Sample applications that seal keys to TPM Platform Configuration Registers (PCR) values using Google Confidential Compute instances
This repo demonstrates how a remote user can acquire a GCP VM's unique Endorsement Public key and then use that to seal/encrypt a key such that it can only get unsealed/decrypted on that vm.
In addition, the key is sealed using a PCR policy that mandates the key can only be unsealed or used if specific PCR values are present on that VM and if the VM gets deleted, the key cannot be unsealed.
There are two types of keys that are sealed and transferred
Seals arbitrary symmetric key to a TPM An arbitrary key which can be a simple AES key or in the example below, just "hello world". Just note, the arbitrary data is encrypted such that it can only be decrypted by that TPM. It does not unseal the arbitrary data into the target TPM. The capability to embed a key into a TPM is not yet implemented in
but it is covered undertpm-tools
Duplicate and Transfer -
Seals RSA Private key to TPM An RSA private key that is sealed and embedded into the TPM. Note: once an RSA key is imported, the TPM will only use it to sign data. The raw embedded key will not get exported outside of the TPM. In this mode, the RSA key is unsealed into the target TPM (eg, imported)
In the final step, we will alter/extend the PCR value we originally sealed data against. This will prevent any further unsealing of the symmetric key as well as prevent import of the RSA key. Furthermore, since we imported an RSA key with a different PCR value earlier, this will prevent using the TPM to sign using that RSA key.
$ tree
├── asymmetric
│ ├── import // unseal an RSA Key on GCP
│ │ └── main.go
│ ├── seal // Seal RSA key to a VMs ekPub
│ │ └── main.go
│ └── sign // use TPM keyhandle to sign data
│ └── main.go
├── cert_parser // parse the EKCertificate and extract the custom OID values
│ ├── go.mod
│ ├── go.sum
│ └── main.go
├── pcr_utils // used to read and extend PCR values
│ ├── main.go
│ └──
└── symmetric // Seal/Unseal a symmetric key
└── main.go
gcloud compute instances create cc --zone=us-central1-a \
--machine-type=n2d-standard-2 --confidential-compute --subnet=default \
--network-tier=PREMIUM --maintenance-policy=TERMINATE \
--no-service-account --no-scopes --image-family=ubuntu-2204-lts \
gcloud compute ssh cc
sudo su -
apt-get update
rm -rf /usr/local/go && tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.20.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
- On laptop, acquire Endorsement Certificate and Public key
# get public key
gcloud compute instances get-shielded-identity cc --format="value(encryptionKey.ekPub)" > /tmp/ek.pem
- On
VM we create, extend PCR value forPCR=23
gcloud compute ssh cc
sudo su -
git clone
- Print the default value:
go run pcr_utils/main.go --mode=read --pcr=23 -v 10 -alsologtostderr
I1006 16:05:32.472993 2758 main.go:66] ======= Print PCR ========
I1006 16:05:32.474946 2758 main.go:71] PCR(23) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- Increment the PCR so we have non-default value (we just do this step for demonstration)
go run pcr_utils/main.go --mode=extend --pcr=23 -v 10 -alsologtostderr
I1006 16:06:55.159899 2812 main.go:74] ======= Extend PCR ========
I1006 16:06:55.161682 2812 main.go:79] Current PCR(23) 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
I1006 16:06:55.164941 2812 main.go:92] New PCR(23) f5a5fd42d16a20302798ef6ed309979b43003d2320d9f0e8ea9831a92759fb4
- On laptop, seal key data to PCR=23 with value
go run symmetric/main.go --mode=seal \
