything goes to hell from there.
- 6 September 2020:
- 6 September 2020: Here's a good review of the movie.
- 6 September 2020: World's creepiest bad guy. Great movie. It was supposed to leave you with a feeling of hopelessness.
- 6 September 2020: You seem to have some sort of "fear" problem as if everyone who disagrees with you is somehow "scared". I think you are the fearful one. You're afraid of nationalism because you fear you will not fit in. You feel you will be excluded. It is your weakness speaking.
- 6 September 2020: Free government schooling and a graduated progressive income tax or but two things.
- 6 September 2020: Burning a bus stop. That's so useful.
- 6 September 2020: He got it from his daddy.
- 6 September 2020: That explains your problem. You were raised as a pagan. You have no comprehension of my faith or culture. That's why you hate it. It is alien to you.
- 6 September 2020: Why is it always "hate" with you people? Are you projecting? Why is a love for one's own family/extended family/Tribe/nation so frightening to you? Are you some sort of mutt that has no family, no culture, no history? Why are you so angry at those who do?
- 5 September 2020: You must not be very knowledgable in biology to not understand how humans are broken down by species just like every other mammal. You DO hate. I can tell. Nothing cries for equality more so than the unequal. Why do you feel unequal?
- 5 September 2020: Parents are just lazy and will make up excuses to abdicate their God-ordained responsibilities to their most precious contribution to this earth.
- 5 September 2020: According to Marxist theory socialism is a process and transitional state used between the complete destruction of capitalism and the full implementation of Communism. We have socialist policies in the US which are leading to complete the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto.
- 5 September 2020: I know what they mean. I have been fighting against communism and communist for most of my life. Why do you hate white people? Why do you fear nationalism? Why do you think yourself not equal to others? Why do you feel you have to bring others down to your low level?
- 5 September 2020: What do you want me to do?Makeup new definitions for words? Words have meanings and they are all properly defined by a dictionary. If you have meanings for Words other than the approved version than what's in a dictionary then you're just making it up as you go along.
- 5 September 2020: Why would you want to celebrate differences? You sound like you want to eliminate the idea of there being any differences or at least act like the only differences are variations in skin pigmentation.
- 5 September 2020: Are you a penis inspector?
- 5 September 2020: Countries are artificial lines on a map. My people are my nation.
- 5 September 2020: Is English your first language? I'm asking because you consistently spell one word in particular wrong every time. Just curious about your language background.
- 5 September 2020: The GOP monster will gobble you up and spit you out.
- 5 September 2020:
- 5 September 2020: Sorry, that was actually the southeastern United States, where I live, in 2016.
- 5 September 2020: I remember when there were wildfires out west but we were sending our tanker planes to Israel to put out fires over there.
- 5 September 2020: I made the mistake of standing in front of them.
- 5 September 2020: And, yes most of my worst enemies are white people. They have fallen under the sway of left-wing politics. Some are merely liberals while some are more of the hardcore socialist and communist types.
- 5 September 2020: I don't follow Steve Bannon and really don't know anything about him. He has no influence on my life. You were going to say that I belong to has never been involved in any terrorist activities and has never been labeled a domestic terrorist organization.
- 5 September 2020: "Respected". By who?
- 5 September 2020: Don't you dare make me side with Black Lives Matter. I said don't. Just don't do it. You hear me?
- 5 September 2020: Oy vey!
- 5 September 2020: You'd be a welcome asset to anyone's survival community.
- 5 September 2020: If we don't know who our enemies are we cannot fight them or defeat them. Do our compatriots know what open-source intelligence-gathering is and how to use it? Do they know what information is important to gather and from what sources? Do they know how to assemble a dossier?
- 5 September 2020: Are we contacting and working with like-minded affinity groups locally and at the state level and sharing intelligence as well as training with them to help build up our numbers? Are we doing anything in "meat space" rather than from behind the computer keyboard?
- 5 September 2020: Have we identified what type of training we need personally and as small groups? Are we helping our community by educating them as to who the enemy is and who their friends are in this ongoing and upcoming conflict? It's called intelligence preparation of the battlefield.
- 5 September 2020: Let me put my answer in the form of a question. What are we doing to organize our Kinsman at the local state and National level? What are we doing to train and prepare ourselves and our local organization? What are we doing to identify enemy individuals and their organizations?
- 5 September 2020: Either Trump has actually scared the hell out of the Left or his presidency just happened to coincide with the Leftist timetable for revolution. Either way, their accelerationism is working out great for us.
- 5 September 2020: Over the last 7 US Presidents. Reagan, Bush Sr, and Bush Jr put our people to sleep thinking everything was going to be ok while Carter, Clinton and Obama set our people in a panic and saw the greatest anti-government resistance in the formation of militias, etc.
- 5 September 2020: We have to count on the Left to engage in our accelerationism for us due to White degeneracy.
- 5 September 2020: I can't write it here.
- 5 September 2020: Congratulations! It's like kicking a dirty habit. Sportsball has been a useless distraction and dangerous misdirection of loyalty and patriotism for generations.
- 5 September 2020: Antifa and BLM aren't Nazis. They're self-professed Communists. The German Brown Shirts fought against Antifa in the streets of 1930s Berlin. Antifa has been backing Communist Revolutions for 90 years. Some are even getting trigger time in Syria fighting for Commie Kurds.
- 5 September 2020: I talk and work with Black folks every day and we get along great. But I've been attacked by BLM members so there's a difference.
- 5 September 2020: You might find this thread interesting.
- 5 September 2020: I talk and work with Black folks every day and we get along great but I've been attacked by BLM members so there's a difference.
- 5 September 2020: Disney is "racist" because they made one of their Black characters malfunction, betray the Empire and turn on them.
- 5 September 2020: Why not just do it right now.
- 5 September 2020: I'm guessing that the right answer would be most hilarious.
- 5 September 2020: They're doing everything but putting a gun in your hand for you.
- 4 September 2020: "Martyr". LOL! We need a hundred thousand more Antifa martyrs.
- 4 September 2020: The comments are hilarious.
- 4 September 2020: Cultural appropriation.
- 4 September 2020: You mean there's people that really give a shit how many followers they have?
- 4 September 2020: Being a Boomer I can say there's a huge part of my generation that's screwed up but we haven't cornered the market on that. All of our generations are equally lost. We need to unite across generational lines and get down to business together.
- 4 September 2020: Keep giving them martyrs until they have no more to give.
- 4 September 2020: "Alleged". You mean the guy who Vice news allowed to read his Antifa Manifesto on film before he was put down?
- 4 September 2020: Was there really a poll?
- 4 September 2020: This is a great way to start off a Friday morning. Good shooting, Marshalls.
- 4 September 2020: There's plenty more trash where he came from.
- 4 September 2020: Hit the road and go join Antifa. You'll get the same treatment.
- 4 September 2020:
- 4 September 2020: Aren't men who hate women Homos anyway?
- 4 September 2020: Thanks, I'll try to continue earning that title. Lol!
- 4 September 2020: Somebody's got to get this kicked off. They're doing the job White people refuse to do.
- 4 September 2020: I thought only White privelidge allowed you to do this?
- 4 September 2020: Maybe I should reconsider how stupid I thought Jacob Blake, Sr is after I heard the Brussel Sprouts comment.
- 4 September 2020: Let's quit blaming each other for our present weakness and fight the enemy together. Time is running out and soon we won't have any generations to blame.
- 4 September 2020: I know, but a lot of folks don't know who Petra belonged to or who the Edomites were and are today.
- 3 September 2020: @SSH_FL @JimAbbottwrites @PeterSchorschFL @WJXTErik @PutnamCountySO @KeithPerryFL @PalatkaDaily Her name needs to go on the list.
- 3 September 2020: Good find!
- 3 September 2020: Which would never be found among the Edomites.
- 3 September 2020: Why would Iran care what Trump greatly appreciates? What kind of negotiation is that?
- 3 September 2020: Everything that has played out in the last 100 days has certainly shown the world what we were up against.
- 3 September 2020: This poor woman has been given an impossible task when it comes to making up excuses for Biden. She must feel overwhelmed and underpaid in every interview.
- 3 September 2020: Why not just do it right now?
- 3 September 2020: It's natural. It's what made us feel more alive than the day before or the day after.
- 3 September 2020: You can't even have a conversation with these people let alone live under the same government with them.
- 3 September 2020: Hopefully they'll hit a powerline and it will look like a reenactment of Elijah and the Baal priests.
- 3 September 2020: No offense taken.
- 3 September 2020: Someone has yellow fever.
- 3 September 2020: I guess my efforts will prove my weakness to the world and folks will stop expecting so much.
- 3 September 2020: Thank you for your kind words Sir, but I was surrounded by heroes that day.
- 3 September 2020: Interesting and informative article. Thanks for sharing.
- 3 September 2020: He was probably just jogging in the area and checking out houses. Everybody does it.
- 3 September 2020: Sounded like you already had all that under control.
- 3 September 2020: When people's expectations of you exceed what you know yourself to be you are still honor-bound to live up to them.
- 3 September 2020: "Are you not entertained?"
- 3 September 2020: A little Southern history break.
- 3 September 2020: It's always been lucrative for the Commies at the top. Some of my family lived under Communism. They were overjoyed when one of their laying hens died of unknown causes so they could have meat for a meal.
- 3 September 2020: Facts are "racist".
- 3 September 2020: Someone's parents prayed for justice and God sent Kyle Rittenhouse. That's how Divine Intervention plays out.
- 3 September 2020: I can relate.
- 3 September 2020: Are you looking for a list of wins or losses? On Grenada they faced down the might of the islands Communist militia and mostly 636 Cuban combat engineers there to build an airstrip.
- 3 September 2020: Communism needs to be wiped from this earth like polio.
- 3 September 2020: The US hasn't won any real wars since it became integrated in 1948. Just sayin'.
- 3 September 2020: Threats are no substitute for action.
- 3 September 2020: Sweet!!!
- 3 September 2020: "Some pigs are more equal than others".
- 3 September 2020: 1978, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1989, 1994, 2004, 2012, 2017.
- 2 September 2020: Happiest news all day!
- 2 September 2020: The World hate's God's word and His natural order of things. You will be hated to your grave for merely sharing it with people.
- 2 September 2020: Shut it down, quick.
- 2 September 2020: Depends on whether they're Communists or not.
- 2 September 2020: They'll have to eliminate the swim test for starters.
- 2 September 2020: By any chance do you have a link to his lecture on the historical descriptions of Christ?
- 2 September 2020: I'm not getting a good link here. Were you trying to post the five-part series about Israelites being white or the study on the five historic descriptions of Christ? I was looking for the lecture on the descriptions of Christ but could not find it.
- 2 September 2020: Wow! Real joggers for a change!
- 2 September 2020: The right expects us to do so as well. Otherwise we're "falling into the enemy's trap", or "playing into their hands", or some other such nonsense about "muh optics". I'm betting Rhodesians and South Africans wish they had done something earlier.
- 2 September 2020: Good times.
- 2 September 2020: I'll never hear that song the same way again.
- 2 September 2020: And don't bring any more of that Blue State Yankee nonsense to Florida. We're filled up with it.
- 2 September 2020: This is what we want called in to stop the rioting.
- 1 September 2020: Antifa super soldier, "Commander Red" falls into fetal position and cries in front of police.
- 1 September 2020: Or when the local young bullies were laughing at the predicament of a woman and her daughter who had their carriage stuck in the mud, he dismounted, pushed the carriage out of the rut by himself and then whooped both the bullies' asses. I think that's how he met his first wife.
- 1 September 2020: God help us.
- 1 September 2020: And then finishes up with a Socialist loyalty oath.
- 1 September 2020: You mean Blue?
- 1 September 2020: I noticed the peaceful protestors quoted Commie MLK in their rampage.
- 1 September 2020: Like that's stopped them from murdering anyone else?
- 1 September 2020: I doubt if anything will come of it. Their actions will be as impotent as Trump repeatedly tweeting "Law and Order!"
- 1 September 2020: The only thing that lasts forever are a man's great deeds. You are but dust but your actions can bring you immortality.
- 1 September 2020: It's not easy to get your hands on commercial grade fireworks or components due to licensing and Homeland Security restrictions. Not impossible but rather difficult.
- 1 September 2020: This is an example of hard-core, dedicated anti-Communism.
- 1 September 2020: Kinda funny/interesting.
- 1 September 2020:
- 1 September 2020:
- 1 September 2020: Why is the "Holocaust" the only thing on the planet you can't joke about?
- 1 September 2020: Why haven't any Democrats denounced Antifa during the last 100 days of violence before the Rittenhouse incident? What was their excuse then?
- 1 September 2020: But I still have to wear a seat belt in my truck.
- 1 September 2020: Only those who feel they have nothing left to lose are truly free.
- 1 September 2020: We were divided from the very beginning and this division manifested itself clearly in 1860. There were two nations on this continent since the start.
- 31 August 2020: Prison can be an excellent self-improvement tool for him if he goes in with the right mindset.
- 31 August 2020: You beat me to it, Sir!
- 31 August 2020: Home school.
- 31 August 2020: Shouldn't he catch the same charge as the Florida guy just got from the C'ville judge?
- 31 August 2020: I'd prefer biscuits and gravy.
- 31 August 2020: And that is a good, Biblically-based position.
- 31 August 2020: Never negotiate with your weaknesses. The path to strength is non-negotiable.
- 31 August 2020: Those are all good qualities but it started to become universalist as well as a personal salvation cult rather than focus on the Gospel of the Kingdom.
- 31 August 2020: No that's not the main objective or you'd be dead by now.
- 31 August 2020: "Racism is learned". Class is in session.
- 31 August 2020: Luke 19-27. But those mine enemies, which should not that I Reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
- 31 August 2020: The church was subverted and made into a universal "religion" by about 300 AD.
- 31 August 2020: Adamic man since the creation of Adam were tasked with taking dominion of all the earth. It's natural as l for us to colonize and improve the planet because the mission is ordained by God and programmed into our genes.
- 31 August 2020:
- 31 August 2020: Christianity can't be "forced" on anyone. Christ said His sheep hear His voice and follow him. Those who are not His sheep will never hear His voice or follow Him. Which accounts for most of the planet.
- 31 August 2020: The entire Bible is about race, specifically the Adamic race. The only time the Bible mentions any other people is when they come into contact with the Adamic race through the specific deadline of Adam, Abraham, and Christ.
- 31 August 2020: Christ said He came only for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel which would limit who He came for. When his disciples went out to carry his message they went north and west which according to prophecy would be the direction that lost Israel would take from their captivity.
- 31 August 2020: No argument there.
- 31 August 2020: Regret is a guideline for improvement.
- 31 August 2020: People can say what they want about NOI but they've got their shite together better than many White people. They are well organized, disciplined, they have goals with plans and they are motivated beyond serving self.
- 31 August 2020: More appropriately Communism.
- 31 August 2020: The Nation of Islam has Muhammad farms in Georgia which they use to not only feed their own people but raise money for their organization.
- 31 August 2020: Sisters of Mercy rocks. "My Lucretia" comes to mind.
- 31 August 2020: Looks like a Blue Lives bar on a US flag. I don't know what it's called but it probably has a name.
- 30 August 2020: BLM was founded as a violent Marxist organization. They were the instigators of several violent episodes in Charlorttesville 3 years ago.
- 30 August 2020: I'm certain you find your political ignorance to be comfortable but it's laughable.
- 30 August 2020: Whatever benefits them at the moment.
- 30 August 2020: He must have pulled his tweet down.
- 30 August 2020: Once it becomes more than just a fun and games distraction it becomes soul-draining.
- 30 August 2020: They're not the equivalent of the "Brown Shirts". These are the same people (Antifa) that the Brown Shirts fought against in the streets of 1930s Germany.
- 30 August 2020: How about living longer? Anyone who has any visible belly fat also has a fatty liver. Having a fatty liver is just as dangerous to your health as having a severe alcohol problem.
- 30 August 2020: How about living longer? Anyone who has visible belly fat has a fatty liver. Having a fatty liver is just as dangerous to your health as having a severe alcohol problem.
- 30 August 2020: Keto and intermittent fasting would have that beat within a year.
- 30 August 2020: Last night's targeted murder of a Trump-supporting Patriot Prayer member in a Portlad street by what appears to be a BLM supporter is moving conservative normies into the right-wing extremist camp. As Civil War Two escalates there will be no room for middle ground.
- 30 August 2020: It all becomes clear at 0:42.
- 30 August 2020: That's because all we've seen so far is worthless attacks against relatively "innocent" minorities rather than selective targeting of key Leftist leaders.
- 30 August 2020: Your statement suggests that any form of violence must be backed by the masses to be effective. That's not true.
- 30 August 2020: The baby-faced bad ass.
- 30 August 2020: Maybe it would be better if people like you let the troublesome Red States secede? End of problems, right?
- 30 August 2020: For Christ's sake you need a history lesson. BLM and Antifa are Communists, not National Socialists. If the Commies win it won't be like Hitler coming to power. It'll be like the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. But all you know about is Hitler, Hitler, Hitler.
- 30 August 2020: "Racist" is a code word designed to shut down dissent by putting others on the defensive and redirecting the conversation. It's not working any more. You Commies have overplayed your hand. You will be crushed.
- 30 August 2020: Al Gore struggling to return to relevancy. Who bothered to ask his opinion on anything anyway?
- 30 August 2020: On a positive note, I'd really like to have a pet Hyena.
- 30 August 2020: Check this out for an inspiring good time.
- 29 August 2020: Neither does BLM.
- 29 August 2020: They started it in Weimar Germany.
- 29 August 2020: His last words on stage are "Be safe". They have no idea what they're really getting into.
- 29 August 2020: That rocks!
- 29 August 2020: And a Commie.
- 29 August 2020: Bullets don't kill anyone either. It's the blood loss.
- 29 August 2020: Leftist invented the word "racist" so that it can only apply to Whites by adding in the definition that the actions of the racist are supported by institutional power. So, properly defined, Blacks can be bigoted or prejudiced but not racist. The enemy controls our vocabulary.
- 29 August 2020: Thomas W. Chittum, in his book "Civil War Two - The Coming Breakup of America" (1996) predicted that Civil War Two would begin in May 2020. (Page 151) Consider this as you watch your cities burn on the nightly news.
- 29 August 2020: Nobody got shot for setting a fire but they did get shot for chasing and attacking a guy with a gun.
- 29 August 2020: With secession we can leave but stay where we are.
- 29 August 2020: You're still under the central system that let's people in socialist Blue States decide for you what you will do about firearms laws, abortion, death penalty, same sex marriages, off-shore drilling, fishing in your own waters, how much water your toilet can flush, etc.
- 29 August 2020: We need secession. Only by separating ourselves from socialist Progressive Blue State voters in sovereign states can we stop the onslaught of socialism and the globo-homo agenda.
- 29 August 2020: I remember that. He had no clue about how American culture would effect separation and it wasn't very well thought out. It was more about what foreign powers would take over what parts of the US.
- 29 August 2020: Right wing gun owners like to brag about how the Battle of Athens, TN (Aug 1946) is such a great example of how the 2nd Amendment should be applied. But do you see any of them in the streets actually using their 5.56mm penis extensions? No, only the Left has the Will to power.
- 29 August 2020: People who've never been in the arena always have great advice for the people who are.
- 29 August 2020: <70 IQ.
- 29 August 2020: Looks like the Ron Paul way of spelling it.
- 29 August 2020: How did all the block walls come down?
- 29 August 2020: Our people need to hear the answer because all I hear is a bunch of whining excuses about why they can't do anything.
- 29 August 2020: This is for all the quitters who don't even know they are quitters.
- 29 August 2020: So you don't think accused persons should have legal representation because such representation might "provoke"?
- 29 August 2020: I am certain that systemic white racism prevented him from getting the medical treatment that he needed.
- 29 August 2020: Perhaps next month he will "strongly consider"?
- 29 August 2020: Why would anyone think they would?
- 29 August 2020: If you've found all the reasons for not doing something vitally important and now you find the task impossible it's because you were looking for excuses not to take action in the first place.
- 29 August 2020: So, while they are being murdered robbed, raped and beaten by a flood of foreigners overtaking their country and replacing them their biggest concern is wearing a mask? That's what it finally took to get them pissed off and in the streets?
- 29 August 2020: Girl problems.
- 29 August 2020: Whoever that is has me blocked.
- 29 August 2020: Do you think conservatives sometimes just vote Blue for the hell of it and need to be reminded to vote Red? The traditionally conservative founding stock of this Union is being replace annually with Liberal foreign voters.
- 29 August 2020: Anything short of secession is just delusional fantasy. Liberals will always get to vote and with rapidly shifting demographics more Liberal-minded voters are entering the Union to displace us. Demographics is destiny.
- 29 August 2020: This is the best summary of the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse I've seen so far.
- 28 August 2020: That's like DeAndre Harris saying, "I was just standing there and they bumrushed me".
- 28 August 2020: It was unhealthy enough for divorce in 1860 but the abusive husband beat us and wouldn't let us go. It's been a hostage crisis ever since.
- 28 August 2020: The usual.
- 28 August 2020: She's a double bagger.
- 28 August 2020: You mean someone else has to do all the hard and dangerous work of organizing and leading 12,000 people for a torch march and then you would join?
- 28 August 2020: So, historically, what examples serve to show how oppressed racial/political minorities seize power from tyrants? Now that we know our world sucks shouldn't we focus on that?
- 28 August 2020:
- 28 August 2020: It's all just bread and circuses for the masses.
- 28 August 2020: I think he's mistaking the golden shower we're getting from Murika with golden era.
- 28 August 2020: Crazies? Normal people hate pedos too.
- 28 August 2020: He's too busy talking about the Catholics and Nazis to mention the chosen.
- 28 August 2020: Vote appropriately and pass this around far and wide.
- 28 August 2020: But can't write a proper sentence.
- 28 August 2020: I worked with a lot of Afghans in the 80s that if you dressed them in Western clothes and told them to keep their mouths shut you could walk them down any US sidewalk and they'd pass for Europeans.
- 28 August 2020: The eye of the storm is never boring.
- 28 August 2020: I wonder how they figure he's Hispanic?
- 27 August 2020: They are chosen by God in the same way that parasites and viruses are chosen by God to do their work. Those who call themselves "Jews" are not the Israelites of the Bible and this is made clear several times in the New Testament.
- 27 August 2020: I hope stuff like this is being screenshotted for his attorney?
- 27 August 2020: Do you think Michelle Malkin realizes she retweeted something that puts James Fields in a favorable light? How long before they crucify her?
- 27 August 2020: I remember when I was joining the Army I had to take an entry exam. As I watched the black test takers take their test up to the recruiters for grading I watched the recruiters feverishly erasing a multitude of wrong answers and penciling in the correct answer for them.
- 27 August 2020: Muddies the Leftist picture anyway.
- 27 August 2020: Their Golems are out of control now. Time to shut it down.
- 27 August 2020: I think Spencer is just trolling both sides right now.
- 27 August 2020: Depends on how and where violence is directed.
- 27 August 2020: The long game is your extinction and it will happen before Whites rise up and do anything about it. Because, muh optics.
- 27 August 2020: Good riddance.
- 27 August 2020: "When a white man speaks". Shows Ben Shapifo. Fail
- 27 August 2020: Russia was invited in by their Syrian allies the US was not. US needs to bring its troops home.
- 27 August 2020: Yeah, I guess "Libertarian" and "pro-Pedophile" are redundant.
- 27 August 2020: They're calling themselves "Boojahideen" not Boogaloo Boys. They're pro-Leftist/BLM/Pdeophile.
- 27 August 2020: Apparently these "Boojahideen" assholes are not only pro-BLM but pro-pedophile as well.
- 27 August 2020: These clowns say that Kyle Rittenhouse didn't have anything to do with their pro-BLM Libertarian group.
- 27 August 2020: Her uncontrolled emotionalism will leave her the next bloody corpse in the street.
- 27 August 2020: The kid used an AR-15.
- 27 August 2020: In one video you can see him telling the police that he works at the business that he is protecting. His home in Antioch is 21 miles and a 31 minute drive from his place of employment in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
- 27 August 2020: The guy that almost got his arm blown off had a handgun in his hand. The first guy that was shot in the head threw a Molotov cocktail at him. Another one tried to beat him with a skateboard. Unarmed my ass.
- 27 August 2020: Where was your gun?
- 27 August 2020: S
- 27 August 2020: Where's Kyle Rittenhouse when you need him?
- 27 August 2020: Commies on the left are fuming about Kyle Rittenhouse being from "out of state". Antioch Illinois where Kyle lived is literally 21 miles and a 31 minute drive from Kenosha Wisconsin. In one video he's telling the police that he works at one of the businesses he was protecting.
- 27 August 2020: @OchoFisho is a POS for blocking me only because I offered him reasoned, fact-based rebuttals to his Leftist positions on Kyle Rittenhouse.
- 27 August 2020: Indiscriminately? Have you watched all the videos? In the first situation someone chased him and tried to burn him with a Molotov cocktail and he turning shot the guy. Then he was attacked by three more. It was clearly self-defense and all those cases.
- 27 August 2020: I'm liking her more and more with every tweet.
- 27 August 2020: There's a ton of video documenting all of the actions relaying to his shootings. All of them clearly look like self defense on his part.
- 27 August 2020:
- 27 August 2020: Sorry, didn't mean to speak for the Pastor.
- 27 August 2020: Men are weak and need the ordered Word of God. The best of us are but trash compared to Christ but we do the best we can.
- 27 August 2020: Prayers going out for the whole family. What a horrible tragedy. May she find peace strength and comfort in the Lord during this difficult time.
- 27 August 2020: Prison or death will always be options for men who aren't content to sit on the couch while their civilization crumbles in front of them. Couch sitters should STFU while real men are out making sacrifices.
- 27 August 2020: 😂
- 26 August 2020: He should have got on his skateboard and skated his ass on down the road out of trouble.
- 26 August 2020: Looks like self defense to me. Don't bring a skateboard to a gun fight.
- 26 August 2020: I'm sure there's some nutty conspiracy wrapped up in that information somewhere.
- 26 August 2020: Fooled ya once...
- 26 August 2020: A woman can move places and do things without suspicion that a man can't. Use your "newness" to ask questions, join groups. You can "look around" while "lost" in a new area. A persons usefulness to the cause is only limited by their imagination.
- 26 August 2020: David Duke could pinch that little weenie's head off his shoulders.
- 26 August 2020: Put this in the F'd around and found out category. This is what 5.56 does to you. He's lucky it didn't hit bone.
- 26 August 2020: Another indicator of escalation in hostilities and what passes for "acceptable action" in the streets.
- 26 August 2020: Words have meanings and all those words don't mean the same thing. Learn who the enemy is. They've told you who they are but you're not listening.
- 26 August 2020: Thanks.
- 26 August 2020: Where is this?
- 26 August 2020: No, screw that.
- 26 August 2020: Guess who rules over you.
- 26 August 2020: More like the Red Guard.
- 26 August 2020: No, they're Communists. Learn the difference.
- 26 August 2020: I watched parts 2 and 3 but couldn't find part 1. Thank you.
- 26 August 2020: Thank you! Reposting to watch later.
- 26 August 2020: It was Liberalism that got him into the University.
- 26 August 2020: I'm betting the 1st Amendment never once crossed her mind during all this.
- 26 August 2020: "Nazi like salute". LOL! Do you not know BLM is a Marxist Communist organization and the raised fist is a Communist symbol?
- 25 August 2020: We lost Federalism when we lost the Articles of Confederation.
- 25 August 2020: Anyone remember Thomas W. Chittum and his book "Civil War Two, the coming breakup of America"? Where is that guy right now? He could be making a fortune selling an updated version of his book and doing speaking engagements regarding the current crisis
- 25 August 2020: Remember the good old days when all we had to worry about was Islamic terrorism in our streets?
- 25 August 2020: Remember not long ago when Blacks had their "Burn White Jesus" challenge going?
- 25 August 2020: They're Commies. It was the Brown Shirts that actually fought these people. Antifa started out as a Communist militia in 1930s Germany. So, technically, if you're opposed to facist Btown Shirts you're on the side of Antifa Commies.
- 25 August 2020: OK, I had to Google MENA women to keep up with this conversation.
- 25 August 2020: Prayers going up for Daniel.
- 25 August 2020: Yeah, just the loser variety. Now he's in the same boat as his former NSM Cmdr, Jeff Schoep hanging out with "anti-racist" Black groups. I'm surprised the two them haven't been on Oprah or Jerry Springer yet.
- 25 August 2020: I got a chuckle out of this one.
- 25 August 2020: Should have kept his ass in Milwaukee.
- 25 August 2020: I think Spencer is just trolling both sides right now.
- 25 August 2020: Yeah, he was a shallow loud mouth and a drunk. He stayed with his girlfriend after he found out she was having sex with Blacks in exchange for drugs.
- 25 August 2020: Just watched it. Thanks for recommending. I'm sure this video just scratched the surface but it was creepy enough.
- 25 August 2020: Peaceful protestors coming under fire.
- 25 August 2020: Everything the Jews "did for" Blacks they were actually just doing it for themselves.
- 25 August 2020: That shaved-headed NSM guy below the Battle Flag turned out to be a traitor.
- 25 August 2020: That's an interesting story but even the most hard core Holocaust historian will admit there were no gas chambers at Mouthousen or any of the other 12 concentration camps outside of Poland.
- 25 August 2020: He would probably fashion a whip from some cordage and drive the scum out of the Temple with the strong arm of a Carpenter.
- 25 August 2020: God bless her.
- 25 August 2020: I despise Hannity so much that often times when he comes on the radio I will flip over to the commie National Public Radio station just to hear what they're saying.
- 25 August 2020: It was never supposed to be "A" country serious or otherwise. It was founded as a Confederation (plural) of sovereign nations. Now it's just a hostage crisis.
- 25 August 2020: Hannity needs to shut the hell up so I can hear what Patricia McCloskey has to say.
- 25 August 2020: Why are we losing people in Syria and parts of Africa?
- 25 August 2020: That would be a horrible thing to do to Palestine. Isn't she from India?
- 25 August 2020: There's no automated work until some dirty, sweating laborer breaks the earth and builds what houses the automation.
- 25 August 2020: Having spent some time in Saudi Arabia, I know that their foreign workers are kept inside chain link fence housing areas with barbed wire on top. They are allowed to come out and go to work and at the end of the work they go back to their fenced-in compounds and stay there.
- 25 August 2020: Our people need to come to the understanding that there is no such thing as "menial labor". Every great thing ever built began with a man sticking a shovel in the ground.
- 25 August 2020: They had something beautiful.
- 24 August 2020: You KNOW what is going on. Media-induced Sainthood is on the way.
- 24 August 2020: I don't see it.
- 24 August 2020: But are we going to get three state funerals in horse-drawn hearses for him?
- 24 August 2020: At first I stupidly thought some of you had some app to find classical art that closely matched a photo. What is this y'all are using?
- 24 August 2020: Has he inspected your life personally the same way that you have inspected his? Perhaps he has helped you find something in yourself that you were not very proud of and you feel you can't do anything about? Did you come here to judge God's Word or let it judge you?
- 24 August 2020: Good advice even for the experienced.
- 24 August 2020: Whether or not there's any follow-up rioting will tell us more about the "47-year-old man".
- 24 August 2020: "to catch fire".
- 24 August 2020: Apparently they've got me blocked already.
- 24 August 2020: Until they run out of Blacks.
- 24 August 2020: Are we certain there's not another Hunter Wallace out there he's talking about cuz I don't see how his critique fits the Hunter Wallace I know. By the way, how long have you been a fed? LOL!
- 24 August 2020: Growing up I never saw so much outright hatred and disrespect for Christian clergy. Granted, today there are a lot of creepy creatures that have taken advantage of our enemy's assault on the church and inserted themselves into church positions. But I'm not talking about them.
- 24 August 2020: It's a Pastor's job to point out our sins without fear or favor. He's doing us all an unappreciated favor. All of us should take some time out from inspecting others to inspect ourselves.
- 24 August 2020: BLM rioters collecting their Reparations is Kenosha, Wisconsin.
- 24 August 2020: How do they not have such a visual when the story alleges they have "photographic seismic" evidence?
- 24 August 2020: This is completely false. There is no evidence that any "parks department" has found anything like this. The root system shown is of Sweet Corn modify to show for Miles rather than four feet.
- 24 August 2020: Kenosha, Wisconsin. An escalation in hostility levels when rifle-armed rioters directly confront police armored vehicles.
- 24 August 2020: The fact that she feels comfortable doing that in front of her parents indicates some parenting problems.
- 24 August 2020: Ecclesiastes 3:8. There's a time for love and a time for hate.
- 23 August 2020: "Teen" = code word.
- 23 August 2020: The story is all about keeping murderers safe rather than highlighting the victim of their evil.
- 23 August 2020: Which race would you rather everyone talk about?
- 23 August 2020: The comments section is great and says most everything I was thinking without having to repeat it.
- 23 August 2020: Here's one bad ass national leader.
- 23 August 2020: You have no clue on what's actually happening in the streets.
- 23 August 2020: Don't be a dumbass. This has been going on between the Left and the Right for 4 years now. Just because you live your life behind a computer screen doesn't mean there's not actually right wing Patriots fighting in the streets.
- 23 August 2020: We appreciate what you share with us, Sir.
- 23 August 2020: It's wrong to eat pigs too.
- 23 August 2020: Why does he care about Sodomites?
- 23 August 2020: So the 4D chess game is over?
- 23 August 2020: The fact that a unit includes a "Sexual Assault Response Coordinator" is telling. How many businesses have those?
- 23 August 2020:
- 23 August 2020: She's against the boycotting of Israel. So much for free speech.
- 23 August 2020: There's a lot of people that are doing more than tweeting. What's this "platform" going to do for us?
- 23 August 2020: Battle of Lepanto? A glorious day!
- 23 August 2020: Really? When are the Repoublicans going to put an end to nearly 3 straight months of non-stop daily violence? Are they going to wait until after the next election?
- 23 August 2020: The Left-loving city government of Charlottesville had their police stand down 3 years ago so Antifa and BLM could do their dirty work and prevent scheduled speakers from addressing the attendees on preserving Southern Culture. So law enforcement stand-downs are nothing new.
- 23 August 2020: They called the violent Commies of Antifa and BLM in Charlottesville "counterprotestors" and they were given sainthood by the media. People are finally waking up to who the players are now that they are directly impacted.
- 23 August 2020: The Pledge was written by a Socialist (Francis Bellamy) anyway as part of his plan to usher in a Socialist utopia. It's nothing but an idolatrous secular prayer/loyalty oath to the State. Our Founders would be horrified to think that we have slunk so low.
- 23 August 2020: You know, this is kind of strange. I've never met you before and I think this is the first time you and I have actually spoken with each other. But my name is included in a lawsuit with your name in the title of it. LOL! Somehow or another we were alleged to be in a conspiracy!
- 23 August 2020: But I bet there won't be a big show trial over Portland.
- 23 August 2020: It's not like on TV where someone gets shot one time and they immediately drop dead. You shoot until the bad guy goes down.
- 23 August 2020: I'm so tired of winning.
- 23 August 2020: Where's the blood line who stormed Gold, Juno and Sword? May our folk find their strength and courage.
- 23 August 2020: Regardless of snarky comments, at least someone has the balls to try taking their streets back from the Commies.
- 23 August 2020: Great job by Brad Griffin tonight!
- 22 August 2020: It's almost like there's been a conspiracy to hide this information.There was a well known tin trade between Western England and the Eastern Mediterranean during the time of Christ.
- 22 August 2020: Who can blame them? I'd be doing the same thing to an occupying army.
- 22 August 2020: No, there's two of us.
- 22 August 2020: Yeah, Antifa was there in 1930s Germany as well, fighting on the side of Communism just as they are today.
- 22 August 2020: I wish we could have had your verbal support when we had to fight Commie Antifa and BLM in the streets of Charlottesville in our defense of Confederate statues. But everyone followed along with the Leftist media narrative of that event.
- 22 August 2020: They should have seen Charlottesville.
- 22 August 2020: You just reminded me of a Pink Floyd song.
- 22 August 2020: Something tells me this is not how you win hearts and minds over to your side.
- 22 August 2020: When and where? Is this a recent event? Are we going to get a new round of burning and looting over it?
- 22 August 2020: 12 August 2017.
- 22 August 2020: When the enemy's at the gate you don't form a political party. You destroy the enemy.
- 22 August 2020: I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "waiting".
- 22 August 2020: Even in defeat a heroic display of manhood, courage and tenacity will serve future generations with an example to emulate that they may finish the fight successfully. My Confederate ancestors left that to me.
- 22 August 2020: Tell them. Then organize them, train them and lead them. Knowledge without action is a useless collection of information.
- 22 August 2020: I disagree, sometimes strongly with the politics or world views of most "artists" in every field but as long as they're entertaining me and not insulting me and my civilization with their work I can appreciate their value in that area alone.
- 22 August 2020: Some risks are more rewarding than others.
- 22 August 2020: Maybe political parties aren't the answer for success.
- 22 August 2020: The Government Can crush the well-known organizers and public spokesmen but they can't crush The rank-and-file who, if properly organized and trained could avoid the brunt of government persecution while eventually securing victory.
- 22 August 2020: That "get ran over" stuff works both ways.
- 22 August 2020: Having been trained in both insurgency against and counterinsurgency for big governments I can agree with Ramzpaul. The problem is, our people don't know how to do anything else but form political parties and heirarchal membership organizations and anything else is too scary.
- 22 August 2020: It's never been a majority that changed anything for the better anyway. It's always been a small, revolutionary minority who has led the majority to Victory. We need to quit waiting for the masses to wake up and get down to business with who we have now.
- 22 August 2020: LOL! "I got White friends". They do it too.
- 22 August 2020: A man should be able to see his belt buckle without using a mirror.
- 22 August 2020: So very sorry for your loss.
- 22 August 2020: I'm back from a 24 hour ban for mocking a Black rapist. Murika!
- 21 August 2020: I noticed that.
- 21 August 2020: Why would they? The Unions are a Communist invention and completely in the hands of the enemy.
- 21 August 2020: Just give them masks, right?
- 21 August 2020: This is what "winning" looks like under Trump, Conservatism and Murika. Secession is the only solution.
- 21 August 2020: Just saw that! LOL!
- 21 August 2020: Very happy to see some militant, masculine Christianity making a comeback.
- 20 August 2020: She was actually the second attempt to spark an incident. The first woman they sent to occupy the bus seat flew into a cursing filled rant that ruin the entire propaganda value of the act and lost what little moral high ground they thought she had.
- 20 August 2020: That didn't taste like vanilla.
- 20 August 2020: Fire them, eliminate their socialist teachers Unions and privatize all schools. "Separation of School and State".
- 20 August 2020: I always wanted something like that with pre written messages that could be punched in depending on the situation. But it would probably end up causing a gunfight.
- 20 August 2020: Legal immigration has been destroying this Union since 1965. At least with illegal immigration our people can see that something's not right. Put the word "legal" in front of it and our people say yes to their own replacement.
- 20 August 2020: I hope he reset and camouflaged that trap in the trapper's back yard.
- 20 August 2020: Do you have a link to this manifesto, please?
- 20 August 2020: Were they drunk?
- 20 August 2020: I can't find any information on this Jewish journalist, Condred Hagen (spelling?). I'd like to do some more research. Does anyone have a good link to get me started on him?
- 20 August 2020: Always interested! Thanks.
- 20 August 2020: So what does that make his kids? What does he have to say about the JQ? Do you know of any Clips available where he makes any statements regarding Jews or their position in the movement with him?
- 20 August 2020: OK, I'll take that into consideration.
- 20 August 2020: What is he talking about here in these 3 clips.
- 20 August 2020: Do you mean that thing that's being run by some guy who has admitted at least three times that he is a Jew? Where are we talkin about something else?
- 20 August 2020: The South learned this over 150 years ago. Rather than a voluntary Union of sovereign states it became a hostage crisis. You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave, to quote a famous band.
- 20 August 2020: Looking forward to it.
- 20 August 2020: Sir, please learn to identify the political differences between the self-proclaimed Communists of BLM and Antifa and facists.
- 20 August 2020: I feed raccoons every night. A momma and two babies. Some bipeds need to get that same treatment.
- 20 August 2020: I still have the calendar that was in. I think it was from 1976 or 77.
- 20 August 2020: Everybody will make your excuses for him because he says the right things they want to hear.
- 20 August 2020: Wow, they're popping out of the wood work.
- 20 August 2020: Well, now we know who the FBI answers to, don't we?
- 20 August 2020: The whole Pledge is a Socialist invention anyway. Look up info on the guy who wrote it, Francis Bellamy. Our Founders would be abhorred to know we adopted a daily loyalty oath much like a secular prayer to the State.
- 19 August 2020: You might want to check your caps lock. Looks like it's stuck.
- 19 August 2020: Allegedly anyway.
- 19 August 2020: "Finally"???
- 19 August 2020: Because he hates it!
- 19 August 2020: Seriously, if you want to get a book published you could get a Kickstarter going and I'm certain a lot of your friends, including myself would contribute to it.
- 19 August 2020: Do you need a Kickstarter program?
- 19 August 2020: Can we declare BLM and Antifa domestic terrorist groups already?
- 19 August 2020:
- 19 August 2020: "who choose to wear face shields". Why don't they just wear masks like everyone else?
- 19 August 2020: When the Left gets a dose of it's own medicine.
- 19 August 2020: White women deserve to be raped because over 150 years ago someone was a slave. Any excuse will do.
- 19 August 2020: The US is Israel's ally. It's a one way street. Israel's Golem might be more appropriate.
- 19 August 2020: 50 years from now someone will be looking back on today with nostalgia. Enjoy the moment you are in.
- 19 August 2020: We've been living in a world of two false choices for too long.
- 19 August 2020: We were always Israel.
- 19 August 2020: So at least they got somethin' goin' for them.
- 19 August 2020: White man voodoo.
- 19 August 2020: Talking about doing is not doing. If it is a prelude to action in the form of organizing and training it is useful but most big talk remains ineffectual ear candy to those desperate for change.
- 19 August 2020: 😥
- 19 August 2020: Well, being White, for one thing.
- 19 August 2020: People need to learn what God has created to be food and what is not. Just because it will fit in your mouth does not make it food.
- 19 August 2020: Christ's Sheep hear His voice and follow Him. Those who call themselves "Jews" are not His sheep, will never follow Him, fit the Biblical definition of "antichrists, and are destined for the destruction outlined in Obadiah 18.
- 19 August 2020: You need to add the flat-billed cap.
- 18 August 2020: Some good news.
- 18 August 2020: Why not use the Insurrection Act right now?
- 18 August 2020: They'll be coming there anyway. They're already in them.
- 18 August 2020: Is Trump still playing 4D chess with the opposition because I've lost track if I'm supposed to be laughing or crying.
- 18 August 2020: Trump out-Onioned The Onion with the Susan B. Anthony move.
- 18 August 2020: If this is what "winning" looks like maybe we need to take another look at the merits of losing.
- 18 August 2020: Where is the "underwhelmed" category?
- 18 August 2020: A little Southern history lesson for the day.
- 18 August 2020: So sorry for her and for your loss.
- 18 August 2020: Didn't know anything until today and then only because of the Internet which Reginald Denny didn't have.
- 18 August 2020: His name is Adam Haner.
- 18 August 2020: It also means there's not as many real White people in this Union as they say there are.
