JDOS is Jingdong Datacenter OS for automated management of shared container clusters and containerized applications in a scalable and elastic manner. The key systems include ContainerFS, ContainerDNS and ContainerLB (https://github.com/tiglabs). You need to contact us to get the product.
Send mail with subject "Apply for JDOS deployment tool" to [email protected], then we will send a tool to your email. Next, follow the steps to insalll.
Step 1
$ mkdir -p /root/jdosdeploytool && tar xvf jdosdeploytool.tar.gz -C /root/jdosdeploytool
Step 2
$ /bin/bash ./download.sh && /bin/bash ./install.sh
Deploy a Sonobuoy pod to your cluster with:
$ sonobuoy run
View actively running pods:
$ sonobuoy status
To inspect the logs:
$ sonobuoy logs
Once `sonobuoy status` shows the run as `completed`, copy the output directory from the main Sonobuoy pod to
a local directory:
$ sonobuoy retrieve .
This copies a single `.tar.gz` snapshot from the Sonobuoy pod into your local
`.` directory. Extract the contents into `./results` with:
mkdir ./results; tar xzf *.tar.gz -C ./results
**NOTE:** The two files required for submission are located in the tarball under **plugins/e2e/results/{e2e.log,junit.xml}**.
To clean up Kubernetes objects created by Sonobuoy, run:
sonobuoy delete
Some of the docker images from gcr.io cannot be pulled in China, you need to configure a proxy for your docker deamon.