--secret "hello world" \
--ekPubFile=/tmp/ek.pem \
--pcrValues=23=f5a5fd42d16a20302798ef6ed309979b43003d2320d9f0e8ea9831a92759fb4b \
--sealedDataFile=sealed.dat --logtostderr=1 -v 10
I1006 12:52:27.056727 903568 main.go:65] PCR key: 23
I1006 12:52:27.057173 903568 main.go:98] Sealed data to file.. sealed.dat
to VM (eg,/tmp/sealed.dat
) -
on VM, unseal
$ go run symmetric/main.go --mode=unseal --sealedDataFile=/tmp/sealed.dat --logtostderr=1 -v 10
I1006 16:54:56.647861 3714 main.go:145] Unsealed secret: hello world
- On laptop, generate RSA key
openssl genrsa -out /tmp/key.pem 2048
note the private key needs to be in
format (thats just because i'm lazy)
openssl rsa -in private.pem -out /tmp/key_rsa.pem -traditional
- On laptop, seal RSA key and create test signature
Note, we are using the new PCR value from the previous section f5a5fd42d16a20302798ef6ed309979b43003d2320d9f0e8ea9831a92759fb4b
$ go run asymmetric/seal/main.go \
--rsaKeyFile=/tmp/key.pem \
--sealedOutput=sealed.dat \
--ekPubFile=/tmp/ek.pem \
--pcrValues=23=f5a5fd42d16a20302798ef6ed309979b43003d2320d9f0e8ea9831a92759fb4b \
--v=10 -alsologtostderr
I1006 13:18:43.204890 908867 main.go:65] PCR key: 23
I1006 13:18:43.205066 908867 main.go:81] ======= Init createSigningKeyImportBlob ========
I1006 13:18:43.205077 908867 main.go:83] ======= Loading ekPub ========
I1006 13:18:43.205136 908867 main.go:99] ======= Loading Service Account RSA Key ========
I1006 13:18:43.205236 908867 main.go:113] ======= Generating Test Signature ========
I1006 13:18:43.207006 908867 main.go:126] Signature: H4pl1iLxjuKN7n1tHsu1V5Bh/xeL/HaqvS4K6hPChBaczXuw76SVK6usBYJAYuRhdPN7jUkj/UIbw16Leo42b2o2N9pphME103iJGx+4m4OSW1rMAlPu9D7PWWH77kVNRN2/9tWDMexpVDsMChgGoTXh3X4XZ+Igt1zmTDW9kKZAG3Lkhi7FVuJ4whsT1xSC1xmHsJrhH9aKCnmJxd6poUVN4LOLcCPt5zktwOMLdx9qjGgXXxjeGLUq50SgrzMgxELFE/tgRhscycYCMZr1MvHUq1zcCF+xu8wHTMczqyDISg/k9A39an9BWG7nCUQ1tuuHEnEfgQ3GhPwchVFjDw==
I1006 13:18:43.207019 908867 main.go:128] ======= CreateSigningKeyImportBlob for RSA Key: ========
I1006 13:18:43.207171 908867 main.go:140] ======= Saving sealedkey ========
I1006 13:18:43.207262 908867 main.go:150] Sealed data to file.. sealed.dat
Copy sealed.dat to VM
on VM import RSA Key
Specify the PCR value to use while creating test signature
$ go run asymmetric/import/main.go --importSigningKeyFile=/tmp/sealed.dat \
--persistentHandle=0x81008000 --bindPCRValue=23 \
--flush=all --v=2 -alsologtostderr
I1006 17:20:29.310822 4131 main.go:51] ======= Init importSigningKey ========
I1006 17:20:29.397259 4131 main.go:73] Handle 0x3000000 flushed
I1006 17:20:29.400073 4131 main.go:79] ======= Print PCR ========
I1006 17:20:29.401936 4131 main.go:84] Using PCR: %!i(int=23) f5a5fd42d16a20302798ef6ed309979b43003d2320d9f0e8ea9831a92759fb4b
I1006 17:20:29.401973 4131 main.go:86] ======= Loading EndorsementKeyRSA ========
I1006 17:20:29.407012 4131 main.go:93] ======= Loading sealedkey ========
I1006 17:20:29.407212 4131 main.go:104] ======= Loading ImportSigningKey ========
I1006 17:20:29.445478 4131 main.go:136] ======= Signing Data with Key Handle ========
I1006 17:20:29.453321 4131 main.go:181] Test Signature: H4pl1iLxjuKN7n1tHsu1V5Bh/xeL/HaqvS4K6hPChBaczXuw76SVK6usBYJAYuRhdPN7jUkj/UIbw16Leo42b2o2N9pphME103iJGx+4m4OSW1rMAlPu9D7PWWH77kVNRN2/9tWDMexpVDsMChgGoTXh3X4XZ+Igt1zmTDW9kKZAG3Lkhi7FVuJ4whsT1xSC1xmHsJrhH9aKCnmJxd6poUVN4LOLcCPt5zktwOMLdx9qjGgXXxjeGLUq50SgrzMgxELFE/tgRhscycYCMZr1MvHUq1zcCF+xu8wHTMczqyDISg/k9A39an9BWG7nCUQ1tuuHEnEfgQ3GhPwchVFjDw==
Note, the Test signature generated locally compared to what was on the TPM after unsealing is the same.