- 18 August 2020: Every election since 1865 has been illigitimate.
- 18 August 2020: Even more stupid is referring to something that God ordained and regulated under His Law as a sin.
- 18 August 2020: The Germans were known to have been sitting on tons of Nerve Agents and Mustard Gas but never used it, even in defense of their homeland.
- 18 August 2020: Patriotism belongs to your nation, not your country. At one time they were synonymous but not here.
- 17 August 2020: Yeah, I'm waiting. But they may conceal it for as long as possible.
- 17 August 2020: Does anyone have a reliable link showing that the White man assaulted in Portland has actually died?
- 17 August 2020: They're both pretty good but both done by Js.
- 17 August 2020: Yes, same here. It would have been an honor.
- 17 August 2020: Any excuse for inaction will do. It's great when other people make your excuses for you.
- 17 August 2020: Most people are probably that way. But what do the moral people do? Conform to the passive and frightened sheep to avoid being called narcissist?
- 17 August 2020: I haven't seen any effectiveness either. I am not advocating for the reenactment of ineffective action.
- 17 August 2020: Allegedly the whole world went to war and maps were changed over the assassination of one Archduke.
- 17 August 2020: So, back to my earlier question, when are the violent accelerationist activities of the Left going to lead us to victory?
- 17 August 2020: You're concentrating on how right wing violence is viewed by normies who will never see it any other way rather than the effectiveness of the violence in shutting down the enemy.
- 17 August 2020: If morals are determined by what one has to lose than those aren't morals. It's just selfishness protecting itself.
- 17 August 2020: Ann Coulter says "Don't stop for protestors". Can you hear that, James?
- 17 August 2020: You and I might be enemies but I can certainly appreciate your view on that subject. My people have many of the same problems.
- 17 August 2020: Define "our direction". How do we know what that looks like? What do we expect to benefit from it? At what point does unchecked Leftist Accelerationism give us a win rather than sentence us to the same fate as South Africa?
- 17 August 2020: Honestly, I'm f'n sick of hearing Edmund Burke quotes about good men doing nothing by men doing nothing. (He never said it anyway)
- 17 August 2020: Not after she puts all their heads on pikes.
- 17 August 2020: Buy us time to do what? Everybody said Trump's four years would buy us time but I haven't seen anybody do s*** in the last 4 years.
- 17 August 2020: What are they going to do if Trump wins? The same thing they're doing now.
- 17 August 2020: A lot has been made more clear since Charlottesville.
- 17 August 2020: Always blame the victim.
- 17 August 2020: This is why you don't stop for the mob.
- 17 August 2020: So, how do you see enemy Acceleration action benefitting us? (Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying it) At what point do we recognize it benefitting us? What will the benefit look like?
- 17 August 2020: Yes, that is what I am saying. The modern John Brown has the support of powerful people. But there are an equal if not more number who are opposed to Leftist violence and those that support them. Those people need to be rallied.
- 17 August 2020: Yes, death and prison are a big down side to the selfish. We'll have to raise an entire generation of super Patriots before we're able to actually do anything.
- 17 August 2020: Secession didn't happen overnight because of John Brown and Lincoln. Robert Barnwell Rhett had been pushing for secession for South Carolina for something like 34 years before the first shot was fired. I guess what your real question is, is how much outrage will it take?
- 17 August 2020: If anything following a GPS is likely to put you right in the middle of a crowd of rioters.
- 17 August 2020: And antifa and BLM are not receiving the support of a large portion of the uninvolved population including the Democrat Party?
- 17 August 2020: Does a GPS and smartphone show where antifa rioters are blocking the road?
- 17 August 2020: If we're waiting on the values of our enemies or the corrupt system to change so they won't call us criminals it will never happen.
- 17 August 2020: Those who resisted the Bolsheviks were criminals. US history and present public opinion paint Southern Confederates as criminals and there are countless other examples. Jews in Charlottesville say you're a criminal because you run a Blog and were present for unite the right. So.
- 17 August 2020: You haven't seen many videos I take it.
- 17 August 2020: As far as I can tell, John Brown was responsible for killing five people and wounding nine. BLM and antifa have already killed and wounded more people and caused far more destruction than John Brown ever got a chance to. Do we need to be able to pin the blame on just one person?
- 17 August 2020: I guess it all depends on how much we want to lose and how far down the path to Communism we want to go before we decide to fight our way out of it. It seems like Rhodesia and South Africa let Black Acceleration go too long.
- 17 August 2020: Trying to provoke? Or trying not to be the next Reginald Denny?
- 17 August 2020: That and there's an Anarcho/Communist revolution taking place.
- 17 August 2020: Bongino fails to identify the Communist origins and tactics of Antifa either out of his own ignorance or his closet sympathies with Leftism.
- 17 August 2020: We can't live under the same government with this Antifa trash.
- 17 August 2020: So their husbands don't make them walk a mile with a pot on their head to draw water now?
- 17 August 2020: Best summed up in Proverbs 22:6
- 17 August 2020: I hope do. Forever.
- 17 August 2020: Deuteronomy 17:15
- 17 August 2020: I can't say what I really want to say about this.
- 16 August 2020: Who cares now?
- 16 August 2020: I got: South Korea
- 16 August 2020: Fascinating. This thread got you another follow.
- 16 August 2020: Done, thank you.
- 16 August 2020: All they really know how to do is talk loud for a long time. That's why nearly every other black man thinks himself a "preacher"..
- 16 August 2020: That's no shield wall. Starting to see a lot more use of gas masks by the Communists which were not so evident two months ago. Also their shields are being mass-produced in a uniform size shape and design. Indicators of more organization and more funding.
- 16 August 2020: Be grateful for adversity.
- 16 August 2020: Afraid to lose their jobs, made a national spectacle and go to prison.
- 16 August 2020: It started when I was maybe 4 years old in 1964 with my first negative encounter.
- 16 August 2020: Young people = code word
- 16 August 2020: "Young people" = code word.
- 16 August 2020: No.
- 16 August 2020: That's how we freed ourselves from Europe.
- 16 August 2020:
- 16 August 2020:
- 16 August 2020: Everybody has a mask on now.
- 16 August 2020: That's a noose? LOL! Freaking snowflakes.
- 16 August 2020: Has anyone heard what actually happened to Robert Trump?
- 16 August 2020: I've known 4 people so far. Two of them present and former League members. But I haven't heard of anybody that I know dying yet.
- 16 August 2020: PPPPPPPPPPP
- 16 August 2020: Greensboro "massacre" was November of '79.
- 15 August 2020: The Black segregationists like Louis Farrakhan and John Fitzgerald Johnson and others should be given a Black homeland in North America or, as some of them desire, a return trip to Africa.
- 15 August 2020: Looked like everyone.
- 15 August 2020: Can you define "space descendants negros"?
- 15 August 2020: Police in riot gear and armored vehicle are pushing the protesters out of the Town telling them they must disperse or they will be arrested at Stone Mountain.
- 15 August 2020: New Stone Mountain live link.
- 15 August 2020: Antifa flag visible at Stone Mountain rally, more Confederate flags being burnt, people on both sides coming to blows with each other.
- 15 August 2020: Toads are burning Confederate flags at Stone Mountain right now.
- 15 August 2020: Stone Mountain rally live link.
- 15 August 2020: I haven't participated in their system since 1989.
- 15 August 2020: Why aren't they celebrating in Pakistan?
- 15 August 2020: Thank God we ran the Nazis out of there, huh?
- 15 August 2020:
- 15 August 2020: Why doesn't he live in Kashmir?
- 15 August 2020: "The race of the elect". Our people knew who they were back then.
- 15 August 2020: When you watch the video you can see a series of explosions before the main explosion. It's like fireworks or ammunition was cooking off and maybe set off the Ammonium Nitrate.
- 15 August 2020: That was great. This guy is genius.
- 14 August 2020: Have you seen police reports for what passes as White/Caucasian? Anyway, Caucasian is a race and Jamaican is a nationality. Apples and Oranges on that Birth Certificate.
- 14 August 2020: I think I'd rather have Blacks live next door than him.
- 14 August 2020: If only.
- 14 August 2020: Yeah, I was wondering about that.
- 14 August 2020: "Accident"???
- 14 August 2020: Much like TV series.
- 14 August 2020: I've seen the same in Africa. The lighter colored results of Colonial miscegenation lord over the darker "originals" as they called them.
- 14 August 2020: To Hell.
- 14 August 2020: Some are more equal than others. Orwell
- 14 August 2020: Lots of folks have ideas but few have the ability to coordinate promotion, funding, organizing and execution. You can't just "think" good ideas into existance.
- 14 August 2020: I know 6 20-something year old White kids that have died in the last 6 months from drug overdose. Drugs are a real plague but we're worried about Covid.
- 14 August 2020: When I went to C'ville I didn't know who Kessler was. (Still don't, really) I went there to listen to the leader of my organization speak on the defense of Southern Heritage in general and the Robert E Lee monument in particular. Now we are all in the same boat as Kessler.
- 14 August 2020: I feel sorry for the dog.
- 14 August 2020: Yes, it involves rotary wing aircraft.
- 14 August 2020: Just give 'em masks, right?
- 14 August 2020: That too.
- 13 August 2020: At first I really hated watching that but then the video made me laugh out loud. That was great! Hail victory!
- 13 August 2020: Thank you for remembering our brothers, Sir.
- 13 August 2020: That poor dog is going to have to lick his own ass for an hour to get that taste out of his mouth.
- 13 August 2020: Maybe you could look into AIPAC? Lot of low-hanging fruit there you could let your rookies bust for experience points.
- 13 August 2020: Unfortunately, the enemy will give us plenty more opportunities in the future. Our cities are being burned by the same organizations that attacked us in C'ville. It won't go away.
- 13 August 2020: Pray for Balkanization. It's the only thing that will save what's worth saving.
- 13 August 2020: They do, and their tribe, as pathetic as it is, is stronger for it.
- 13 August 2020: Demons walk among us.
- 13 August 2020: That's wife material right there.
- 13 August 2020: You mean for the current war?
- 13 August 2020: Kerry Gold!
- 13 August 2020:
- 13 August 2020: Did they take any farm land belonging to Blacks?
- 13 August 2020: Do bank robberies happen in "broad daylight" because that's when banks are open?
- 13 August 2020: Why farmers?
- 13 August 2020:
- 13 August 2020: Once you know the truth you can't help but see it everywhere. You've put on Nada's glasses.
- 13 August 2020: I hear a lot of talk but that's all it will ever be for most them. They won't be able or willing to organize for their own defense. They'll go down like Rhodesia or S.A. It will take a dedicated and revolutionary minority to get anything done. Numbers Never matter.
- 13 August 2020: It's called the "One Drop Rule".
- 13 August 2020:
- 13 August 2020: "You can't get there from here".
- 12 August 2020: To the last bloody ditch.
- 12 August 2020: BLM, some of the noble "victims" of the 2017 Battle of Charlottesville.
- 12 August 2020: That's all it takes to be a hero these days? We're screwed.
- 12 August 2020: #CannonHinnantCantBreath
- 12 August 2020: As far as I could tell they were closed on 12 August of 2017 too. Even when two of our people were viciously assaulted directly in front of the Police station (caught on film) they stood and watched and did nothing. Worthless.
- 12 August 2020:
- 12 August 2020: Three years ago RIGHT NOW we were locked in combat with the filthy Communists of Antifa, BLM and others in the streets of Charlottesville. They were allowed to run wild and attack our leadership as well as the elderly, the disabled, and women. Our men did their best that day.
- 12 August 2020: Who's going to call James Weldon Johnson or the Black National Anthem "racist" and have the power to do anything about it?
- 12 August 2020: Remind me, why do we need a Black national anthem and homage to the guy who wrote it?
- 12 August 2020: These creatures are Demons in human form.
- 12 August 2020: What do you think Affirmative Action is all about?
- 12 August 2020: Where do you think Jamaicans come from?
- 12 August 2020: It's not over yet. There will be other days, my Brother.
- 12 August 2020: Seriously, if you squint your eyes doesn't Kamala Harris look like a tanned White woman?
- 12 August 2020: Three years ago tonight I had just drove over 10 hours straight and was late to a meeting in Charlottesville, Virginia.
- 12 August 2020: Well, in all fairness, "Jamaican" and "Indian" are nationalities, not races.
- 12 August 2020: You mean like the way AIPAC influences elections?
- 12 August 2020: His name was Cannon Hinnant. Say his name.
- 11 August 2020: #CannonHinnantCantBreath
- 11 August 2020: Millions of Christian's have perished at the hands of tyrants over the last 2000 years because they believed salvation was just around the corner. God has done everything but place the tools of our deliverance in our hands. It's up to us.
- 11 August 2020: Just a reminder from their own lips. There's a plan to replace you and it's working. They believe you to be too weak to resist your replacement.
- 11 August 2020: They probably had several videos ready with each possible VP candidate featured.
- 11 August 2020: AG Barr's recent comments have helped. They can be crafted into good talking points that come from someone the normies respect.
- 11 August 2020: I guess he meant WWI.
- 11 August 2020: Blocked. Thanks.
- 11 August 2020: Any excuse will suffice to loot a mall.
- 11 August 2020: Of course, I can't speak for the attitudes of the entire African continent. Only what I observed in a few countries. They were very much enamored with famous and successful Black Americans. At that time I got a lot of questions about the singer, Michael Jackson.
- 11 August 2020: I watched a Black African army officer refuse to speak to a black American army officer and request to speak to a white senior NCO instead out of disrespect for the American Black's lineage.
- 11 August 2020: They told me they despised them because they were the descendants of criminals and trash that their ancestors sold into slavery to get them out of their society. This was all told to me in a very proper British accent by Blacks in a former British colony.
- 11 August 2020: He should be ground into dog food.
- 11 August 2020: I would say the American Blacks are more similar to American Whites culturally than they are to African Blacks but that closeness is still light years apart and ner the two will meet. I've worked with African blacks and they despise American blacks.
- 11 August 2020: Sorry but it would be racists for you to try to do without it.
- 11 August 2020: I think he'll be lucky to get 2%.
- 11 August 2020: Banking, media, Hollywood, music industry. Hmmm? Who could that be?
- 11 August 2020: New billboard in Charlottesville, VA. Do you think "White is Beautiful" would be tolerated or considered "inclusive" as is this billboard? What about a White billboard to "start greater communication and dialogue within communities"?
- 10 August 2020: Who do you suppose would issue death threats over a "Holocaust" debate? This has served as an excellent lesson to some that there is no freedom of thought or speech when it come to some subjects.
- 10 August 2020: I didn't realize until the last couple years that apparently all the ills of my race were not just the fault of ethnic minorities but rather "Boomers" like me. Apparently my White privelidge and supremacy were not used effectively to ease the paths of my younger kinsmen.
- 10 August 2020: Obadiah 18.
- 10 August 2020: That was great! He was one of those rare leaders that people could actually love.
- 10 August 2020: My dad took me with him to a George Wallace campaign rally when he came to Jacksonville in 1968. I was 8 years old and still have some of the Wallace campaign buttons I got from the rally.
- 10 August 2020: Some here. It's the Biblical and Southern thing to do.
- 10 August 2020: The only Downer to losing a bunch of weight as having to buy new clothes.
- 10 August 2020: Women want to be treated equally. There you go.
- 10 August 2020: Exactly what I was thinking.
- 10 August 2020: Burn the coal pay the toll.
- 10 August 2020: If nothing has been done after 70 straight days of continuous violence nothing will be done any time soon, if ever.
- 10 August 2020: I saw A.G. Barr on the Mark Levine show last night compare Antifa's actions to "urban guerrilla warfare" and compared their strategies to Mao's rules on G.W. But like you said, I don't see them doing anything about this insurgency.
- 10 August 2020: I've been doing IF for over a year now. 8 hour window for eating. Longest fast was 13 days. Combined with Keto it made me feel 20 years younger, gave me more energy, eliminated joint pain completely and a host of other benefits. Fasting is a purifying experience.
- 10 August 2020: You've got to be a real POS to assault a Street Preacher.
- 10 August 2020: Antifa goes to the burbs and finally meets some real resistance.
- 10 August 2020: Was it those evil White nationalists dressed in their Black silicon skin suits again?
- 10 August 2020: Even if it's a lie the goal is coming to fruition every day. Much like the Protocols.
- 9 August 2020: Thank you, sir. I will have to look him up.
- 9 August 2020: Who is this speaker?
- 9 August 2020: I suppose it has something to do with Deuteronomy 28:43-45.
- 9 August 2020: From what I have seen among friends, it is difficult to even get a doctor to prescribe you an opioid anymore. They're all afraid of going to jail.
- 9 August 2020: I had to take hydroxychloroquine a lot in the military most every time we travelled overseas and I never had my hair fall out. In fact, don't remember any side effects.
- 9 August 2020: LOL!
- 9 August 2020: I won't deny my proud British bloodline but we left there in the 1600s.
- 9 August 2020: No, they weren't. Benjamin had fled to England never to be heard from again before the Klan was even formed and Pike was a Johnny-Come-Lately. The Klan was formed by 6 Confederate veterans on Christmas eve, 1865 in Pulaski. TN.
- 9 August 2020: This is coming from some twit that had to have his country bailed out of two world wars by stronger men from the US (including from Alabama)
- 9 August 2020:
- 9 August 2020: Excellent article but your use of the term "Jew" seems to contradict your understanding of the term as you use it in your other writings.
- 9 August 2020: There's no place to run anymore. Stand and fight or lose it all.
- 9 August 2020: LOL.
- 9 August 2020: Listen to the 2 hour special on the 3rd anniversary of the Battle of Charlottesville at Blood River Radio.
- 9 August 2020: This poor kid. She's segregating the colors in her cereal.
- 9 August 2020: Much of the rest of the US is now experiencing what we received from Antifa and BLM at Chatlottesville 3 years ago and I'm glad of it.
- 8 August 2020: Gainesville is the King Augeas Stables of Florida.
- 8 August 2020: Most of the front-line protestors were young Whites while most of their Black handlers kept back in the parking lot.
- 8 August 2020: There's a few Black malcontents in Macclenny who want a mural removed in a government building that shows a timeline of the county's history and includes a small picture of some horse-mounted Klansmen. They're bringing in troublemakers from outside to help protest against it.
- 8 August 2020: Was observing a BLM demonstration today. Commie guy on the far right got arrested. Good times.
- 8 August 2020: Did you just give them a collective pass because of their ethnic identity?
- 8 August 2020: What year of the 1800s was your book published? The Southern states were fighting against Communists in 1860. Many of them from the failed revolutions of 1848 in Europe.
- 8 August 2020: Would you be upset with God for decreeing a collective guilt on the Canaanites, Hittites, Jebusites and other simply for being members of their respective tribes?
- 8 August 2020: Same people that supported Obama. Are there White traitors? Yes.
- 8 August 2020: Hate is an emotion like any other. It was given to us by our God for a purpose. Our enemies fear our hate so they tell us it is bad. Don't believe them.
- 8 August 2020: Heard of them but don't know either so I guess I'm good to go.
- 8 August 2020: I know you might be surprised to hear this from a White man but you folks are doing some good work.
- 8 August 2020: Who is it?
- 8 August 2020: Just block and drive on.
- 8 August 2020:
- 7 August 2020: Nibs ruin everything.
- 7 August 2020: Now if only someone who mattered would say it and put the force of law behind it.
- 7 August 2020: Cultural appropriation.
- 7 August 2020: I've got no sympathy for rapists but it appears he had not been tried or convicted yet. Just held without bond pending trial. Maybe they just should have made him wear a mask in prison?
- 7 August 2020: Vote here on Confederate monuments (like voting will make a difference)
- 7 August 2020: Was that a sneaky way to get in some hand wringing?
- 7 August 2020: "Legal"'s never gonna happen. It's do or don't with no protections. The options are death, prison or Communist slavery.
- 7 August 2020: Never have.
- 7 August 2020: "This isn't your world anymore". We'll see about that.
- 7 August 2020: I'm working 8 hours today to spread the income gap between myself and the gibs.
- 7 August 2020: I hate that MAGA shite.
- 7 August 2020: All explosions produce shock waves. Lo-yield nuclear blasts have been simulated using tons of Ammonia Nitrate in the past for testing purposes. Google operations "Dice Throw", "Distant Runner", and "Mill Race" for starters.
- 7 August 2020: The radiation would have been detected by now and there would be a world outcry.
- 7 August 2020: Or the Brown Shirts.
- 7 August 2020: You're probably looking at Antifa.
- 7 August 2020: What's that going to change unless we elect someone that's going to round up the criminal underclass and put them in concentration camps where they can't shoot anyone?
- 7 August 2020: 6'-3" 264
- 7 August 2020: LOL!
- 7 August 2020: This is the kind of Antifa trash that confronted us in Charlottesville and sent at least 75 of us to our medics and at least one to the hospital.
- 7 August 2020: To keep them from being beat up.
- 7 August 2020:
- 7 August 2020: There's always been two separate White nations on this continent derived from separate cultures back in Europe. It's why we had a Civil War and we've been divided by Red States and Blue States ever since. The Blue States are why we have a race problem.
- 7 August 2020: I knew this was coming. It was only a matter of when.
- 6 August 2020: Ther term. " The Greatest Generation" wasn't even coined until 1998 by Tom Brokaw through his book of the same name. Notice that only the generation to fight in WWII receives a positive description. They allied with Communism to fight "Nazis".
- 6 August 2020: I think age groups are more artificial divisions than gender but, yes, the genders are often pitted against each other, not to mention the efforts to confuse genders through a multitude of artificial sexes.
- 6 August 2020: Dividing White people by age groups and finding snarky peculiarities about each group is a relatively new phenomenon starting around 1963. You have to wonder, who does it serve?
- 6 August 2020: Everybody else is finally figuring out what the South already knew by 1860.
- 6 August 2020: It actually failed as far back as 1789. The South put up with it for 71 years before they had enough of the experiment.
- 6 August 2020: It is known that he Germans had tons of Nerve Agents but never used them even in defence of the homeland.
- 6 August 2020: We're doomed.
- 6 August 2020: Horrible. I've seen so many Slav videos where they've adopted Black and Latino style Rap to their own language. I don't get it.
- 6 August 2020: Antifa terrorists attacking people's homes.
- 6 August 2020: The American dream is, "Leave me alone".
- 6 August 2020: Strangely, it looks like the right subclavian artery has been severed on all of these Corpses. Is that standard for bodies that have been donated to science?
- 6 August 2020: Yeah, she may not understand how close to the edge she is.
- 6 August 2020: Thank you for being a mother of our race.
- 6 August 2020: Could someone explain to me what's really going on in this video?
- 6 August 2020: Me neither.
- 6 August 2020: Well, at least not changes that benefit us.
- 6 August 2020: What's all this #JewishTerrorists about?
- 6 August 2020: Why? Was there a Confederate general named Beach?
- 6 August 2020: Did you say (((termites)))?
- 6 August 2020: "Widely respected?? LOL.
- 6 August 2020: Michelle Malkin actually condemns the ADL.
- 6 August 2020: You have nothing to apologize for in that regard.
- 5 August 2020: Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action. 20 times? You're at war with someone.
- 5 August 2020: Whatever was initially burning before the blast was either ammunition or fireworks because you can see the multiple small explosions going off before the big blast.
- 5 August 2020: If it was a missile or bomb it had to hit an existing stockpile of explosives because there's no conventional ordnance that can create a blat that big. Not even the US MOAB. If it was nuclear there would be tell-tale radiation.
- 5 August 2020: Esau married two Hittite women but he was not of the line from Adam to Christ.
- 5 August 2020: Adamic men are White anyway.
- 5 August 2020: "We don't have guns, you're the ones with guns". Don't just bring your mouth to a gun fight.
- 5 August 2020: There should be plenty of easily detectable radiation in the area if that's the case.
- 5 August 2020: Scripturally speaking, most of the people on this planet are not my neighbors and Never will be, even if they lived next door.
- 5 August 2020: Sodom and Gomorrah we're amateurs compared to the American Empire.
- 5 August 2020:
- 5 August 2020:
- 5 August 2020: Your Blue State friends are like locusts who destroy wherever they set their feet. Tell them to stay out of our Southern Red States. Their voting patterns are not welcome here.
- 5 August 2020: Don't stop for road blocks set up by angry mobs.
- 5 August 2020: Wherever there is Communism...
- 5 August 2020: This is where that "fail to learn from history" stuff comes into play.
- 5 August 2020: Why is she speaking for her husband? Why didn't he just tell us himself?
- 5 August 2020: God said to love your enemies, not His. Those demons are to be destroyed.
- 5 August 2020: It's not over 'til we're dead. There's always secession.
- 5 August 2020: What's the same in America?
- 5 August 2020: I can tell you from personal experience that he's leading folks in the real world.
- 5 August 2020: Who?
- 5 August 2020: Like Joe "Red Socks" Slovo.
- 5 August 2020: Oysters aren't "food".
- 5 August 2020: Some guy actually said that?
- 5 August 2020:
- 4 August 2020: Today's Christian's must be getting a different gospel than our early Christian ancestors or there never would have been military orders of monks or Crusades.
- 4 August 2020: Dude, if you only knew who you were talking to. I assure you, he's no LARPer. I've seen him lay hard hands on Antifa. Let's try to keep the Brothers wars to a minimum.
- 4 August 2020: Texas is turning blue. Demographics is Destiny. Texas is already majority non-white and non-whites vote 70% for Liberal policies. It's only a matter of time. Once Texas turns Blue and takes all those electoral votes with it there will never be another Republican President.
- 4 August 2020: But thank God you're not speaking German, right?
- 4 August 2020: "Terrorist" is what the big army calls the little army.
- 4 August 2020: Ashville is a snowflake haven of the worst sort.
- 4 August 2020: Looked like it was good for everybody. There was also Bangaladesh from Pakistan, Eritrea from Ethopia, East Timor from Indonesia, Algeria from France, Panama from Columbia and Uruguay from Brazil to name some lesser known secession success stories.
- 4 August 2020:
- 4 August 2020: Apparently I have been guilty of some according to attornies and law enforcement. That's where conspiracy charges come into play.
- 4 August 2020: I00 years ago they'd be hung for looking.
- 4 August 2020: The Communists and their allies won the war. They got to write the narrative.
- 4 August 2020: Germany was instrumental in helping them move to Palestine.
- 4 August 2020: LOL! Thank you for considering "other options"!
- 4 August 2020: Oy vey, it's anotha Shoah.
- 4 August 2020: Those who say. "All we can do is pray and vote" obviously haven't considered all their options. Do you think the left resigned themselves to merely praying and voting?
- 3 August 2020: I didn't know that little Communist turd, Bob Avakian was still alive. Shame. But this is nothing new. The Communist Party USA has been supporting candidates from the Democratic party since after 1984 when they ran their last candidate under the Communist Party Banner.
- 3 August 2020: CPUSA has been running candidates against Capitalism since 1924. So, people have been imagining it for 96 years.
- 3 August 2020: A lot of people who feel powerless to do anything about monument removal justify their impotency by saying the enemy has not changed history. No, he has not changed it he has just erased it. Just as he is done with your history books.
- 3 August 2020: It was Ham but it had nothing to do with seeing his father naked. The term "Nakedness of his father" comes from Leviticus 18:7-16 and it means he had sex with his mother.
- 3 August 2020: @PineWoodsRunner Praying.
- 3 August 2020: Dershowitz and company go into panicked damage control mode using their time-honored successful trickery.
- 3 August 2020: It never was and never needed to be. All of the states entered a voluntary Union. It's not a hostage crisis.
- 3 August 2020: Excellent work here. Thank you.
- 3 August 2020: Puppy breath.
- 3 August 2020: All we have to do to get the Left coast to secede is vote Trump in again? I'm all in.
- 3 August 2020: Thanks! I'm following it now.
- 3 August 2020: Who is this guy?
- 3 August 2020: When your enemies are fighting each other it's ok to cheerlead for both sides.
- 3 August 2020: That's a horrible way to go.
- 3 August 2020: It's always easier to make threats to the future than do anything about the present.
- 3 August 2020: Are we sure he wasn't on Epstein's island?
- 3 August 2020: Foreign nations? You mean like through AIPAC?
- 3 August 2020: All this writing and the word "Communist" doesn't appear once?
- 2 August 2020: It might have sucked but I'm certain you are stronger because of it.
- 2 August 2020: Is that perfect hatred a feeling or a thought?
- 2 August 2020: Glad to know BLM thinks it's ok to come up in someone's yard and beat on their door. That "personal visit" stuff works both ways.
- 2 August 2020: The Left's bosses are in charge of usery.
- 2 August 2020: Is hate actually an emotion that you feel or is it something you think?
- 2 August 2020: I've been forced to think about this a lot lately. I know what the emotions of love, joy, happiness, fear, anger, and others feel like. But I'm not certain what hate actually feels like. Is it just a lot of angry? I know there are things that I am supposed to hate. Comments?
- 2 August 2020: There's going to be supremacy. You just have to decide which one you want to live under.
- 2 August 2020: Conservatives never conserve anything but the advances of the Left.
- 2 August 2020: God bless Poland.
- 2 August 2020: You can always count on the Poles.
- 2 August 2020: Sounds like a better use of the land.
- 2 August 2020: Most of those who call themselves Jews today have no genetic link to Israel or that land anyway. There are Kenites, Edomites, Khazars and others all claiming to be "Jews" today but not Israelites. Most who occupied that land during the time of Christ were Edomites.
- 2 August 2020: I haven't seen a US Space Capsule splash down in the ocean since 1975. It seems like a step backwards in technology to see one splashdown today especially after we had so many years of the Space Shuttle.
- 2 August 2020: Same with my old school. Vouchers helped accomplish that.
- 2 August 2020: You set your Hope's too high in a corrupt system. Set your expectations lower for criminals and traitors and you will be amused rather than disappointed.
- 2 August 2020: Antifa terrorists are moving into residential neighborhoods in Portland.
- 2 August 2020: 28:43 to be exact.
- 2 August 2020: Deut. 28.
- 2 August 2020: But your pity is not needed.
- 2 August 2020: Thanks for your love, much appreciated.
- 2 August 2020: Eat shit. How do you like me now?
- 2 August 2020: If only they were that upset about their demographic replacement.
- 2 August 2020: I have no idea how it works.
- 2 August 2020: OK, well that's interesting.
- 2 August 2020: How do you do this?
- 2 August 2020: But the "B" in LGBTQ means there's only two genders.
- 2 August 2020: Thank you, Sister.
- 2 August 2020: There's no real Nazis in this country. Just a bunch of Hollywood-inspired, costume-fetish LARPers looking for attention.
- 2 August 2020: Read this thread.
- 2 August 2020: We could make it happen!
- 2 August 2020: We are genetically polluted by that first sin. That's the only way a "sin" can be inherited.
- 2 August 2020: It's going to take a lot more than that. Churches returning to what they were two months ago is no big win. We need to go back at least 150 years.
- 2 August 2020: The "Right" always folds because we have to real Right in this country. Just Socialist and Socialist-lite.
- 2 August 2020: I just saw where #BillClintonIsAPedo is trending. Wonder when that will get crushed?
- 2 August 2020: Reminds me of the Republican position in the 1800s to free the Negro to make them Republican voters. That worked until the Democrats learned how to out-Republican the Republicans.
- 2 August 2020:
- 1 August 2020: There's no evidence that Iran has any nukes. Israel however has at least 200 of them.
- 1 August 2020: When do we riot? I need some stuff from Cabellas and Bass Pro.
- 1 August 2020: Andy Ngo has been covering it on Twitter.
- 1 August 2020: Every great tribulation in my life has turned into a victory of many blessings. My enemies think they will do me harm. They are wrong. They are preparing the way for my blessings.
- 1 August 2020: "Protestors" burned Bibles in the street in Portland last night.
- 1 August 2020: You turned and looked away when they tore down our Confederate flags. You made excuses not to care when they tore down Confederate statues. Now they're burning our Bibles. What's your excuse for inaction now?
- 1 August 2020: I can't see it but maybe he only showed it to her.
- 1 August 2020: An indicator of her low self-esteem and true Liberal core masquerading as Right-Wing, along with being a single mom with a multiracial brood of adoptees.
- 1 August 2020: I'd donate gas and oil for the woodchipper and go halves on the rental.
- 1 August 2020: I don't eat pork so, yeah. It's the best.
- 1 August 2020: The brave always live forever.
- 1 August 2020: It's what they specialize in. That and useless pablum to keep the low IQ masses entertained.
- 1 August 2020: DNA has told us what it is.
- 31 July 2020: "White as lamb's wool".
- 31 July 2020: Which book are you reading?
- 31 July 2020: Who would have known?
- 31 July 2020: Of course we did nothing to dissuade them of such ideas.
- 31 July 2020: Better than Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew.
- 31 July 2020: Shouldn't the headline read, "Prince Andrew Raped Underaged Girl"?
- 31 July 2020: What's the purpose? To throw Spencer under the bus and make himself look better for some leniency from our enemies? Screw that. Just speak the truth and take your lumps from the enemy. The only thing they can't take from us is our honor. We have to give that away ourselves.
- 31 July 2020: Reminds me when I was deployed to South Asia and some of the guys' wives sent over some VHS tapes of American TV including rodeo/ bull riding. Our indeginous counterparts came away with the idea the All American men are insane cowboys and not to be trifled with.
- 31 July 2020: F
- 31 July 2020: If you notice any uncharacteristic posts or behaviour from my Twitter account somebody in Orlando either tried or successfully logged into my account recently. I've changed my password. Let me know if you receive or observe anything strange.
- 31 July 2020: Your collage looks a little muddy.
- 31 July 2020: His prayers don't rise any higher than the top of his head.
- 31 July 2020: Karl Marx [and BLM] vs Charles Spurgeon
- 31 July 2020: Good man.
- 31 July 2020: Or their own cities, states and countries.
- 31 July 2020: But escaping a plague nonetheless.
- 31 July 2020: Yes, Ma'am. It was Paradise Lost. It was the feeling of my culture and civilization drowning in mud. I remember the scene and the feeling 34 years later. It was one of a thousand experiences that set my feet to their current path.
- 31 July 2020:
- 31 July 2020: I remember coming back from Europe and hanging out in an airport in North Carolina for my next flight. Watching one of our fat, indigenous natives waddle along pushing a mop bucket depressed me about our condition after what I had seen. Hard to explain the emotion.
- 31 July 2020: That's an incredible blessing to have that!
- 31 July 2020: I never quit.
- 30 July 2020: You're dealing with a bunch of mental midgets, including D'Souza who have had 75 years of propaganda focusing on defeated Nazis but ignoring active Communists.
- 30 July 2020: D'Souza doesn't know a Commie from a Nazi, or at he he acts like he doesn't. Beware of anyone who doesn't blame Commies for being Commies and tries to deflect their actions on someone else.
- 30 July 2020: Problem is, they don't know who to trust to talk to about it or who to join to do something about it.
- 29 July 2020: RT @Cernovich: The Southern Poverty Law Center is a domestic terrorist organization that inspires violence against conservatives. https://…
- 29 July 2020: I think it's more like the Communist Party USA was successful in getting those things passed by hiding behind the Civil Rights Movement.
- 29 July 2020: Reform of the Empire is neither possible nor desirable.
- 29 July 2020: The US federal government has surrendered to communist terrorists in Portland and Seattle. Now the emboldened Red contagion will spread.
- 29 July 2020: Blaming the rise of national socialism in Germany on what happened in Charlottesville.
- 29 July 2020: They should secede on their own.
- 29 July 2020: Watch the Commie chaos that follows.
- 29 July 2020: Look at this hideousness. The comments below are great.
- 29 July 2020: I'm certain about 2% of the US population doesn't think 75 years of occupation is sufficient.
- 29 July 2020: May come? One side is already fighting it and winning while your side is still waiting to become personally involved before admitting it's real.
- 29 July 2020: Two more off the street.
- 29 July 2020: Mental health awareness, but only if it concerns non-Whites.
- 29 July 2020: We killed 360,222 invaders, not the mere 140,414. 300 thousand Yankees are stiff in southern dust, We got 300 thousand before they conquered us, They died of Southern fever and Southern steel and shot, I wish we got 3 million instead of what we got.
- 29 July 2020: There might be some confusion here by what a "distraction" is vs an insignificant human interest story.
- 29 July 2020: There are 7 Corona viruses including SARS and MERS that can infect humans. They're all different.
- 29 July 2020: Gun and ammo sales up 300%. Severe shortages.
- 29 July 2020:
- 29 July 2020: So, drug dealing, dealing in illegal firearms, prostitution, arson, murder, etc are all cool for the club image but not smashing windows, right?
- 29 July 2020: I hope he encourages his kids and grand kids to be on the military's front line of regime change.
- 29 July 2020: Let's see what it looks like in front of your house.
- 29 July 2020: Don't get too cocky about Iran. After Vowing to never negotiate with terrorists the US, with all its high-tech toys and boasting of having the best military on the planet is now negotiating a treaty with the Taliban after 20 years of military failure.
- 29 July 2020: God has placed every tool we need to conquer evil in our hands but too many still pray for Him to do what they must do themselves.
- 29 July 2020: Numbers 33:55.
- 29 July 2020: The word "whore" doesn't have the sting it used to. It should.
- 29 July 2020: Or they're covering for their Leftist agenda.
- 29 July 2020: It's ok when you're doing it to Southerners.
- 29 July 2020: Well, he's half way there.
- 29 July 2020:
- 29 July 2020: Florida Representative, Matt Gaetz refers to Antifa violence as "Terrorism".
- 28 July 2020: I must have a different understanding of "Body Count".
- 28 July 2020: If the Mayors and Governors don't like federal policing within their state they need to close down all federal properties and send the feds packing. Return the properties to state and city control. Maybe even secede while they're at it.
- 28 July 2020: There's no violation of states' rights. The states screwed up when they surrendered properties to the US government. Now that property is no longer under the jurisdiction and protection of state governors any more than Washington DC is the responsibility of Virginia or Maryland.
- 28 July 2020: But this is what New York sent troops to fight for between 1860 and 1865. I guess it's hitting too close to home now.
- 28 July 2020: Mr President, when are you going to declare these Anarcho/Communists insurrectionists of BLM and Antifa to be Domestic Terrorists?
- 28 July 2020: What he's admitting on camera is that he successfully resisted arrest.
- 28 July 2020: BLM are self-avowed Marxist Communists who are leading a Marxist revolution that's burning down our cities and killing and injuring our police. They've already given themselves a bad name. Nobody can do that better for them.
- 28 July 2020: James Wood has to be the coolest Goy Boomer in Hollywood. Is that Sabaton playing in this video clip?
- 28 July 2020: I have to say, you're pretty based for a Hollywood celebrity. Good on you, Sir.
- 28 July 2020: How about you choose America or is that no longer an option? What is AIPAC giving you?
- 28 July 2020: These "enemy combatants" should have been crushed by the police back in Charlottesville but instead they were allowed to take over the streets and cause mayhem. The police emboldened them and now your cities are burning because of it.
- 28 July 2020: Michelle Malkin refers to the Antifa and BLM Anarcho/Communist revolutionaries as "enemy combatants" and suggests that police "crush them". I couldn't agree more.
- 28 July 2020: Since there's a bunch of construction workers standing around I'm going to guess that this section of wall was still under construction and that the wall panels had been set in place but not yet set in concrete.
- 28 July 2020: "Yiddish".
- 28 July 2020: It looks like Antifa has stepped up its game from mere fireworks to Improvised Explosive Devices with schrapnel.
- 28 July 2020: He's got to be right. He's got "dr" in front of his name.
- 28 July 2020: I'm still wondering why some goober put that crappy paint on his magazines, especially in the area that inserts into the mag well. All that nasty paint flaking off in your mag well where the bolt reciprocates can't be good for the gun.
- 28 July 2020: This was interesting. A car equipped with some sort of paint spraying device underneath it was driving around covering up black lives matter graffiti. Of course vandalizing the vandals graffiti is now against the law.
- 28 July 2020: As long as they don't come South and bring their liberal bs with them. Let them go to California.
- 27 July 2020: @NBCNews "Experts say". Really? Who's burning down our cities, setting up road blocks, looting, assaulting police officers, and shooting people?
- 27 July 2020: I walked into the room while my wife was watching it one time and I didn't pay close attention but looked like he had a really tricked out AR-15 with sniper pistol grip telescoping stock and some other gizmos on it. I don't remember noticing the magazine being oversized though.
- 27 July 2020: His parents are setting him up for pedos. They're probably pedos themselves.
- 27 July 2020: WTH?
- 27 July 2020: Referring to the Antifa shooter in Aurora, Colorado who tried to stop the blue Jeep from running the roadblock by shooting at it but ended up shooting his own people.
- 27 July 2020: LOL! Best thing I've heard all day!
- 27 July 2020: Those Commie filth in Portland probably haven't sh powered in days anyway. It would be good for them.
- 27 July 2020: That and shifting demographics.
- 27 July 2020: Facism is like chemotherapy for the cancer of Marxism.
- 27 July 2020: Anti-facism is facism? Next you'll try to tell us that Satan can cast our Satan. Antifa are Anarcho-Communists. Please do some research.
- 27 July 2020: None.
- 27 July 2020: I normally agree with most everything you post but once Benjamin fled the North American continent to England with his ill-gotten wealth he had nothing to do with the South. He had no part or interest in the KKK. I would be interested in seeing any evidence to the contrary.
- 27 July 2020: Since there were plenty of construction workers standing around I'm going to guess that these wall sections were still under construction, having been set in place but not yet set in concrete.
- 27 July 2020: I don't know. 1865 was a big downer.
- 27 July 2020: A White variant of the Dindu.
- 27 July 2020: Fine. We need spectators to cheer us from the sidelines.
- 27 July 2020: The violence is already here but only one side is fighting and winning. In war, those who hesitate lose. I'm sick of hearing how the the enemy wants us to fight. No they don't. They want us to keep sitting on our asses while they win.
- 27 July 2020: I'd rather we fight our way through it and build something better on the other side.
- 27 July 2020: The Rona was more interesting in January and February. Now it's just a sideline distraction from the great struggle.
- 27 July 2020: That's what I got out of it.
- 27 July 2020: Some good news from the Commie chaos.
- 27 July 2020: Why can't I retweet this?
- 27 July 2020: No, Klassen started his own "church" and "religion", if you could call it that. I have several of his books. I don't agree with his religion but it contains many useful precepts.
- 26 July 2020: L
- 26 July 2020: Ask the poor White kids that have to go to those schools, or any public schools.
- 26 July 2020: The battle never ended. They didn't get everything they wanted. They won't be happy until you and your civilization are dead and replaced.
- 26 July 2020: Atlanta Commies.
- 26 July 2020: "Get the fuck out of my neighborhood".
- 26 July 2020: There's more dumbassery in that one tweet than I care to even disect.
- 26 July 2020: The cops should have been arresting you for blocking traffic.
- 26 July 2020: But Diversity is our strength?
- 26 July 2020: You mean other than washing mommy's dishes and vacuuming her floor while she's at work? Probably not.
- 26 July 2020: You might need some coaching in political science. Antifa have been Communists since they first formed in Europe in the 1930s. The Nazis fought Communist Antifa in the streets of Germany.
- 26 July 2020: Amen. The greatest tyrant to be overcome in a man's life is himself.
- 26 July 2020: Yeah, right.
- 26 July 2020: They have been in earnest since the Communist Party USA quit running candidates under the name of their own party in 1984 and instead started backing Democrat Party candidates. Any Democrat candidate since Gus Hall has been backed by CPUSA.
- 26 July 2020: Nothing he was screaming was relevant to the situation. I felt like he was just lying to denigrate veterans on camera. Maybe trying to compare federal police with federal soldiers as co-attrocity committees. I don't know. Sounded strange.
- 26 July 2020: In the US, White children 15 and under became minorities in their schools last year.
- 26 July 2020: RT @Stormag09848640: @davidhogg111 RT if you’d vote to repeal every firearm restriction and regulation since 1934
- 26 July 2020: All the way to 1925 when they banned the shipment of pistols through the US mail. But state secession would be the easier route to regaining our firearms freedoms than arguing with 330 million people in 50 states.
- 26 July 2020: In the 1800s we referred to it as the Africanization of our language. We've been fighting it for a long time.
- 26 July 2020: Shining one of these lasers in the eyes of police is battery on a police officer just as certainly as striking one in the eye with a stick is. Taxpayers don't expect our police to be punching bags for Commies. Take these Commies out.
- 26 July 2020: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
- 26 July 2020: When it's time to finally pull a gun it's time to pull the trigger. Don't be dickin' around brandishing it to try to scare someone. Empty that magazine, move to a safe area and call the police.
- 26 July 2020: Our males (not men) dress so slovenly. Crocks or sandles, (or fat guys with athletic shoes, little boy shorts/cargo shorts, tshirts that should be underwear, pants hanging around their arses with their underwear showing like a wigger. They've lost their culture and don't know.
- 26 July 2020: If you were with the right tribe you'd already have a lawyer picked out and a meeting for a lawsuit ready for Monday morning. But you're White so you just put ice on it.
- 26 July 2020: Block traffic with guns, get shot.
- 26 July 2020: Shot at for trying to drive down the expressway. The Left always thinks they make the traffic laws and then pay for their stupidity. In this case they accidentally shoot their own people.
- 26 July 2020: Billy Idol - White Wedding
- 26 July 2020: Yeah, and the Viet Cong before that and the Norh Koreans before that.
- 26 July 2020: Where were the III%s in Louisville? They were nothing but a useless joke in Charlottesville. All they do is show up to style and profile in their plate carriers and 5.56mm penis extensions.
- 26 July 2020: The way things are going it won't be up for long. Did anyone get BLM approval first?
- 26 July 2020: "Protestor" tries to shoot at car trying to get through crowd but shoots another protestor. Where do these assholes get the notion they can block roads and shoot motorists? This is another lesson on why you don't stop for roadblocks.
- 26 July 2020: I wish more people understood this.
- 26 July 2020: Commies getting their asses kicked by the police. Wish the police had done their job in Charlottesville.
- 26 July 2020: "Protestor" shot in Austin.
- 26 July 2020: More info? Link?
- 26 July 2020: Amen, my Brother. Only slaves kneel before men.
- 26 July 2020: That was such a great movie.
- 26 July 2020: I am nothing but what Yahweh formed me of the dust of the earth to be. Bless you, Brother.
- 25 July 2020: BLM is supporting a Marxist insurgency so, no.
- 25 July 2020: If only they had burned something down everything would have been ok.
- 25 July 2020: So, all joking aside, who are they, really?
- 25 July 2020: Somebody had their booger hook on the bang switch.
- 25 July 2020:
- 25 July 2020: Following. Thanks for the suggestion.
- 25 July 2020: There's no "sins of our fathers". You're still apologizing.
- 25 July 2020: Who exactly is the HOA if not the people who want to use the pool? Not sure how HOAs are organized.
- 25 July 2020: Just stay in the locker rooms. Nobody cares.
- 25 July 2020: He doesn't need to save himself. His Tribe is in charge this time.
- 25 July 2020: My guess is that "Ross" isn't "White".
- 25 July 2020: For the old men who need a cane.
- 25 July 2020: Yeah, that's what happened at Charlottwsville. Police let Antifa and BLM run wild.
- 25 July 2020: What, no capabilities demonstration? Doesn't matter. Little brown sandle-wearing goat humpers with AKs just made the worlds last nuclear superpower come to the bargaining table, hat in hand because they were unable to defeat 3rd worlders after 20 years.
- 25 July 2020: Tonight the Deputy Secretary of DHS referred to BLM and Antifa rioters as "Insurrectionists". Using such a defining word on national TV is important because there are laws regarding insurrection. Mayors, governors and even the Speaker of the House are supportive of the rioters.
- 25 July 2020: In the same way national armies prepare to fight the last war again, our people are looking for the last civil war. Not going to happen. We're already in a civil war with the democrat power structure quietly but most assuredly using antifa and BLM as foot soldiers.
- 24 July 2020: Damnable phones!!
- 24 July 2020: I thought it was "racists" they want to send to camps?
- 24 July 2020: But all you ever hear about is 72 virgins.
- 24 July 2020: You nailed it with "Lizard".
- 24 July 2020: The Republican party was down at the bottom to begin with. There's no dragging it down.
- 24 July 2020: @HawleyMO I'm not familiar with you. Do you hold a political position in the US or Israel?
- 24 July 2020: Remember when a US ship shot down an Iranian airliner? I know the Iranians haven't forgot about it.
- 24 July 2020: Genetic memory.
- 24 July 2020: Yuk!
- 24 July 2020: I just recently learned that the circumcised foreskins of infants are used by doctors in wound care clinics for grafts. So there's money to be made in foreskins.
- 24 July 2020: Ever notice how Black men never break up cat fights until there's a crazy, naked White woman involved?
- 24 July 2020: 2 legged or 4 legged?
- 23 July 2020: Maybe we can just leave the federal government out of the state's business. Let Missouri gun owners fix Missouri gun laws.
- 23 July 2020: How 'bout we round up all you Iranian Americans that want regime change, give you some basic training and parachute you into Iran? The Cuban exiles didn't mind trying to win their country back. I just don't see your country worth wasting my grandchildren over.
- 23 July 2020: Did AIPAC tell you to say that?
- 23 July 2020: I know. That's why I don't bother. I've had too many failed attempts at talking to drunks and druggies. Obesity is no different. You have to WANT to change.
- 23 July 2020: Where's the lie?
- 23 July 2020: Better read up on Lincoln.
- 23 July 2020: Every time I see people like this I want to be a salesman for Keto and I.F. and tell them their life doesn't have to be this way.
- 23 July 2020: The most beautiful creation on the planet.
- 23 July 2020: No.
- 23 July 2020: D'Souza is a good example of what we got with the 1965 Immigration Act. Shut it down.
- 23 July 2020: I wish I could show you my shocked face but it's worn out.
- 23 July 2020: @_nyxxy_10 I'm no friend of the feds but I'd love to see them pop some live rounds into Antifa and BLM.
- 23 July 2020: Sucks to be her. She would have really hated Charlottesville.
- 23 July 2020: Keto and Intermittent Fasting. Lost 115 pounds with those. Lost the first 65 in about 6 months.
- 23 July 2020: Any excessive body fat is an indicator of a man's estrogen levels exceeding his testosterone levels. No need for a Dr's visit to tell you that. Our people need to get lean
- 23 July 2020: We can't let them miss a day of socialist indoctrination.
- 23 July 2020: God color-coded us all for a reason.
- 23 July 2020: Cities and states should reclaim all federal properties and send the feds packing. #FedsOutofFlorida
- 23 July 2020: Because you can't say how bad things are for White people.
- 23 July 2020: Since Eppes was one of the founders of the school why not just tear down the whole school. No sense in letting people enjoy the fruits of a slave owner.
- 23 July 2020: Never have.
- 23 July 2020: The oldest human remains found in North America were from the Windover bog people in Florida. They were Caucasians. Estimated to be up to 5000 BC. 168 bodies found, some with brain tissue still present.
- 23 July 2020: Well, I still could have used having somebody slap a phone out of my hand. But it would have had a cord and hung on a wall.
- 23 July 2020: Where were you in 1982?
- 23 July 2020: But it does provide entertainment.
- 23 July 2020: As a friend once told me a long time ago, one of the many great things about chickens is, if they piss you off you just kill them and eat them.
- 23 July 2020: And we can hold a grudge 'til the stars burn out.
- 22 July 2020: The only time to freak out about it is when your lungs are full of it.
- 22 July 2020: I know the feeling, Brother.
- 22 July 2020: There was a stand down order at Charlottesville that resulted in a Leftist rampage against rally holders but nobody cares. The Left controls the narrative.
- 22 July 2020: Not bad for a brown girl.
- 22 July 2020: Yeah, I know better but it sounded good!
- 22 July 2020: Do you think we'll see BLM condemn this "support"?
- 22 July 2020: Everything happening now is what I was told would happen if we didn't vote for Trump. Now it's all happening under Trump. When will he stop it.
- 21 July 2020: Since he was a communist sympathizer it is hard to imagine.
- 21 July 2020: The same people that voted Obama into office twice are still voting. All they have to do is turn out to vote. I've never seen or heard this much hatred for a President before so it's a toss up.
- 21 July 2020: There's no wallet big enough for your Man Card! Congratulations on your survival!
- 21 July 2020: Maybe I don't understand what you mean? I can still find League of the South references on Google.
- 21 July 2020: That's what happens when the states surrender property to the federal government. That property then becomes the feds' and the feds are duty bound to protect it. The Governors have no say in that property anymore. #FedsOutofFlorida
- 21 July 2020: And my grandchildren are White.
- 21 July 2020: Considering who makes up the majority of the NFL, not really.
- 21 July 2020: You obviously are not aware of the layout of the property of the owners in question and are confusing their property with the street. There are aerial views of the incident available online. Please take a look and it will show you how the protesters entered their property.
- 21 July 2020: Who can stop murders other than the murderer? The Supreme Court ruled in 1989 that is not the duty of law enforcement to protect individuals from burger or anyting else. It's only their duty to clean up the mess afterwards and investigate.
- 21 July 2020: The protesters didn't do anything to their property, other than destroy their very expensive private gate to the property because the homeowners had guns trained on them.
- 21 July 2020: It's not a federal charge and they have the "Stand Your Ground Law" in their state. The governor can pardon them if the Leberal Left judges unwisely.
- 21 July 2020: They weren't in "the street". They had actually entered through a private gate from the street and were in their yard.
- 21 July 2020: It's called the battle of Manassas, not Bull Run. On this day in 1861 Confederate forces won a decisive victory against the blue-coated hosts of Beelzebub in Manassas, Virginia. Most of what we in the South suffer under today can be attributed to losing that war in 1865.
- 21 July 2020: Did I miss something important from the NYT?
- 20 July 2020: Every time there's war games things get torn up, fences, walls, crops, buildings, infrastructure and Uncle Sam pays out the arse for it many times what it's worth. There are troops who do nothing but drive around recording the damages for reimbursement.
- 20 July 2020: Ben Shapiro promotes the ethnic cleansing of Palistinians and Israeli-Arabs from Israel.
- 20 July 2020: The horrors of child porn and pedophiles. This made me sick. I don't know who Blake Lively is and this is 3 years old but it's worth a listen. Some people just need killin'.
- 20 July 2020: On 15 July 1942, 6 P-38 fighters and a B-17 bomber ran out of fuel and crash landed in Greenland on their way to England. 50 years later in 1992 one of the P-38s was recovered from under 300 feet of ice. Tell me more about Global Warming and melting ice.
- 20 July 2020: You already have the right to own an RPG. Unfortunately your right is restricted by high prices, a $200.00 federal transfer tax for the launcher and each individual round (on top of the price), a fingerprinting and a background check. Then you can have one.
- 20 July 2020: @RealChrisLangan @Commodore_1853 The Money Lenders receive payment by having the debtor nation launch wars on their behalf. Wars are the Money Lenders' harvest.
- 20 July 2020: I wonder how many times he shot himself?
- 20 July 2020: That's all nice and I can respect your position but this Union is on the path to Balkanization and that is a necessary thing to preserve any semblance of normalcy in any state.
- 20 July 2020: What's the recent buzz?
- 20 July 2020: Funny how it took 150 years to come to such a conclusion. Almost like nobody ever thought that way until recently.
- 20 July 2020: Dang, I need a set of those. Where do I get them?
- 20 July 2020: Keep making excuses to stay safe.
- 20 July 2020: I'm not a Trump fan.
- 20 July 2020: You think they owed somebody some money?
- 20 July 2020: It appears that the victims were White but no suspect descriptions even though one of the victims called his father.
- 20 July 2020: Must have forgot George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Herbert Hoover.
- 20 July 2020: Why bother?
- 20 July 2020:
- 20 July 2020: Grew up driving one.
- 20 July 2020: What's my name in Serbian?
- 20 July 2020: LOL! The difference between "Lord" and "Yahshuah" is not a matter of accent.
- 20 July 2020: I'll wave the hell out of it.
- 20 July 2020: Screw the NFL. It could die tomorrow and we'd all be better off without the distracting bread and circuses.
- 20 July 2020: Your enemies want you to sit on your ass and do nothing until they can kill you or overcome you. So if you hear somebody telling you not to fight back because that's what your enemies want you to do you can tell them to go to hell.
- 20 July 2020: Lord is just a title. Your name, Robert is only pronounced one way no matter where you go in the world. People may have difficulty pronouncing it but that does not give them license to call you what they want and expect you to be fine with it.
- 20 July 2020: Ha! I was just talking about this happening about a week ago!
- 20 July 2020: Following Yahweh's Law of "kind after kind" Esau came from the same race as himself. He wasn't the first White man.
- 20 July 2020: You better learn some Hebrew, boy.
- 20 July 2020: Yeah, I know. That's why his name was Yahshua.
- 20 July 2020: Even a simple Google search for the definition of Ruddy shows you to be mistaken.
- 20 July 2020: Nobody will be swayed to our side by looking like a bunch of weak candy asses who don't fight back. Too many of our people look for excuses to do nothing and that's what inaction tells them to do.
- 20 July 2020: BLM and Antifa are self-admitted Anarcho/Communists who want to institute a Communist government under the guise of fighting for "civil rights". They don't care anything about your respect, only your defeat.
- 20 July 2020: Yeah, so just keep not engaging until you find yourself in a reeducation camp or shot into a ditch. That's the ticket.
- 20 July 2020: I always liked Farrakhan.
- 20 July 2020: This is interesting.
- 20 July 2020: Well, you and I know that but I want to hear it straight from one of the Trumps.
- 20 July 2020: Is the GOP against the Defence of Marriage Act?
- 20 July 2020: Why don't these rioters ever loot something useful like a bank or a gun store?
- 20 July 2020: No, unfortunately they are real. That's the National Socialist Movement (NSM) headed up by Burt Coluchi out of Florida.
- 20 July 2020: That's just creepy.
- 20 July 2020: Funny how the Communists don't care anything about your laws.
- 20 July 2020: They're too busy trying to convince everyone they're not racist while a Black, Anarcho/Communist revolution burns their cities down.
- 20 July 2020: That's in NSM with their leader, Burt Colucci at the front. I know the guy and have met him in person. He lives in Florida. I don't think much of him.
- 19 July 2020: If you don't like feds policing in your state close down federal properties and kick them out of your state. That'll fix it.
- 19 July 2020: If you can't be safe be dangerous.
- 19 July 2020: They should kick the feds completely out of their state. Problem solved.
- 19 July 2020: I wonder how much Diesel was used to dig that pit and cover those things over compared to what we got out of those turbine blades?
- 19 July 2020: Were you at a wedding or a funeral?
- 19 July 2020: Sounds like you've got a plan! Stick with it sister! Always great to see our people striving for higher goals!
- 19 July 2020: New hobby? Books is how I got here in the first place.
- 19 July 2020: I doubt you're a "Fatass". Probably just an overachiever always looking for perfection. But, diet and fasting will help you lose fat faster than exercise. And, sleeping a solid 8 hours also burns fats and produces human growth hormone. Don't kill yourself.
- 19 July 2020: I don't bother making excuses for my White ancestors. They only have to answer to God.
- 19 July 2020:
- 19 July 2020: Blocked.
- 19 July 2020: I just blocked this shit bird. I don't care who he is or what you think of him. My people's civilization won't be saved with this kind of tolerance for perversion.
- 19 July 2020: I'm wondering if John Lewis is going to get a funeral like a head of state with a horse-drawn hearse in three different states like George Floyd did or will that upset the current narrative? Will a career civil rights leader get less of a funeral than a career violent Criminal?
- 19 July 2020: Unfortunately I've met several of the costume-fetish degenerates. Drunks, dopers, perverts, traitors, fornicators, and cowards. Real Nazis would send them to the camps.
- 19 July 2020: WTF?
- 19 July 2020: S
- 19 July 2020: If you consider 50 days a rapid response.
- 18 July 2020: Thank you for the great work you are doing. More people need to take this Anarcho/Communist revolution seriously before the reeducation camps are opened.
- 18 July 2020: I grew up during the Cold War watching and listening to such commercials from Radio Free Europe. They were depressing but motivating. I joined the military to fight Communism but the opportunity never came until the Communist were in our own streets.
- 18 July 2020: You mean more violence than what we have now or that others actors are finally going to get involved?
- 18 July 2020: "Sex worker"? Are you sure? She must me in the management area.
- 18 July 2020: I wish there was an "angry" button Twitter.
- 18 July 2020: Where do I find one of these "full silicon body suits"?
- 18 July 2020: It's heartening to see that some of our people are still resisting cultural genocide.
- 18 July 2020: The American Empire was built on the bones of Southerners.
- 17 July 2020: The US military wants to treat everyone with dignity and respect, except Southerners.
- 17 July 2020: All lives DON'T matter. If you don't believe me go ask a Caananite, Hittite, Amorite, Girgashite, Hivite, Jebusite, or Perizzite. If you can find one.
- 17 July 2020: I serve Yaweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His son, Yahshuah. And I don't need instruction on my God and my people from a Beast of the Field. Have a good night.
- 17 July 2020: Albinos are not White people. Good try though.
- 17 July 2020: How did they know they were federal?
- 17 July 2020: You must be full of vanity because color is very important to you. If God didn't care anything about color He wouldn't have color-coded people. There's reason's we're different colors and the differences are more than color.
- 17 July 2020: Sorry but Blacks don't give birth to Whites. It's a violation of nature's law and God's Law which calls for "kind after kind". Your Black pseudo science and your desperate attempt to hijack another people's history is hilarious.
- 17 July 2020: You're all about skin pigmentation. By your own mouth have you been judged.
- 17 July 2020: We can learn from written eye witness accounts and from the Bible what Jesus/Yahshuah and His whole line back to Adam looked like.
- 17 July 2020: You need to go back and read Rev. 1:14. It says his hair was WHITE like wool and like SNOW. it says nothing about the texture of his hair, only the color.
- 17 July 2020: Christ was known as the "Second Adam". If you look up the meaning of the word Adam in Strong's Concordance it means, pale or ruddy complexion, to blush or turn rosie, to show blood in the face. That's not you.
- 17 July 2020: I had this whole video on VHS tape back in the mid-80s.
- 17 July 2020: It says hair like lambs wool not steel wool.
- 17 July 2020: I remember watching this episode the day it aired. No, I was not an Oprah watcher but the Great Chess Player of the Universe was showing me things back then. This was one of many things that set my feet on the current path.
- 16 July 2020: All nations are "internally diverse"? Doesn't that fly in the face of the definition of the word "nation"?
- 16 July 2020: So, the 12th of Never?
- 16 July 2020: I know, sometimes OSHA has me wearing one all day. Nobody gave a shit about other people having to wear masks until they had to wear one too. Now all of a sudden we learn they are unsanitary and cause hypoxia.
- 16 July 2020: By the looks of him I'd say he either joined a religious order to try to quell his homosexuality or to get closer to little boys.
- 16 July 2020: Maybe that's what we need. Our people are still too comfortable to fight back.
- 16 July 2020: Whose side are they on?
- 16 July 2020: The state already considers me an enemy so I'm good to go on the no vaccines for me situation.
- 16 July 2020: "European" is a big blanket. Look into who owned the slave ships and why slaves weren't sold on Saturdays.
- 16 July 2020: That's not a new meaning. Opposition to overbearing government has been it's meaning from the beginning. It's even recognized around the world as such.
- 16 July 2020: Stop sending our children to die in no-win wars for Israel's interests.
- 16 July 2020: This has been proven as false news by US intelligence agencies and Trump has admitted it. Afghans and Iraqies are more than happy to kill American soldiers in their countries. They don't need anyone to pay them.
- 16 July 2020: We're in a war now but only one side is fighting it while the other side is waiting for something to happen.
- 16 July 2020: Screw Hollywood. Let it all crash and burn.
- 16 July 2020: They're still calling a garage door pull a "noose" a month later.
- 15 July 2020: The mixed want everyone else to be mixed.
- 15 July 2020: Wow, they're really joggin' now.
- 15 July 2020: So, just ride out the dark times and hope there an end to them where we're not extinct on the other side?
- 15 July 2020: Demographics is destiny. Trump is the last, not that Republicans have helped us any. Once people get their heads wrapped around that maybe we can move forward towards accomplishing something worthwhile.
- 15 July 2020: Here comes Democrat Damage Control to find out who might be spreading rumors about their foot soldiers in Antifa.
- 15 July 2020: It's like Italian food. Everything has the same ingrediants but their just in a different form.
- 15 July 2020: Never happen. As long as there is some buffoon with an R after their name a large segment of our people will fail miserably trying to make that person into something they're not. The system will never give us one of our own.
- 15 July 2020: Slavery is not a sin.
- 15 July 2020: @Secret_0_0_0 @BaronStrucker @mike_macinnish @SouthernNat1 @V8POW @CEOErickHayden @Nature_and_Race @Celtic_Films @Bird_of_Mercuri @SaxonsAwaken @HeliumIii @Uoastofhawg26 @USRebel1776 @EuropeanRevolt @eurorabbit @WolfishHead @RiseofTAS @WhiteDoktor @Westerl1y @Zander9899 @xNickSteelx @c I'm in favor of the death penalty and they weren't White.
- 15 July 2020: Personally I'd like to see the elimination of all pagan tribe names from our states.
- 14 July 2020: Gary and I went through the Q course together. He was a quiet, gentle guy but he had a heart like a lion. Combat can bring out the hero but I can't think of a more useless operation and loss of life than Gothic Serpent.
- 14 July 2020: I'm seriously considering not ever eating at Burger King again. Your promotion of the global climate change hoax being even partially attributed to cow flatulance indicates your management is either part of the Marxist agenda or just plain stupid.
- 14 July 2020: I don't understand how anyone on the Right could have fallen under the spell of that Sodomite.
- 14 July 2020: I know these Marxists are the lowest of filth but even I am shocked that they publicly protect pedophilia. If we lose to them we lose everything.
- 14 July 2020: When the news media highlights a washed up old murdering, Marxist terrorist because she endorses Joe Biden as a good thing you know we're in the fight for our lives.
- 14 July 2020: Remember, vandalizing the illegal graffiti of vandals is the real vandalism. Got it?
- 14 July 2020: This is how the 4th Estate news media serves as the Left's propaganda arm to destroy your traditions and replace them with "approved" activities.
- 14 July 2020: After 40 days of sustained Antifa violence which meets the federal definition of "Terrorism" one wonders why the feds haven't labeled them domestic terrorists yet.
- 14 July 2020: No, Tucker is the White safety valve that keeps White people from taking to the streets for as long as they think he is speaking what they're thinking.
- 14 July 2020: Thank you for introducing me to Dr Johnson. I will have to start following him.
- 14 July 2020: This is definately worth your listen.
- 14 July 2020: Blacks can't thrive under either party.
- 14 July 2020: You'll have to ask the millions of Blacks who fled the Republicans to join the Democrats. Could it be a change in platform where the Democrats decided they wanted the Black vote more than the Republicans? Even Nathan Bedford Forrest was stumping for the Black vote back then.
- 14 July 2020: For the most part, yeah, that's what happened.
- 14 July 2020: Absolutely. There was a major switch in parties no matter what that felonious, little brown foreigner, Dinesh D'souza claims.
- 14 July 2020: It's a different Democrat party. Beginning with the Dixiecrats leaving the Democrat party you had millions of White Southerners leave the Democrat party and join the party of their multigenerational enemies and millions of Blacks leave the party of "The Great Emancipator".
- 14 July 2020: A wise person once said, you can vote yourself into Communism but you have to shoot your way out of it.
- 14 July 2020: Wow! The comments here are something else!
- 14 July 2020: They need to look up the DNA of King Tut.
- 14 July 2020: Maybe you could tell us the context of the mural? Is it pro-KKK or does it just show a timeline of historic events?
- 13 July 2020: If we didn't have 13% of the population committing over 50% of the violent crimes and now a Black, Anarcho/Communist revolution burning down our cities we could have Barney Fyffe policing instead of a militarized police force.
- 13 July 2020: Yet another faked "Hate Crime". I wonder what the fake to real ratio is?
- 13 July 2020: But I have to wear a seat belt in my truck.
- 13 July 2020: That was such a great scene in a movie full of great scenes.
- 13 July 2020: Just wait 'til the woke, cancel culture crowd figures out where the Carolina Tar Heals got their name.
- 13 July 2020: The sheep have to be maintained as debt slaves through the shekel of the realm. They can't have anyone running off the plantation using some other currency to take care of their personal business.
- 13 July 2020: Who?
- 13 July 2020: Looks like they're using them right to me.
- 13 July 2020: No.
- 13 July 2020: Did I effectively block all the conspiracy nuts or did everyone just suddenly forget about 5G and move on to the next big scare?
- 13 July 2020: Moncrief.
- 13 July 2020: Time to change the Will.
- 13 July 2020: Yes, the main stream news media certainly causes a lot of problems but how does reporting on shootings produce more shootings?
- 13 July 2020: Yeah, sure. I guess Republicans are dropping off cases of guns and ammo in the hood so people will use them to shoot each other? Does personal responsibility not play into this anywhere?
- 13 July 2020: Trained by Marxist Journalism professors in Marxist dominated institutions they are the propaganda arm of the ongoing Leftist revolution.
- 12 July 2020: Men from all over the world joined with Germany. Even from nations whose governments were allied against Germany including the US, Britain and Russian. The SS was a multi-national unit with volunteers from all over Europe. All were United in the fight against Communism.
- 12 July 2020: America is Israel's Golem to take revenge on the world.
- 12 July 2020: Getting caught faking a hate crime against yourself and having the media agree not to show your face on film is #JewishPrivilege
- 12 July 2020: Being big enough to let a human squeeze through it must have been a great danger to the whole camp by letting the poison gas escape. Wonder why those Germans, the marvels of engineering allow such a construction oversight?
- 12 July 2020: That's ok. They got their asses kicked by Hezbollah when they went into Lebanon.
- 12 July 2020: I see #JewishPrivilege is trending. Imagine that.
- 12 July 2020: There's no disconnect. This is what they're all about.
- 12 July 2020: I just ordered a paperback version off Amazon for $12.84 with shipping. Looking forward to it. Another great title along these lines is "Guerrilla Days in Ireland by Barry.
- 12 July 2020: No, I have not heard of it but sounds like something that needs to be in my library. Looking it up now.
- 12 July 2020: I think your people are correct to convert to Islam.
- 12 July 2020: They've infiltrated every Western government to the ruin of those governments.
- 12 July 2020: A difference in cultures. Imagine as a White man seeing your mother, sister, wife, daughter, girlfriend, or even a White stranger being attacked by another White person. Do you stand around watching, filming, laughing and encouraging or do you step in to break it up?
- 12 July 2020: Their men never do anything to stop the violence. They just sit back, encourage it and enjoy the show.
- 12 July 2020: I'm not familiar with either. Do you have any links readily available?
- 12 July 2020: Good dog! He'd get steak.
- 12 July 2020: I haven't read this but it looks like I need to.
- 12 July 2020: No sympathy for Anarcho/Communist terrorists.
- 12 July 2020: I've respected this guy as an enemy since the 1980s. Strangely enough, he and I have much in common.
- 12 July 2020: Great and instructional book.
- 12 July 2020: They're missing out on their socialist indoctrination. Can't have that now, can we?
- 12 July 2020: Why not just post a link directly to the SPLC article and save yourself some work?
- 12 July 2020:
- 11 July 2020: I think we already know enough. Now who's going to do something about it?
- 11 July 2020: Agreed, Sister.
- 11 July 2020: No, they will rage all the worse.
- 11 July 2020: But it doesn't protect White people either, does it?
- 11 July 2020: Americans? No, just White people.
- 11 July 2020: I just got an idea for a GoFundMe that will probably take in a million dollars.
- 11 July 2020: Joe Biden's America? We're looking at the present Trump America.
- 11 July 2020: Go buy another one.
- 11 July 2020: A thousand rounds? Those aren't even rookie numbers.
- 11 July 2020: It must be more of that 4 dimensional chess I've been hearing about for 3 years.
- 11 July 2020:
- 10 July 2020:
- 10 July 2020: The sheep will bleat their enthusiastic approval nonetheless.
- 10 July 2020: My world's a better place and his isn't.
- 10 July 2020: You're in good company, my friend.
- 10 July 2020:
- 10 July 2020: Excellent.
- 10 July 2020: And Haiti, and Rhodesia and South Africa and...
- 10 July 2020: It doesn't matter who the Sheriff is. People are going to kill each other. It all boils down to a culture that puts low value on human life and is unable to conform to the laws and norms of the dominate (for now) society it festers in.
- 10 July 2020: This is one face of Black Communism.
- 10 July 2020: I'm still waiting on my White Privelidge to kick in and hear about a White Prosperity Initiative #Pandering
- 10 July 2020: When it came down to supporting his business or supporting the Confederacy he chose his business. Yulee and his father were Zionists and at one time considered making Florida a Jewish homeland.
- 10 July 2020: But he was never charged with treason. Nor was any other Confederate politician or military officer.
- 10 July 2020: Conservatives conserve the previous victories of Liberals.
- 10 July 2020: They infiltrate and corrupt every civilization they come in contact with.
- 10 July 2020: I wonder if anyone else got 412 years?
- 10 July 2020: And our people wait for some future calamity not remembering the worst has already happened and still demanding justice. The past is not over.
- 9 July 2020: What I'm saying is, too many people purposefully ignore what's happening around them because to acknowledge it would require them doing something about it. And of course they don't because they're chickenshits. They talk about the future rather than the present.
- 9 July 2020: Was this a fatass convention meeting in the parking lot?
- 9 July 2020: He's like one of those people that make it all the way to America's Got Talent because they're family and friends are too kind and sympathetic to tell him he really sucks. And then he gets humiliated on national TV.
- 9 July 2020: Satan won't cast out Satan.
- 8 July 2020: Canada is made up of the descendants of Tories who ran out of the Colonies to keep from getting their asses beat. It's no wonder they're still producing snivelling little surrender monkies like this.
- 8 July 2020: What? "Rosenberg"? No way!
- 8 July 2020: They haven't won in Afghanistan in 20 years with their expensive toys. They could only fight the Norks into an Armisyice and were shamefully humiliated by Vietnamese peasants. I'm not worried about their technology.
- 8 July 2020: Pornography is part of the Tribe's program.
- 8 July 2020: I think the evidence is in for a lot of both.
- 8 July 2020: You got that right. If they did they'd be forming right wing death squads by now.
- 8 July 2020: They're coming from places that DO have gun stores but the residents seem to exercise more self control.
- 8 July 2020: How would JSO have prevented this shooting unless each of the victims had been assigned a permanent JSO babysitter to follow them around and make sure they got in no arguments or picked up a gun? The solution would have you screaming about a Police State.
- 8 July 2020: Yeah? And how do you suggest that they be disarmed? How is that possible?
- 8 July 2020: I saw the same thing in the 80s at Ft Bragg, NC and Ft Campbell, KY. I heard all these Black fantasies straight from their own mouths.
- 8 July 2020: A lot of nominal, small-c christian's already mock people that claim anything in the Old Testament books has any value.
- 8 July 2020: I remember them being very strong in Jacksonville back in the 80s. Where's their headquarters located now?
- 8 July 2020: It's easier to pretend fearfulness of the future than to dirty oneself fixing the present.
- 8 July 2020: I don't know you but I am proud for you and your achievement. Congratulations! Drugs and alcohol are slavery.
- 7 July 2020: Honestly, I'm not impressed with what White Murika did with the last 3 years they were told to take advantage of the Trump Presidency. Not sure they would take the next 4 years any more seriously. Our people always go to sleep during Republican Presidents.
- 7 July 2020: I'd rather get this Communist revolution over with and it ain't like Trump is doing anything to stop or slow down anything now.
- 7 July 2020: Secede.
- 7 July 2020: Hitler quote? LOL! Can you quote a source for that nonsense?
- 7 July 2020: Well, that would be because Germany was for Germans.
- 7 July 2020:
- 7 July 2020: In the words of Admiral Ackbar, "It's a trap".
- 7 July 2020: What's supposed to be happening in Rogersville?
- 7 July 2020:
- 7 July 2020: Change the Will.
- 7 July 2020: Severe debilitating penalties for failure to conform. Only those who think they have nothing to lose are fearless.
- 7 July 2020: Atlanta is starting to look like Chicago. I wonder what the common denominator is?
- 7 July 2020: If Southerners would quit volunteering to kill strangers for the Empire the military industrial complex and the Empire itself would shrivel up and die. The American Empire was built on the bones of Southerners.
- 7 July 2020: If only they'd put as much effort into arresting the Communist terrorists who looted and burned buildings.
- 7 July 2020: Keep up the good work, Sister. The wicked flee where no man pursueth but the righteous are as bold as lions.
- 7 July 2020: This is like the decline of Rhodesia and South Africa.
- 7 July 2020: But whatever you do don't hold an unarmed torch light parade in Charlottesville.
- 7 July 2020: Well, it may be fake but it ain't a lie.
- 7 July 2020: I'm back.
- 2 July 2020: I hope she drags a boat load of her filthy co-conspirators with her when she does.
- 2 July 2020: Like the military teaches, when you're caught in an ambush you don't stop in the middle of it. You drive through it. Makes sense, right?
- 2 July 2020: Agreed. We've seen several "leaders" of the alt-right embroiled in controversy, perversion, and abandonment of the Cause. Leaders must be held to a higher standard and live their lives abstaining from the appearance of evil.
- 2 July 2020: Obviously an important step but, like I said, only a small remnant realizes that home schooling is even necessary. Many will say, "I attended public school and I turned out ok". We're on the fast track to replacement and destruction.
- 2 July 2020: The only people that take exception to this message are the ones who think they have a right to burn, rob and loot with impunity.
- 2 July 2020: What are some ideas for reinstating Traditional Values in our society? We have lost a few Generations already and the Marxist have conquered our institutions. Out of 320 million people on this continent a relative handful of families are still able to promote Traditional Values.
- 2 July 2020: Their kids have a problem because their parents passed their problems on to them.
- 2 July 2020: No doubt about it. All my worst political enemies are White. Everyone else is just an annoyance.
- 2 July 2020: If you think secession is illegal or wrong why do you celebrate Independence Day?
- 2 July 2020: Blame the parents.
- 2 July 2020: Ghislaine Maxwell didn't kill herself. Oh, sorry, am I too early?
- 2 July 2020: Really it started before the Bolsheviks in 1848 but the initial Communist revolutions in Europe failed and a lot of those revolutionaries fled Europe with many of them coming to the United States. We called them "Red 48ers".
- 2 July 2020: Shapiro's Tribe works in a much more subtle fashion but the results are the same. But you know that
- 2 July 2020: It won't be stopped in the US simply because it bad mouthed Israel.
- 2 July 2020: American Jews are neck deep in the support of BLM and the leadership of Antifa, and other far Left organizations participating in the current Anarcho/Communist insurgency.
- 2 July 2020: Iran couldn't even come close to killing as many people as the US has in the last 20 years of its involvement in the Middle East.
- 2 July 2020: So, when exactly do we start fighting back?
- 2 July 2020: It won't negatively impact them at all.
- 2 July 2020: Excellent work, Sir.
- 2 July 2020: The Serpent's seed controls the porn industry.
- 2 July 2020: The problem is with all the Marxist agitators who resent being told they can't burn things down.
- 2 July 2020: New Florida law goes into effect this month on prevention of anti-Semitism through education on the Holocaust.
- 2 July 2020: Hey, are you texting from jail?
- 1 July 2020: @piersmorgan Piers Morgan is such a despicable little cockroach. When disarmed England was under threat of German invasion US civilian gun owners donated tons of pistols, rifles, and shotguns so the Home Guard could defend their towns. But American gun ownership is a bad thing?
- 1 July 2020: The only solution to "the problem" is to eliminate White people through miscegenation.
- 1 July 2020: Why is ActionNewsJax using the picture of the Leftist criminal with his face obscured but published the name of the homeowner, potentially endangering him to retaliation by the Black, Anarcho/Communist insurgents rampaging across the Union? Can you guess why?
- 1 July 2020: They need to keep stirring the pot because News4Jax, like all mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the socialist revolution.
- 1 July 2020: What flavor was it? Biden likes the grape ones.
- 1 July 2020: Our race is our nation. Country is just artificial lines on a map to make good neighbors.
- 1 July 2020: I've heard that he's pulled some stereotypical shenanigans in the past but if this is the policy of his office it's a good message and he has a lot of good, White officers to carry it out. Clay County is pretty rural and you don't go down there f'in around anyway.
- 1 July 2020: But don't let your guard down. Ever.
- 1 July 2020: Clay County's Black, Redneck Sheriff promises to deputize every lawful gun owner in the County to stop the Anarcho/Communist violence of Black Lives Matter.
- 1 July 2020: This is the kind of message the good guys have been waiting to hear for the last month from their city, County, State and federal governments. God bless and protect the officers of Clay County from the Black, Anarcho/Communist revolution that is upon us.
- 1 July 2020: Trump is the last Republican President. Only secession will guarantee a continuation of Red State style, culture and politics.
- 1 July 2020: Don't give 'em anymore ideas.
- 1 July 2020: The South has been that way since 1865.
- 1 July 2020: Jailing MLK and Axe Handle Sunday.
- 1 July 2020: Read this whole thread.
- 1 July 2020: Fascinating thread you have here, Sir.
- 1 July 2020: If they're not dangerous enough to keep in jail why do we have them in there in the first place? Have them out there working, paying taxes, supporting their families and paying off fines. Instead, them AND their families become wards of the state while incarcerated and WE pay.
- 1 July 2020: Remember John Lee Malvo and John Allen Muhammad?
- 1 July 2020: Probably the part you're living in. And just about any Democrat stronghold.
- 1 July 2020: He'll probably be arrested for hunting on a baited field.
- 30 June 2020: Bubba Wallace, Jr is Nascar's H.K. Edgerton.
- 30 June 2020: Why hasn't it always been this way?
- 30 June 2020: I'm guessing you are some sort of transient living on rented property or perhaps in your parents house. You apparently have no concept of private property or property ownership.
- 30 June 2020: There was no security guarding the gate. Seriously, how do you feel comfortable spouting an opinion on something you have made no effort to research?
- 30 June 2020: Shouldn't every soldier be a nationalist?
- 30 June 2020: You must be ready to do whatever is necessary to save your own life and the lives of those you love when you encounter one of these BLM Anarcho/Communist road blocks.
- 30 June 2020: Good start on research.
- 30 June 2020: Have you seen the picture of the aerial view of the incident? No, of course you haven't or you wouldn't be looking like such a fool right now. That was a sidewalk on private property leading from the street-side gate house to beside the home.
- 30 June 2020: There are no safe spots. Ask Randy Weaver.
- 30 June 2020: That's their job as part of the 4th Estate. They were trained by Marxist professors in journalism school and now they're carrying out their part of the socialist revolution.
- 30 June 2020: Marxists aren't "hiding" behind BLM. BLM founders have publicly stated they are trained Marxists. They're not even trying to hide the fact that this is a Black, Anarcho/Communist revolution. Only the main stream media is covering it up.
- 30 June 2020: No, that is not always the case. In many states you are not allowed to carry a firearm within 1000' of a demonstration, open carry state or not. Know the law before you tell someone to do something stupid and send them to jail.
- 30 June 2020: You're aware that the protestors broke through a private gate and were trespassing on private property, right? They were not just "passing by" or "out in the street".
- 30 June 2020: Charlottesville, Virginia starts "Freedom School" to indoctrinate elementary school aged children into social activism.
- 29 June 2020: We had to know that a couple of millionaire attornies would cuck at the drop of a hat.
- 29 June 2020: His parents are the ones that put him in a position where he had to adopt their language and culture to fit in and survive. They failed as parents.
- 29 June 2020: Hopefully not a repeat of Rhodesia and South Africa.
- 29 June 2020: Picture of the car but not the suspects even with 10 eye witnesses to give a description? I can guess why.
- 29 June 2020: Normally I have a lot of respect for your opinions but equating the 1800s era Democrats with the Democrats of today is ridiculous. Just ask the millions of Blacks who left the party of Lincoln for the Democrats or White Southerners who switched to Republican.
- 29 June 2020: It must be better than the violent, starvation and disease ridden 3rd world dung heap they ran away from.
- 29 June 2020: We will NEVER have another GOP President after Trump. Rapidly changing demographics due to both legal and illegal immigration and non-replacement level White birthrates. The only way the GOP will have a chance to survive is through Red State secession.
- 29 June 2020: If I stocked alcohol for barter I probably wouldn't trade it to anyone I expected to see later. The last thing I need is a bunch of trigger happy drunks, emboldened on my alcohol to come back and take what they couldn't trade for.
- 29 June 2020: Cuckery at its finest.
- 29 June 2020: They're not doing anything for us while they're in the majority so who really cares if they lose? How much worse can it get? They're not going to change to please us.
- 29 June 2020: They do. But when they do it's to supply cover for the "peaceful" blax who, while rioting, looting and burning "don't never do nuffin".
- 29 June 2020: AIPAC
- 29 June 2020: Stories are "rife"? Funny because I've never heard of it and I know the Leftist media would harp on it to no end.
- 29 June 2020: There are many, especially in leadership positions who look white but actually belong to the tribe. The rest of them, being white liberals and motivated by their feminine emotions, practice the soft bigotry of adult on adult paternalism.
- 29 June 2020: When they finally get mad enough they'll make the news.
- 29 June 2020: Earthquakes are false flags?
- 29 June 2020: Covid will take out all the right people.
- 29 June 2020: All protests start off as peaceful and then they're not.
- 29 June 2020: The Communist party worked hard to infiltrate the Democrat party and by the time of LBJ had succeeded in transforming the DP into the party of non-Whites. The White South left the Democrat party in droves to join their old enemy who was now the lesser of two evils.
- 29 June 2020: The Republican party started off with support from Communists. Karl Marx spoke very approvingly of Lincoln's actions against the South and hundreds of Communist "Red 48ers" from the failed 1948 Communist revoldevolution joined the Union army to fight the South.
- 29 June 2020: Technically, all the 2nd Amendment really is supposed to do is keep the fed Gov out of your firearms owning business and leave gun laws up to the states. But it's been twisted by both Patriots and tyrants to mean several things.
- 29 June 2020: I like rich people. I never got a job from a poor person.
- 29 June 2020: Wasn't the US over there one time helping Afghans kill Russians?
- 29 June 2020: Need help getting rid of a body?
- 29 June 2020: Anybody still doubting we need high capacity magazines?
- 29 June 2020: Prayers going out.
- 29 June 2020: Any Yankee Blue State should suit you just fine.