- On VM
$ go run pcr_utils/main.go --mode=extend --pcr=23 -v 10 -alsologtostderr
I1006 17:24:04.232798 4260 main.go:73] ======= Extend PCR ========
I1006 17:24:04.234695 4260 main.go:78] Current PCR(23) f5a5fd42d16a20302798ef6ed309979b43003d2320d9f0e8ea9831a92759fb4b
I1006 17:24:04.238030 4260 main.go:91] New PCR(23) db56114e00fdd4c1f85c892bf35ac9a89289aaecb1ebd0a96cde606a748b5d71
- Attempt to decrypt symmetric
$ go run symmetric/main.go --mode=unseal --sealedDataFile=sealed.dat --logtostderr=1 -v 10
I1006 17:25:15.127342 4319 main.go:145] Unsealed secret:
F1006 17:25:15.127396 4319 main.go:147] Unable to Import sealed data: unseal failed: session 1, error code 0x1d : a policy check failed
- Attempt to import asymmetric
$ go run asymmetric/import/main.go --importSigningKeyFile=sealed.dat \
--persistentHandle=0x81008000 --bindPCRValue=23 \
--flush=all --v=2 -alsologtostderr
I1006 17:26:23.885236 4380 main.go:51] ======= Init importSigningKey ========
I1006 17:26:23.898508 4380 main.go:73] Handle 0x3000000 flushed
I1006 17:26:23.901770 4380 main.go:79] ======= Print PCR ========
I1006 17:26:23.903833 4380 main.go:84] Using PCR: %!i(int=23) db56114e00fdd4c1f85c892bf35ac9a89289aaecb1ebd0a96cde606a748b5d71
I1006 17:26:23.903873 4380 main.go:86] ======= Loading EndorsementKeyRSA ========
I1006 17:26:23.909236 4380 main.go:93] ======= Loading sealedkey ========
I1006 17:26:23.909402 4380 main.go:104] ======= Loading ImportSigningKey ========
I1006 17:26:23.948927 4380 main.go:136] ======= Signing Data with Key Handle ========
F1006 17:26:23.953802 4380 main.go:168] google: Unable to Sign with TPM: session 1, error code 0x1d : a policy check failed
Attempt to embedded RSA Keyhandle
that we loaded earlier bound to the previous PCR value (f5a5fd42d16a20302798ef6ed309979b43003d2320d9f0e8ea9831a92759fb4b
)This will fail since we updated the value of PCR23.
$ go run main.go --persistentHandle=0x81008000 --bindPCRValue=23 --v=2 -alsologtostderr
I1006 17:48:30.389303 5038 main.go:34] ======= Init ========
I1006 17:48:30.401942 5038 main.go:61] 0 handles flushed
I1006 17:48:30.408789 5038 main.go:75] ======= Signing Data with Key Handle ========
F1006 17:48:30.413426 5038 main.go:107] google: Unable to Sign with TPM: session 1, error code 0x1d : a policy check failed