- 29 June 2020: Please pass the word on any that you see like that. I'll be contacting their corporate headquarters.
- 29 June 2020: How does whose in charge change the trigger pullers?
- 29 June 2020: Just wait until the 4th of July holiday weekend. Those are rookie numbers.
- 29 June 2020: "Juvenile" = Polite Code Word.
- 29 June 2020: Charlottesville should know by now that if it can't keep its Leftist criminals under control it will be expensive for the city.
- 28 June 2020: Maybe in your fantasies but certainly not theirs.
- 28 June 2020: Gnomes are from White European mythology so eventually they have to go too.
- 28 June 2020: All churches were cucked before BLM came along.
- 28 June 2020: Chicago is literally more dangerous than Afghanistan.
- 28 June 2020: Seems like he had some sense at one time.
- 28 June 2020: @Henrik_Palmgren @LanaLokteff I haven't seen the statue of Obama or any MLK statues touched either, strangely enough.
- 28 June 2020: If the US hasn't won in 20 years it might be time to go home.
- 28 June 2020: I can imagine a lot of cops by now are thinking, "Screw it, let it burn".
- 28 June 2020: What IS the unpardonable sin?
- 28 June 2020: Wonderful article as always by the honorable Mr Finck.
- 28 June 2020: Florida has been destroyed by Liberal New England Yankee transplants. GTFO.
- 28 June 2020: I'd be happy to sweep Yahweh's streets.
- 28 June 2020: It's alien to my people. It's never United my people. It's the religion of a bunch of backward pagan savages. And it just pisses off my God.
- 28 June 2020: No.
- 28 June 2020: Like that matters to the Anarcho/Communist mob.
- 28 June 2020: Reform of the Empire is neither possible nor desirable.
- 28 June 2020: Too late. You've already got a Social Security Number.
- 28 June 2020: The bride of Beetlejuice.
- 28 June 2020: Honestly, she's just creepy.
- 28 June 2020: Our people have been trained to approach every assault with weak apologetics. I prefer your approach.
- 28 June 2020: No, you need something old.
- 28 June 2020: This is why we had to develope militarized police forces.
- 28 June 2020: 25? Is that above average or about normal?
- 28 June 2020: Ha, ha. Turn out the lights and pretend nobody's home and maybe they'll go away. With that kind of strategy our civilization is doomed.
- 28 June 2020: It's funny how they just make up history as their lips move.
- 28 June 2020: I've seen defense after defense fail time and time again. Perhaps defense is not what is needed.
- 28 June 2020: There was a test run against Florida's St Andrew's Cross back in 2000 but it didn't go anywhere because they were going too far too fast at that time. But it's only a matter of time until they beat White people down sufficiently that they will succeed.
- 27 June 2020: You can tear down statues for Shlomo but once you rob Shlomo's jewelry store you've crossed the line.
- 27 June 2020: "Dignity for incarcerated people" Any excuse will do to further the Revolution.
- 27 June 2020: Their rantings are as the barking of dogs. Pay them no heed.
- 27 June 2020: The White man's trash. Angry at God and man for their rejection. Comforted by the temporary and fake companionship of Beasts who will use them and discard them.
- 27 June 2020: Major corporations are funding the present Communist revolution. Becsuse, Capitalism and Communism are both tools of the same people. It doesn't matter to them if Capitalism is replaced because they are replacing one tool with the tool they need now.
- 27 June 2020: Better yet, just quit supporting the bread and circuses that keep us docile and distracted from the important matters, like our approaching replacement.
- 27 June 2020: They both come from the same place. As you can see from current events, Capitalism is giving generously to the present Black, Anarcho/Communist revolution.
- 27 June 2020: "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed..." There are two seed lines on this earth. A literal seed line of the Serpent, and one of the woman. If you do not understand this you can not understand the battle raging around you.
- 27 June 2020: They know our numbers are dwindling and any minor inconveniences like temporary White domination can be overcome by screaming ugly names at us which will cow us until we are extinct.
- 27 June 2020: Germany should have thrown out US occupation forces long ago.
- 27 June 2020: On this we can agree, my friend. Communism and Capitalism are just two sides of the same shekel. Heads or tails, we lose.
- 27 June 2020: This is why I used to read National Geographic but no longer have to. Profane, alien cultures now surround me.
- 27 June 2020: Yes, I know that ultimately it all leads back to the seed of the Serpent. Communism is a tool of the Serpent.
- 27 June 2020: The sons of Esau are leading a world-wide revolt against the sons of Jacob using their dark army of flesh Golems. They know their time on this earth is short and they will never reclaim the Birthright. All they can do is prevent the sons of Jacob from receiving the Birthright.
- 27 June 2020: I know the letters "CIA" sound scary but you're following the wrong players so you're watching the wrong game.
- 27 June 2020: And no doubt there are those that practice hypocrisy but the fact that you can see it indicates that you were taught a truth you believe and can see others deviate from it.
- 27 June 2020: I don't have a "sect" so I'm not limited by some denominations interpretation or doctrines. The only thing that matters is the truth.
- 27 June 2020: We have to quit worrying about what history books were bound together under one cover and called "The Bible" and realize that there are other contemporary histories that help give us a clear picture. There are books referenced in the Bible that were not placed in the Bible.
- 27 June 2020: Ok, well, you find that CIA connection to overthrowing their own government and we'll discuss it.
- 27 June 2020: Communism is an antichrist secular religion with the seed of the Serpent running it. So, yeah.
- 27 June 2020: The truth of the Bible is hated by the seed of the Serpent. That's how I know. Satan will not cast out Satan. Are you a Mason?
- 27 June 2020: Our seminaries were the first of our institutions to fall during the "long March through the institutions" so I'm certain what you experienced was unpalatable and had nothing to do with the true Christianity that once banished Jews from our lands rather than put them in charge.
- 27 June 2020: I would look at Communist examples since that's what this is all about.
- 27 June 2020: It is the culture that has blessed the entire planet.
- 27 June 2020: I can love my children while simultaneously not hating yours.
- 27 June 2020: And now she is two-fold more the child of Hell.
- 27 June 2020: All of these stories were placed in the Heavens in the form of constellations and all men could read them but they only apply to the creation and plan of one God in spite of the interpretations of others. Read "The Glory of the Stars" by E. Raymond Capt.
- 27 June 2020: It is but it's not what it pretends to be. Read, "Hologram of Liberty" by Kenneth Royce to understand how that document illegally overthrew the the original Constitution, why and how what we're living under now is exactly what was planned.
- 27 June 2020: Since Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all considered Abrahamic faiths why do you suppose you have never heard of "Judeo-Islamic" values? Doesn't make much sense, does it? There's no such thing as Judeo-Christianity either. Wise up.
- 27 June 2020: Or Judeo-Islamic.
- 27 June 2020: The Communist Party USA has been operating silently through front organizations for so long that many people falsely believe that there is no Communist party operating in North America. Believing that would be a great mistake. There is a guiding hand in everything.
- 27 June 2020: No, christianity is opposed to Judaism though it has admittedly been so thoroughly reinterpreted by Jew lies that no one could fault you for believing it.
- 27 June 2020: You have had poor teachers. True Christianity is all about your race and your race alone.
- 27 June 2020: Turning the other cheek is about "No more brothers wars". It's about not reacting outrageously to every slight from your own kind. There is a time for every purpose under Heaven including a time for love and a time for hate. A time for killing and a time for healing.
- 27 June 2020: What passes as Christianity today is truly disheartening but it is not the same Christianity that defended Europe at the gates of Vienna or smashed the Muslim fleet to splinters at Lampanto. It is not the faith that bound all Europe together as "Christendom".
- 27 June 2020: No, Judaism has corrupted true Christianity. Do not believe the Jew lie of what is referred to as "Judeo-Christianity". There's no such thing.
- 27 June 2020: What's bad for the Empire is good for me.
- 27 June 2020:
- 27 June 2020: Another Scalawag reveals herself.
- 26 June 2020: Straight from the horse's mouth. If you oppose the Anarco/Communists of Antifa than you are "anti-semetic".
- 26 June 2020: Hmmm? Inventory of Black Powder-based explosives is running low in the middle of a Black, Anarcho/Communist revolution. What could go wrong?
- 26 June 2020: Notice that they're "dazzling" or blinding the security camera with a green laser until it can be spray painted. Remember that.
- 26 June 2020: This is a Communist insurgency.
- 26 June 2020: Black Lives Matter has Marxist Communist roots. When I say that we're in a Black, Anarcho/Communist revolution It is not an exageration.
- 26 June 2020: Heart breaking. Not mine, but somebody's.
- 26 June 2020: "We suggest you slowly drive through the area. Don't hit anyone with your vehicle". What if she did? Would she be the one in the wrong?
- 26 June 2020: Every. Single. Time.
- 26 June 2020: I've met real Communists that admire every form of Communism except Trotsky's.
- 25 June 2020: It's why we haven't been back to the moon in 50 years.
- 25 June 2020: It's not like this is a new development. They wanted to kill us in Charlottesville.
- 25 June 2020: Cry at the edge of the ditch.
- 25 June 2020: Don't mean to be sacrilegious cuz I know it's origins are Southern to the core but I never cared for watching cars go around in circles anyway.
- 25 June 2020: Nothing but cowardice and compromise from every direction.
- 25 June 2020: White individualism has also destroyed us. No sense of Tribe and its continuity leads to extinction
- 25 June 2020: Maybe hard tack and stump water.
- 25 June 2020: LOL, understood.
- 25 June 2020: 2nd place is the first loser.
- 25 June 2020: Other reports indicate he was carrying a manual on Anarchy in his backpack when arrested.
- 25 June 2020: Yeah, sure. That's why Blacks left the Republican Party in Droves to join the Democrat Party.
- 25 June 2020: That's a total lie. They did not defund the police and they were not fighting "citizens", they were fighting Comminist Antifa. You really need to look all this up.
- 25 June 2020: Brown Shirts is a horrible analogy since it was actually the Brown Shirts who were fighting these same Antifa trash in the streets of Berlin before it was cool to fight Antifa.
- 25 June 2020: I always knew Ken Burns was a POS.
- 25 June 2020: I think it's a lot of fun.
- 25 June 2020: Looks like Jesus heard him.
- 24 June 2020: Indeed, if it weren't for the Western allied powers allying themselves with the Communist cause under "Uncle" Joe Stalin the world never would have been safe for the slavery of godless international Communism for the following 75 years.
- 24 June 2020: You brought tears to these old eyes, my Brother. I will never bend the knee.
- 24 June 2020: For somebody so smart he's completely wrong on Christianity and the Bible. He bought the Jew lie completely on those subjects. But, as a wise man once said, "It's easier to fool a man than convince him he's been fooled".
- 24 June 2020: Hmmm? I should probably avoid further comment.
- 24 June 2020: All our Presidents are Goloms of Israel.
- 24 June 2020: I'm still confused on what a transgender, queer Lesbian is? Is that a man or a woman?
- 24 June 2020: Finally, somebody gets arrested.
- 24 June 2020: Unfortunately you are now dumber for knowing this. No offense.
- 24 June 2020: One of several reasons for the South's old "One Drop Rule".
- 24 June 2020: Being against Communism is one thing. You can talk about it, write about it, demonstrate against it, etc. But being against the Communists themselves. That's a whole different level of action
- 24 June 2020: You have a mission.
- 24 June 2020: You can be angry if you like but, don't follow the advice of a woman on the ways of war. Yahweh, Lord of Hosts provides men with all the guidance they need.
- 24 June 2020: Hopefully there really are that many militant Christians left that would kill before they saw their faith and Saviour defiled by antichrists.
- 24 June 2020: Maybe they can call Antifa or BLM for help?
- 24 June 2020: We've lost several generations by putting them in government schools to begin with. By keeping them out of school we're actually delaying their socialist indoctrination.
- 24 June 2020: In Charlottesville we came to listen to speakers defend our heritage and monuments but we were labeled Nazis and threatened with death.
- 24 June 2020: No, no, you're jumping to conclusions. It's not Whites they hate. It's WHITS.
- 24 June 2020: Only because Mt Rushmore is too remote and too massive to do any damage to, so far. Statues to all four of the men depicted on the mountain have already been destroyed or defaced elsewhere were no government intervention.
- 24 June 2020: Can you post pics of the manual contents?
- 24 June 2020: But since nobody is using their guns for their originally intended purpose in stopping the Black, Anarcho/Communist revolution, having the guns is useless.
- 24 June 2020: Do you have a link discussing this?
- 24 June 2020: I'll take their word on it and act appropriately.
- 24 June 2020: Aaahh, poor Charlottesville still hasn't got their Leftist violence problem under control.
- 24 June 2020: Brothers of the mind.
- 24 June 2020: If you can't suppress the current Black, Anarcho/Communist revolution in your own capital city you won't suppress it anywhere.
- 24 June 2020: Another hoaxer.
- 24 June 2020: Spelling is optional because it makes them more relatable to the dumbed down target audience they are trying to incite to violence.
- 24 June 2020: It means the color of your skin is your uniform of war.
- 24 June 2020: Looks like the bride of Beetlejuice.
- 24 June 2020: Coordinated ambush of Tampa, Florida police officers by hundreds.
- 24 June 2020: You feel stupid yet?
- 24 June 2020: You'll never be remembered on either side.
- 24 June 2020: I guess it all really depends on what that united front is going to do to the Communists rather than just communism.
- 24 June 2020: Not trying to rain on the parade or anything but that was done with many organizations back in the 1950s and 60s during the Cold War and the Great Red Scare. And it still didn't help us in.
- 24 June 2020: It has to be more than just surviving though. Whatever tries to kill us it gets killed too.
- 24 June 2020: The main stream media is comprised of a bunch of Marxist-trained graduates of journalism who are aiding and abetting the current Black, Anarcho/Communist revolution.
- 24 June 2020: For some reason it won't allow me to retweet it.
- 23 June 2020: A White, right wing extremist with dreadlocks?
- 23 June 2020: Remind you of anything?
- 23 June 2020: Abandon the anti-White bread and circuses of sportsball.
- 23 June 2020: Remind me, who the hell is he and why do we care what he wants?
- 23 June 2020: She is beautiful!
- 23 June 2020: You obviously don't know what this revolution is all about because you were initially misled by Confederate statues. Let me know when they tear down the statue of Lenin in Seattle, the statue of Obama in South Dakota or any statue of MLK, to name a few.
- 23 June 2020: Should I show you my list?
- 23 June 2020: I'd love to own the store that sells her stuff.
- 23 June 2020: About 75% of the early White "colonists", including at least 2 of my ancestors came here as slaves of the English. Georgia started off as a penal colony/dumping ground for England's unwanted trouble. They literally worked like slaves for what we have today.
- 23 June 2020: If you could tighten up on these violent Anarcho/Communist revolutionaries outside of DC that might also be appreciated, Mr President.
- 23 June 2020: I worked with a lot of Afgans. During that time I thought, as did you that if you just shaved these guys and put them in Western clothes and told them to keep their mouths shut, they could walk down any small town USA street and not look out of place.
- 23 June 2020: You mean like Tuhmeequah?
- 23 June 2020: Yes, there were then and there are now.
- 23 June 2020: Using a CH-47 would be cultural appropriation on their part.
- 23 June 2020: The love for Blacks is proportionally determined by one's distance from them.
- 23 June 2020: Modern Patriots have Twisted the meaning of the US Constitution and its amendments to say that now the federal government is in charge of the states and control what laws the states may have for their people.
- 23 June 2020: The Federal Constitution was written by the states to limit the powers of the federal government. In this case, the ability of the federal government to tell the states and the people what they can and cannot do with firearms.
- 23 June 2020: Actually, it wasn't until around 1925 that the so-called Incorporation Doctrine was invented out of thin air to make some parts of the first 10 Amendments of the Federal Constitution apply directly to the state constitutions in a new federal power grab.
- 23 June 2020:
- 23 June 2020: The statue of my hometown's namesake vandalized twice in the last 48 hours.
- 23 June 2020: There already is a civil war but only one side is fighting it while the other side is still waiting for something to happen.
- 23 June 2020: They have a compass. It just always points to the Left.
- 23 June 2020: Yeah, that would at least narrow it down to the 6% of the population that commits over 50% of the violent crimes.
- 23 June 2020: "Large and tall". That's it? I'll be on the lookout.
- 23 June 2020: Even if they did (and they are) it seems everyone on the Right is saying "don't fight back" because, well, you know, it'll make the Left more angry and it'll only make it harder on us. Which was seemingly the strategy in Rhodesia and South Africa.
- 23 June 2020: No.
- 23 June 2020: I've already reconsidered my lifelong error.
- 23 June 2020: The Pledge was written by a socialist who based it on the loyalty oath forced on Southerners during Reconstruction and contains language our Founders never would have tolerated. The concept of such an oath is pagan.
- 23 June 2020: Who are the Free Masons who founded the KKK?
- 23 June 2020: Pike was a White guy. That's the only reason his statue came down.
- 23 June 2020: I'm not sad to see Pike go.
- 23 June 2020: Look on the bright side. They showed you how to peacefully protest without dragging anyone out of cars and beating them, shooting anyone, starting fires or looting. Take a hint.
- 23 June 2020: Yeah? Maybe now you understand how we've seen the last month.
- 23 June 2020:
- 23 June 2020: @Cobra_FireflyII Unfortunately it's already happening. Not sure what it will take.
- 23 June 2020: I've seen it for 30 years now. I know what it looks like. It's the simple understanding of the construction of an English sentence and what words are used. Don't apologize or even make it look like the enemy has any legitimate claim against our people.
- 23 June 2020: Does anyone remember the "Burn White Jesus" movement from not too long ago?
- 23 June 2020: When they're done with the flags, marble and bronze they'll come for the flesh.
- 23 June 2020: Sorry, brother but your whole post is weak and apologetic. Only your last sentence is useful. We can't win like this.
- 23 June 2020: "Planning"?. What is the FBI doing about all the real domestic terrorism being carried out daily by Black and Anarcho/Communists every single day?
- 23 June 2020: What was once fiction is now fact.
- 23 June 2020: They can't even have a revolution without White people. Stupid, Commie White people but White people nonetheless.
- 23 June 2020: What do you make of it?
- 23 June 2020: But the 1% rule throws all that in the trash.
- 23 June 2020: His views on race were the popular view by Whites, North and South at that time.
- 23 June 2020:
- 23 June 2020: All of them.
- 22 June 2020: No, because now you're either going to freeze to death or Childs is going to go all Alien on you.
- 22 June 2020: Because he's White and not a Communist.
- 22 June 2020: Thanks for all you do for our people, Sir. I know you don't hear that enough. Hand happy Birthday!
- 22 June 2020: It'll be hilarious if he goes down for a fake hate crime.
- 22 June 2020: Every face on that mountain has had a corresponding statue removed or defaced. The only thing that's really saving it is its remoteness and massivness.
- 21 June 2020: At times Yahweh will open the mouth of a jackass to speak truth to His people. If there are not enough clean vessels present to perform the task than sometimes an unclean vessel must be used in its place. If the content of the message is aligned with his word than it is true.
- 21 June 2020:
- 21 June 2020: Our people were so much more incredibly brilliant back then when they were not forcefully dumbed down so that the lowest common denominator could feel equal.
- 21 June 2020: The Galatians were Celts which is why Paul ministered to them, following the directions of Christ who said, "I come not but for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel".
- 21 June 2020: When the Jewish Anti-Defamation League tells us that anti-Antifa symbols are hate speech does that tell you that the ADL is allied with an Anarcho-Communist domestic terrorist group? Let's hear from the Jews who will condemn and distance themselves from this position.
- 21 June 2020: Must have been White supremacist Boogaloo Boys attacking the peaceful neighborhood.
- 21 June 2020: Please provide us with at least an equal amount of information as the above video to back up your claim that Yahshuah as well as the others mentioned were not White.
- 21 June 2020: Black Guns Matter.
- 21 June 2020: Welcome home to your family, Brother.
- 21 June 2020: In 2015 I was told we must vote for Trump or we were going to receive under Hillary exactly what we are experiencing now. Do you see now that voting in federal elections is useless? Reform of the federal system is neither possible nor desirable.
- 21 June 2020:
- 21 June 2020: An excellent resource! Thank you for sharing.
- 21 June 2020: No, you couldn't overthrow it so you separated yourself from it. So you're basically traitors like you claim the Confederates were.
- 21 June 2020: Are you aware that neither Grant nor Franciss Scott Key were Confederates? How were their contributions worthy of only "participation trophies"?
- 21 June 2020: Everything in nature naturally segregates.
- 21 June 2020: It's an "Autonomous Zone". You are no longer a part of the city of Seattle. You are now responsible for emergency services. You failed your people.
- 21 June 2020: Just a reminder that that's one ugly kid.
- 21 June 2020: The Constitution of 1777 or the Constitution of 1789?
- 21 June 2020: We're freakin' doomed.
- 21 June 2020: "Clackers". I never had any but all the cool kids did. My mom was smart enough not to buy them for me. Seems like 1974 might have been the big year for these.
- 21 June 2020: My apologies for the vulgarity but it's too funny not to share with fellow adults.
- 21 June 2020: We're losing pretty big while he's in charge now. I thought this was supposed to be winning?
- 21 June 2020: Typical.
- 21 June 2020: "Autonomous". If you have anyone there who can read a dictionary have them look that word up. That will explain why you are on your own. You're like children playing at building civilization. All you can do is destroy while mimicking it as best you can.
- 21 June 2020: Good friends and compatriots stand strong in defence of our Sourhern heritage in Lake City, Florida. Notice how the Rainbow Confederate blames the League rather than Black radicals for the loss of our monuments. Super Cuck.
- 21 June 2020: Who'd want to?
- 21 June 2020: Trump says, 1 year in jail for burning the American flag but apparently it's cool to burn US cities
- 21 June 2020: Interesting but might require some further research.
- 21 June 2020: None of the Reconstruction Amendments are legal. But when you get right down to it, the 1789 Constitution wasn't properly implemented either according to the founding document, The Articles of Condederation.
- 21 June 2020: We're going to have to beat Chivalry back into some folks I suppose.
- 21 June 2020: Listen to two great men of the League of the South, Dr. Michael Hill and Ike Baker.
- 21 June 2020: Somebody's still got a pair.
- 20 June 2020: I was just relating to that verse yesterday while driving home listening to the radio.
- 20 June 2020: Probably just a lot more Cucks in the world than you suspected.
- 20 June 2020: The National Guard can be called out to provide security at the Trump rally but not to stop the BLM and Anarcho-Communist from burning down American cities.
- 20 June 2020: No apologies will be accepted.
- 20 June 2020: First smart thing I've seen out of D'souza.
- 20 June 2020: Again, the use of long arms combined with road blocks is an indicator of an escalation of the Black insurgency.
- 20 June 2020: No doubt that wars are their harvest but what did the "winning" bankers win when they lost their legal slave trade?
- 20 June 2020: Which White response are you talking about?
- 20 June 2020: Who did the narration for this?
- 20 June 2020: Are you refuting that the Left is acting with virtual impunity or that a White response would be crushed by the feds?
- 20 June 2020: Cracka! Black revenge porn to incite violence against Whites.
- 20 June 2020: Law enforcement mannequin found hanging from overpass in North Jacksonville.
- 20 June 2020: Why would you try to divert attention towards some right wing group in California? When the culprit is found it'll be closer to the trash that battled with JSO lately.
- 20 June 2020: Joke's on them. It's not paper, it's sheep skin.
- 20 June 2020: One day there won't be any White people to ask questions.
- 20 June 2020: As a Southern nationalist, none of them have ever been my President. Thus, I never have to feel like I've been fooled.
- 20 June 2020: The introduction of the open carry in the streets of not only handguns but rifles is a significant indicator of the rising level of the Black insurgency.
- 20 June 2020: The introduction of the open carry in the streets of not just handguns but rifles is a significant indicator of the rise in level of the Black insurgency.
- 20 June 2020: Republican leadership always puts our people back to sleep.
- 20 June 2020: I never thought a Blue State Yankee billionaire was on our side to begin with so I'm pretty much immune from disappointment.
- 20 June 2020: Well, they were born and raised under Communism so they rode it out 'til the Cold War was over and Poland was free. One line of gggrandparents left before 1920. I grew up hating Communism because of this and other stories from the East.
- 20 June 2020: During the 60s I had relatives living in Poland. My grandmother and her sisters would buy clothes and shoes from thrift stores to send them. But first they would dirty them up with dirt and ashes to keep the Commie postal workers from stealing the contents.
- 19 June 2020: "Georgians".
- 19 June 2020: The only thing keeping them from defacing it is its remote location.
- 19 June 2020: Well, he's part of the Tribe so...
- 19 June 2020: They're going to find out he did it. Won't take long. And then they'll cover it up.
- 19 June 2020: At this point it's just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. We're going down.
- 19 June 2020: Who would have guessed, right?
- 19 June 2020: As if the Founding Fathers believed that Africans were equal to Whites in any way. "For ourselves and our posterity" pretty much sums up their belief.
- 19 June 2020: For somebody who has named himself light horse Harry Lee you've got to be kidding, right?
- 19 June 2020: I've always thought of Metal as Angry White Man music.
- 19 June 2020: Yeah, I remember seeing it coming in the late 80s from Blondie, Beastie Boys, and Aerosmith working with RUN DMC, among others. Everything prettymuch went down hill from there.
- 19 June 2020: 1865.
- 19 June 2020: Conservatism never conserves anything.
- 19 June 2020: D'souza doesn't have a clue. Foreigners shouldn't try to pretend to school us on American history.
- 19 June 2020: Technically not even then because the 13th Amendment still allows for "slavery and involuntary servitude". Just not as a private venture.
- 19 June 2020: Russia is an ally of Syria and was invited there but WTF is the US doing in there?
- 19 June 2020: Uh, crime?
- 18 June 2020: Jews fucked Christianity.
- 18 June 2020: Yeah, it's a virus alright. A modern Black Plague.
- 18 June 2020: They were wearing black masks and hoodies leading (((Antifa))).
- 18 June 2020: I just came here for the comments.
- 18 June 2020: Maybe that's a hint?
- 18 June 2020: When they start calling people "racist" for doing it you won't hear a peep out of anyone defending it.
- 18 June 2020: We're living in Clown World.
- 18 June 2020: You weren't missing out on anything.
- 18 June 2020: The SCV is busy taking down their own monuments in NE Florida.
- 18 June 2020: The White cuckery has risen from "I have Black friends" to "I have Black kids too".
- 18 June 2020: I think I saw her and one of her simps in this video.
- 18 June 2020: I'll throw some gas on it.
- 18 June 2020: I try to do 16 hours of fasting every day. Only eat during an 8 hour window.
- 18 June 2020: Following rules is racist.
- 18 June 2020: Good for them #WhiteStrike
- 18 June 2020: Christian Identity. The only Christianity feared by Jews.
- 18 June 2020: Until we believe that an RNC in Jacksonville is dangerous but mass protest, rioting and grandiose funerals are safe.
- 18 June 2020: I'd have to go to the emergency room to have my stomach pumped in only a few hours.
- 18 June 2020: With free rollercoaster rides.
- 17 June 2020: They were worthless from the beginning.
- 17 June 2020: Contrary to Ann Coulter's opinion the South was the richest part of the Union before the war with 4 Southern states alone providing over 75% of the federal revenue. Most of which was spent on Northern infrastructure improvements.
- 17 June 2020: "Progress" in graffiti?
- 17 June 2020: Burn in Hell.
- 17 June 2020: That's great news!
- 17 June 2020: He's usually ranting about Catholics and Nazis but never any real enemies.
- 17 June 2020:
- 17 June 2020: Godwin's Law says that as soon as talk of defunding the police comes up the subject will be linked to Nazis.
- 17 June 2020: I'm sure the Chicoms are quivering in fear over the condemnation.
- 17 June 2020: When the Nazi doctors wanted to perfect their eugenics program they came to the United States to learn about our system.
- 17 June 2020: I hope so.
- 17 June 2020: This is why homeschooling is more popular than ever.
- 17 June 2020: He's an idiot foreigner trying to lecture us on an American history he knows nothing about.
- 17 June 2020: Because Nazis don't run Hollywood.
- 17 June 2020: Not trying to be mean but that's one ugly kid.
- 17 June 2020: That post just earned you a new follower, Sir.
- 17 June 2020: Did she bother to provide you with the "true facts"?
- 17 June 2020: And they're not scared of being called "racist".
- 17 June 2020: Go see Colin Flaherty. He's way ahead of you on this.
- 17 June 2020: This is actually the 2nd time the "woke" crowd has demanded and received a change of the Aunt Jemima label.
- 17 June 2020: This is actually the 2nd time they've come for Aunt Jemima. She didn't always look this way.
- 17 June 2020: Because socialism is to be praised in this country. It's been that way since we allied with "Uncle Joe". There was never any real effort to oppose Communism. Failed, lackluster efforts in Korea, Cuba, Vietnam,and elsewhere were nothing but window dressing.
- 17 June 2020: The enemy told us to move our Southern monuments to cemeteries. But even that's not enough. In this picture the Kirby-Smith camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans is removing their own monument from a cemetery without a fight.
- 17 June 2020: James Fields did nothing wrong.
- 17 June 2020: A white rooster used to be a symbol of White supremacy in the South. The rooster has got to go.
- 17 June 2020: How many times was the killing of this White man rebroadcast across the country and the world? How many buildings were burned and people killed over his death?
- 17 June 2020: We can't go back but let's make the future what we want it.
- 17 June 2020: The Kirby-Smith Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, the largest Confederate Veterans camp in the world is going around northeast Florida taking down their own Confederate monuments that they erected. Worthless and weak.
- 17 June 2020: Does anyone still give a shit about being called a racist?
- 17 June 2020: The Nazi party worked at that time for Germany 90 years ago. It most likely is not the ideal model for this time and place in history.
- 17 June 2020: I'm sick of listening to all the woe-is-me, can't do attitudes. If you seek victory surround yourself with winners and let the losers die off along your path.
- 17 June 2020: I'm with people who are doing better than that. It can be done.
- 17 June 2020: Quit thinking nationally and start thinking/acting locally. Set an example that will be followed. Every hurricane starts with a single drop of rain.
- 17 June 2020: You're fucked already because you're waiting on someone to come along and lead you. You know what must be done and you know others who know it too. Get to work.
- 17 June 2020: Yes, of course! Osceola County
- 17 June 2020: I guess you're fucked.
- 17 June 2020: There has never been any Unity amongst the entire Union. There have always been at least two Nations on this continent from the beginning having been settled from different parts of Europe. Now there are even more divisions due to multiculturalism.
- 17 June 2020: You are a leader. You can't wait on the man on the white horse. We must all work now with what we have, improving on it as we go. Then, good men will join when we prove ourselves worthy of their sacrifices.
- 17 June 2020: When the time for Action arrives, the time for Preparation has just ended. People will not be able to just magically arise to the expectations warranted by the moment. They must be organized and trained ahead of time, otherwise there will be horrific casualties.
- 17 June 2020: People can meet and talk anywhere. Resistance organizations have been formed and successful in times past. It can be done again.
- 17 June 2020: So no Murikan nationalist party for you?
- 17 June 2020: Serpentine walls? Huh?
- 17 June 2020: By then it's too late because then you are working with strangers you don't know and have to train and learn in the middle of conflict. Build organizations, friends and train now while it's easy and legal. We're running out of time.
- 17 June 2020: Supposing that's true, that did not mean anything for the Canaanites, Hittites, jebusites, and a host of others who were not considered worthy of living. Obadiah 18 prophecies the coming destruction of the children of Esau with fire. All of them.
- 17 June 2020: Jesus was known as the second Adam. The word Adam in Strong's Concordance is defined as "pale or ruddy complexion, to blush or turn Rosy, to show blood in the face." Only One race can do that.
- 17 June 2020: Bullets are blind, too.
- 17 June 2020: It's all over the news.
- 17 June 2020: Sometimes I just can't tell if we're dealing with actual enemies or just cucked, cowardly bastards who've submitted to the neutering knife. Either way, the results are pretty much the same.
- 17 June 2020: When we finally become the overwhelmed minority we might.
- 17 June 2020: That's the penalty for attempting to "give what is holy unto dogs".
- 17 June 2020: Like the good judges that just sold us all down the river with that pro-gay crap?
- 17 June 2020: Please put me toward the top of your list and I'll send you something anyway.
- 17 June 2020: Tell all that to a hook nosed prosecuting attorney.
- 17 June 2020: What are you asking for it when it's done?
- 16 June 2020: When will it be ready?
- 16 June 2020: 1 Yes, thank you. 2. Yes, I'm enjoying it thoroughly. 3. You're living in my culture and complaining about it.
- 16 June 2020: Not sure what the local laws are but he will probably end up being charged with possessing a firearm during a demonstration a shooting that guy while he was retreating.
- 16 June 2020: Remind me, who's side is he on?
- 16 June 2020: They'll be living in a dystopian classic and maybe writing about it.
- 16 June 2020: 1970. Uh, the Beatles broke up?
- 16 June 2020: It's not a 2A issue. It's a New Mexico state law issue.
- 16 June 2020: White boy's got some moves on him. None of which will matter during the race war.
- 16 June 2020: I loved the dinner table conversation and the parking lot speech.
- 16 June 2020: Murika would still be there. It would just have 13 less states in it
- 16 June 2020: If the police would do their job civilians could sit quietly at home knowing their society and culture were being preserved from the Black and Anarcho/Communist revolution sweeping the Union. But your ineptitude, bias, and fear are evident to everyone. Thus the need for action.
- 16 June 2020: If the Confederacy had won we wouldn't have cared what happened to Murika.
- 16 June 2020:
- 16 June 2020: North Florida above the I-4 corridor is much different than South Florida.
- 16 June 2020: Overlooked more than that.
- 16 June 2020: There was a guy from the club that later retracted his initial story and apologized for confusing another man for George Floyd who got into a confrontation with Derick Chauvin.
- 16 June 2020: What besides impotent tweets and voting will roll back the horrific offensive on America?
- 16 June 2020: What does "stand for truth" entail? What will roll back the horrific offensive againt America? Tweeting or something more?
- 16 June 2020: And good on them.
- 16 June 2020: We have reason to doubt many things we see and hear but even more reason to doubt fanciful theories manufactured in the minds of anonymous social media posters.
- 16 June 2020: Explain your position.
- 16 June 2020: And we thought the Leftist trash was gone for good.
- 16 June 2020: You mean like someone gave Floyd a counterfeit bill and told him to pass it at the store, then someone told the store owner to call the police and then the dispatcher was ordered to send Chauvin to the scene? What exactly do you mean by "engineered"?
- 16 June 2020: "She wasn't sure they knew each other", the article states. Additionally, she said, "They COULD have crossed paths". Not ver definitive statements. If she knew Chauvin for 17 years she would have seen the two interacting at some point if they ever did.
- 16 June 2020: As Vice Predident of the Confederacy, Alexander Stephen's said after The War, "The cause of the South was the cause of us all". When the South lost everyone in the Union lost. The last three weeks have definitely proven this fact once again.
- 16 June 2020: If ever there was a reason for the South to oppose the abolition of slavery we're witnessing the fruits of our defeat now.
- 16 June 2020: Is there some proof that Chauvin knew Floyd for years as anything other than a career violent felon with multiple prison/jail sentences if he knew him before the incident at all?
- 16 June 2020: When they're done with the flags, marble and bronze they'll finish off the flesh that created them.
- 16 June 2020: Oy vey, it's anotha Shoah!
- 16 June 2020: Yeah. News4Jax won't be happy until Jacksonville is a smoldering ash heap. It gives them something to report on while furthering the mainstream media's Leftist agenda.
- 16 June 2020:
- 15 June 2020: English and Spanish colonizers of the New World should have followed the Biblical model on entering a new Homeland.
- 15 June 2020: Two that come immediately to mind but difficult to obtain (for good reason) are "The South Under Siege" by Frank Connor and "Can the South Survive?" by Michael Andrew Grissom.
- 15 June 2020: I have several that are probably out of print. Let me look at my book shelves for suggestions when I get home.
- 15 June 2020: I have first edition copies of all of Dixon's books. He grew up during Reconstruction hearing first hand accounts of The War from the vetarans themselves and saw the horrors of Reconstruction inflicted on his family and community.
- 15 June 2020: Their ancestors were harder workers too. At least when the proper motivation was applied.
- 15 June 2020: Most people are completely unaware of the Communist-led Black revolution that was waged mostly in the South during the 50s and 60s. Blacks even had a radio station operating out of Cuba called Radio Free Dixie that taught Blacks how to conduct revolution in the South.
- 15 June 2020: The other option is to strike from the shadows with quick and violent action while maintaining plausible deniability while getting done what must be done.
- 15 June 2020: There's a happy median in "optics" that will win the hearts and minds of our neighbors vs sending them running as far away as pissible. A wise man once told me, look like the people you want to influence and do things they can relate to and applaud.
- 15 June 2020: Yes, private and run by Communist Jews.
- 15 June 2020: It'll take a river of blood and an ocean of tears to bring that back.
- 15 June 2020: They did the same with the Communist revolutionary, MLK. Same with the Communist, Rosa Parks. Both were trash trained at the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, TN on behalf of the Communist Party USA. Anyone can be made a martyr when the media is complicit in the revolution.
- 15 June 2020: If they let worthless, porn acting, child abusing, drunkard, drug abusing, career violent criminal trash like Floyd in any form of the Free Masons than we have nothing more to fear from them than the typical Negro violence and Coonery we are already used to.
- 15 June 2020: It must be happening in the Marvel Comics alternate Universe.
- 15 June 2020: Well, that'll never happen so separate ethnostates is the only thing that could bring reconciliation.
- 15 June 2020: When Rush Limbaugh starts doubting whether the US military would follow Trump's orders in quelling domestic insurrection you know the Empire is teetering on the edge. Time for a little push.
- 15 June 2020: Have to agree. The last time they called something similar we lost the Articles of Confederation and were shackled under the present Constitution. The Left and moderates are so thoroughly in control that we would lose everything we've retained so far.
- 15 June 2020: To twist Goldwater's words a bit, moderation in the cause of liberty is no virtue.
- 15 June 2020: He's kneeling at the feet of Whitey, so...
- 15 June 2020: Or the US who lost disastrously in Vietnam, could only fight the Norks into an Armistice and really haven't won any real war since WWII. And the only side they were on the winning side of WWII was the Soviet Union absorbed 95% of the casualties.
- 15 June 2020: Agreed. The "phobia" thing again to make it seem that natural safeguards for your blood and soil are mental disorders.
- 15 June 2020: It's funny how new uses can be found for old decisions that were never intended to be used in such a way. Kinda like the 14th Amendment guaranteeing Abortion rights. I've been done with this Empire for decades but it keeps finding new ways to piss me off.
- 15 June 2020: And I'm good with that.
- 15 June 2020: We were 13 countries until the band of usurpers changed the direction of the Annapolis convention from amending the Articles of Confederation to illegally throwing them out completely.
- 15 June 2020: Should have listened to the great antifederalist, Patrick Henry when he described the new Constitution as "the most fatal plan that could possibly be conceived to enslave a free people". The 1789 Constitution was a consolidating power grab by a band of usurpers.
- 15 June 2020: The Main Stream Media is the 4th Estate in this country and controlled exclusively by Leftists. It's their natural instinct to champion Leftist causes, create division and bring about a socialist/Communist society. Nearly every article they produce points to this strategy.
- 15 June 2020: They are nominal, small "c" christian's who think their salvation comes through the praise and support of the antichrist land of occupied Palestine rather than the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.
- 15 June 2020: He's likeable like a few others because he's as close as we're going to get to having one of "our guys" on TV.
- 15 June 2020: They come color-coded for a reason.
- 15 June 2020:
- 15 June 2020:
- 15 June 2020: Funny how your post omitted anything about resisting arrest, initiating a fight with police, disarming cop of his taser and firing taser at the cop. If Black males didn't make up only 6% of the population but commit over 50% of all violent crime they might live longer.
- 15 June 2020: I was alone in the woods once and heard one of those fox screams. At first I thought it was a woman screaming until the initial shock wore off and I realized it was a fox.
- 15 June 2020: None of them are or they wouldn't be given a national voice.
- 14 June 2020: That is one creepy bastard. I wonder if he was ever close to Epstein?
- 14 June 2020: I didn't think it ever ended?
- 14 June 2020: The larger Muslin population couldn't hope to ever have the political, financial and communications power that the 2% Jewish population wields over Murika.
- 14 June 2020: If the Male half of that 13% wasn't responsible for over 50% of the violent crimes their death rates would be more proportionate to their population. Why is Al Jazeera doing the work of the Jews?
- 14 June 2020: America is Israel's bitch.
- 14 June 2020: "Progress". LOL.
- 14 June 2020: Look at their representation in every level of government and it will become clear to you unless you were just being rhetorical.
- 14 June 2020: You know who actually runs the show.
- 14 June 2020: AIPAC told him he had to say that.
- 14 June 2020: Shouldn't happen with anyone in place.
- 14 June 2020: Yeah, it's in Tel Aviv.
- 14 June 2020: Give them what they ask for.
- 14 June 2020: They torched any hope of proving Black stereotypes to be false.
- 14 June 2020: In my life time I've known several people who fell asleep behind the wheel of their car. Some were drunk and got arrested. All without resisting arrest and getting shot.
- 14 June 2020: Has Trump did anything about Abortion or is it even on his radar?
- 14 June 2020: If I drew a picture of a black man like that I would be called racist.
- 14 June 2020: This clip has been doctored. I saw the original when it was aired and Wallace says, "I'm not White, I'm Jewish. Same message as in this doctored clip but much more clear on the subject. I've searched the internet trying to find the original clip but it's nowhere to be found.
- 14 June 2020: They would have to act outside their gene-programmed character.
- 14 June 2020: Indeed. Excellent movie.
- 14 June 2020: Adulting is when you look in the refrigerator and decide what to eat based on what will make the most room in the fridge rather than just eating what you want.
- 14 June 2020: God bless and protect your mom.
- 14 June 2020: She is wiser than a serpent.
- 14 June 2020: But how will we know who to police where since race is just a "social construct"?
- 14 June 2020: This is what you get when little brown foreign criminals try to lecture us on American history.
- 14 June 2020: Let's call it a "working vacation" and we better get our asses to work.
- 14 June 2020: I don't remember him saying that but, vacation days are over with. From what I can tell there's a whole lot more White folks ready to use the "N word" that wouldn't before.
- 14 June 2020: In 2016 I had Southern Nationalists tell me we had to vote Trump in to give us 4 years of breathing room because Hillary would accelerate the rate of our demise. I guess there were more people fighting for the Left's goals than just Hillary.
- 14 June 2020: As a Southerner that's one of the few things I can agree with Lincoln on. Unfortunately he was only one man and his Republican Party associates had other ideas relating to new voters.
- 14 June 2020: Ethnic cleansing.
- 14 June 2020: I will be.
- 14 June 2020: Yes, better target selection is definately in order.
- 14 June 2020: I guess you've never been hit in the head by someone holding a Black Lives Matter sign?
- 14 June 2020: What's legal where you are is a good start. Choose from that list.
- 14 June 2020: They could have declared martial law weeks ago but didn't. They know nobody would pay any attention to it anyway just like they are now and expose the fed Gov impotence.
- 14 June 2020: I don't even care so much about it this time.
- 14 June 2020: Better save that money for when your next store gets burned down during the developing Anarcho/Communist revolution.
- 14 June 2020: Hey, anybody remember Armaud Arbery? I bet his family, friends and supporters are seething that he's not national headline news anymore.
- 14 June 2020: Atlanta is burning. Good times.
- 13 June 2020: As you should be, my Brother.
- 13 June 2020: This is well worth the listen. People's Republic of CHAZ:
- 13 June 2020: To answer truthfully would expose every fault of their own tribe.
- 13 June 2020: Child-like motor skills.
- 13 June 2020: This is the kind of balls I've been waiting to see from my English Brothers for a while now.
- 13 June 2020: Damn, Sir. This is the old Mr Sessions I remember from before you went to Washington. Keep up the good work, Sir.
- 13 June 2020: God bless and guide my English Brothers to victory.
- 13 June 2020: LOL! Outdated farm equipment.
- 13 June 2020: Didn't you used to be a singer or something?
- 13 June 2020:
- 13 June 2020: Balkanize.
- 13 June 2020: If they're your Black friends why wouldn't they be overjoyed to have the party of Lincoln, "The Great Emancipator" hold a rally on this day?
- 13 June 2020: I hate Arnold Schwartzenegger. Listen to this crap and go tell him what you think.
- 13 June 2020: The US Federal Bureau of Prisons uses slave labor to create products for sale using illegal aliens for labor. Their products undersell American products whose companies have to follow work place regulations. They also steal and reproduce patented designs.
- 13 June 2020: True. It's actually called "water poisoning" or "water intoxication" but is incredibly rare because most people don't drink enough water.
- 13 June 2020: Fortunately for you it's like being addicted to healthy eating and exercising. As a doctor would tell you, "Whatever you're doing, keep it up".
- 13 June 2020: You need a .22 with a suppressor. They called them "hush puppies" for a reason during Vietnam.
- 13 June 2020: Drink water until your urine is clear. Some foods, medicines and vitamins will however make your urine dark. Best bet is to get to know your normal urine color. Sorry to discuss urine with you but I've spent a lot of time harping on this as a survival instructor.
- 13 June 2020: Thirst is not a good indicator of need otherwise nobody would be diagnosed as "dehydrated" without having been in a survival situation. Most people misidentify thirst as hunger and end up eating rather than drinking.
- 13 June 2020: 65% of all Americans are chronically dehydrated. Meaning, they are mentally/physically operating at a deficit and not even realizing it because they are so used to this poor condition they think it is normal.
- 13 June 2020: Out of Jefferson Davis's two-volume book, "The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government" the Jew often portrayed as the "brains of the Confederacy" only receives a one-sentence mention in the entire book. I think he's had a post-war elevation of importance.
- 13 June 2020: @JonWayn01384050 @tabrizresist1 One Jew in the Confederate gov does not constitute Jews everywhere compared to say, the Trump regime.
- 13 June 2020: Even Germany allowed Jews in its military.
- 13 June 2020: They already got around to doing that starting back in the 1990s. They renamed George Washington High School in Orleans Parish, Louisiana because he was a slave owner.
- 13 June 2020: Booth was not the only assassin. There were others who failed their missions. The overall mission was to decapitate the the leadership of the US government.
- 13 June 2020: The Republican Party was created 6 years before the South seceded with an anti-slavery platform. Southerners knew what was coming.
- 13 June 2020: Lincoln was just the President. He was not the Republican Party nor the people of power who put the Republican Party and its socialist platform into place. Lincoln's personal ambitions were inconsequential compared to the radicals in the party.
- 13 June 2020: Of course the Republican Party was created with an Abolitionist platform and illegally fought to keep Southerners from expanding slavery into the new territories.
- 12 June 2020: Deuteronomy 28.
- 12 June 2020: Close enough for a dead Confederate.
- 12 June 2020: Must have been why I enjoyed it so much as a kid.
- 12 June 2020: Secession is great overseas but not for a Southern state.
- 12 June 2020: If poor neighborhoods equaled crime than the desperately impoverished Whites of Appalachia would be making headline news every night with drive by shootings, flash mobs robbing, gang violence, drug busts , etc.
- 12 June 2020: Yes.
- 12 June 2020: I'm a Confederate and intentional racist because of it. Thanks for noticing.
- 12 June 2020: If you're talking about Morals and Dogma, only a Mason or a blathering idiot could understand it because it is written in "Mason-Speak" whereby you have to be trained in Masonry to understand the meanings of many words and phrases. The same with nearly all Masonic publications.
- 12 June 2020:
- 12 June 2020: Actually Yahweh invented slavery and regulated it according to His Word.
- 12 June 2020: Funny how interracial marriage isn't even on this slope.
- 12 June 2020: Before that they said interracial marriage would lead to gay marriage. But they didn't call it "gay" back then.
- 12 June 2020: Good for Poland.
- 12 June 2020: None here. Never needed any, among more important reasons.
- 12 June 2020: Because it's not THEIR history. It's ours.
- 12 June 2020: So, technically, he was actually fighting on the side of Antifa and BLM for targeting police officers over police brutality.
- 12 June 2020: No, you need to read the wording of the 13th Amendment. "Slavery and involuntary servitude" is still legal in the US under the 13th Amendment.
- 12 June 2020: Wow! Cops took a break from fighting the Communist revolution. The nerve of 'em.
- 12 June 2020: Missing an important word in an otherwise good meme.
- 12 June 2020: "Take the guns now, due process later"
- 12 June 2020: That fact that the Lenin statue remains is proof you're not a christian?
- 12 June 2020: His Tribe is in charge of all that so he's a subject matter expert.
- 12 June 2020: You're a Warlord now!
- 12 June 2020: And are taken down using state funds.
- 12 June 2020: How do you know?
- 12 June 2020: They started it. We need to win it.
- 12 June 2020: Statues remind you of who's in charge.
- 12 June 2020: Same difference.
- 12 June 2020: Yeah, real liberty comes with a price tag that includes martyrs.
- 12 June 2020: Nothing's over 'til it's over. I'll let you know when that is.
- 12 June 2020: We get screwed because we're "law abiding". The laws are made against us.
- 12 June 2020: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
- 12 June 2020: Like about 108 countries before them.
- 12 June 2020: Just for the record, I'm not over 70 yet. Might look it but don't feel it.
- 12 June 2020: But it'll be fun as all get out while it lasts.
- 12 June 2020: So far he's LARPing pretty damn good.
- 12 June 2020: Some of us don't want to "save America". A Balkanization is in order.
- 12 June 2020: What's wrong with his left eye?
- 12 June 2020: The final battle is going to be Old Testament in style.
- 12 June 2020: Great! They make more permanent enemies with every action.
- 12 June 2020: Please share.
- 12 June 2020: Ever notice how many stupid ideas come out of California?
- 11 June 2020: I'm going to pop some popcorn and flip back and forth between CNN and Fox News for the next few days.
- 11 June 2020: Say their names that they may be remembered forever.
- 11 June 2020: Yeah, we see you, Nick.
- 11 June 2020: We used to TALK about destroying Communism but we allied with it in WWII, half-assed fought it to an Armistice in Korea, half-assed fought it to defeat in Vietnam, let it win during the Bay of Pigs, aided it in South Afria and are now allowing it in our streets.
- 11 June 2020: I don't know if he would or not. The last two weeks have clearly demonstrated the impotence and lack of will of the US government and its military.
- 11 June 2020: They're going to have blood on their heads before long.
- 11 June 2020: Keep up the good work!
- 11 June 2020: No, I don't think they want anything like that at all.
- 11 June 2020: This is supposed to be better than having police?
- 11 June 2020: Voting has only got us more socialism over the last 150 years.
- 11 June 2020: I'm already maxed out on production.
- 11 June 2020: Everything happening now is what we are afraid was going to happen if Hillary got elected.
- 11 June 2020: Those who take away our history are doomed to experience round 2.
- 11 June 2020: I didn't recognize any of these losers. Are they supposed to be people whose opinions I should value?
- 11 June 2020: Cucks.
- 11 June 2020: I think a White person wrote it. Too many relatively big words in it for otherwise.
- 11 June 2020: The US needs to Balkanize. We can't live with half the people we call neighbors.
- 11 June 2020: This is why I quit the SCV years ago after having donated an embarrassing amount of time, toil, and treasure into the organization. I found the organization to be dominated by Masons, Jews, and Cucks.
- 11 June 2020: If there's no martial law now there won't be. Nobody would pay any attention to it anyway.
- 11 June 2020: It's a Sourhern trait, I think.
- 11 June 2020: The revolt of the untermenchen.
- 11 June 2020:
- 11 June 2020: Bad idea.
- 11 June 2020:
- 11 June 2020: In Portsmouth, Virginia, a falling Confederate statue has done more damage to our enemies than all the III% phags, Oath Keeper liars and toothless militias with their semiautomatic penis extensions put together.
- 11 June 2020: Just make sure you're on the right side of the developing Communist revolution.
- 11 June 2020: You're a person of color, just not the right color.
- 11 June 2020: This generation is going to turn a 1st world country into a 3rd world dung heap. Just like you did with Haiti, Rhodesia and South Africa. The track record speaks for itself.
- 11 June 2020: He didn't have any anyway.
- 11 June 2020: Started by Jews, not Whites.
- 11 June 2020: Not nearly enough.
- 11 June 2020: That's why we believe stupid is the norm.
- 11 June 2020: In Portsmouth, Virginia a falling Confederate statue has done more damage to our enemies than all the III% phags, Oath Keeper liars and toothless militias with their semiautonomous penis extensions put together.
- 11 June 2020: Prayers? Their prayers don't rise any higher than the tops of their heads.
- 11 June 2020: Let's see some.
- 11 June 2020: Funniest thing all day.
- 11 June 2020: The Army is their "law enforcement" in many of the 3rd world dung heaps they come from.
- 11 June 2020: I'd sign it and support it if I thought Blacks were actually behind it but I don't think so.
- 11 June 2020: Drop her off in the ghetto and let them explain things to her.
- 10 June 2020: Do you have anything like this from Charlottesville?
- 10 June 2020: She's only "white" when it suits the agenda of her tribe.
- 10 June 2020: Not a big fan and don't watch much of the Electric Toilet anyway but this show has been on air for 30 years. The antics of our enemies can change culture in the blink of an eye. But our people can't even save a statue.
- 10 June 2020: We didn't ask you to share our nation with anyone.
- 10 June 2020: It must be like living in an asylum with those people.
- 10 June 2020: I'd be asking for a paternity test.
- 10 June 2020: George Washington high school in Orleans Parish, Louisiana had its name changed back in the 90s due to Washington being a slave owner. They're waaay ahead of you.
- 10 June 2020:
- 9 June 2020: No mention of his illustrious porn career or his 22+ years as a violent career criminal or such a deadbeat dad that his children didn't know who he was when they were told of his death?
- 9 June 2020:
- 9 June 2020: Let 'em eat each other.
- 9 June 2020: Every Holohoax memorial.
- 9 June 2020: Every MLK statue.
- 9 June 2020: How long before the 20+ year career criminal record of George Floyd is either electronically purged or sealed for 50 years as when they made MLK a saint?
- 9 June 2020: Actually, yeah, you could and much, much more.
- 9 June 2020: We're experiencing outcomes already. Do you like them?
- 9 June 2020: If you're not going to take an active part in resisting your own replacement maybe you should sit down for a nice book. Here's a link to a free pdf of "Camp of the Saints". It will explain everything. You're welcome.
- 9 June 2020: Read "Camp of the Saints". It will explain everything.
- 9 June 2020: When they finish with the flags, marble and bronze then they'll finish off the flesh and blood "painful reminders of slavery".
- 9 June 2020: So if any White person resists their violent replacement and collapse of their Western Christian culture then they must be working for the CIA, right?
- 9 June 2020: A look into Redneck Revolt by Project Veritas.
- 9 June 2020: Burn what the enemy loves and needs.
- 9 June 2020: We're stuck in an endless rut because White people in general and Southerners in particular aren't willing to do yet what is necessary. People all over the world have won against entrenched tyrannical governments. We're stymied by fear. We'll die like Rhodesia.
- 9 June 2020: Arriving at work today I was met by a lot of talk about the Mayor taking down our Confederate statue. When I said this would continue to happen until Whites were no longer atomized, organized themselves and took up the fight things got silent and everyone looked at their feet.
- 9 June 2020: It works because they are the loudest, most violent and best organized.
- 9 June 2020: Cucks. More afraid of losing jobs and social standing than throwing the barbarians back outside the gate.
- 9 June 2020: And the Right squandered the breathing room Trump bought them. They went back to sleep thinking everything was going to be ok now.
- 9 June 2020: We're seeing it benefit the Left already. Their demands are being met nation wide.
- 9 June 2020: Removing our history will force us to repeat that history.
- 9 June 2020: At least they're not speaking German, huh?
- 9 June 2020: Red Pilling alone is not enough. Without organization and training Red Pilled Whites are now able to see the slaughterhouse at the end of the cattle chute but still do nothing about it.
- 9 June 2020: Convince me that Accelerationism is not working for the Left.
- 9 June 2020: Don't worry. They'll get around it.
- 9 June 2020: Protesting what?
- 9 June 2020: How did you know it was coming down? Who from the city told you?
- 9 June 2020: Where can I host a Returnee?
- 9 June 2020: White Flight is what will replace it.
- 9 June 2020: Secession of a single state would be easier than getting 320 million people (half of them Blue State socialist) to agree on repealing anything. Seccession is broad spectrum nullification.
- 9 June 2020: Friends told me with absolute certainty that the Confederate statue in Jacksonville's Hemming Plaza would NEVER come down. I told them don't be so sure. There's a war on whiteness and only one side is fighting it, for now.
- 9 June 2020: That's pretty awesome!
- 9 June 2020: Yeah, you can bet they will eventually get around to renaming the city. Why would they stop at renaming streets, schools, parks,etc.?
- 9 June 2020: If I hear "mostly peaceful" one more time I'm gonna go slap off.
- 9 June 2020: I was never a Nascar fan, (blasphemy, I know) but I recognized it as important to White, Southern culture. Well, now it apparently has a Black spokesman who says they need to turn fans away that bring Confederate flags to races. Nascar's gone to hell.
- 9 June 2020: God didn't find any value at all in the countless millions He killed in the flood nor later among the Caananites, Hittites, Edomites, Jebusites and a host of others. In God's eyes not every biped has equal value.
- 9 June 2020: What? No Crocks, cargo shorts and t-shirt? Men were men back then.
- 9 June 2020: White men can be so disappointing when we expect them to be noble and chivalrous.
- 9 June 2020: He has a long rap sheet with a felony from last year that he apparently did no time for.
- 8 June 2020: Yeah, pretty much.
- 8 June 2020: They probably got their hands so full with Black and Hispanic crime that they haven't even got around to thinking about a few white guys yet.
- 8 June 2020: Maybe she can call on BLM or Antifa.
- 8 June 2020: No sympathy for mud sharks.
- 8 June 2020: Could it be that there's no Black interest in such things?
- 8 June 2020: Was that a threat?
- 8 June 2020: "Democratic control" is a very polite way of putting it.
- 8 June 2020: The first Klan was not shut down by law enforcement. It was shut down by the Klan itself under its then leader, General John B. Gordon in 1877. Gordon took over when Forrest's health declined.
- 8 June 2020: Forrest didn't found it but he was later sworn in by his former Chief of Artillery, Morton and made the national leader. Short version of the story.
- 8 June 2020: What took him so long? But thank God he's there.
- 8 June 2020: 75 years of military occupation is more than enough.
- 8 June 2020: How many months have they had to get ready?
- 8 June 2020: Well, he's White so he doesn't have a hundred special interest groups threatening to burn down the city for answers.
- 8 June 2020: About 6% of our population is responsible for over 50% of our violent crimes. That's why they get shot.
- 8 June 2020: Who is she planning on using it against? Us or them?
- 8 June 2020: "Feels" aren't cutting it.
- 8 June 2020: It's kicked off now. How much worse do things need to get before they "kick off" in your mind?
- 8 June 2020: Wow! You should be hired by the FBI for your incredible spray can writing analysis. You'd be a real crime solver.
- 8 June 2020: Do you have the video of a White person spraying this? Or anything similar?
- 8 June 2020: And add Haiti to the list.
- 8 June 2020: Look at Rhodesia and South Africa for examples.
- 8 June 2020: That's two of us.
- 8 June 2020: Yeah, that voting stuff has been working out great for Whitey.
- 8 June 2020: If these were Mexicans rioting, sure but these are domestic Negroes and Liberal Whites. We could close the border tomorrow and Whites will still end up being the minority.
- 8 June 2020: I've been tired for 30 years. What do we do about it beside impotent voting?
- 8 June 2020: Apparently we should be doing nothing and let Negroes and their allies destroy everything they want otherwise we'd be following the Bolshevik plan.
- 8 June 2020: So sick of these tin foil hatters stating with such certainty that all the current chaos is being orchestrated so that the fed Gov can institute martial law. They've had plenty of good reason to do it and haven't. Nobody would pay attention to it anyway.
- 8 June 2020: I'd rather live under White supremacy than Black supremacy.
- 8 June 2020: Africa has 54 countries in it. Is there some African King ruling the entire continent I'm unaware of that has the power to sell out all 54 sovereign countries to China?
- 8 June 2020:
- 8 June 2020: Unfortunately the Western Liberalism that allied us with Stalin is forcing us to learn Spanish now.
- 8 June 2020: What Synagoges were vandalized in the last two weeks?
- 8 June 2020: If we didn't have a perpetually violent criminal underclass making up only 13% of the population but responsible for 55% of violent crime we could do without a militarized police force and let Barney Fyffe run the force.
- 7 June 2020: You've been warned. Now what are you going to do about it?
- 7 June 2020: After what the unit did to Southern civilians I can't muster up any tears.
- 7 June 2020: That's going to work out well.
- 7 June 2020: Largely peaceful with 27 injured officers? I can tell BBC is full of Leftist dumbasses all the way from across the pond.
- 7 June 2020: The Leftist media is not going to focus on anything showing the police officer to be a human being like the rest of us.
- 7 June 2020: As you should be able to ascertain from extensive media footage, nobody gives two shits about Martial Law. The fed Gov has had ample opportunity to do it and they've refused. Nobody in the streets would even pay attention to such a thing.
- 7 June 2020: Half our people seem to be working for the enemy and the other half are either too timid or too disorganized to do anything about it. That's where all that "rugged individualism" led you.
- 7 June 2020: Recent events as well as media reporting over the last half century remind us why media outlets are referred to as "the fourth estate" or "fourth power" and why they may be considered legitimate military targets.
- 7 June 2020: Worthless cowards.
- 7 June 2020: By aiding the Communist takeover of half of Europe and defending Communist ideology in the process, Churchill helped make the world safe for the Leftists that are destroying it today. As Patton said, "We defeated the wrong enemy".
- 7 June 2020: Good for Libya.
- 7 June 2020: Yes, take them "out of the neighborhoods that don't want them" and you'll be creating lawless tribal areas that will soon negatively impact the policed areas. I guess if someone in these lawless areas needs help they can always call antifa or BLM?
- 7 June 2020: The events of the last two weeks have justified my every thought and action of the last 30 years. There will be no apologies or regrets.
- 7 June 2020: This is all you need to know.
- 7 June 2020:
- 6 June 2020: Unfortunately however their Heroes end up becoming everybody's Heroes through propaganda. Just look at the whoremongering, plagiarizing lying, communist revolutionary, Martin Luther King jr.
- 6 June 2020: People come color coded for a reason. It's a warning label.
- 6 June 2020: Makes me want bulldozers and mass graves.
- 6 June 2020: Honestly, we don't need any socialist "sharing" which is really nothing more than stealing from one state to give to another. It's like a drug dealer giving out free samples to get a new hooked user. We need to come clean and learn how to live without the dealer in our lives.
- 6 June 2020: There's more US military recruiting stations in the South per capita for a reason. The sons of Lee, Jackson and Davis are born with the same martial spirit that led their fathers to cause more fear and damage to the US military and its government than any foreign army ever has.
- 6 June 2020: What must be done can not be spoken. Let the night resound with the sounds of action rather than words.
- 6 June 2020: Before Martin Luther King, Jr was killed and turned into a Saint with his own national holiday he was recognized as a Communist trouble-making racial agitator. You're seeing how that transformation occurred now with porn actor and career criminal, George Floyd.
- 6 June 2020: What mighty man could not be softened by baby kittens?
- 6 June 2020: Churchill is one of the criminals who made the West vulnerable to what's happening today.
- 6 June 2020: Murika is a proposition nation. That is its weakness and that is why it will Balkanize.
- 6 June 2020: Weapons are useless against a determined Will. But I doubt there is that level of fanaticism on the Left yet. They still have comfortable homes, hot meals, flush toilets, and television to go home to when they start getting tired and sweaty.
- 6 June 2020: The thrill seekers want the immediate adrenaline rush of public activism while the truly committed are silently building the foundations of a movement. It's not glamorous or exciting but it's what must be done.
- 6 June 2020: We should stop waiting on the mythical hero to arrive on a white horse. Do the best you can with the leaders you have now. Once we throw ourselves into the fray the real leaders will rise to the top. There will be new monuments to great leaders in our future.
- 6 June 2020: Anything worth fighting for will have martyrs. Let their names spur us to selfless sacrifice rather than selfish cowardice.
- 6 June 2020: Funny how tiny Switzerland and a host of countries smaller than many states of the US Union don't have to worry about any of that.
- 5 June 2020:
- 5 June 2020: Even if he did, he'd still have my support.
- 5 June 2020: Amen, Sir.
- 5 June 2020: Only if you kill the wrong people.
- 5 June 2020: God bless our heroes in the JFRD.
- 5 June 2020: Good riddance.
- 4 June 2020:
- 4 June 2020: Half of Aleppo in Syria is complete rubble but it's important enough to keep fighting over.
- 4 June 2020: 80% of the US population lives in urban areas.
- 4 June 2020: Insurgencies occur wherever the enemy is engaged.
- 4 June 2020: All 38 deserved it.
- 4 June 2020: Actually, Southerners and Northerners were largely two differen nations from different locations in Europe. Read "Albions Seed", "Cracker Culture", "The Redneck Manifesto" and "Born Fighting" for starters.
- 4 June 2020: Next time they need help they can call BLM or Antifa.
- 4 June 2020: How'bout we switch this argument around and agree for a moment that the war was over slavery. Can we agree that the federal government made war on half the Union's population over something that should have been changed through Constitutional Amendment?
- 4 June 2020: I'm sure he's heartbroken at losing your respect.
- 4 June 2020: There's millions of Americans who never used racial slurs before that are quickly learning to use them now.
- 4 June 2020: The Republican Party didn't want to lose all their new voters.
- 4 June 2020: A lot of is knew it was time to quit the experiment back in 1860. They wouldn't let us. It only got worse from there.
- 4 June 2020: He is a three-time traitor. He betrayed his white Christian southern people by turning to the homosexual lifestyle, betraying his Christian faith and turn to paganism, and giving up on the cause of Southern Independence which his forefathers bled and died for.
- 4 June 2020: That poor dog will have to lick his own butt for an hour to get the taste out of his mouth.
- 4 June 2020: Let Iran worry about their own ethnic trouble makers and we'll worry about ours.
- 4 June 2020: "Transporting gasoline in unapproved containers" There's no wicks on them or other form of ignition nor does there appear to be any thickening agent added to the gas to make Napalm so technically they're not incendiary devices.
- 3 June 2020: Not really. It was being used more like a constriction band and could be loosened as needed. Didn't look like he really had any arterial bleeding.
- 3 June 2020: Let it out!
- 3 June 2020: Indigo is blue. Does that have something to do with blue gums?
- 3 June 2020: Poor kid. She doesn't stand a chance in this world with that mother.
- 3 June 2020: It probably worked to get her way when she was 5.
- 3 June 2020: The Pledge was an early piece of socialist propaganda that seeked to establish something the Founding Fathers never intended. Read about Francis Bellamy and his Pledge.
- 3 June 2020: White power is apparently more impressive than I ever imagined.
- 3 June 2020: Not everybody in the US thinks like you or wants the same things. Over half this Union actually like socialism and votes for it. Living under the same government with them is impossible since they get to vote for socialism.
- 3 June 2020: The US is supposed to be a voluntary union of sovereign countries, not a hostage crisis.. The central government is supposed to be a servant to the states. If you no longer need the services of your servant you may dismiss him. There's no need to ho anywhere.
- 3 June 2020: It's not top story in the news anymore so it's not real.
- 3 June 2020: I quit the SCV years ago because they were worthless and weak. Nice guys and all, but worthless and weak.
- 3 June 2020: We have socialist, Progressive Blue States sending representatives to Washington DC to make laws that are repugnant to traditional conservative Red States. It's not just a small number of troublemakers. It's entire state governments and the people who elect them to that position.
- 3 June 2020: States have their own constitutions. The Federal Constitution is there to regulate the federal government. If you are no longer a party to the contract you don't need that Constitution.
- 3 June 2020: He's not White. He's part of the unnamable Tribe.
- 3 June 2020: (((Ziegler)))
- 3 June 2020: Even the Nazis got rid of their jack boots by 1941 in exchange for mor practical and economic footwear.
- 3 June 2020:
- 3 June 2020: It's got gay commie cooties in it.
- 2 June 2020: Their loss your gain. You don't need that trash following you.
- 2 June 2020: It's a cattle chute to their slaughter pen.
- 2 June 2020: Do not resusitate.
- 2 June 2020: My Scotish slave ancestor came ashore on James Island, VA. My ancestral namesake was probably sent to Barbados to work the cane fields before somehow escaping that horror and making it to Virginia
- 2 June 2020: You can take your ghetto shite right on down the road.
- 2 June 2020: It's been estimated that approximately 75% of all the White people brought to this continent prior to the American Revolution were brought here as slaves of the British. I had at least one Scottish ancestor who was brought over here as a slave and possibly one English one.
- 2 June 2020: That's a lot of work for maybe 1% of the Black vote. Concentrate on your base, Sir.
- 2 June 2020: Done.
- 2 June 2020: I'll be standing by your side on that line.
- 2 June 2020: Will this be in your book?
- 2 June 2020: Honestly, the governor and the mayor should be able to work this out to the satisfaction of typical Blue State sensibilities. They're screwed up because of who they are and a short term federal intervention won't fix it.
- 2 June 2020: Where's "Literally Hitler" on the scale?
- 2 June 2020: Good riddance.
- 2 June 2020: May the good Lord Bless you and keep you. Sir. Let your aim be fast and your targets slow.
- 2 June 2020: No, they are the literal descendants of the Communist Antifa forces of 1930s Germany that Hitler's Brown Shirts fought in the streets. You are either ignorant of this or intentionally leading people astray.
- 2 June 2020: D'Souza is a little brown foreigner who has no business trying to "educate" us on White/European/US history. He's a little turd. Can't believe Laura Ingrahm actually dated him but single mom's with adopted brown kids pass for Conservatives today.
- 2 June 2020: Smoked Crack, on camera with prostitutes.
- 2 June 2020: Antifa member doesn't know his own history. Antifa was started BEFORE WWII in 1930's Germany by Communists. Antifa was largely who the Nazi Brown Shirts were engaging in street battles with.
- 2 June 2020: The rabble are now forcing their way into people's homes in the largely disarmed city of Washington, DC. This is why a civilian needs "weapons of war" like an AR-15 with multiple 30 round magazines
- 2 June 2020: This is the same clown that always blames conspiratorial Nazis and Catholics but never names the Joos.
- 2 June 2020: Sucks to be them.
- 2 June 2020: Because it's ours.
- 1 June 2020: Oh, and by the way. That "Diversity makes us stronger" nonsense is what's burning down your cities.
- 1 June 2020: If it don't have wheels it don't belong in the middle of the road.
- 1 June 2020: Only blood and soil truly unite a people. Those who do not feel united to you in those two things are not part of your tribe and belong somewhere else.
- 1 June 2020: The Polk County Sheriff rocks!
- 1 June 2020: No more exciting time to be alive than right now!
- 1 June 2020: The FBI says they want digital media of Leftist violence. Hell, send it to them! Maybe they'll actually do something with it.
- 1 June 2020: Why? In spite of all the video evidence of Antifa, BLM and other assorted Communist/Anarchist violence in Charlottesville in 2017 I don't remember any federal prosecutions of Leftists.
- 1 June 2020: Appropriately named "Gay St."
- 1 June 2020: Now if they'll just use them.
- 1 June 2020: They've been on the news for at least the last 4 years.
- 1 June 2020: Quick. Burn more buildings.
- 1 June 2020: Let's hope so. White people need the wake up call.
- 1 June 2020: James Fields did nothing wrong. #freejamesfields
- 1 June 2020: I'll try to type more encouragement.
- 1 June 2020: I just responded to a Tweet from the FBI that was promoting LGBTQuerty. I didn't know how much fun the FBIs Twitter account could be so I followed them. Next, got to see if the ATF has a Twitter account.
- 1 June 2020: @FBI I didn't realize how much fun the FBIs Twitter page could be. You just earned a Follow.
- 1 June 2020: One of the few smart things he did.
- 1 June 2020: You people have really gone down hill.
- 1 June 2020: We wouldn't have any more Black people either.
- 1 June 2020: Oppression? They are the most pampered Blacks on the planet.
- 1 June 2020: Best tweet from RT ever.
- 1 June 2020: Decades of tough talk and collecting semiautomatic penis extensions only to cower come play time. All show and no go.
- 1 June 2020: I'm with the brunch crowd.
- 1 June 2020: These Marxist/Anarchist enemies need to be publicly named, identified, and arrested. They have sown havoc from sea to sea for the last 4 years.
- 1 June 2020: You mean like pose for pictures with people?
- 1 June 2020: Bitchin' about the wage gap. There's a wage gap because my alarm clock goes off at 5:00am every morning, I put my work boots on and I take my tired ass to work. They should try it some time.
- 1 June 2020: If poverty were the cause of crime lily-white Appalachia would be on the news every night and the National Guard would be patrolling their dirt roads.
- 1 June 2020: When you run out of non-lethal ammunition you fall back to lethal.
- 1 June 2020: This is usually good advice for many situations including the current one:
- 1 June 2020:
- 1 June 2020: I'm not aligned with the rioters but, No tears for dead feds.
- 1 June 2020: At least 22 known years of career criminality. No word on his juvenile record.
- 1 June 2020: Portland. What else do you need to know?
- 1 June 2020: Thank God they made the world safe for Communism (including Antifa)
- 1 June 2020: They're doing for us what I can only dream of doing.
- 1 June 2020: LOL! I had forgotten about that song!
- 1 June 2020: ISIS doesn't fear them. They are a creation of Israel and everyone fighting over there knows it.
- 1 June 2020: Because the Bolsheviks were.....?
- 1 June 2020: A prosecuting attorney will rip them a new one over this.
- 1 June 2020: Even the International Law of Land Warfare prevents the purposeful destruction of houses of worship.
- 1 June 2020: Just call Antifa or BLM when you need help.
- 1 June 2020: Indeed, both Hardy and Polk had their own Corps battle Flags in service before Beauregard issued the Army of Tennessee Battle Flag to all units.
- 1 June 2020: Sucks to be you.
- 1 June 2020: No, that's Polk's Corps flag.
- 1 June 2020: Actually, the flag shown by Tanker Yanker was the Battle Flag of the Army of Tennessee.
- 1 June 2020: Well, they did ally themselves with Uncle Joe Stalin and defeated the only army that was fighting Communism. So, yeah, they made the world safe for godless international Communist slavery. Thanks Greatest Generation.
- 1 June 2020: He's a liar.
- 1 June 2020: Why did he bother to stop?
- 1 June 2020: If he was trying to run over protestors there was no reason for him to stop.
- 1 June 2020: Liberia existed when Lincoln was 11 years old or so. Three Southerners created the American Colonization Society to send blacks back to Africa.
- 1 June 2020: Apparently there's some White guilt operating against you.
- 1 June 2020: No, even a felon can own and carry a bow.
- 31 May 2020: Your post sounds like something a Commie would say.
- 31 May 2020: I find that hilarious. Nobody gives two flips about the Main Stream Media.
- 31 May 2020: State governors unless federal crimes are committed.
- 31 May 2020: I'll believe it when I see it and maybe not even then.
- 31 May 2020: Rubio just can't rise above his DNA.
- 31 May 2020: I'm wondering what the Rainbow Confederates' excuse is for the headquarters of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to be burnt and all the monuments defaced in Richmond when there was nobody waving a Confederate flag to blame it on?
- 31 May 2020: I don't think anyone is purposely sacrificing multi-thousand dollar cop cars to burnings to get sympathy.
- 31 May 2020: Do you have a link for that?
- 31 May 2020: You're confusing him with Floyd.
- 31 May 2020: Anybody who bothered to look into Floyd's history already knew he ruined his own memory. Dying doesn't erase all that.
- 31 May 2020: Those skinny little commies lost that banner that day.
- 31 May 2020: That's a horrible thing to say about pigs.
- 31 May 2020: A multi-generational plague on humanity.
- 31 May 2020: Just came across this video of the original Commie owners of the black banner before it was captured by the League of the Douth
- 31 May 2020: They knew how to deal with Antifa in the 1930s too but we're not allowed to cheer them for that.
- 31 May 2020:
- 31 May 2020: They were aiding and abetting godless international Communists to enslave Europe so...
- 31 May 2020: He's full of shit. If any "White supremacists" had been arrested their faces and names would be plastered all over TV 24/7 to deflect blame from the real organizers.
- 31 May 2020: The ones that don't know the others do and stand side by side with them. The buckshot does not discriminate.
- 31 May 2020: What can I do to help New England secede?
- 31 May 2020: 'bout time.
- 31 May 2020: That's the old slave market downtown.
- 31 May 2020: Adversity will show you who your friends are.
- 31 May 2020: Our fellow Whites are our worst enemies due to their weakness, apathy, fear, selfishness and individualism.
- 31 May 2020: We demonstrated ag against him one year in Tallahassee bec as use of his liberal immigration stance. But what can we expect from a South Florida, Cuban anchor baby?
- 31 May 2020: I'm betting it's insurance fraud.
- 31 May 2020: This is going to be by best Twitter chuckle all day!
- 31 May 2020: "Agreed"
- 31 May 2020: As greed but it's not just Boomers. All age groups have their deceived members.
- 31 May 2020: How 'bout naming them and their Marxist/Anarchist ideologies so as to make things clear?
- 31 May 2020: This has been going on for a long time. In 1997 the name of George Washington elementary school in Orleans Parish, LA was changed to the name of a modern Black person because Washington was a slave owner.
- 31 May 2020: They weren't going to do shit anyway. If this isn't the time to do something it never will be.
- 31 May 2020: He's full of shit. If they had proof they'd be plastering names, faces and other info on the TV 24/7 to deflect from the Leftists.
- 31 May 2020: Like there's not a race war going on already? Unfortunately only one side is fighting it and the other is losing.
- 31 May 2020: Just turn their heads into canoes with a 5.56 round.
- 31 May 2020: Understood. If anyone ought to have a hatred of police I'm one of 'em but I just can't waste the emotion on it. I'm not going to cry over dead feds but city, County and state police are my neighbors and we need to recruit them to our side.
- 31 May 2020: As you probably know I've had unpleasant encounters with JSO, Jax Corrections, ATF, US Marshall's, Federal Bureau of Prisons, FBI and Secret Service. But when it comes to Nogs and Commie/Anarchist Antifa and BLM burning my city down, there's only one side to cheer on.
- 31 May 2020: I think he was a junior as in James Alex Fields, jr.
- 31 May 2020: James Fields did nothing wrong.
- 31 May 2020: Jacksonville Sheriff's Office officer stabbed in the neck, two officers beaten but rescued by SWAT team. Officers pelted with bricks and rocks, police cars vandalized. JSO won't take any shit. Sheriff says Jacksonville will not be burned like other cities.
- 31 May 2020: Sorry, Brother. I misunderstood. Yeah, that boy JR lives in my home town and lives too high-profile of a life to invite me to his front door like that. My apologies.
- 31 May 2020: Bring it on, bitch.
- 30 May 2020: JSO deploys gas against the Leftists in Jacksonville, FL.
- 30 May 2020: The Mainstreet bridge in Jacksonville has been closed to traffic due to agitating Leftists.
- 30 May 2020: Jacksonville Sheriff's office is gassing the Leftists right now.
- 30 May 2020: JSO needs to crack some skulls.
- 30 May 2020: It's non-White homo-erotica.
- 30 May 2020: Balkanization is coming to this continent anyway. Best to start now on who gets what slice of the pie.
- 30 May 2020: They should be given a homeland of their own where they don't have to worry about discrimination, "White supremacy" and the pressure to conform to the White man's moral and legal code. Once they're on their own they won't have anyone to blame but themselves.
- 30 May 2020: Gene pool followed by geography/terrain.
- 30 May 2020: I think there is much to admire about Asian culture and high intelligence.
- 30 May 2020: Maybe we should request UN peacekeepers.
- 30 May 2020: Nobody cared when the Left threw chemicals at us in Charlottesville. Suck it up.
- 30 May 2020: They're the same in every country including their home countries. They've been taught right from wrong like everyone else but they ignore the laws that bind civilization together.
- 30 May 2020: Genetics.
- 30 May 2020: Yeah,committed every single day by about 6% of the population that commits 55% of the violent crimes.
- 30 May 2020: James Fields did nothing wrong.
- 30 May 2020: No apologies. No regrets.
- 30 May 2020: James Fields did nothing wrong.
- 30 May 2020: They are night and day. The Nazis fought against Antifa in 1930s Germany.
- 30 May 2020: It's Antifa getting ready to burn flags.
- 30 May 2020: What train of reason, if you have any would lead you to believe "White supremacists" are behind the violence rather than the obvious Black protestors. Antifa, BLM and their Leftist fellow travellers? Where's the proof?
- 30 May 2020: Where did this 80% figure come from? How do we know? Where's the proof? Or is this just an attempt to make excuses for the rioters?
- 30 May 2020: Stupid White people.
- 30 May 2020: Link to live feeds from Mineapolis. Should be fun watching tonight.
- 30 May 2020: Thanks!
- 30 May 2020: Do you have any good links to the livestreams?
- 30 May 2020: I'm buying popcorn tonight.
- 30 May 2020: How many White supremacists have been arrested or at least identified on the streets? Provide proof or it's just bullshit. (Which we already know it is)
- 30 May 2020: If you can riot in person you can vote in person.
- 30 May 2020: Great answer.
- 30 May 2020: What does skin color and vaginas have to do with the quality of gaming?
- 30 May 2020: Why?
- 30 May 2020: There's no "White supremacists" rioting. No White supremacists have been arrested. If there was any evidence of this the suspects would be paraded on TV non-stop.
- 30 May 2020: Not post 1860.
- 30 May 2020: New drinking game: Take a shot every time (((Wolf Blitzer))) mentions "White supremacists" in relation to the non-White violence raging across the Union. You'll be going to the emergency room before the night's festivities begin.
- 30 May 2020: There's such a thing as a "Black Twitter"?
- 30 May 2020: He's cucking hard for that 1% of the Black vote.
- 30 May 2020: One positive point to CNN lying about "White supremacists" being involved in the rioting to make Blacks look bad is that, come tonight any White Leftists on the streets will likely be confused with a White supremacist and be beaten or killed.
- 30 May 2020: Provide proof.
- 30 May 2020: Naming the real enemy is a good first step. Now please do something about it, Sir.
- 30 May 2020: Hey, anybody remember the Corona virus?
- 30 May 2020: When and where did this happen?
- 30 May 2020: And people are still crying about Charlottesville.
- 30 May 2020: Honestly, nobody really cares about the former porn star, drug dealer and armed robber, George Floyd. It's really all about hating Whitey and getting back at The Man.
- 30 May 2020: Hmmm? "or German law..."
- 30 May 2020: So, what kind of support can we expect out of Iran besides verbal, if any? And what would Iran want in return?
- 30 May 2020: I'm thankful you're not White as well.
- 30 May 2020: Yeah, like Antifa which you failed to label a domestic terrorist organization along with BLM and other Left wing Marxist trash. How 'bout naming names?
- 30 May 2020: What appears to be a nation-wide stand down of police forces so as not to not upset the violent Left is all to familiar to the Alt-Right veterans of Charlottesville who were savaged by feral animals with the police refusing to do their duty.
- 30 May 2020: Peaceful until they find a store they want to loot.
- 30 May 2020: Some how or another the crimes of Blacks are always blamed on Whites.
- 30 May 2020: You're the one screaming eye for an eye. What 3rd world shit hole did you escape from?
- 30 May 2020: When do you think the rioters will get around to thinking about tearing down Confederate monuments? Will it be when they've run out of stores to loot or before?
- 30 May 2020: Where is this happening?
- 30 May 2020: Yeah, yeah I can.
- 30 May 2020: Antifa and trash seem to go well together.
- 30 May 2020: And we'd still be in a Union with Blue State busybodies who send reps to DC to make us live like them, making rules for us on abortion, gun control, death penalty, LGBTQ rights, non-White rights, women's rights, children's rights, etc.
- 30 May 2020: Not someone who accuses someone of murder without a trial. That's just playing into the Left.
- 30 May 2020: Burn the decay.
- 30 May 2020: Portland deserves it.
- 30 May 2020: Probably Cat 3.
- 30 May 2020: Sorry if I can't work up any tears for people living in socialist, Progressive Blue States burning their own shit after they have been pampered for generations by their city, county, state and federal governments. They're reaping what they sowed.
- 30 May 2020: Sad? Not really.
- 30 May 2020: Maybe another performance of "We are the World"?
- 30 May 2020: Well, as a matter of fact...
- 30 May 2020: I hope so. Let the blood run as deep as the bridle on a horse. It's the only path to something positive for our people.
- 30 May 2020: 'bout time. Bust some heads.
- 30 May 2020: White weakness.
- 30 May 2020: Probably as well as voting Republican.
- 30 May 2020: What Black mobs are doing nation-wide for the last few days fits the federal legal definition of terrorism. How many terrorism related charges do you guess will be filed?
- 30 May 2020: "Democrats" was a very polite way of putting it.
- 30 May 2020: Make all crimes legal and eliminate the problem.
- 30 May 2020: They've had 3 days to get there.Apparently they're not Minutemen. Maybe they have to work like other White men?
- 30 May 2020: Do you think any of these cities under attack will later make the effort to identify the perps, confiscate their phones and computers for evidence and sentence them to lengthy prison sentences like they did to those defending themselves in Charlottesville?
- 30 May 2020: Where are they now? There's a lot of trash needs picking up.
- 30 May 2020: What ever happened to racist Skinheads (not to be confused with SHARPS)? Are they not a thing anymore? Seems like we could use a few battalions of them right now.
- 30 May 2020: LOL!
- 30 May 2020: CNN seems to want to make sure we are aware every few minutes that there's a few non-Blacks involved in the mayhem.
- 30 May 2020: Where's all those dumbasses from the III%, Oath Keepers and Militias that are always standing around, styling and profiling in plate carriers and carbines? Wouldn't this be the time to take to the streets to defend people, property and civilization?
- 30 May 2020: Fight like a man take a hit like a man.
- 30 May 2020: I've had lots of interactions with city, county, state and federal police agencies. I'm still alive. Must be my White privelidge.
- 30 May 2020: The Boogaloo is here. Whatcha going to do about it?
- 30 May 2020: Thank you. Please keep us posted if you can.
- 30 May 2020: Where is "Law and Order" Trump? He has failed you once again. Reform of the Empire is neither possible nor desirable.
- 30 May 2020: When was this?
- 30 May 2020: A part of me has to laugh that the icons of sports ball, the bread and circuses that's supposed to keep the lower elements pacified, have been stolen by the ne'er do Wells Don't fret. This stuff will be on eBay in no time.
- 30 May 2020: Not being one to shirk from the word "racist" I'll say, yeah, when I think of a thug of think of Blacks.
- 30 May 2020: King didn't write much of anything. That would be (((Stanley David Levinson))).
- 30 May 2020: It'll all be on eBay in a couple of months.
- 30 May 2020: The division comes naturally. It's the forced amalgamation that is unnatural.
- 30 May 2020: Show us the source of your "facts".
- 30 May 2020: Probably because they were actually peaceful and orderly and didn't break windows and burn things.
- 30 May 2020: It's called "Normalcy Bias". Look it up.
- 30 May 2020: They learned from Chinese protestors. Used to block the view of police. Probably all looted from a store.
- 30 May 2020: You have obviously not been paying attention to the antics of those particular "citizens" for the last 50 years. Did you just wake up from a coma or something?
- 30 May 2020: Have you never seen this before?
- 30 May 2020: I'm reasonably sure he was correct.
- 30 May 2020: Hopefully we'll get to see what you do when you're surrounded by an angry mob attacking your car and maybe have your wife and kids in the car.
- 30 May 2020: If it doesn't have wheels it doesn't belong in the street except at designated crosswalks. Did you learn that in your driver's handbook?
- 30 May 2020: Don't block my vehicle and you'll be ok.
- 30 May 2020: Does he have to be the next Reginald Denny to make you happy?
- 30 May 2020: Not everyone who burns the US flag is my ally.
- 30 May 2020: I don't think I'd stand under a Bonnie Blue with any of them.
- 30 May 2020: It's only betrayal if he was on your side to begin with. He was never on your side.
- 30 May 2020: The right of self defense can never be denied. They're attacking him.
- 30 May 2020: Meanwhile your car is sustaining thousands of dollars worth of damage and you risk becoming the next Reginald Denny.
- 30 May 2020: Maybe we should wait for the trial.
- 30 May 2020: You would think a Sheriff would have the sense to wait on the legal system to get the facts before inflaming the mob. Who's he pandering to?
- 30 May 2020: You try to run a cop over with your car you're going to get shot.
- 30 May 2020: Screw everybody in CNN. They're finally being burned by the flames they fanned.
- 30 May 2020: Black accelerationism is a great Red Pill for White dumbasses.
- 30 May 2020: Screw CNN.
- 30 May 2020: When Whites soon become the minority in North America there won't be any other choice for survival. Pakistan separated from India, the Soviet Union broke up and there are other examples. We can do it too.
- 30 May 2020: On this point you and I can agree. Peaceful, voluntary separation would benefit all.
- 30 May 2020: Just smile, nod your head, go home, make a list and clean your guns.
- 29 May 2020: What are they charging? I'll gladly donate every month.
- 29 May 2020: Really hasn't been since 1865. Thank you, Lincoln.
- 29 May 2020:
- 29 May 2020: Secession is the first step. Get the fed Gov out of the way and it's easier to change a state than change 50 states and 320 million people.
- 29 May 2020: Obadiah 18.
- 29 May 2020: They fit the legal definition.
- 29 May 2020: Some of his tweets, like this one make we want to use the F word 10 time in a 20 word sentence. Why is he encouraging them and fanning the flames by talking about Floyd not dying in vain?
- 29 May 2020: Amen, Sister.
- 29 May 2020: It's hard to fight in the real world when the fake world of the internet has everyone believing that what they see with their own eyes is fake.
- 29 May 2020: Is this video related to the Mineapolis situation or is this from a past event?
- 29 May 2020: I'm betting the cops were trained to subdue subjects with that technique so the cop was following department guidelines. So now it's on the whole Department. Just guessing.
- 29 May 2020: Please, burn it down. I bought popcorn just for the event.
- 28 May 2020: Cities are magnets for weakness.
- 28 May 2020: Or last 50 years.
- 28 May 2020: He looks like he's used to spending a lot of time on his knees.
- 28 May 2020: Or dogfood.
- 28 May 2020: Little phagott
- 28 May 2020: That's a handsome bird.
- 28 May 2020: Yeah, I'm always cautious of supposedly "good" joos? Everything they say, do, and write has to be sifted through to determine the ulterior motive.
- 28 May 2020: I have his book, "Facts are Facts"
- 28 May 2020: He's mistaken. It's only hate when you figure out who to hate on your own and engage in unauthorized hate.
- 28 May 2020: It's always somebody elses's fault.
- 28 May 2020: Set them back? Like they weren't already in a hopeless retrograde dive from the start?
- 28 May 2020: It looks like Mineapolis right now.
- 28 May 2020: How many nights did Ferguson go on? The police are probably scared of being the next one fired and investigated for civil rights abuses.
- 28 May 2020: Fascinating. Is there someplace to listen to the whole speech?
- 28 May 2020: Why would they stop?
- 28 May 2020: Shot and maced for "absolutely no reason at all".
- 28 May 2020: She's lucky to get away with only that.
- 28 May 2020: Right now.
- 28 May 2020: You want free speach? You got it but now you don't like it.
- 28 May 2020: Where'd they steal that?
- 28 May 2020: LOL! That's going to be my best internet chuckle of the day!
- 28 May 2020: My tribe says screw that nog.
- 28 May 2020: It was never supposed to be "A nation". It was supposed to be a Confederation of sovereign nations. Now it's just a seething pot of mud ready to boil over.
- 28 May 2020: Becuz, you know, Target keeled dat nibber.
- 28 May 2020: Maybe she'll figure out who her Tribe is.
- 28 May 2020: This is why we had to have Slave Patrols or "Pattyrollers" as the Blacks called them. They can not remain unsupervised for a moment without your civilization being in peril.
- 28 May 2020: (((Friedman)))
- 27 May 2020: "Accountable"? What does that mean? Do we have to sacrifice our children and grandchildren for Uyghur human rights? Who the F has ever even used "Uyghur" in a sentence before today? Everybody that pretends to give a flip please point to Xinjiang on a map.
- 27 May 2020: An dey wuz kangs n sheet.
- 27 May 2020:
- 27 May 2020: He probably wasn't wanted for anything, plus he passed the secret sign to the White cops that all White people know that keeps us from being killed by White cops. It's all part of the great White conspiracy, you know?
- 27 May 2020: The PoPo in the picture.
- 27 May 2020: Do that as ll you want. You'll probably end up with a knee on your neck.
- 27 May 2020: Just a bunch of talk so far. Wake me up when someone actually goes to jail.
- 27 May 2020: People who think they are oppressed get on boats or illegally cross borders to get away. All I see is a bunch of crying.
- 27 May 2020: Don't hold your breath.
- 27 May 2020: Anybody else looking forward to watching Mineapolis burn?
- 27 May 2020: Maybe get on an inner tube and paddle toward Cuba.
- 27 May 2020: I don't think they have to "try". It's just all they know how to do.
- 27 May 2020: Some folks just want to give him a never ending check list of things to do knowing he won't do any of them but hoping for the best. But hope is not a plan.
- 27 May 2020: They're all freeloaders anyway. It was somebody else's tax dollars.
- 27 May 2020: Show of hands from everyone that's willing to sacrifice a child or grandchild for Hong Kong's freedom?
- 27 May 2020: I think it matters in that it's an indicator of the continued spiraling decline of the Murikan Empire.
- 27 May 2020: Vaginas are apparently an important consideration in the selection process.
- 27 May 2020: American Blacks enjoy the highest standard of living and most benefits than any other Africans on the planet. For all they're crying about oppression you don't see boat loads of them trying to escape to another country or crossing the border en masse.
- 27 May 2020: And the back of the whole filthy Empire.
- 27 May 2020: Relax. Yesterday Rush Limbaugh told us the virus is just a Globalist conspiracy.
- 27 May 2020: Pray for it.
- 27 May 2020: If I found out he was my neighbor he probably wouldn't be for long.
- 27 May 2020: The institution of slavery is ordained by and regulated by the God of the Western world. Among its many virtues it replaces unblibical prisons.
- 26 May 2020:
- 26 May 2020: There will always be people making excuses for him because they refused to see that this is a broken system and that reform is neither possible nor desirable.
- 26 May 2020: Honestly, why would anyone purposefully subject themselves to minority violence? The stats on dead White people are not made from masochistic thrill seekers looking for trouble.
- 26 May 2020: The United States was supposed to be a voluntary union of sovereign nations, not a hostage crisis. If you're not free to leave you're not free.
- 26 May 2020: If all you know about the US Constitution comes from Schoolhouse Rock then you are out of your league in this conversation.
- 26 May 2020: The Alabama constitution is the supreme law of Alabama. The US Constitution was written by the states to keep the central government in check, not to enslave themselves to it.
- 26 May 2020:
- 26 May 2020: You're going to be awful busy.
- 26 May 2020: Says the person calling someone else disgusting.
- 26 May 2020: It ain't your country anymore, Whitey.
- 26 May 2020:
- 26 May 2020: Anything other than Southern nationalism is just a distraction/sideshow.
- 26 May 2020: Acts like a man until treated like a man then acts like a woman.
- 26 May 2020: "Congress" shall make no law... See where this doesn't apply?
- 26 May 2020: The Incorporation Doctrine is an illegitimate concept that was never envisioned by the Founders. In fact, it wasn't framed up until around 1925.
- 26 May 2020: So it's an "either or" thing? You can't support your own people AND cheerlead another people on?
- 26 May 2020: Not even a bully for your own country but someone else's or for the interests of bankers and corporations. As the great two-time Medal of Honor winner, General Smedly Butler once wrote, War is a Rackett.
- 26 May 2020: I don't know if a lot of folks on the right actually believe Palistinians are "better" than Jews but they probably wish they could launch rockets into Israel as well.
- 26 May 2020: The above meme is actually a myth. The Amendment by Louisiana Senator, Russell B. Long only provided pensions to about 1000 surviving Confederate widows. It did not change the status of Confederate veterans.
- 26 May 2020: Probably that last thing my Confederate ancestors ever wanted was to be considered "US Veterans".
- 25 May 2020: Your boi is still at it.
- 25 May 2020: If only that were drone strike footage.
- 25 May 2020: It's already in progress and the other side is winning. White children 15 and under became a minority last year.
- 23 May 2020: Was there anything incriminating to the city, state or the commies?
- 23 May 2020: Yeah, and life's been really great since then.
- 23 May 2020: Shooting water looks cooler than holes in paper, I guess. But is there any rhyme or reason to any of their attempts at mimicking Western civilization?
- 23 May 2020: I hope they come out in the book.
- 22 May 2020: The Incorporation Doctrine is part of our ruin.
- 22 May 2020: Gellar is a known Tribe member. She's not going anywhere.
- 22 May 2020: I didn't even get one of those so...
- 22 May 2020: Yes, that was a huge reason for so many Indian ancestry stories. That and the romantization of savages by early writers of fiction who never experienced their barbarity first hand.
- 22 May 2020: Miscegenation was mostly illegal in North America under both civil and ecclesiastical law up until 1967 when the Douthern states were the last holdouts from federal intervention in our marriage laws. Most tales of Indian ancestry are fslse.
- 21 May 2020: I've got a head start on most everybody.
- 21 May 2020: Do I need to say anything?
- 21 May 2020: I wonder if they removed her knees from her picture because of the childish cut and fold trick or because it was "racist" to show a "Native American" woman on her knees?
- 21 May 2020: Someone needs to ship that kid off to the Marine Corps as soon as he's old enough. Maybe military school before that.
- 21 May 2020: That could be arranged.
- 21 May 2020: Who are you, really?
- 21 May 2020: Here's your great White hope, again. It won't change in 2021. No. Really. It won't. You're just desperate to make a broken and corrupt system controlled by our enemies work for you.
- 21 May 2020: The only way I could imagine someone trying to justify this is trying to avoid a Diverticulitis flare up. But that's just too much work.
- 21 May 2020: It was written to always "pull to the Left".
- 21 May 2020: Show of hands everyone that actually thinks someone will go to jail over this.
- 21 May 2020: I've met a number of Puerto Ricans and Cubans who thought they were White and hated Blacks even though they obviously had Black bloodlines. That doesn't let them sit at my dinner table but but it's a curious oddity.
- 21 May 2020: I want to know what White men were foolish enough to think that Trump had their back?
- 21 May 2020:
- 21 May 2020: Look at the hood scoop on that critter's face.
- 21 May 2020: Let them fend for themselves. The US is already over $24 trillion debt to the International bankers.
- 21 May 2020: What is the Tenth Amendment Center's position on the incorporation Doctrine?
- 21 May 2020: When I hit the link I keep getting the message, "Error establishing a database connection"
- 20 May 2020: And nobody will go to jail because we live in Clown World.
- 20 May 2020: It was a nice avi. Our world needs a cleansing.
- 19 May 2020: I wish you the best in that strategy, my brother.
- 19 May 2020: The Murican right-wing's idea of "doing something" is stockpiling training, and prepping for some unknown event in the future while complaining about the horrors and injustices that plague the present. It's the safer path.
- 19 May 2020: He'll be the last Republican president. And thank God for that because then we quit making excuses for inaction.
- 19 May 2020: You're close, but you're not there yet.
- 19 May 2020: Too many of our people expect us to behave in moderation until the Muds dance on our Graves.
- 19 May 2020: It's impossible already. White children age 15 and under are already a minority in their own country. Every year from now the age of minority status will rise. Our people are being butchered, raped, robbed and beaten at a genocidal rate. Time's up.
- 19 May 2020: Funny, same coat he's wearing when questioned in the park.
- 19 May 2020: All of it.
- 19 May 2020: I guess White men should just meekly roll over and die for fear of our enemies' outrage.
- 19 May 2020: I've seen it a hundred times. White men trying to do the right thing the best they know how and then they get blamed for the enemy's reaction to it by the armchair quarterbacks who've done nothing.
- 19 May 2020: The enemy is going to do what the enemy is going to do. Blame the enemy for their actions rather than good White men for trying to preserve their community.
- 19 May 2020: The original investigation as summed up by the DA said they did nothing wrong. It wasn't until the video was made public that all the internet legal experts got the mob in an uproar.
- 19 May 2020: I guess if it's not your neighborhood it's easy enough to say others went too far.
- 19 May 2020: It always gets back to blaming and demeaning White people for the crimes of Blacks.
- 19 May 2020: "His killers". LOL. He attacked a guy that had a gun, tried to wrestle it away from him and got himself shot.
- 19 May 2020: Did you know that the federal government has a national Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?
- 19 May 2020: In a land dominated by national talk radio everything talked about becomes a national issue. States aren't allowed to work out their own issues because everyone is a "muh constitution" busybody.
- 19 May 2020: I think most people just rush directly to the fed gov for help, not even realizing that everything they need is in their state constitutions. Most people are too lazy to know what's in their state constitutions.
- 19 May 2020: Until secession comes we're only giving the federal government more power over us by granting them the power contained in the Incorporation Doctrine.
- 19 May 2020: When we make the federal Constitution help us where we want it, it can hurt us where we don't want it. The BOR was set in place to restrict the feds, not the states. Using the fed constitution to limit the states is a violation of state constitutions and States' Rights.
- 19 May 2020: All the states have the equivelant of the federal Bill of Rights in their Constitutions. It wasn't until around 1925 that someone dreamed up the "Incorporation Doctrine" and decided that some aspects of the federal B.O.R. applied to the states.
- 19 May 2020: City, County, and state law enforcement are bound by their state constitutions. Federal law enforcement are bound by the Federal Constitution.
- 19 May 2020: I've seen it work in person.
- 19 May 2020: "What we do?" Like they forgot.
- 19 May 2020: It's always someone else's fault.
- 19 May 2020: The most important species they are wiping out immediately includes the White founding stock.
- 19 May 2020: Worse than Lincoln?
- 19 May 2020: "Pretty fun"? Really?
- 19 May 2020: You expected real reporting? LOL!
- 19 May 2020: No, please, let's not.
- 19 May 2020: Black hair observed from a distance is the first warning sign to look more closely. Not saying there aren't good White blood lines with black hair. Black eyes are definately Beast eyes. No need to inquire further.
- 19 May 2020: Now that's pretty funny.
- 19 May 2020: I had to put on a mask when I went to pay my phone bill. They handed me one at the door.
- 19 May 2020: Maybe when God sends a plague on disobedient people He doesn't care for them saying, "This ain't sheet"?
- 19 May 2020: "Youths" = codeword.
- 19 May 2020: It's always someone else's fault.
- 19 May 2020: Are you sure he wasn't just out jogging and maybe her death was an accident?
- 19 May 2020: Guns and alcohol do not go together.
- 19 May 2020: Are we sure it's him? Not trying to be funny but they all look alike.
- 18 May 2020: Really looking forward to it!
- 18 May 2020: What made them stop trying?
- 18 May 2020: Tractor Supply is always a good time.
- 18 May 2020: That Death Squad stuff works both ways.
- 18 May 2020:
- 18 May 2020: Can we safely have a discussion about who really has the most influence over the film industry?
- 18 May 2020: Let me know when it's available and where to order from.
- 18 May 2020: If only they could see clearly enough to be so.
- 18 May 2020: She needs an education regarding some of the civic mythology surrounding the 1789 Constitution, 2nd Amendment, Founders vs Framers, the illegal "ratification" of the constitutation and its usurpation of the Articles of Confederation, etc. But she's teachable.
- 18 May 2020: Notice the difference in the reporters' attitudes and tone of reporting when the suspects are White compared to the recent Brunswick case. No mention of "vigilantes" no excuses made for the suspects, no complaints on the guns, etc.
- 18 May 2020: They are many but we wouldn't have Muslims in the West if it weren't for Joos.
- 18 May 2020: Still no vaccines for SARS, MERS HIV, and others. No guarantee there will ever be a vaccine for this.
- 18 May 2020: They're a bright safety orange so they can be easily seen and not stepped on.
- 18 May 2020: "Chased". Must have been a very slow vehicle.
- 18 May 2020: Are you as a reporter encouraging the idea that this was a murder before a trial is held by retweeting this?
- 18 May 2020: That's all you've got for an answer to your crimes of trespass?
- 18 May 2020: "Pollocks will shape the fortunes of all"???
- 18 May 2020:
- 18 May 2020: Trespassing is a crime. Stay away. Just because something is not yet completed does not mean it is not owned by someone.
- 18 May 2020: Is this the first virus in history that doesn't spread? Who is the single patient on the planet they are studying it through?
- 18 May 2020: Walls only work on law abiding Americans.
- 18 May 2020: Show of hands everyone that would want to live under Aztec rule rather than Spanish.
- 18 May 2020: There are more miles of concrete sound barrier walls installed along federal highways than along the federal border. Only about 186 miles in 3 1/2 years. The US is more committed to stopping noise than Mexicans.
- 18 May 2020: You know there's a Jogger involved.
- 17 May 2020: They later updated their memo to only restrict those who were hospitalized with complications. They probably realized that with no immunity and no vaccine they wern't going to have any recruits until the next generation was born.
- 17 May 2020: But I can get a ticket for not wearing a seat belt in my car.
- 17 May 2020: The military put out a statement recently that having Covid-19 is a disqualifier for enlistment due to the fact that survivors will have permanent damage to one or more areas including heart, lungs, kidneys, nerves and possibly others.
- 17 May 2020: I think I was 4 years old or less when I had my first negative encounter with the government's pampered pets.
- 17 May 2020: He's a Blue State Yankee billionaire who's wed to the system. Don't expect much from him and you won't be disappointed.
- 17 May 2020: We're a nations of fat bastards. High weight is associated with high levels of Estrogen which lowers Testosterone.
- 17 May 2020: White people don't attack with machetes.
- 17 May 2020: I had to go back and reread his post and found that he wasn't controlling anybody's business. He was merely stating his opinion on the subject.
- 17 May 2020: Thanks, but I'll believe what both the Federalists and Antifederalists wrote rather than what I want to believe.
- 17 May 2020: Yeah, I've been sucked into it a few times. Just more unnecessary White division. I was proud to stand with all ages in C'ville. We all had something in common we were fighting for.
- 17 May 2020: You can be angry with me if you like but I can see countless examples on social media of why women were not given the right to vote until 1920.
- 17 May 2020: Nobody ever considered any part of the federal Bill of Rights applying to the states until about 1925 with somebody dreamed up the incorporation Doctrine. The state said already had the rights of the people of their states codified into their state constitutions.
- 17 May 2020: Yes, the states submitted 212 recommendations for Amendments. The Federalists whittled them down to 10 because they didn't want any.
- 17 May 2020: Yes, protect individual liberty from the federal government. Not the states. The states already had constitutions in place that Protected Their citizens. If they wanted any more protections they would have changed their own state constitutions.
- 17 May 2020: By their fruits ye shall know them, not their Birthdays.
- 17 May 2020: Thinking about how people generally classify people by the years they were born (Boomers, gen X, gen Y, gen Z) reminds my of Jewish Astrology.
- 17 May 2020: If I go to Taco Bell I don't need Mexicans making my Tacos.
- 17 May 2020: Change where you live before you try to change anyone else.
- 17 May 2020:
- 17 May 2020:
- 17 May 2020: I'm not surprised you don't understand.
- 17 May 2020: No, sorry. It was not to protect us from the states. The state submitted the recommendations to protect their States from the newly-formed federal government. The states had their own constitutions to protect their people.
- 17 May 2020: No, actually you live in New Mexico. And I've seen where you have complained about the dependency of your state. What are you doing to correct the problems in your state while you're out crusading to try to change the way 320 million people live around you?
- 17 May 2020: The difference between you and I is, I think like Patrick Henry and you think like Abraham Lincoln.
- 17 May 2020: Madison did not even want a BOR. He was afraid it was going to remove some of the newly gained powers of the central government. The first 10 amendments came from a watered down lists of 212 recommendations by the states to amend the new constitution.
- 17 May 2020: As for the Bill of Rights, it ended up being the equivalent of 10 Band-Aids to put on a faulty document that everyone feared.
- 17 May 2020: Your business ends at the border of your state. Don't worry yourself with what we're doing in my state. If you don't like being in a Union with some states you can lobby your state to secede.
- 17 May 2020: The Bill of Rights is there to prevent the federal government from violating those rights against the states. It never had any influence on what the states decided until the federal government seized more power by coming up with the idea of the incorporation Doctrine.
- 17 May 2020: You should get off your Crusade and worry about where you live and let everybody else worry about their states.
- 17 May 2020: As I said, all states have the equivalent of the Bill of Rights in their state constitutions. It is up to the people of each of the states to decide what kind of government they want. It's none of your business or my business what states in other parts of the Union want to do.
- 17 May 2020: Yeah, it's actually kind of in the reverse. Blue States and blue epicenters are being devastated while we in the south are having a relative good time during all this. Sounds like God's judgement to me.
- 17 May 2020: Do you not understand that the fed Constitution regulates the fed gov and state constitutions regulate state governments? Do you have any idea how this was all supposed to be set up? Every state has the equivalent of the BOR in its constitution.
- 17 May 2020: At the state level laws are changed by the people of that state. We don't need busybodies in other states telling us what's good for our state. We especially don't need our servants in the fed Gov pretending to be our masters.
- 17 May 2020: You're pleading for more government every time you hope for the fed gov to overrule state law.
- 17 May 2020: "In theory"? You just made it sound like it was cold, hard law of the land making state constitutions irrelevant and making the states nothing more than administrative provinces of Washington, DC.
- 17 May 2020: That guy is a paranoid nut job. He blocked me because I asked him what the "winning Joos" won during the Civil War when they lost their legal slave trade since he said both sides were completely run by Joos.
- 17 May 2020: Enjoy your federal supremacy. It's been doing us so great!
- 17 May 2020: Do you know what "Incorporation Doctrine" is, when it came into effect, and how it gave the fed gov more illegal power over the states?
- 17 May 2020: The US just needs to stay home.
- 17 May 2020: Secede.
- 17 May 2020: Sucks to be you but great for the rest of us.
- 17 May 2020: If the feds can force a state to do something you want they can force your state to do something you don't want. Is that how you want it?
- 17 May 2020: Read it, Southern man.
- 17 May 2020: That way they don't have to sacrifice anything because someone else is "winning" for them.
- 17 May 2020: Did their waste management system include throwing it into the lake?
- 17 May 2020: Mouth breather.
- 17 May 2020: Battle of Lepanto. Muslim fleet was smashed to splinters. The author, Cervantes fought in that battle and was wounded by an arrow. He rightfully bragged of his wound from Lepanto 'til his dying days. Those were the days.
- 16 May 2020: Everyone in "the movement" eventually gets called a "fed" or a "Jew", especially if they are effective at what they do. Some Nazi called me an "Indian". I guess because all Hollywood Indians have long hair, right?
- 16 May 2020: Best for our children to learn trades that will be considered "essential" during hard times as was recently demonstrated. Nobody really needs a hairdresser, hobby shop or nail salon but we always need carpenters, electricians and plumbers.
- 16 May 2020: Congratulations, Sir.
- 16 May 2020: So, what are we going to do about it?
- 16 May 2020: But nobody's going to jail.
- 16 May 2020: We used to "attack" Tank Island at least once a year by simulating a water-borne raid on the two storage tanks and their accompanying infrastructure. I'm sure many civilians on Mallory Square wondered what all the explosions were.
- 16 May 2020: Does this mean you will help overturn unlawful federal gun control like the 1934 National Firearms Act, 1968 Gun Control Act or the May of '86 machinegun ban to name a few?
- 16 May 2020: It should be but that's up to the people in each state. Not you and I. We worry about our own states.
- 16 May 2020: Remember, the 3rd/2nd (or whatever it is) Amendmet gives you the right to smoke somebody if they disrespect you.
- 16 May 2020: Sorry but I'm gonna steal that from you and use it every chance I get! LOL!
- 16 May 2020: And offspring.
- 16 May 2020: The 2nd Amendment originally didn't apply to non-Whites for a reason.
- 16 May 2020: With friends like Israel who needs enemies?
- 16 May 2020: But Switzerland and South Korea don't run AIPAC.
- 16 May 2020: How 'bout we just do it ourselves rather than exchange outsourcing partners? What's in it for you with AIPAC?
- 16 May 2020: How about asking God to bless America for a change? Where do you live?
- 16 May 2020: Hail the League!
- 15 May 2020: Yeah, Dr Hill kicked him out one time but later let him back in until he went on his way to something else.
- 15 May 2020: He had nothing to do with any "evolution" of the League of the South. He was a member for a short while and then moved on.
- 15 May 2020: One of the greatest manly lines and scenes in cinematic history.
- 15 May 2020: I was thinking something more permanent. Just thinking.
- 15 May 2020: Their names were Paul and Lidia Marino. Say them out loud.
- 15 May 2020: The first time I ever heard Blue Grass I was a little kid attending my dad's company party with my parents. I asked what that music was called and they told me. I felt like I had heard it a thousand years ago but forgotten it. There was a connection.
- 15 May 2020: Doesn't matter if there was a warrant or not. There was a recorded string of trespasses, he was identified as the suspect, 911 was called, police told them to keep the suspect in sight until they arrived, he tried to escape, he resisted citizen's arrest.
- 15 May 2020: Trespass is "doing something wrong" under Georgia law. Video cameras recorded "3-4" trespasses according to the homeowner AFTER he installed the cameras due to other instances of trespassing.
- 15 May 2020: He doesn't have running water at his own house? Poor thing!
- 15 May 2020: He was armed with a hammer which you can see dropped on the ground in the video just before he foolishly attacks a man with a shotgun and tries to wrestle that gun away from him.
- 15 May 2020: Hopefully they'll all be kneeling at the edge of a ditch one day.
- 15 May 2020: Biden will do good to stay out of jail himself.
- 15 May 2020: So, the trespasser was seen on surveillance cameras trespassing "3 or 4 times" after the several times that necessitated the installation of surveillance cameras?
- 15 May 2020: Arbery, or someone who looked like him was caught on surveillance cameras trespassing "3 or 4 times" after the cameras had been installed due to previous trespassing problems.
- 15 May 2020: A citizen's arrest is legal in Georgia and is the natural result of a community defending itself from "Joggers" running amuck.
- 15 May 2020: He didn't die while looking around a house. He died from assaulting a man with a shotgun and trying to wrestle that gun away from its owner.
- 15 May 2020: The coroners' report and the DA's letter to the police Captain explain that the "Joggers' " gunshot wounds were consistant with him trying to wrestle the gun away from its owner. He shouldn't have attacked a man with a shotgun.
- 15 May 2020: It might be an unoccupied construction site but it's property that was repeatedly trespassed on to the point the owner had to put up a security camera to notify him when someone was trespassing on his property.
- 15 May 2020: 911 was called on several different days because of this guy and twice on the day he was shot. How many more times should they have been called?
- 15 May 2020: I'm waiting for someone to produce a map showing where this "Jogger" lived vs this neighborhood he "liked to jog in".
- 15 May 2020: I'm waiting for someone to finally show us a map of where the "Jogger" lived vs this neighborhood where he "liked to jog".
- 15 May 2020: They're definately not us. Like an alien life form among us. Seed of the Serpent.
- 15 May 2020: There would be much kvetching and talk of "anotha Shoah".
- 15 May 2020: There are 200 of these areas across North America
- 14 May 2020: LOL! Just saw these two and their "success story" on the news. Thanks for clearing that up!
- 14 May 2020: Stay in your Blue State. We don't want you and your problems you left behind.
- 14 May 2020: Long live Franco!
- 14 May 2020: Due to demographic change Trump will be the last Republican President anyway. Not that it matters since both parties are the road to Hell for Whitey. Once Trump's gone there will be no more shiny illusions.
- 14 May 2020: I won't start caring even then.
- 14 May 2020: Maybe they had a case of Jogger Fatigue Syndrome? It's easy enough to get.
- 14 May 2020: At this stage of decay and White minority status I think an Art V Con would either spawn a Hell on earth for Whites or speed the Balkanization of the Union. The former might be necessary for the latter. It will be "uncomfortable".
- 14 May 2020: I didn't post the pic, ask the question or give a fuck who or where. But if we go with the popular responses on this thread we have to assume that they are also "dangerous cowards" unless being Black gives them a magical pass.
- 14 May 2020: Must be more dangerous cowards according to some on this thread.
- 14 May 2020: "Dangerous display"? How many people were shot that day?
- 14 May 2020: There's a big difference in what is and what should be. At one time we had many obviously "White" countries. Now we just have countries.
- 14 May 2020: God bless my Polish kinsmen.
- 14 May 2020: This is what happens when you "give what is holy unto dogs". They've corrupted or destroyed everything the West has shared with them.
- 14 May 2020: Nobody's going to jail.
- 14 May 2020: I have to agree. The construction industry is mostly peopled with 40+ year olds who have been doing it most of their lives. When they're gone we'll have 3rd worlders trying to build a 1st world country.
- 14 May 2020: I must have missed hearing Trump lavish praises on this Jogger's victims. Did anyone else catch it?
- 14 May 2020: "Us"
- 14 May 2020: A lot of had to figure that out the hard way, Brother. But thankfully we're wiser now.
- 14 May 2020: They still think the system will work for them. They are mistaken.
- 13 May 2020: I think you are correct!
- 13 May 2020: "Weapons". LOL.
- 13 May 2020: 110 on the way.
- 13 May 2020: It's not murder when you initiate the attack.
- 13 May 2020: Because to say anything against our media masters would be antisemetic.
- 13 May 2020: Or all the Black "joggers" you see on Cops and other police shows.
- 13 May 2020: #1 tip. Animals are not disposable or purchased on a whim. You care for it like a child until it dies of old age.
- 13 May 2020: You don't ask forgiveness of your inferiors.
- 13 May 2020: I'm feeling a bout of Jogger Fatigue Syndrome coming on.
- 13 May 2020: "Traitors" would imply they were once on your side.
- 13 May 2020: The Federal Reserve is more than happy to lend money on usury.
- 13 May 2020:
- 13 May 2020: Are you talking about the same ones that forced Whites to go to school with Blacks at bayonet point?
- 13 May 2020: Probably because they want Murika under Trump to be an abysmal failure so they can blame him come election day.
- 13 May 2020: I can't get the article to show the Black criminal responsible. Instead, it shows an AR-15.
- 13 May 2020: Waiting for Trump to comment.
- 13 May 2020: But, yeah, a lot of what goes on is like organized chaos.
- 13 May 2020: Sucks to be them.
- 13 May 2020: I thought that the second quote, attributed to the Russians had also been made by the Germans?
- 12 May 2020: Good riddance.
- 12 May 2020: Beetlejuice.
- 12 May 2020: Did you ever notice that the Bible says it is the LOVE of something that is the root of all evil and not hate?
- 12 May 2020: That's why it's safe.
- 12 May 2020: Where's the "none of the above option?
- 12 May 2020: It's doubtful you even know what is in Mein Kamph if you think that. Just more blathering, hollow rhetoric.
- 12 May 2020: That's why I was hoping for Hillary in 2016. Republicans just put our people back to sleep again no matter how bad they are for us. Biden 2020.
- 12 May 2020: It's only because the video was only recently released to the public.
- 12 May 2020: Page 3 summarizes the autopsy report.
- 12 May 2020: Agreed, as all the Reconstruction Amendments were brought in illegally. But regardless of their short-term strategy to destroy the Democratic party every one of them knew what the long-term repercussions were going to be for their actions. And here we are living under it today.
- 12 May 2020: It was wise enough that the police advised them to do so during the 911 call. The cops told them to keep him in sight until they arrived.
- 12 May 2020: Not sure how giving Blacks political, civil and social equality with White men was good for free White men but, like I said, watch what they do, not what they say.
- 12 May 2020: @judgementdaze @Peter_Devine_ @GeorgeMeade13 And of course, the first thing the Republican party did after they completely crippled The South was free the slaves, make them citizens and make sure they could vote. The South knew ahead of time that this was what was going to happen if they lost.
- 12 May 2020: Lincoln wasn't the Republican party. He was just a tool of it. Like any politician, don't look at what they said but rather what they do. The Republican party did not wait until after the war to start freeing any slaves and recruiting them into government service.
- 12 May 2020: Sir, you should have left your Haliburton comment up. I'm in complete agreement.
- 12 May 2020: Soldiers never fight for the same reasons their leaders, bankers and corporations send them. However, every white Southerner knew the Republican party was an Aboliyion party and freeing slaves meant negro citizenry with complete civil, political and social equality.
- 12 May 2020: Or he could have said just absolutely nothing about it just like he did with the two elderly white people murdered in a cemetery in Delaware by a black terrorist.
- 12 May 2020: But the new Black DA will fix that.
- 11 May 2020: It's the warrior gene of the Southern man. Always looking for a fight. The Empire was built on the bones of Southerners.
- 11 May 2020: He's worthless to White people.
- 11 May 2020: The West has everything in its people and culture to trod the entire world under our feet. We've done it before, we can do it again. We have nothing to gain through the adoption of the primitive culture, religion and ways of our inferiors.
- 11 May 2020: And we're just cattle to those that let them in.
- 11 May 2020: You mean the 2% that have already taken over but we're not allowed to mention?
- 11 May 2020: They forgot that they were living in clown world.
- 11 May 2020: Have you ever seen the bumper sticker, "When seconds count, the cops are minutes away? The cops told them during the 911 call to keep the subject insight until the cops arrived. The cops took too long and he was getting away so they made a citizen's arrest.
- 11 May 2020: Back when the 2A was written they had no intention of applying it to anyone but White people. So you probably have more to thank from the 14A.
- 11 May 2020: Yeah! You know that things heavy even made out of wood!
- 11 May 2020: Is that the kid's Airsoft collection?
- 11 May 2020: Has to include "Black" woman in case we can't tell.
- 11 May 2020: This is the Africanization of Protestant Christianity.
- 11 May 2020: Is that a dude?
- 11 May 2020: I'm sure he's scared to death of being the next person to go to jail or having his house shot up or firebombed.
- 11 May 2020: I think the real one's on his back.
- 11 May 2020: I never had the honor of meeting him but I know through multiple sources that he was a great man. Our civilization is a lesser place without him.
- 11 May 2020: You spelled "dumbass" wrong.
- 11 May 2020: That's not true. You need to brush up on Georgia law. They apply to misdemeanors as well. Criminal Trespass is a misdemeanor in Georgia. Burglary is a felony. Due to being seen in the area before related to a burglary he was a suspected burglar and therefore felon.
- 11 May 2020: It all adds up.
- 11 May 2020: You obviously have done no research on this subject and are speaking purely from emotion. It wasn't the owner of the house who followed him. The police told the men during the 911 call to keep the subject in sight until they arrived.
- 11 May 2020:
- 11 May 2020: The criminal ran towards the men with guns and attacked one, trying to take his shotgun.
- 11 May 2020:
- 11 May 2020: It's a fraud. Neither man attended a Klan rally.
- 11 May 2020: What they did was right and Justified. They have been told by the police to keep the suspect inside until the police arrived. When the suspect was about to escape they made a legal citizens arrest.
- 11 May 2020:
- 11 May 2020:
- 11 May 2020: Not so obvious to the uninformed.
- 11 May 2020:
- 11 May 2020: According to the DA's letter to the Chief of Police it doesn't even look like he was shot on purpose initially. The letter says that at least the first gunshot wound is consistent with trying to pull a shotgun away from its owner with accompanying accidental discharge.
- 11 May 2020: There's no serious dispute to their right to make a citizen's arrest. The DA makes that clear in his letter to the Chief of Police. Have you read it?
- 11 May 2020: The suspect initiated the force by trying to disarm the man with the shotgun. Strange behavior for someone who was just jogging and could have explained his presence and actions to the people who actually lived in the neighborhood.
- 11 May 2020: In Georgia, yeah, you can. When they called 911 the police told them to keep the suspect in sight. When the suspect was getting away they were allowed to make a citizen's arrest. He would still be alive if he had not tried to disarm the man with the shotgun.
- 11 May 2020: No, did you watch the video? The first discharge did not occur until the burglar grabbed the gun and tried to pull it away. Did you read the DA's letter to the Chief of Police? It explains the situation clearly.
- 11 May 2020: The police were called twice and the police told them to keep the burglar in sight until they got there. The police were slow and he was getting away so they stopped him to conduct a citizen's arrest.
- 11 May 2020: No, he was shot because he tried to take shotgun away from its owner.
- 11 May 2020: Jews turn everyone into Nazis.
- 11 May 2020:
- 11 May 2020: Only when you try to wrestle a shotgun away from someone.
- 10 May 2020: Worry about what happens in whatever 3rd world shit hole you climbed out of.
- 10 May 2020: He already got all the justice that was coming to him.
- 10 May 2020: Christ Himself said He came "only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel" and that "My sheep hear my voice and follow me" so, no.
- 10 May 2020: A lot of men are cucking in the face of lawsuits from Charlottesville's Unite the Right rally. Their cuckery shows they were never serious in the first place.
- 10 May 2020: Don't we already have the death toll of about 25 9/11s?
- 10 May 2020: Pray for burning ghettos.
- 10 May 2020: I bet if she never used the "N" word before she does now.
- 10 May 2020: (((Currupt psychopaths))).
- 10 May 2020: You mean they'll move it somewhere where they can stack the jury and get a conviction?
- 10 May 2020: @RVal1995 @GranthamCitizen @Swolecrates1127 @StefanMolyneux One person recused because they had worked with one of the men before in a law enforcement capacity, the video evidence supports the two mens' story and their connections to the community so far seem to be exemplary. What else ya got?
- 10 May 2020: I guess you're going to be pretty pissed off when these two White guys are going to be pronounced innocent for a second time, huh?
- 10 May 2020: When are they tearing that one down?
- 10 May 2020: Socialist, Progressive Blue States full of busybody Yankees.
- 10 May 2020: All it takes is a little research on the subject. Something you might want to do more of.
- 10 May 2020:
- 10 May 2020:
- 10 May 2020: Not accordingto the DA's assessment. Arbery triggered his own death by grabbing the shotgun. If he was just out jogging all he had to do was explain what he was doing in the neighborhood but instead he attempted to disarm somebody. That's not usual behavior.
- 10 May 2020: They were told during the 911 call to keep the felon in sight until the police arrived. When the police took too long and he was getting away they attempted to make a legal citizen's arrest. He resisted by grabbing for the gun and got shot.
- 10 May 2020: I'm sure he's going to lose a lot of sleep over your angst.
- 10 May 2020: He was recognized by residents from previous surveillance camera footage of burglaries. They were told to keep the fleeing burglar in sight until the police arrived. When he was getting away they attempted to make a legal citizen's arrest.
- 10 May 2020: Burglary is a felony as is trespassing on a construction site.
- 10 May 2020: The DA's letter to the Chief of Police confirms that the fleeing felon grabbed the shotgun and tried to take it away. At least the first 2 of the 3 shots were the result of him trying to pull the shotgun away.
- 10 May 2020: They were in the process of making a citizen's arrest on a known fleeing felon which is legal under Georgia law. The criminal tried to disarm the man with the shotgun and was shot in the process.
- 10 May 2020: If you watch the video it's clear he is running towards them and when ordered to stop he tries to wrestle the shotgun away from one of them. The DA says his wounds were clearly the result of attempting to disarm the man with the shotgun.
- 10 May 2020: It was a felony and one of the men with 30 years of law enforcement knew what they were allowed to do within Georgia law.
- 10 May 2020: Actually, you're wrong. According to the DA of Glynn County they had a right under Georgia law to make a citizen's arrest. The burglar ran TOWARD them and attempted to wrestle the shotgun away and got shot for his efforts.
- 10 May 2020: Sounds like your life's turning around for the better.
- 10 May 2020: I've asked many Christian's the same question but never get a reasonable answer.
- 10 May 2020: Muh joggin' allibi.
- 10 May 2020: There's a lot of bipeds I don't want to be "together" with.
- 9 May 2020: I guess grabbing a man's shotgun by the barrel and trying to wrestle him for it doesn't count?
- 9 May 2020: They died to make the world safe for Communism.
- 9 May 2020: They sold them to us.
- 9 May 2020: Don't forget to carry your jogging hammer.
- 9 May 2020: The BG was armed with a hammer, the WG's called the police twice, the police told them to keep the subject in sight until they arrived which they did. When the BG tried to run past the white guys he attacked one of them and tried to take his shot gun away. Big mistake.
- 9 May 2020: What should we be doing to prepare the soil until then?
- 9 May 2020: Why does their message work but ours doesn't or are we even trying?
- 9 May 2020: I'm not sure about Georgia but in Florida it's a felony to enter a construction site if you're not working there and it's non-work hours.
- 9 May 2020: Why does the "My body, my choice" argument work for women to murder their babies but not for me on whether I wear a hard hat, safety glasses, and steel toed boots?
- 9 May 2020: I can't even make a decision on whether I wear a hard hat or safety glasses.
- 9 May 2020: Have you read the Glynn County DA's letter to the Brunswick Chief of Police? It completely exonerates the two men.
- 9 May 2020: Odds are, you'll be in prison soon or dead from black on black violence. Good luck.
- 9 May 2020: How do we make it work for Southern nationalism?
- 9 May 2020: My poor German kinsmen have been totally defeated and humiliated to the point of self-hatred. Rise up, Germany.
- 9 May 2020: Maybe if you had read the Glenn County DA's letter to the Chief of police you'd know why and could tell us rather than ask inflammatory questions. Here it is for the lazy:
- 9 May 2020: He was working with the other two men to capture the running burglar and was recording the event for their safety and police evidence.
- 9 May 2020: @ShaneClaiborne @RedLetterXians @MeritLaw @RevDrMikeWaters @Sororcyn @RevJacquiLewis @RevDrBarber @AndyStanley @Georgia_NAACP @impastormike_ @KSPrior I hope you ran that 6 miles wearing Timberland work boots and carrying a hammer to honor the last moments of the deceased?
- 9 May 2020: I'm happy to say the League of the South is not run by Jews and never will be.
- 9 May 2020: He was actually always Left as he was part of the Tribe.
- 9 May 2020: It is racist to call them Joggers. They prefer to be called Jogroes.
- 8 May 2020:
- 8 May 2020: If that's our best our best won't do.
- 8 May 2020: I've been putting some thought into a greenhouse but the thought hasn't been turned into action yet with other projects taking priority.
- 8 May 2020: Anything with the word "Bolshevism" in it is going to be neck-deep in joos.
- 8 May 2020: A brick floor for a greenhouse is a lot more productive than the Internet!
- 8 May 2020: Whoredog.
- 8 May 2020: Not enough people get called out nowadays. Without shame civilization crumbles.
- 8 May 2020: I'd be happy to look at pictures of it, from Florida.
- 8 May 2020: The simplest answer is usually the correct answer.
- 8 May 2020: I'm just happy they partnered with Uncle Joe Stalin to make the world safe for Communism. Those Cold War days of Communist slavery were wonderful and well worth the sacrifice.
- 8 May 2020: Another j3vv
- 8 May 2020: He was a fleeing felon from a burglary. The prosecutor has video of him breaking into a house. 911 was called twice before the confrontation. These two men will be acquitted if there is any justice.
- 8 May 2020: You'd be better off speaking German right now rather than having muzzys dominate your country and raping all your women.
- 8 May 2020: What kind of hammer are you going to run with?
- 8 May 2020: Hang in there, Brother. It's not over 'til it's over.
- 8 May 2020: You forgot your hammer.
- 8 May 2020: If you're not using your share of condemnation I'll put it to good use, if you don't mind.
- 8 May 2020: Hopefully she'll tell us why the deceased was jogging in work boots, with a hammer in a neighborhood 10 miles from his house and looking in houses during his jog.
- 8 May 2020:
- 8 May 2020: Or just repeat stuff you hear off the Internet.
- 8 May 2020: Thank God they made the world safe for Communism.
- 8 May 2020: We experience the answer to your question on a daily basis with genocidal results.
- 8 May 2020: Murikans aren't doing anything to stop it. Demographics is destiny.
- 8 May 2020: If true it's great news for my French kinsmen.
- 8 May 2020: Though rare, there IS justice in this world.
- 8 May 2020: Yes, an antichrist by Scriptural definition and should be treated as such.
- 8 May 2020: The cops were already called twice and the burglar was getting away. Burglary is a felony and they were pursuing a fleeing felon.
- 8 May 2020: LOL! Curiosity involving "jogging" in a neighborhood 12 miles from your home and looking in other people's houses? Do you do any jogging? Do you stop to look into other people's homes while doing so?
- 8 May 2020: Because they were doing their civic duty in assisting law enforcement and keeping their families and neighborhood safe from outside predators.
- 8 May 2020: Why not just go back to our own old teaditions?
- 8 May 2020:
- 8 May 2020: Actually the police were called twice.
- 8 May 2020:
- 8 May 2020: Kidney, heart and nerve damage.
- 8 May 2020:
- 8 May 2020: The Arbery situation reminds me of how many contemptible, self-hating White people there are trolling for Black approval.
- 8 May 2020:
- 8 May 2020: And the first wave hasn't even quit yet. How will we know when the 2nd wave gets here?
- 8 May 2020: It's known to have mutated a couple months ago into at least an "L" and an "S" strain.
- 8 May 2020: I guess I should have been struck by lightening at least twice now
- 7 May 2020: Are they brown? Then no.
- 7 May 2020: A quick scroll through his profile reveals a shallow, non-producing consumer unworthy of consideration.
- 7 May 2020: @ga_revivalist We had a guy in my hometown that was heading up a Chapter of it maybe 15 years ago.
- 7 May 2020: David Duke once started the NAAWP but I don't know if it's still around.
- 7 May 2020: So much more inspiring to our youth than Drag Queen Story Hour.
- 7 May 2020: What are you, a Black Hebrew Israelite or something? The Bible is full of references to the Israelites being White. Why Juda only and not Israel?
- 7 May 2020: The South fell 45 years ago in 1975. Either she's aged well or she was an infant who is retelling stories told to her by her parents.
- 7 May 2020: A beautiful instrument!
- 7 May 2020: Those of the house of Israel and house of Judah are of pure descent from Adam. "Adam" is word #120 in Strong's exhaustive Concordance. It translates to, pale ore ruddy complexion, the ability to blush or turn Rosy, to show blood in the face. Odd for an African.
- 7 May 2020: Never forgive, never forget.
- 7 May 2020: I'll take that to mean that you don't have an answer for your kinsmen outside Europe. Thanks.
- 7 May 2020: All of their crimes will be forgiven and all of their sufferings will be lamented for as long as it is believed they are God's chosen people. Once you prove that they are not the Israel of the Bible and thus, not God's chosen you take away their power.
- 7 May 2020: That's all important information in the overall scheme of things but how is the 1907 event against European peasants going to sway people in the US in 2020? Do we need information that's going to hit closer to home?
- 7 May 2020: The country of Liberia was created for former Black slaves when Lincoln was 13 years old. The American Colonization Society, (founded by 3 Southerners) began in 1813 when Lincoln was 4 years old. Perhaps a more "forceful" recolonization effort was needed.
- 7 May 2020: And ghettos.
- 7 May 2020: We've been giving money and other gibs away since 1865 and all it does is create dependency, laziness, resentment, a sense of entitlement and surly non-appreciation.
- 7 May 2020: Must be pretty demoralizing when the hospital transfers you to one of these beds.
- 7 May 2020: Let's hope so.
- 7 May 2020: @wjxt4 The comments are the best part of this story.
- 7 May 2020: I've never met a Jew, Hispanic or African who could "de-radicalize" me. You're either a True Believer or you're a Poser trying to imitate SPLC invented stereotypes for attention.
- 7 May 2020: We were so close to yet another dose of cultural enrichment. But, thank God he immigrated legally!
- 6 May 2020: Manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers were the 1st to use the term "Assault Rifle" to sell AR-15s and similar weapons at least as recently as 2008. I'm sitting here with a book in my lap titled Gun Digest Buyer's Guide to Assault Weapons by Phillip Peterson copyright 2008.
- 6 May 2020: We could do away with a good portion of it and the world would be a better place.
- 6 May 2020: Unless their sending the Palistinians guns, meds, or money they are just engaging in mental masturbation.
- 6 May 2020: I love the delicate and overlooked intricacies of fine White culture.
- 6 May 2020: Fortunately, due to our governor and mayor I've experienced nearly zero negative impact from this other than the occasional shortages at the stores.
- 6 May 2020: Blue State nonsense.
- 6 May 2020: I understand that even being "as little as" 40 lbs overweight is considered a dangerous comorbidity with this disease. We're a nation of unfit f**is to the point that the military has a hard time recruiting people within the height and weight standard.
- 6 May 2020: Based on what I've heard so far I figured it was something like that but this is kinda the first official indicator from the fed gov that this ain't "Just the Flu, Bro".
- 6 May 2020: No disrespect to my kinsmen in the old country but if I could understand more than a third of what they're sayin' I'd better know if I was to be offended or humored.
- 6 May 2020: Not trying to sound like a conspiratorial kook or anything but do they know something about the after effects of the disease they're not telling us? There must be something about it to categorically deny enlistment to all survivors.
- 6 May 2020: Since there is no immunity and no foreseeable vaccine that means nearly every one of 230 million people are going to eventually get it. Isn't that going to seriously curtail military Manpower replacement?
- 6 May 2020: Wouldn't recovering from the virus and having antibodies for it be useful to the military?
- 6 May 2020: So, I'm curious. What do they think they know about Covid-19 that makes you ineligible for enlistment even after you've recovered from it and supposedly have antibodies? Wouldn't that be useful?
- 6 May 2020:
- 6 May 2020: The best Ramen meals I ever ate were in prison. It doesn't taste the same when you get out.
- 6 May 2020: I had to deliver some safety documents to a new job site today and when I went inside and attempted to enter the superintendent's office he backed me off and told me, six feet six feet! At first I thought he was joking, then I realized the dipstick was serious.
- 6 May 2020: Is PJW pro-Israel?
- 6 May 2020: Step one is avoid using banks. Avoid usery.
- 6 May 2020: Weimar 2.0.
- 6 May 2020: Give that man a medal!
- 6 May 2020: IQ and race are inseparable. A visit to the world's brown countries and a taste of their poverty, crime, and child-like attempts at mimicking White civilization is proof enough.
- 6 May 2020: @ForgeTheBore Ketchup. Never even considered syrup being appropriate for fish.
- 5 May 2020: The Islamic Invasion.
- 5 May 2020: Not that I agree with the shutdown but it's probably because you can't spread heart disease by coughing or breathing near someone or pick it up off a surface.
- 5 May 2020: A Brief and Incomplete History of Secession in the United States.
- 5 May 2020: Congratulations, Sir!
- 5 May 2020: 13=50
- 5 May 2020: Oh, great! I'm looking forward to higher prices!
- 5 May 2020: Feds Stifle Florida Growth
- 4 May 2020: I'm from Florida and I support New England secession, with or without Connecticut.
- 3 May 2020: What is this from, please, if you know?
- 3 May 2020: The middle of the road is where the road kill is.
- 3 May 2020: Let it RIP. I'm beyond caring much anymore. It'll make us stronger once it cuts out all the dead wood.
- 3 May 2020: There's nothing wrong with book burning as long as all the right books get burnt.
- 3 May 2020: No, Hitler is their God and believing that they were important enough in someone's mind that they should all be rounded up and killed gives them a feeling of self worth they can't get from anything else. They are a worthless tribe and they know it.
- 3 May 2020: Well, I'd call it a Kettenkrad.
- 3 May 2020: Conflicting loyalties that will lead to nothing.
- 3 May 2020: They do at that.
- 3 May 2020:
- 3 May 2020: And I think they're the natural busybodies who can't stand a world where everyone doesn't think the same Liberal nonsense.
- 3 May 2020: Indeed, no such thing as "Judeo-Christian" any more than Judeo-Islamic.
- 3 May 2020: Here's your boy, Trump., I mean America first!
- 3 May 2020: @Hunter__1450 If only.
- 3 May 2020: Kith and kin, or a Proposition Nation?
- 3 May 2020: Even if they're not carrying the virus with 'em they've got a whole lot of other Yankee baggage they're totin' down here with 'em.
- 2 May 2020: Remember when we were told the "Killer Bees" were heading our way to cause death and disruption? I didn't figure you did. The Asian "Murder Hornets" will quickly be forgotten too.
- 2 May 2020: Remember when the "Killer Bees" were something we were told to fear? I didn't figure you did. These will be forgotten too.
- 2 May 2020: And it's been down hill ever since.
- 2 May 2020: The Founders gave us the Declaration of Independence and a Confederal form of government under the Articles of Confederation. The Founders'vision only lasted for 13 years before it was overthrown by the illegal 1789 Constitution.
- 2 May 2020: But in answer to your question, the feds should have no control over state militias unless you think having standardized weapons, ammunition and equipment would be useful during a lawful call-up of the militia.
- 2 May 2020: There haven't been any real militias capable of protecting the states and stopping the federal government since 1865. The feds learned their lesson and cleaned up their error quickly after that.
- 2 May 2020: Eventually it will be accepted as indispensable like a Social Security Number, federal income taxes, public schools, vaccines, etc.
- 2 May 2020: As I already said, a lot of people have good reason to fear not surviving it due to Muricans being one of the most unhealthy populations on the planet.
- 2 May 2020: Probably because there is no immunity and no vaccine for it and everybody is going to get it eventually. Only once they get it will they know if they are able to fight it off and survive. Even a comorbidity of 40 lb overweight reduces a person's chance of survival with this virus
- 2 May 2020: Not everyone is a writer and not everyone is a fighter. As water seeks its own level, every Southerner should determine what their skills are and how they can best contribute to the cause and commit themselves to do it.
- 2 May 2020: Attacking foreign abuse of power is always the safe thing to do.
- 2 May 2020: Hope is not a plan.
- 2 May 2020: Well, so far it's stepped on about 60,000 houses but since it's not your house or my house it's no big deal. Right?
- 2 May 2020: Meaning, your family member's death is no big deal because it happens all the time?
- 2 May 2020: Here's your sign.
- 2 May 2020: Resentment, like hate is just another emotion given by God to help one see clearly, make decisions and take action while others bleat blindly from the safety of their cocoon.
- 2 May 2020: When British soldiers came to confiscate our weapons of war we shot them in the face and started a revolution over it. Those who were uncomfortable with such actions fled to Canada. Now they face a similar situation. What are they going to do about it?
- 2 May 2020: I wonder if the crime of cannibalism has been added to the International Law of Land Warfare since that time?
- 2 May 2020: That's some beautiful terrain.
- 2 May 2020: Any day in the woods is a great day. Unless you're being hunted by federal agents but, yeah! I know what you mean.
- 2 May 2020: I'm not arguing against your statement but do you have any reliable links that show evidence of Japs eating US troops? I'd like to read up on it. Given other documented atrocities it's easy enough to believe.
- 2 May 2020: Wasn't the US also assisting an enemy of Japan (China) by building military airfields, training Chinese pilots and sending US mercenaries (Flying Tigers) to fight against Japan?
- 2 May 2020: Funny because "We the People" never ratified it through our state Legislatures. It was forced past them with special Ratification committees stacked with Federalists. Only Rhode Island actually allowed its citizens to vote and they rejected it 11-1.
- 2 May 2020: I never expected anything great out of Trump to begin with so I'm never disappointed
- 2 May 2020: It'll hurt your mouth.
- 2 May 2020: No, that ended 30 years ago.
- 2 May 2020: Too funny!
- 2 May 2020: Yes. Absolutely. And much, much more.
- 2 May 2020: Abraham Lincoln
- 2 May 2020: We'll learn the hard way.
- 2 May 2020:
- 2 May 2020: Shoot that thing dead when it comes in your yard and dare 'em to do something about it.
- 1 May 2020: Looking forward to it, Sir.
- 1 May 2020: Do you mean like when they refused to ratify the present Constitution?
- 1 May 2020: The Constitution is part of the problem.
- 1 May 2020: You can find articles about how covid-19 more negatively impacts women, Black, Jews, the elderly and every other "minority" but from all the articles you'd think that White males are immune to it. We live in a world of crybabies.
- 1 May 2020: We know from countless videos that he can't keep his hands (and nose) off women and young girls.
- 1 May 2020: Disgusting.
- 30 April 2020: I don't know but, anything that has the word "Bolshevik" in it just sounds like joo bullshit to me.
- 30 April 2020: They come color-coded for a reason.
- 30 April 2020:
- 30 April 2020: Just finished reading Part 1. An excellent and uncompromising article.
- 30 April 2020: Why do our people tolerate those people? What hope do we have if those who are on the front line of reclaiming our race and culture are to weak to say "no" to these people?
- 30 April 2020: You're on the right track. Joos are behind the Commie labor unions. They even had unions fight to make Saturday a day off because it's the joos' sabbath and they couldn't compete with Christian businesses open on Saturday.
- 30 April 2020: "Social Norms" should include executing these phagots.
- 30 April 2020: Zionists were actually eyeing Florida back in the 1800s with David Yulee leading the idea. Thank God that never happened. But I think we still have maybe the 2nd largest population of joos outside IsraeLie.
- 30 April 2020: If only they had gone there instead.
- 30 April 2020: Well, their math was wrong. It doesn't take a doctor to figure that out.
- 30 April 2020: Is the Constitution...Unconstitutional?
- 30 April 2020: A friend of mine at work has been looking for a chest freezer for over a month. They are just unavailable in our area and I suppose that's why the fresh meats have been scarce on the shelves for over a month.
- 29 April 2020: But it was real in her mind! LOL!
- 29 April 2020: Those who call themselves "Jews" are not Israelites. Christ told them so and they admitted it.They are shapeshifting imposters of Israelites in the same way they pretend to be White when it suits them.
- 29 April 2020: I wouldn't say it was "resolved".
- 29 April 2020: Federal reform is neither possible nor desirable. Federal Reform is Not Possible
- 29 April 2020: The Florida League of the South. We Dare to Resist.
- 28 April 2020: Especially in areas highly frequented by Blacks.
- 28 April 2020: Many do at farmers' markets.
- 28 April 2020: Support your own people as locally as possible.
- 28 April 2020:
- 28 April 2020: I'm not a big fan of vaccines but the human body doesn't resist everything nature throws against it. I had ancestors die of things like Black Measles before vaccines were invented. On the other hand I lost a grandson probably due to vaccines. Where do you draw the line?
- 28 April 2020: Good luck with that.
- 28 April 2020: That was the best chuckle I'm going to get all day!
- 28 April 2020: That is great! He owned that joo!
- 28 April 2020: Godwin's Law rears its ugly head even when it's Communists doing it.
- 28 April 2020: Aaah! Ok. Is that suppose to be where those inhabitated islands are near the high mountains?
- 28 April 2020: "You dirty goyim" at the 37 sec mark.
- 28 April 2020: Great! More federal intrusion into our states' business. More Lincolnian Republicanism.
- 28 April 2020: Yeah, it's a farce to allow the feds to seize more power from the states and wasn't even thought up until around 1925.
- 28 April 2020: Are they talking about the Mississippi draining into the Gulf or another river drainning into one of the Great Lakes?
- 28 April 2020: The things you see when you don't have a flame thrower.
- 27 April 2020: The feds took the money from the production of the states to begin with. The central government produces nothing. It only consumes.
- 27 April 2020: FEMA Camps, FEMA coffins, 5G, prison trains, martial law, guillotines, UN troops, tunnels under Walmart, Jade Helm, RFID Chips. For starters.
- 27 April 2020: @TheCptBlackPill It's not over yet. Give it a year so we can compare Apples to Apples.
- 27 April 2020: It looks like everyone beat me to it so I'll just pop some popcorn.
- 27 April 2020: 6/60? That means they're more dangerous than young Black males.
- 27 April 2020: Watch it start disappearing now.
- 27 April 2020: Good ideas don't need bayonets to implement them.
- 27 April 2020: 15/>50
- 27 April 2020: But, dang! Biscuts and butter sound so good right now!
- 27 April 2020: Something I learned in my health advancements, exercise can only account for about 15% of body fat loss while it's up to diet to deal with the other 85%. Once my body was adapted to burning fat rather than carbs I could eat about all the fat I wanted.
- 27 April 2020: Flags are powerful reminders of who's in charge and where your loyalties lie. Regardless of where you live it may be time to throw out foreign interlopers. #FedsOutofFlorida
- 27 April 2020: Unfortunately what passes for the Right is in so much agreement with the Left that it's easy to irritate both.
- 27 April 2020: Same with soldiers.
- 27 April 2020: Trump's the last Republican President anyway. Demographics is destiny.
- 27 April 2020: Maybe it's in their state Constitutions?
- 27 April 2020: Start making your own ammo.
- 27 April 2020: Since this is open to discussion, why are US taxpayers expected to bail out third world countries? As far as the states go, the federal government took that money from us in the first place.
- 27 April 2020: Likewise, why are we expected to bail out poorly run countries?
- 27 April 2020: Cut off their subsidies and their populations would shrink.
- 27 April 2020: Little kids are like cats. They always have to be on the other side of a closed foor.
- 27 April 2020: This post sure brings out the crybabies.
- 27 April 2020: I don't know, maybe all the military personnel in combat zones making stupid singing and dancing videos tops them.
- 27 April 2020: Let's have a cheer for old school Southern Democrats before it's Northern wing was taken over by Northern Jewish labor unions.
- 27 April 2020: This is what happens when we let little brown foreigners lecture us on White Western history and politics.
- 27 April 2020: I guess I haven't paid much attention to her.
- 27 April 2020: Or a war in Afghanistan or Iraq?
- 27 April 2020: What happened?
- 27 April 2020: As a southern nationalist I'll vote for whoever is best for local and state leadership. For national elections I'll vote for whoever will bring the most uncomfortable position to Murikans and help destroy the Empire.
- 26 April 2020:
- 26 April 2020: I know people with Corona virus.
- 26 April 2020: Christ didn't come for them. They were given another Covenant. Give not what is Holy unto dogs.
- 26 April 2020: Do you have all of your rebuttal in one place on a website or something so I can send a link to some friends?
- 26 April 2020: If it's a hoax why do we need these things to kill it?
- 26 April 2020: WTF?
- 26 April 2020: I'd help pay that man's bail money.
- 26 April 2020: As a Christian I can say that there's a good portion of people in lamestream christianity who will never be in the fight. They're reduced to praying for God to do the hard things for them while waiting to be "Raptured" out of their worldly responsibilities.
- 26 April 2020: I might be mistaken but I think he has admitted in the past that he is part of the tribe.
- 26 April 2020: Guess who's next to be shot with an anti-aircraft gun?
- 26 April 2020: "Godwin's Law"
- 26 April 2020: No, they're not today's "Brownshirts". If you knew anything about Antifa and their history you'd know that the Brownshirts actually fought Antifa in the streets of 1930's Germany. They are Communists and Anarchists just as they were then.
- 26 April 2020: Neither is the number for the common Flu but nobody thinks there is a Flu conspiracy.
- 26 April 2020: Jolly's education obviously stopped with public schooling.
- 26 April 2020: They all joined the Boy Scouts.
- 25 April 2020: The seed of Satan.
- 25 April 2020: Like Cuba under Castro, he probably threw the Sodomites and their supporters in prison.
- 25 April 2020: Bill Maher was born in 1956. That means he was 4-14 years old while he "grew up in the 60's. I would venture to guess that during that time he was pretty much clueless about drugs and demographics.
- 25 April 2020: Friends told me that Glenn Beck called me a "Duginist" on his show. I had to look it up to see what it meant. I've never read anything by Dugin.
- 25 April 2020: He should tell them to "Get Bent".
- 25 April 2020: You'd have to take the Jeff Shoepe/Matt Heimbach/Kenny Parker route.
- 25 April 2020: She's the MAGA version of HK Edgerton.
- 25 April 2020: Allegedly, according to the official story there were only 6 "extermination" camps. Did she visit some of them 2 or 3 times like on tour or something?
- 25 April 2020: Any excuse will do to leave the borders open.
- 24 April 2020: Weathermen still have jobs so, no.
- 24 April 2020: As a wise man once said, "Adversity introduces a man to himself".
- 24 April 2020: We'd like to know who was complaining? Was it the usual anti-Christian suspects?
- 24 April 2020: I'm not saying the moon landing was a hoax but, is the fact that your best friend's father was a mathematician for the Apollo project your best defense for a moon landing? It must have been the first and best excuse to come to mind.
- 24 April 2020: How much would be enough or is there any limit?
- 24 April 2020: What purpose does it allegedly have in a vacine?
- 24 April 2020: Why were you ever there to begin with?
- 24 April 2020: It's a world-wide conspiracy among medical professionals whose unknown, hidden agenda transcends national, political, ethnic, religious, economic and cultural allegiances.
- 24 April 2020: They are the enemies of all mankind.
- 24 April 2020: Why isn't his head on a pole yet?
- 24 April 2020: But at every stage you still have someone saying, "They're inflating the numbers".
- 24 April 2020: Look at where your food comes from before you buy. Was it grown by your kinsmen in your own state or region or by some 3rd world farmer on the other side of the planet? Buy Southern!
- 24 April 2020: Or just secede.
- 24 April 2020: I hope so.
- 24 April 2020: Racist virus.
- 24 April 2020: They were trying to fatten him up to get more lamp shades and soap out of him.
- 24 April 2020: I think I could run a more efficient death camp than that.
- 24 April 2020: Florida Farmers Devastated.
- 23 April 2020: There's still people stupid enough to go on cruises? I thought the Rona had thinned them out?
- 23 April 2020: That single mom obviously has more money than me.
- 23 April 2020: And a dirty little foreigner to boot.
- 23 April 2020: He should just slit his own wrists and end the misery.
- 23 April 2020: Too many of my Muritard neighbors have their heads up their asses.
- 23 April 2020: Return? When did it leave?
- 23 April 2020: At least that's what the ones on the Left tell us.
- 23 April 2020: Dogs are overly and indiscriminately affectionate but if you can get a cat to love you you've accomplished something.
- 23 April 2020: Those replies are great! I had to add my own comment.
- 23 April 2020: Show of hands all in favor of sending Dinesh D'Souza back.
- 22 April 2020: I would have manned the spotting scope and provided security for Ray.
- 22 April 2020: Yes, caused by 5G.
- 22 April 2020: No, don't let them tell you that. You speak great English. How many years were you in the US?
- 22 April 2020: But you already know the truth.
- 22 April 2020: But you wouldn't want Rubles as change for gold because they as currency are worthless, correct?
- 22 April 2020: Are you really Russian? Forgive my stupid questions but where did you learn to write English so well? What percentage of Russians converse this easily in English?
- 22 April 2020: Thank you for answers. How many rubles is an ounce of gold over there?
- 22 April 2020: Is your boy, Trump going to be responsible now for promoting and protecting sodomy internationally?
- 22 April 2020: It's kinda like those old talent shows where the contestants have been pumped up and praised by their family and friends who are too polite to tell them they really suck, then they get crushed on national TV.
- 22 April 2020: I didn't say you couldn't. I just wanted to know how much gold a loaf of bread costs. How small a "denomination" of an ounce of gold is made for such a purchase? What do they give you back in change?
- 22 April 2020: Same type of people.
- 22 April 2020: There's a lot of people who think they're White but aren't.
- 22 April 2020: Apparently they were breeding grounds.
- 22 April 2020: Everything has to be about them though. Never forget!
- 22 April 2020: I have plenty of both. But back to my question, how much gold does it take to buy your plentiful bread?
- 22 April 2020: How much gold does it take to but a loaf of bread where you are?
- 22 April 2020: Yeah, try spending it anywhere.
- 22 April 2020: Pokemon cards have value too but I don't want any. Same with gold. You have to find someone that wants it and willing to pay whatever ridiculous, constantly fluctuating price is asked for.
- 22 April 2020: They can just tell you the gold is worth more dollars today than it was yesterday which is the next best thing to printing your own gold.
- 22 April 2020: Why haven't they torn that trash down by now?
- 22 April 2020: You're a "patriot" when you hate who the government tells you it's time to hate but you're a "racist" when you figure out who to hate on your own.
- 22 April 2020: If it doesn't have wheels it doesn't belong in the road.
- 22 April 2020: Looking forward to it, regardless of when you release it.
- 22 April 2020: South Korea? Huh? South Korea kicked its ass compared to the US.
- 22 April 2020:
- 22 April 2020: The experiment failed first in 1789 when the Founders' form of government was overthrown and again in 1861 when even that form of government proved unsatisfactory. It's only gone downhill from there.
- 22 April 2020: And there's two of them.
- 22 April 2020: What passes for modern US "culture" deserves insult.
- 21 April 2020: Michael Moore's carcass could feed a 3rd world family of 4 for 6 months.
- 21 April 2020: I think you missed some zeros. It's actually 600 gorillion. But not sure. More zeros seem to get added every year.
- 21 April 2020: The Moose at the gate should have told you.
- 21 April 2020: No mercy.
- 21 April 2020: They want more people but not more White people.
- 21 April 2020: It hasn't worked so far but, yeah, let the Empire crumble as far as I'm concerned.
- 21 April 2020: I wonder how long "temporary" is? Why didn't he do this 3 years ago?
- 21 April 2020: 'bout time.
- 21 April 2020: Makes people feel like they did something. Only guns really work.
- 21 April 2020: It would be a welcome change of pace.
- 20 April 2020: Probably only because their US lackeys weren't quick enough to do it for them.
- 20 April 2020: It never stops with them.
- 20 April 2020: That idea didn't come about until about 1925 when someone thought up the "Incorporation Doctrine".
- 20 April 2020: I find it funny that the same people who disbelieve the CDCs figures for Covid-19 deaths never question the CDC numbers on Flu deaths.
- 20 April 2020: Yay! Another cheerleader for Israel First is on her way to DC! What can go wrong for us?
- 20 April 2020: She puts it right there in our faces and the Goyim drool all over her.
- 20 April 2020: It's the supreme law for the federal government, not the states which have their own limiting documents (constitutions).
- 20 April 2020: Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution gives the feds the authority to suspend Habeas Corpus which is but one aspect of suspending the Constitution. Patrick Henry describe the Constitution as "the most fatal plan that could possibly be conceived to enslave a free people".
- 20 April 2020: How many deaths do you EVER hear about on a daily basis from the Flu, or Cancer, etc?
- 20 April 2020: HH!
- 20 April 2020: @DrEricDing @TheCptBlackPill "But it's just the Flu, Dude".
- 20 April 2020: @RT_com This can't be true cuz in Canada the only place you're allowed to shoot your firearm is at an approved shooting range.
- 20 April 2020:
- 20 April 2020: Hollywood has already created a Black fantasy world that's 180 degrees from reality. How much worse can you twist reality?
- 19 April 2020: That's what happens when the finest country on the continent descends into Black, Marxist 3rd world world rule.
- 19 April 2020: It's also the anniversary of when the FBI incinerated 87 people, 17 of them children in Waco, Texas. All of which started when the ATF raided the church over gun parts.
- 19 April 2020: The ATF started it over some gun parts.
- 19 April 2020:
- 19 April 2020:
- 19 April 2020: Since the US has a higher incarceration rate per 100,000 than even Communist Cuba, North Korea or the former Soviet Union you have a better chance than their citizens of committing 3 felonies a day without realizing it.
- 19 April 2020: They consider it a sign of your weakness. They only respect strength.
- 18 April 2020: As a wise man once told me, "when it's everybody but you, it's you."
- 18 April 2020: The last time I was flipping through the channels of the Electric Jew and caught a few moments of his show it appeared that him and family were all dressed to visit a Gay bar. I didn't get it.
- 18 April 2020: That was an excellent historical summary. You should put that in booklet form for mass distribution.
- 18 April 2020: "Food Desert Neighborhoods"? What's the farthest anyone in Jacksonville has to travel to get to a grocery store?
- 18 April 2020: That's what you get with Affirmative Action.
- 18 April 2020: They've been getting Reparations and preferential treatment since 1865.
- 18 April 2020: The apple didn't fall far from the tree.
- 18 April 2020: Someone would probably argue your definition of "English" though it's plain to you and me.
- 18 April 2020: Tough decision because any answer leaves out great men. I'm going to go with 1,4,9.
- 18 April 2020: Probably because, as the article mentions, enclosed spaces such as indoors and high humidity allow the virus to flourish and spread. And since humans can carry it for up to 2 weeks with no symptoms, they can spread it to indoor surfaces.
- 18 April 2020: Every Single Time.
- 17 April 2020: There appears to be hope for Germany.
- 17 April 2020: Doesn't anyone understand why states and the federal government have separate constitutions?
- 17 April 2020: That's one fine looking bird!
- 16 April 2020: "Most Vulnerable Area" = Code word for bottomless money pit.
- 16 April 2020: Funny how among MAGA types everything evil is a Nazi but never a Communists. Even the Communists get called Nazis.
- 16 April 2020: Great article.
- 16 April 2020: Nigeria is full of rich scammers. Maybe they can help out?
- 16 April 2020: Looks like the usual 13% of the population that's responsible for over 50% of the violent crime.
- 16 April 2020: Is somebody eating them?
- 16 April 2020: Well, they told us we didn't need masks so suck it up.
- 16 April 2020: Release them back to the countries they came from.
- 16 April 2020: Let me guess, whoever made the snide remark about "surprised it's not in Florida" is a transplant?
- 16 April 2020: Filthy animals should be bayoneted into a ditch and bulldozed over while they're screaming.
- 16 April 2020: Scared? Just wait 'til he sees 110.
- 15 April 2020: She looks confident in her Affirmative Action recipient status.
- 15 April 2020: They like Abe Lincoln too.
- 15 April 2020: Vote buying.
- 15 April 2020: Much like everything else about the federal government.
- 15 April 2020: Exorbitant taxation wasn't enough?
- 15 April 2020: The great Virginia Patriot and Anti-Federalist, Patrick Henry described the 1789 Constitution as "the most fatal plan that could possibly be conceived to enslave a free people. And here we are.
- 15 April 2020: 21 of the 55 Delegates to the 1787 Philadelphia Convention were Monarchists. Patrick Henry and the Anti-Federalists warned us of the dangers of monarchy with the new government. Trump's statements remind us that we inherited a democratically elected, term-limited, monarchy.
- 15 April 2020: Globalism is the virus, Nationalism is the cure, Secession is the first step.
- 15 April 2020: We can't live on the same planet with these beasts.
- 15 April 2020: Florida farmers are plowing their crops under or letting them rot in the field because they can't sell their produce to closed down schools, restaurants, etc. Meanwhile, the feds allow 3rd world produce to be imported and sold in our stores.
- 15 April 2020: His emancipation efforts weren't much more than a political move to keep England and France from entering the war on the side of the Confederacy. Repatriation/colonization had been in progress since Lincoln was around 9 years old.
- 14 April 2020: Yes, Failed Jewish Pipe dream. Much like Madagasgar and other potential Jewish homeland dreams before they settled on Palistine.
- 14 April 2020: I've done plenty of research on the War for Southern Independence. I know about the Jew profiteers on both sides as they are with every war. What did the winning Jews of the North win in that war, having lost their legal slave trade?
- 14 April 2020: Not sure how the United States was "forced" to invade us, blockade our ports and burn our cities?
- 14 April 2020: Covid-19 is finding new ways to strengthen the strain. I have zero sympathy.
- 14 April 2020: Where's the outrage from the right -wing when Trump claims "total authority" over state governments? Where's the cry from the militias or Oath Keepers, etc? I guess it's all ok when it's your boy, Trump?
- 13 April 2020: Unless you're a Weatherman and then you can be wrong about 50% of the time.
- 13 April 2020: Didn't they have a personality disorder before they became so self-centered?
- 13 April 2020: Thank God they beat back the Nazis or it might be the Gestapo.
- 13 April 2020:
- 13 April 2020: Best news I've heard this year.
- 13 April 2020: What's the status of the Republic of New Africa plan? Is that still being considered?
- 13 April 2020: I sure haven't heard anything about Virginia gun control measures or resistance to them since the virus hit the news. What's going on?
- 12 April 2020: Where's all the "Oath Keepers" while tickets and forced quarantines are being handed out to church goers on their high holy day?
- 12 April 2020: Where's all the "Oath Keepers"?
- 12 April 2020: I don't think so.
- 12 April 2020: I'm going to safely guess zero.
- 12 April 2020: We can't live on the same planet with these people.
- 12 April 2020: He's oven material.
- 12 April 2020: Assholes.
- 12 April 2020: I certainly agree with that and would support it in any way I was capable. Are there any areas either on this continent or elsewhere that are being prepared for this?
- 12 April 2020: LOL! That's hilarious. I want that dude beside me in the Revolution.
- 12 April 2020: Current reading.
- 12 April 2020: The feeling is mutual.
- 12 April 2020: What is the plan for separation? I would most likely support it. Separation with peace and prosperity for all is better than the death of amalgamation and constant strife and struggle.
- 12 April 2020: They are Vermin. They probably have a bot that seeks out the word Easter.
- 12 April 2020: @ForgeTheBore Maybe Resurrection Day is like holy water to them? They are spazzing out like vampires being subjected to a cross or holy water.
- 12 April 2020: Happy Resurrection Day, my Christian brothers and sisters. He is risen and death is Conquered. May their blood be upon them and on their children.
- 12 April 2020:
- 12 April 2020: Or, honestly, Easter.
- 12 April 2020: Ethnicity? Israelite.
- 12 April 2020: This guy thinks SARS cov-2 is the same as the common cold?
- 12 April 2020: It's a shame when 3rd world Asian countries have a better program in place for containing a pandemic than the world's last nuclear super power.
- 12 April 2020: Never miss an opportunity to delegitimize the US government!
- 12 April 2020: Weather warfare designed to reduce the population and stimulate the economy, or some similar nonsense.
- 12 April 2020: I hope we see wide spread defiance tomorrow.
- 12 April 2020: Gook garbage.
- 12 April 2020: LOL!
- 12 April 2020: Best President ever!
- 12 April 2020: The only ones I might be able to stand being locked down with are Jocko Willinck and Mike Rowe. The rest would turn me into another Jason Vorhees.
- 11 April 2020: There are only a few serious hotspots in the US. Most hospitals are closing nearly everything except emergency rooms to conserve the nation's ppe and protect medical personnel.
- 11 April 2020: I thought the US didn't negotiate with "terrorists"? Must be on the ropes.
- 11 April 2020: "Well done is better than well said".
- 11 April 2020: Allegedly they invaded to change a law they never tried to change through legal proceedings.
- 11 April 2020: Haven't read them but maybe I ought to. Thanks for the references.
- 10 April 2020: My wife watches my back and surroundings while I load the vehicle. I'm ready to jig somebody in the neck.
- 10 April 2020: I don't know but I'm so freakin' sick of it. I feel like my IQ drops whenever I try to argue with these 5G and associated retards.
- 10 April 2020: I pray they keep partying. Let them party like it's 1347.
- 10 April 2020: 7 is the number of completion.
- 10 April 2020: And may their blood be genuinely upon them.
- 10 April 2020: A history of the socialist Pledge of Allegiance.
- 10 April 2020: Pagan trappings.
- 10 April 2020: Joo problems.
- 10 April 2020: If he invades the South, blockades our ports, makes medicine a contraband item, burns our cities, suspends habeous corpus, jails an entire state's Legislature, and gets close to a million people killed in the process I might start seeing a Lincoln likeness.
- 10 April 2020: They're not smiling. They're bearing their teeth at each other. It's an easily misidentified subtle sign of aggression.
- 10 April 2020: I like the "interested parties here in the United States" part.
- 10 April 2020:
- 10 April 2020: Lee was a traitor in the same way George Washington was a traitor to King George.
- 9 April 2020: No doubt about that.
- 9 April 2020: Our original form of government was Confederal which was truly a federal system. What we have gotten used to calling federal is no such creature. Even foreign observers noticed that the 1789 Con didn't give us a federal gov. It is a hybrid.
- 9 April 2020: We haven't had a true federal form of government since the Articles. The "federalists" called themselves such as part of a smoke screen to hoodwink the states. What they promised and what we we got were dissimilar things.
- 9 April 2020: The usurpation of power from the states actually started with the illegal usurpation of the Articles of Confederation. But, yes, certainly there was an acceleration of abuse following the South's war for independence.
- 9 April 2020: The Articles were our founding form of government. It gave us a weak central servant government. There was no need seen for the type of government that replaced it.
- 9 April 2020: Robert E Lee and about 16 other Confederates were not covered by that pardon. Look it up.
- 9 April 2020: The original Constitution known as, the Articles of Confederation called for a "Perpetual Union". When the new constitution was adopted in 1789 there was no language of Perpetual Union included in it. That should tell you something.
- 9 April 2020: Not one single Confederate was tried for treason after the war.
- 9 April 2020: He wasn't pardoned until 1975 by Gerald Ford. He never burned his uniform. He was loyal to the South and her cause unto death.
- 9 April 2020: You are correct.
- 9 April 2020: Any examples where he "went hard" on any of his fellow Southerners?
- 9 April 2020: All states entered the Union on an equal and voluntary basis. It's supposed to be a voluntary Union of sovereign nations, not a hostage crisis.
- 9 April 2020: There was no law made stating that secession is illegal. Even if there was it would be the ultimate act of tyranny to say so. If you're not free to leave, you're not free.
- 9 April 2020: As a great patriot once said, "If this be treason let us make the most of it".
- 9 April 2020: Well, every Southerner, slave owner or not knew that once the slaves were freed they'd be given full social, civil and political equality resulting in the horrors we face today. They were prophets. Only maintaining slavery would prevent it.
- 9 April 2020: This place is a slaughterhouse. Not as bad as Chicago but...
- 9 April 2020: Crime is up 4% at last count in my home town. Yesterday there were three separate shootings in a 24 hour period where the fellas live.
- 9 April 2020: We had a gihugic flower shop in town give away all the flowers they had in their walk-in cooler. I heard about it on the radio and was only a few blocks away so went in and got my wife some roses.
- 9 April 2020: Shape Shifting Serpents.
- 9 April 2020:
- 9 April 2020: Biden can't put a coherent sentence together so it's going to be a blast listening to him.
- 9 April 2020: Integration. An idea so great it had to be implemented at bayonet point.
- 9 April 2020: They're saying only about 15% that go ventilators with this virus come off alive. Prayers going out for him.
- 8 April 2020:
- 8 April 2020: I'm still working every day to do my part in spreading the income gap.
- 8 April 2020: Press the bang switch.
- 8 April 2020:
- 8 April 2020: I'm normally afraid to go to hospital before all this started. Hospitals are where healthy people go to get sick and sick people go to die.
- 8 April 2020: Way too much self esteem.
- 8 April 2020: Unfortunately there is a long list of comorbidities including being overweight that contribute to both Flu and Corvid-19 deaths. The US has a very unhealthy population.
- 8 April 2020: The deaths won't lie.
- 8 April 2020: Maybe if they added, "It's just the Flu" to the bottom of the chart?
- 8 April 2020: They're where I learned to practice my social distancing.
- 8 April 2020: Warms my heart.
- 8 April 2020: I applaud their dangerous behaviour.
- 8 April 2020: Amen to that.
- 8 April 2020: Vote harder next time.
- 8 April 2020: Why don't they have one that can detect illegal Mexican border crossers?
- 8 April 2020: I think the difference is that it has a higher R0 rating and death rate. It has already surpassed the deaths due to SARS and MERS and is close to surpassing the deaths from Swine Flu. It's at least 30x more deadly than the common Flu.
- 8 April 2020: White people have the same enemy.
- 8 April 2020: That's how it works with the Flu so what's the big deal? When someone dies of the Flu they don't tell you the patient was 50 pounds overweight, had a fatty liver, and heart disease. Just the Flu.
- 8 April 2020: Well, to be fair, AIDS is from a blood-borne pathogen that is mostly passed by homosexual sex. It's not like inhaling a stranger's cough or sneeze droplets or picking it up off a door handle.
- 8 April 2020: 110 will be a humdinger.
- 7 April 2020: Virtually nobody would die of the Flu without comorbidities.
- 7 April 2020: Too late.
- 7 April 2020: But there's always something worse in history to dismiss the urgency of the current situation.
- 7 April 2020: I wonder if anyone tried to argue that those deaths were acceptable because they were less than the average annual flu deaths?
- 7 April 2020: Foul birds of a feather.
- 7 April 2020: It was real in her mind and that's all that matters!
- 7 April 2020:
- 7 April 2020: @TheCptBlackPill @Romans109saves That sucks because I started getting used to liking Tucker Carlson.
- 7 April 2020: It's also an indictment of what passes for Christianity these days.
- 7 April 2020: Have you ever heard the song, "Shilo" by the band, Maziah Mountain? It's powerful, sad and beautiful.
- 7 April 2020: Did he need an interpreter?
- 7 April 2020: All of the above.
- 7 April 2020: 👋
- 6 April 2020: I'm still kinda pissed that the old drunk, Grant road a horse named after our President, Jeff Davis.
- 6 April 2020: A guy at work is being tested today for it. He came down with symptoms over the weekend and he's the biggest germaphobe in the company, wearing a mask early on when nobody else was. If he's got it it's probably going to sweep through our company quick.
- 6 April 2020: WTF is this goober talkin' about?
- 6 April 2020: That dude was probably burning Gooks with a flamethrower in Vietnam.
- 6 April 2020: @FOX152 That looks strangely like Owen Wilson.
- 5 April 2020: A good, straight, truthful statement.
- 5 April 2020: What's the music?
- 5 April 2020: I'm not hearing anything about Murika's foreign wars either but we know they still go on. When do we ever hear any news about the Flu?
- 5 April 2020: Concentration camps "for your own protection."
- 5 April 2020: Hanging is too good for them. A review of Medieval executions might be worthwhile.
- 5 April 2020: Thank you, Sweden.
- 5 April 2020: Well, they told us peons that masks won't protect us from the virus so suck it up.
- 5 April 2020: When nearly 60,000 people die of the common flu they don't tell you that the majority of those Flu deaths had underlying comorbidities. If we pointed that out then we could say that nobody really dies from the Flu.
- 5 April 2020: Probably the same reasons Walmart cashiers aren't.
- 5 April 2020: I don't think there were patients waiting on the dock for it to arrive but with 630 people dying in the last 24 hours in the state of New York alone from the virus they'll probably be using that ship soon enough.
- 4 April 2020: People see what they want to see. They're smarter than all the people that went to school for this cuz they gots da internet.
- 4 April 2020: The US has grown accustomed to handling Flu deaths every year but another 500 deaths per day in one city, whether from gang warfare or a virus puts a strain on the system that will collapse it.
- 4 April 2020: Regular Flu continues to kill the usual number of people annually but this this is a "+1 event" meaning it's one more thing to add to the daily body count that we're not prepared to handle. Hospitals still have to deal with the usual emergencies.
- 4 April 2020: Beautiful. Well, at least her part.
- 4 April 2020: We hate that he's being used to inflate the number of Whites in a dying White society.
- 4 April 2020: How many people died of the Flu in one day in New York city during 2017-2018?
- 4 April 2020: When the government fails, men must do what is necessary.
- 4 April 2020: A thousand heads for hers. #EmilyJones
- 4 April 2020: A thousand heads for hers.
- 4 April 2020: Same with the war in Afghanistan.
- 4 April 2020: 🤣
- 4 April 2020:
- 3 April 2020: Where did you get this information?
- 3 April 2020: I'm pretty sure they would cite the General Welfare Clause. The Constitution was written full of trapdoors and loopholes on purpose. Patrick Henry describe the Constitution as "the most fatal plan that could possibly be conceived to enslave a free people."
- 3 April 2020: Neither my response nor your tweet I responded to had anything to do with 5g. It was about visitation in hospitals. Focus.
- 3 April 2020: Understood! I think that faux Tiger appeared in at least 3 movies that I've seen.
- 3 April 2020: It's pretty simple. Hospitals are not allowing visitors to protect their patients. Just like assisted living facilities.
- 3 April 2020: This thing is not supposed to peak until late April or mid-May. Did you want to wait until the last minute to bring in resources or did you think there were patients waiting on the dock for the ship to arrive?
- 3 April 2020: Whitey made 'em fat?
- 3 April 2020: One of the reasons the hospitals are empty is because they are delaying elective surgeries and sending people home that don't need to really be there in preparation for the coming surge.
- 3 April 2020: Not nearly enough.
- 3 April 2020: A silent letter from the commander didn't tell the enemy anything but publicly relieving him sure did.
- 3 April 2020: Modern day Reenactors with fake movie Tiger.
- 3 April 2020: Comorbidities are going to be a huge factor in who lives and who dies. In the US 40% of the population is obese which is going easy kills for the virus no matter what age you are.
- 2 April 2020: Pretty much the same way the common flu works.
- 2 April 2020: So, the man's information is lining up with what filmmyhospitals videos are showing. What are you pissed about?
- 2 April 2020: Or unless it's not a common cold and more on a par with SARS or MERS.
- 2 April 2020: 3/4 of the world's population is on lock down to try to beat the virus but it's the Democrat's fault? Isn't it Trump that's in charge? Paranoid? Yeah.
- 2 April 2020: One positive thing about this virus is that it seems to be hitting the Blue areas of the Union and their minions pretty hard.
- 2 April 2020: Strange that they would do so after we've been calling one tribe of our enemies that for so long.
- 2 April 2020: Truth is measured by how many followers one has? Man, we're in trouble.
- 2 April 2020: What an incredible disappointment.
- 2 April 2020: WTH? Shape Shifters? What is he even talking about?
- 2 April 2020: Twitter just helped me learn that JFK faked his own death so that he could run the shadow government. God Almighty, the dumbassery that flows across this screen.
- 2 April 2020: Everyone wants the government to "do something" until the government does something.
- 2 April 2020: Used car dealerships are listed as essential in Florida.
- 1 April 2020: JFK faking his death to run the shadow government? Are you tweeting from an asylum?
- 1 April 2020:
- 1 April 2020: The only hospital that I have heard of in the US that is overwhelmed is in New York City and there is plenty of video about it. What are you looking for?
- 1 April 2020: Too many feet look like they ought to be gripping a fish on a tree limb.
- 1 April 2020: I'd love to see the racial data.
- 1 April 2020: May his name resound in the homes of his descendants for all time. We thank him for his sacrifice. We will never forget.
- 1 April 2020: Their loss.
- 1 April 2020: One of the job sites my company services just got shut down because somebody got tested positive for Coronavirus there.
- 1 April 2020: Check out some of this doctor's video. I think they are very helpful towards understanding the situation.
- 1 April 2020: Have you listened to this doctor?
- 1 April 2020: Secession would result in complete government agency dismantlement at once.
- 1 April 2020: It's an informed opinion rather than one rooted in conspiratorial fear and imagination.
- 1 April 2020: Yes, I considered it until overwhelming evidence to the contrary was presented.
- 1 April 2020:
- 1 April 2020: It's called entertainment. That's why you watched it. Movie makers just make movies for your entertainment. They're not part of some government mind control program. You give them too much credit.
- 1 April 2020: I don't know what country you're from but apparently you don't have FEMA there or know anything about them. They can barely manage hurricane relief let alone run concentration camps.
- 1 April 2020: The question was are Jews an identifiable race or not. Obviously they are if they are genetically predisposed towards particular diseases. But that point must have flown right over your head as you thoughtlessly lept into defense mode.
- 1 April 2020: I haven't heard about Charleston being a hot spot. Have you? Why would she expect that hospital emergency room to be swamped just because she heard there is a pandemic?
- 1 April 2020: Allen Merrill and Joe Diffie
- 1 April 2020: How about the lead singer from the band Arrow or the country singer?
- 1 April 2020: Do you have a link to this information?
- 1 April 2020: Time and new information change everything.
- 1 April 2020: I wish there was something like the Wasteland Weekend on the East coast. But then again, there might very well be the real thing coming soon.
- 1 April 2020: All we can do is plan and prepare with the information we have available.
- 1 April 2020: The 80,000 aren't going away for the new virus. They're still going to die too. Just stack another 100,000 on top of them. No big deal, right?
- 1 April 2020: It's always going to be the end times for somebody.
- 31 March 2020: Some sobering figures on Covid-19
- 31 March 2020: Everybody's mad at the government but nobody's ready to die.
- 31 March 2020: What an awesome plan by the government! They should encourage gay rallies as well. To promote Diversity, you know?
- 31 March 2020: That's great. But where do we buy them? They're all gone.
- 31 March 2020: At least some good guys are being released along with all the ash and trash.
- 31 March 2020: There's at least 8 diseases that Jews are genetically predispositioned to including Tay-Sachs. That's race.
- 31 March 2020: Well, it IS just like the Flu but with a higher transmission rate and higher death rate. But, yeah, Darwin will weed him out soon.
- 31 March 2020: Don't those Italians realize it's all just an international hoax?
- 31 March 2020: That's what I suspect as well. Nothing but a bunch of freaking griping on the internet. It's always easier to b**** then to shoot.
- 31 March 2020: I'm happy people are starting to feel oppressed. Maybe they'll finally do something about it. Or not.
- 31 March 2020: What? The Constitution or the suspensions?
- 31 March 2020: I can't make out what they are saying on the loud speaker. Where is this? Those are Marine vehicles.
- 31 March 2020: They got the ok to proceed when they saw accepting parents across the land take their kids to Drag Queen Story Hour.
- 31 March 2020: I've never seen a shortage of respirators, and refrigerated morgue trailers for the Flu.
- 31 March 2020: Did someone identify Saint Luke's Hospital as being a virus treatment hotspot? Did anyone post fake videos or pictures attributing them to St Luke's being crowded?
- 31 March 2020: Now that's the funniest thing I've read all day!
- 31 March 2020: I don't know about your country but the problem with #FilmYourHospital in the states is people are filming hospitals that NOBODY has said were hotspots for for infection or death. Only New York hospitals are having trouble but nobody's filming there.
- 31 March 2020: You're more likely to end up in a city or county jail or state or federal prison than a "FEMA Camp"
- 31 March 2020: If you read the linked article you'll see that the C19 fatality rate has been recorded at from 1.4% to 2.0% making it 14-20 times more likely to be fatal than the common flu at 0.1% In Italy and Spain it has been much higher for elderly.
- 31 March 2020: We've got guns but not the balls to use them except in petty crimes.
- 31 March 2020: The state of Florida admits that most, if not all its hospitals are only operating at 70% capacity so it's useless to to check them out. With the exception of Hospitals in New York city there are no recorded "hot spots" elsewhere in the US.
- 31 March 2020: Shit, I better careful how I put my hand on my hip.
- 31 March 2020: For some reason Jews are genetically predisposed to Tay-Sachs and 8 other disease common to Ashkenazis.
- 31 March 2020: About the same time to James Island. Some were Scottish slaves of the English.
- 31 March 2020: The Lord will have the last laugh. Always.
- 31 March 2020: I'm just here for the violence.
- 31 March 2020: Do you know how stupid and crass you sound when you say "dying anyway (elderly from the flu)"? Dying anyway?
- 31 March 2020: Must be Common Core math.
- 31 March 2020: Teach him a lesson and don't buy any of his pillows.
- 31 March 2020: Bats are useful. Rather get rid of Chinese.
- 30 March 2020: That picture was taken in 1992 during the LA Rodney King riots.
- 30 March 2020: Who's going to build all the people to operate them?
- 30 March 2020: Shit it down for good.
- 30 March 2020:
- 30 March 2020: The truth is usually Right Wing.
- 30 March 2020: It would still be the same backward 3rd world dung heap as North Korea if the US hadn't pumped so much blood and treasure into it to oppose Communism.
- 30 March 2020: Let them do it.
- 30 March 2020: Dang, it ended too soon. But yeah. God's righteous Judgement is on us.
- 30 March 2020: They do that already.
- 30 March 2020: Lee Greenwood is unavailable for comment.
- 30 March 2020: They'll need some Democracy bombed into them.
- 30 March 2020: What do you think would be the final straw? Murikans haven't been really willing to bloody some streets in a long time.
- 30 March 2020: If you have any links to this subject I'd be interested in reading them. Had a family member experience that has bugged me for years.
- 30 March 2020: Worst Apocalypse ever.
- 30 March 2020: The churches we have now are pretty much useless anyway.
- 30 March 2020: Federal buildings should be torn down and stay down.
- 30 March 2020: Why would it be "overrun" with only 3 reported cases?
- 30 March 2020: But you'll get the most resistance to the food laws from so-called Bible believing Christians.
- 30 March 2020: Has Charleston been identified as a "hot spot"? How many cases and deaths are said to have occurred in Charleston?
- 30 March 2020: Not nearly enough.
- 30 March 2020: So they don't use "stock footage" or you're just mad he called it something else?
- 30 March 2020: That's regular "Walking Dead" material right there.
- 30 March 2020: I didn't hear about NC being a hot spot. What hospitals are allegedly crowded in NC?
- 30 March 2020: Great and interesting book.
- 30 March 2020: I'm guessing you're not in Southeast Florida then?
- 30 March 2020: Social media keeps the sheep feeling like they're doing something. The powers that be will leave all forms of entertainment intact for as long as possible.
- 30 March 2020: How does anybody know what the viruses timetable is?
- 30 March 2020: That document was an illegal farce from the day it was dreamed up.
- 29 March 2020: Sort of like meterologists predicting the path and effects of a hurricane. The more time they have to study it the more accurate their predictions
- 29 March 2020: It's not a matter of believing or not believing. It's a matter of common curtesy.
- 29 March 2020: What a dickhead you are. Do people normally post pictures of death certificates and provide all that detailed information on social media when someone they love dies?
- 29 March 2020: There's currently over 135,000 Virus cases in the US. The media only reports on the ones people care about. You never hear about the drunk, homeless guy that's got it.
- 29 March 2020: Is Cleveland supposed to be some sort of epicenter for treatment in your state? How many patients were you told could be expected?
- 29 March 2020: Southerners.
- 29 March 2020: The homeless can't afford to be tested. The rich can afford to be tested even if they just have a fever. How do we know how many homeless people are dying from it? What news station would bother reporting on a homeless person? Who would care?
- 29 March 2020: New information changes things.
- 29 March 2020: Let them die off.
- 29 March 2020: What's funny is, it's actually those who call themselves Jews today who are the sons of Esau.
- 29 March 2020: Anyone who knows there is a righteous God in Heaven knows Murika would eventually be brought to its knees.
- 29 March 2020: Probably because when other countries were implementing widespread testing and isolation and beating this thing we dorked around for 11 weeks leaving only drastic actions available.
- 29 March 2020: That's funny since Cuba has a long history of foreign military intervention in Africa, the Middle East, South America and the Caribbean.
- 29 March 2020: My sister-in-law ia a manager of an assisted living facility in central Florida. She says the workers in her field believe the virus has been with us longer than first reported due to the number and types of lung related illness they've been seeing in their patients.
- 29 March 2020: The rich can afford to be tested.
- 29 March 2020: And nearly every medical professional on the planet is in on the conspiracy. Unprecedented.
- 29 March 2020: That's a good sign.
- 29 March 2020: So what kinda names were on them?
- 29 March 2020: I saw the movie. I know how this turns out.
- 29 March 2020: In 2001 there were 62,034 deaths due to Influenza/pneumonia but only 2,997 deaths due to a terrorist attack. Clearly we were overreacting to the terrorist attack.
- 29 March 2020: But I hear Boeing is going to be ok do we can all sleep easier on that.
- 29 March 2020: But at least Lee Greenwood can give us comfort in knowing we be all free n sheet.
- 29 March 2020: It might put a dent in Marxist indoctrination but with all the major institutions in the hands of the "Progressives" they'll quickly be back on track.
- 29 March 2020: Yeah, it's tricky to sort truth from fact on the internet. Some people will believe anything that bolsters their fears and imaginations while dismissing anything that counters them.
- 29 March 2020: Hard to get people to grasp this when they think it's all just a big hoax/conspiracy.
- 28 March 2020: Or robbing a store.
- 28 March 2020: Any examples?
- 28 March 2020: And that's what Trayvon got for fulfilling a racial stereotype.
- 27 March 2020: "Stupidly abandoned" probably because of over regulation and over taxation by the federal government.
- 27 March 2020: Should have been turning around Yankee Tags 50 years ago.
- 27 March 2020: Should have done that 50 years ago.
- 27 March 2020: Imagine having a leader you loved that much. Unheard of today.
- 27 March 2020: It's all built on a house of cards. We've all known it couldn't last.
- 27 March 2020: I've gone for almost 20 years without knowing anyone who actually fought or died in Afghanistan. Beginning to think the war is a hoax.
- 27 March 2020: Screw up their plan and don't take the chip!
- 27 March 2020: I got a good chuckle out of that one! That would be the funniest thing I see all week on Twitter!
- 27 March 2020: And the third group who are so separated from reality that they believe the entire planet is involved in a giant conspiracy and it's all a hoax.
- 27 March 2020: You're going to have God's righteous Judgement on a stiffnecked people.
- 27 March 2020: Even if you got 30,000 ventilators where are you going to get the trained personnel to operate that many?
- 27 March 2020: Oh, damn, I just saw someone start off on the "FEMA Coffins" and "gillotine" dumbassery. Someone even had to throw in a "Jade Helm 15" reference. I don't know why there's still so much tin foil left on the shelves at Walmart.
- 26 March 2020: The wall came down in '91. Get with the freedom program.
- 26 March 2020: They look safe where they are.
- 26 March 2020: I can appreciate the fact that Obama was and is a POS working for higher powers but we have enough disinformation to sift through without propagating it ourselves.
- 26 March 2020: I'm still waiting for the rumors of the "prison trains with shackles" to re-emerge from the old Swine Flu panic days. Anybody remember "prison trains"? We were all going to FEMA camps in prison trains after forced vaccinations at roadside checkpoints.
- 26 March 2020: My sister-in-law works in an assisted care facility. They're sewing together masks from cloth and vacuum cleaner bags.
- 26 March 2020: Pelosi shut the country down?
- 26 March 2020: Did you bother to read the speach in context? I guess not. You're too lazy to do any research and just repost dumb shit you see on Twitter.
- 26 March 2020: "Brave". LOL!
- 26 March 2020: I'm no Obama fan but here's the text of his speech in context.
- 26 March 2020: 6 million? I heard there were less than 2 million in the shipment and later 9 million were recovered.
- 26 March 2020: From the very beginning we heard that it could live up to several days on surfaces. So this is a downgrade in its "superpowers".
- 26 March 2020: LOL! Great movie.
- 25 March 2020: Much like the Flu. They both mostly kill people who are already weakened from something else.
- 25 March 2020: They plan hurricanes? How long has that been going on? Who do I collect from for past damages?
- 25 March 2020: Since SARS and MERS were both a Coronavirus maybe they were cons too sharing the same anagram. As are the 4 most common Coronaviruses, 229E, NL63, OC43 and HKU1.
- 25 March 2020: So he's a plastic surgeon. Did he study in Epidemeology?
- 25 March 2020: Who says he's a doctor? Some guy dressed in scrubs for the effect. He even had to have his hat on for the video?
- 25 March 2020: And all of this information came from where?
- 25 March 2020: Global travel.
- 25 March 2020: 80% or more who get it are expected to live.
- 25 March 2020: If it was a bioweapon the Chinese sure screwed up.
- 24 March 2020: I wish I could have seen how she rebounded from that stupid answer.
- 24 March 2020: It's not a solid relationship if she's still calling him a boyfriend when they have a 7 month old child.
- 24 March 2020: Oh vey, muh shekels.
- 24 March 2020: What about themselves? Won't they expose themselves to 5G since it will be everywhere?
- 23 March 2020: Becsuse: White people.
- 23 March 2020: So sorry to hear of your loss. Prayers going out for strength, peace and healing for you and the whole family.
- 23 March 2020: Twitter is concerned that I'm asking the wrong questions.
- 23 March 2020:
- 23 March 2020:
- 23 March 2020: How are Jews protected from radio waves once it's operational?
- 23 March 2020: Does anyone else remember the forced vaccinations, microchipping and FEMA death camp hype from back when the Swine Flu was making its rounds? Same ol' shit this time.
- 23 March 2020: Are the people who created it and installed it immune to it?
- 23 March 2020: MIght have to make your own from potatoes.
- 23 March 2020: But don't you know? It's a huge international conspiracy and everyone's in on it but you.
- 23 March 2020: There's no telling where they are being moved to or for what purpose. The military moves entire units by rail all year long.
- 22 March 2020: Good thing the gun shops are selling out of guns and ammo.
- 22 March 2020: That's how the flu works. Same thing, just more easily transmissible and higher death rate.
- 22 March 2020: Or were more plentiful.
- 22 March 2020: If the Germans could cremate 31,250 Jews a week why are Italy and Spain having such a problem with their dead?
- 22 March 2020: What's sad though is that the Beasts that walk among us commit so many shocking acts every day that we become numb to it. There is at least one reported shooting EVERY SINGLE NIGHT in my home town.
- 22 March 2020: The Army's commercials are a lot more masculine now than they were back in the 70's when I joined.
- 22 March 2020: Amen!
- 22 March 2020: "Held to account". LOL! Much of our military equipment is dependent on Chinese manufacturing.
- 22 March 2020: What do you want explained, not that I'm any expert or anything but it makes for lively discussion.
- 22 March 2020: Serious attempts at testing have only recently started so we don't know the true numbers yet. Most who get it will be ok. In my home city of Jacksonville, FL, two drive through testing facilities were set up on Friday.
- 22 March 2020: Absolutely beautiful!
- 22 March 2020: We should have followed the models demonstrated by Singapore and South Korea who put a priority on testing and only quarantining those who tested positive while keeping schools and businesses open. We dorked around and lost 11 precious weeks.
- 22 March 2020: Thanks for all you do, Mr. Flaherty. Many of us love and respect you for your work.
- 22 March 2020: Real Christian's will find a way just as their ancestors did.
- 22 March 2020: Health care systems produce in the same way that auto mechanics, AC repairmen, firemen, police, power line repairmen, road repair crews, long haul truckers, warehouse management crews, mail carriers, and a host of others. Try living without them.
- 22 March 2020: Never.
- 22 March 2020: I don't have any Asian friends.
- 22 March 2020: It's all 'bout dem Shekels.
- 22 March 2020: And happy Birthday!
- 22 March 2020: Prayers going out for your wife, Sir.
- 22 March 2020: I pray that their bones bleach in the sun and their reward be Hell.
- 22 March 2020: There are only temporary obstacles to victory.
- 22 March 2020: They used to but it led to a backlash against ethnic minorities.
- 21 March 2020: You're not doing any research. You're just passing on crap that somebody else posted on Twitter. I don't have time for you. Thanks.
- 21 March 2020: Cuz look it up yourself. You have Google like everybody else does.
- 21 March 2020: What do you disagree with? That SARS and MERS are Corona viruses? That they are dangerous? That updated information from your 20 year old science book is available? What exactly?
- 21 March 2020: One depressing thing I've learned from social media is that a seemingly large segment of the population accepts for fact their own imaginations and fears rather than what information they've gathered with their own eyes and ears.
- 21 March 2020: You might want to get off the conspiracy websites for a while and study up on Corona viruses from some reliable sources.
- 21 March 2020: What happens if and when the number of respiratory deaths exceeds the annual average for the country? How will that be explained?
- 21 March 2020: Kinda creepy.
- 21 March 2020: Why bother having test kits then?
- 21 March 2020: SARS and MERS are both Corona viruses and everybody knows not to treat than like a common cold. Covid-19 is a new Corona virus that has never been known to infect humans before. That 20 year old science book is useless.
- 21 March 2020: What would be the purpose of putting them in a FEMA camp? It's not like anyone actively resists anything.
- 21 March 2020: Is this really an article? If so, I can't find it.
- 21 March 2020: Adversity has a way of prioritizing.
- 21 March 2020: I like it right where it's at. I hope it starts to suck more.
- 21 March 2020: Must be more smart people out there than we thought.
- 21 March 2020: Indeed. Italy has more doctors and hospital beds per person than the US but its hospitals are still overwhelmed.
- 21 March 2020: I don't understand why he's so blind to all this. Spain and Italy are good examples of where we don't want to be.
- 21 March 2020: My wife and son went to Walmart today and on the way out through the parking lot they saw a Nog trying to break into a car. The alarm went off and he took off running.
- 20 March 2020: I'm waiting for the "secret tunnels under Walmart" crowd to add their 2 cents to the Corvid19 story line.
- 20 March 2020: Hard right Boomer here but not in denial.
- 20 March 2020: I think there's people who will see what they want to see without doing any research.
- 20 March 2020: We'll have to ask the Virus its itinerary.
- 20 March 2020: The state has set up a drive-thru testing facility at the prime Osborn Convention Center in downtown Jacksonville and it opend today. The feds are setting up a drive-thru testing station at TIAA Bank field, (the football stadium) and it should be open sometime this week.
- 20 March 2020: Freakin' muds.
- 20 March 2020: Get well quick!
- 20 March 2020: It is. But what does that mean to the Chinese? The "OK" hand signal in the Western world, for example is "the Evil Eye" in the Arab world. Hand signals mean different things to different cultures.
- 20 March 2020: They say we're two weeks behind Italy.
- 20 March 2020:
- 20 March 2020: Murika is ruled by the (((Tribe))).
- 20 March 2020: It's just a new beginning.
- 19 March 2020: Most people that die from the common flu are old people and those with underlying health conditions. Are we saying this is no big deal because only the sick and old are dying from it?
- 19 March 2020: Can we still say "Chinese food" or "Chinese restaurant"?
- 19 March 2020: The same people that are worried about getting microchipped are fine with being given a Social Security Number. It's always easier to fear the future than to change the present.
- 19 March 2020: Nobody is dying in Italy?
- 19 March 2020: Except by all the test kits that have been used so far.
- 19 March 2020: There are 7 known Corona viruses that can infect humans and the virus has been known about since the 60s. SARS and MERS are forms of the Corona virus and they are hardly "the cold".
- 19 March 2020: Medical units from the Florida National Guard are being deployed to assist medically. They ARE trained for that. The military is trained to operate in Biological as well as nuclear and chemical environments.
- 19 March 2020: Look at Italy and you'll see what's coming.
- 19 March 2020: What does that mean to the Chinese?
- 19 March 2020: Thank you for your words of encouragement, my Brother but I am only flesh and blood in the hands of a righteous God. We'll see what His plans are for me.
- 19 March 2020: Saying that nobody is dying of Corvid19 is like saying nobody dies of "The Flu" since the Flu mostly kills people with weakened immune systems and preexisting health conditions. Corvid19 is just like the Flu but with a higher transmisity and death rate.
- 19 March 2020: Bernie and Biden must be livid that Trump out-Democrated the Democrats with promises of da gibs.
- 19 March 2020: Give it the same amount of time to work its magic as Swine Flu and Spanish Flu and then we can compare Apples to Apples. It's just getting started.
- 19 March 2020: What's funny is, for a while everyone said, "It's just a flu", Then, "It's not even as bad as SARS". Then it surpassed SARS. Same with MERS. Give it time. Italy has more doctors and beds per person than the US and they are overwhelmed.
- 19 March 2020: Two "who did not present other pathologies". It's killing off the weak who were otherwise not ready to die.
- 18 March 2020: Look at Italy and give this two weeks. Italy is losing over 300 people a day.
- 18 March 2020: Or maybe the most simple explanation is the correct one. Ocham's Razor.
- 18 March 2020: If it's fake you will have for the first time in history communist Chinese working with S. Koreans working with radical Shiite Iranians working with Western Catholic Italians working with the United States all to concoct and maintain a lie. Highly unlikely.
- 18 March 2020:
- 18 March 2020: Found it here:
- 18 March 2020: Speaking of Black abuse see if you can dig up a copy of the Black Man's Pledge from the original Million Man March. It as much as admits that sexual abuse of both Male and female Black children is common enough among Black men that it needed to be mentioned in their pledge.
- 18 March 2020: And they feed farm raised Talapia poop as well.
- 17 March 2020: What if the people who own the gyms are scared and want to stay inside?
- 17 March 2020: What do you expect from a South Florida Hispanic anchor baby?
- 17 March 2020: Nasty, filthy animals.
- 17 March 2020: I wish them luck.
- 17 March 2020: Well, that's kinda creepy. Nothing sums up the "America the Beautiful Quarters Program" like a Samoan Fruit Bat. Makes me feel all patriotic 'n' sheet.
- 17 March 2020: Why would they change the size of the quarter? It wouldn't work in any vending machine or bank coin sorter, to name only two problems.
- 17 March 2020: It came from us to begin with.
- 17 March 2020: I didn't personally know anyone that was fighting in Afghanistan so I just had to take their word for it that we'd been fighting over there for almost 20 ywars.
- 17 March 2020: What are the close to 3000 deaths in Italy actually attributable to?
- 17 March 2020: Too bad they didn't bring in the military when they were under 3rd world invasion and Paris was being turned into feces-strewn alien squatters' camp.
- 17 March 2020: Or just go back to the old meaning when men like the Great Reformer, Martin Luther told us the truth about those people.
- 17 March 2020: Soon, I hope. I've got popcorn waiting.
- 17 March 2020: @BROTHER45 Unless you were with them in person how would you know if they have a fever, cough, difficulty breathing or other flu-like symptoms?
- 17 March 2020: A Military Police unit.
- 17 March 2020: With allies like that... Well, you can imagine the rest.
- 17 March 2020: There's some other dual citizens doing much more damage. But, yeah, let's do away with it and clean house.
- 17 March 2020: Your boy, Trump.
- 17 March 2020: When this is all over there's either going to be a whole lot more Doomesday Preppers in this Union or a whole lot of good deals at yard sales.
- 17 March 2020: Southern nationalists always run the risk of sounding like Hanoi Jane to Muritards. But the system is corrupt, bloated, inefficient, innept, over-extended, irreparable, unresponsive and just plain broke. This event is the canvas to paint that picture.
- 17 March 2020: We can only hope.
- 17 March 2020: What was that big scare a few years back that everyone said there was going to be forced vaccinations because of it along with forced RFID chips. I can't keep up with all the scare stories.
- 17 March 2020: Why does anyone give two flips about China unless they're maybe invested over there?
- 17 March 2020: What makes you think it's a "Hoax".
- 17 March 2020: When it gets too hard for everyone else that's right where I want it.
- 17 March 2020: That and nobody goes there.
- 17 March 2020: Well, I don't think she beat it by herself. Looks like she probably had some world class modern medical system on her side. Nobody has said that the death rate for people over 80 is 100%.
- 16 March 2020: As opposed to what? Every day or one a month?
- 16 March 2020: I don't think the numbers will need to be fudged if the experiences of other countries are any indicator.
- 16 March 2020: The fate of the unprepared.
- 16 March 2020: At least you can shoot the "youts."
- 16 March 2020: Deuteronomy 28.
- 16 March 2020: Buy him a gun.
- 16 March 2020: The "Jews" are not Judah.
- 16 March 2020: It's not over yet. It's just getting started.
- 16 March 2020: It's the "Can't happen to me" attitude of normalcy bias.
- 15 March 2020: Unless of course you are White and then you are automatically a racist.
- 15 March 2020: Additionally, the idea that different races could somehow spring from the lineage of Adamic man violates the laws of nature and nature's God which is "kind after kind".
- 15 March 2020: Consider the time frame of the flood and the written records of of the Egyptian and Chinese civilizations, for example. The Kenites are the descendants of Cain and yet they survived the glood and were not on the Ark.
- 15 March 2020: Homogeneous population with a strong work ethic an elaborate code of honor and an engrained warrior code.
- 15 March 2020: Noah and his sons lived around 2,300 BC. The other major races predate Noah's sons and their civilizations were not interrupted by the flood. An incredibly rapid "Evolution" (or devolution) would have to have occurred for different races to spring from Noah.
- 14 March 2020: It'll be happening here before long, short of a miracle. Give it two weeks.
- 14 March 2020: It's called Triage. It's what you have to do when you're overwhelmed with patients and don't have the resources to treat them all.
- 14 March 2020: Which governments are claiming that? Any links?
- 14 March 2020: Give it a couple of weeks.
- 14 March 2020: Every wise man knew that usury is worse than murder because where murder kills a single person usury destroys and enslaves entire nations.
- 14 March 2020: Funny how a pep talk cures everything.
- 14 March 2020: God bless the Italian people during their time of trouble.
- 14 March 2020: Sorry, but me and my Southern ancestors have had more than our fill of the full power of the federal government. I'd prefer they dial it all back a bit.
- 14 March 2020: Let's give Corona a year to prove itself and then we can see if there's anything to cheer about.
- 14 March 2020: It's amazing how some people's reality springs directly from their imagination and becomes fact. And if you don't believe their baseless assertions you're a tool of the conspiracy.
- 14 March 2020: And I thought it was the 15th.
- 14 March 2020: There were 12,469 deaths in the US due to Swine Flue in a 12 month period. Let's give Corvid19 a year and then do some comparisons. Kinda early right now.
- 14 March 2020: What's going on in your town?
- 14 March 2020: Is there some war planned against Mexico that I didn't get the memo on? Must have been distracted by the virus.
- 14 March 2020: How about right here?
- 14 March 2020: In all fairness it was only 37 days ago when Trump was assuring us that everything was going to be ok and today he declared a national emergency. Let's see what a year's worth of Corona Virus casualties look like before we go comparing it with Swine Flu.
- 14 March 2020: I saw a Black woman in Wamart do the same thing with packs of strawberries.
- 13 March 2020: Too bad they didn't plan for test kits and vaccines way ahead of time.
- 13 March 2020: Probably due to Normalcy Bias.
- 13 March 2020: With North America's aging White population, a pandemic that wipes out older White people is going to help turn the voting roles in favor of the Orcs.
- 13 March 2020: I'm not a fan of vaccines either but good luck.
- 13 March 2020: There's no cure for it yet. A vaccine probably won't be available for a year.
- 13 March 2020: The first in my home town was reported this morning. Be safe.
- 13 March 2020: Sounds like good advice year-round!
- 13 March 2020: Maybe we should tell the Italians to calm down.
- 13 March 2020: It's not over yet. Let's see what a year's worth of Corvid 19 deaths look like before we dismiss it.
- 13 March 2020: Why did China, Iran and Italy make such a big deal out of it? Maybe cuz it was a big deal to them?
- 13 March 2020: You better take a look at what's going on in Italy. Are the Iralians part of the anti-Trump conspiracy?
- 11 March 2020: That's all I use anymore is Pink Himalayan.
- 11 March 2020: We're estimated to be 11 days behind Italy when our health care system collapses and the younger and stronger will be triaged over the older and weaker for bed space. Haven't seen that with the flu.
- 11 March 2020: Probably because there will be quarantine zones, and store closings, due to employee sickness, interruptions in the transportation and supply system and a general fear of coming into contact with infected people for something as stupid to risk ones life on as toilet paper.
- 11 March 2020: A lot of them look like trash right now. Some people will put ink on that looks like it was done by a crackhead in a jail cell.
- 10 March 2020: Dogs are ok as long as they're someone else's.
- 4 March 2020: Pipe dream.
- 3 March 2020: The Democratic party is causing all its chaos within its ranks. The rest of us are just watching the window lickers implode.
- 2 March 2020: But didn't they tell you? Diversity is our strength!
- 2 March 2020: There are actually many types of the Corona virus and we've dealt with them before.
- 2 March 2020: Stand strong in Europe, my brothers and sisters.
- 2 March 2020: But, but, muh socialized medicine?
- 2 March 2020: All we have to do is return to old school Crusader-era Christianity and we won't need to adopt any paedophile religion's "virtues".
- 29 February 2020: Everyone right of Joseph Stalin is a "White Nationalist" in the eyes of the Left.
- 29 February 2020: Big LOL!!
- 27 February 2020: The Confederate Battle Flag is a reminder that the experiment of 1789 failed miserably in 1861and that there are still people who believe resisting the government of the United States by force of arms is fully justified. They can't have that thought crime running around freely.
- 20 February 2020: It actually started with the case of Loving vs Virginia which allowed interracial marriage. Wise people predicted that when that wall was breached everything else would eventually be made normal.
- 20 February 2020: Our prisons are full of such examples but most of them are not so well known. Guilty? Yes. But worthy of such punishment? No.
- 20 February 2020: I love watching train wrecks.
- 20 February 2020: Excellent point. The Constitution can not and will not save us.
- 18 February 2020: Where is this?
- 14 February 2020: Thankfully they come from the factory with identifying features so that discerning consumers are not fooled.
- 11 February 2020: A Liberal finally admits where the majority of the crime takes place and Conservatives, always afraid of being called racist lose their heads over it.
- 11 February 2020: It certainly doesn't have anything to do with defending our Southern border from invasion.
- 11 February 2020: Legal immigration is destroying us just as sure as is illegal immigration. The 1965 immigration law made sure of that. Just look what recently happened to Virginia due to changing demographics. Demographics is destiny.
- 10 February 2020: What is a TDS ? Looking for background information on this incident.
- 9 February 2020: Their time is coming, again.
- 5 February 2020: Republicans decry socialism in one breath and then promote school vouchers in the next. The voucher system turns good private schools into poor public schools, leveling the misery for everyone. Now that's socialism for you. Thanks, Trump.
- 1 February 2020: Latest from John Mark.
- 30 January 2020: Florida didn't want any part of being Israel.
- 30 January 2020: Uh, oh. You failed to speak glowingly of a member of the Tribe. Your career is finished.
- 26 January 2020: What does it have to do with the Constitution? During that time period they were fighting under the Articles of Confederation. A different (and better) system of government than we have now. Read "Hologram of Liberty" by Kenneth Royce.
- 26 January 2020: My ancestors didn't take flags, signs and banners to Ft Sumter.
- 25 January 2020: A Probation Officer ought to know better than most.
- 25 January 2020: The nose knows.
- 25 January 2020: We've lived through all the Chicken Little scares before. When a couple thousand people in my own state die from it I'll reevaluate my concern level.
- 25 January 2020: 41 or 100 or even 500 out of a population of a billion is nothing.
- 23 January 2020: I don't know you but the Lord certainly does so I'm asking him for your healing right now.
- 23 January 2020: In a world-wide flood scenario Christian's would have to admit to a rapid evolution (or devolution).
- 22 January 2020: You ever get behind someone on the road with a Bernie sticker on their car and then accelerate up beside them just to be able to take a look at what kind of Goober would be stupid enough to fall for that kinda Commie garbage?
- 22 January 2020: It would be more exciting than going to work every day, for sure.
- 21 January 2020: Geez, where the hell do these guys come from? Best case scenario, he'll never be able to reproduce.
- 21 January 2020: Nothing is sacred. Everything must be polluted.
- 21 January 2020: Obviously they need a big dose of Democracy on Titan. Let the bombing begin.
- 21 January 2020: There are obviously some restrictions in the Constitution that the states agreed on when ratifying the document. The states surrendered some Sovereignty so the federal government could take care of those issues. The Second Amendment is not one of them.
- 21 January 2020: Yes, I know what they're about. They can't possibly be restrictions on the states. As long as we look to the federal government for answers rather than our own states we will always be slaves of the Empire.
- 21 January 2020: The illegal 14th Amendment and its bastard, the "Incorporation Doctrine" have well-meaning Patriots looking for federal answers where they should be looking for answers in their state constitutions.
- 21 January 2020: We're talking specifically here about the constitution of the state of Virginia versus the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. If the whole of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights applies to the states, explain how the ninth and tenth amendments applied to the states.
- 21 January 2020: They wouldn't if they were Virginians but massive legal and illegal immigration has changed the demographic face of the Old Dominion state. Virginia will never be a Red State again without the kind of unpleasantness it experienced in 1861.
- 21 January 2020: The Federal Constitution restricts the federal government, state constitutions restrict the state government. It's that simple. It's a matter of jurisdiction. People seem to forget that their state has a constitution and what it's for.
- 21 January 2020: What about bump stocks and Red Flag Laws?
- 20 January 2020: It was a lot of wasted breath since this is not a 2nd Amendment issue at all but rather an Article 1, Sec 13 issue out of the Virginia Constitution. It's the Virginia gov trying to limit gun rights, not the fed gov.
- 20 January 2020: If people would show up in force to protest massive legal and illegal immigration like they did to protect their semi-auto penis extensions they wouldn't have have been demographically replaced. There's no easy solution once you've been replaced. Demographics is destiny.
- 20 January 2020: Yeah, there were at least 5 of them in Richmond today.
- 20 January 2020: You had your chance today. Where were you?
- 20 January 2020: Honestly, what place does a loyalty oath to the United States have in a city, county, or state government activity in North Carolina?
- 20 January 2020: Written by a socialist as a loyalty oath. Our founding fathers would be shocked to know that we are repeating such an oath to an entity that was supposed to be our servant.
- 20 January 2020: It's a socialist loyalty oath.
- 20 January 2020: Demographics is destiny.
- 20 January 2020: Reciting the Socialist Pledge of Allegiance is like a battered wife telling her abusive husband that she loves him to convince herself that her marriage is still working. We need a divorce. Seccession is the answer.
- 20 January 2020: The Pledge of Allegiance, written by a socialist, is just a loyalty oath to your oppressor.
- 20 January 2020: Actually, the "Founders" gave us the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.The only reason we have a 2nd Amendment is because the antifederalists were fearful of the new government and demanded this and 9 more "bandaids" be added.
- 20 January 2020: Today's "conservatives" conserve nothing. What conservatives fought against in the past, like King's Communism now are embraced as their own conservative ideas. We're doomed without a major reset.
- 20 January 2020: Pledging allegiance to their oppressors.
- 20 January 2020: Don't you mean now that "he's" self-indetifying as a woman or are you in agreement with him?
- 19 January 2020: There were a lot of new flags there that day that were purchased just for the event. I'm not sure if fresh fold lines are an indicator of treachery but if they are we're in big trouble. If not, then a lot of people need to sharpen up their intell gathering skills.
- 19 January 2020: How would anyone know if they're paid government agent provacateurs or just normal people enraged over the impending loss of their rights? Are they supposed to show their government provacateur card when questioned?
- 19 January 2020: Probably because our foreign overlords tell us to conquer them and rebuild them into a docile image of the West that won't be a problem for the Western Mediterranean.
- 19 January 2020: Dang, that looked like Negan coming through the door at first.
- 18 January 2020: This is why we are headed for extinction.
- 16 January 2020: She was the trashy Madonna/Lady Gaga of her time period.
- 16 January 2020: Early Chtistians celebrated Passover until churchianity and the Pagan traditions of men took over. Passover is God's appointed festival, not the Jews.
- 14 January 2020: The "Greatest Generation" made the world safe for slavery under Godless international Communism.
- 10 January 2020: You've got it backwards. The US is Israel's puppet. We're their colony, their cash cow and their army to destabilize their enemies.
- 10 January 2020: Those comments are great!
- 10 January 2020: Actually, it's the other way around. The US is Israel's proxy, fighting it's wars and dying for it.
- 3 January 2020: I'm glad it's working out good for you. Yes, trying to please 4 people would be a nightmare! Whatever works, works.
- 2 January 2020: It's really less about calories and more about what you eat and how often. Insulin is what makes us gain wait and insulin is produced every time we consume anything. Look into Intermittent Fasting and the Keto Diet.
- 30 December 2019: The borrower is the slave of the lender.
- 29 December 2019: High taxes.
- 28 December 2019: Why is she smiling?
- 24 October 2019: All over what?
- 17 October 2019: Looks like at least 10 from Florida.
- 17 October 2019: I hear we have a big crowd from LS showing up for C'ville. It's lookin' good for us.
- 17 October 2019: See y'all Saturday morning.
- 1 September 2019: Milo Yiannopoulos is the H.K. Edgerton of the Alt-Right.
- 29 August 2019: The committed will find a way. The rest will find an excuse.