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CodeChecker authentication subsystem

CodeChecker also supports only allowing a privileged set of users to access the results stored on a server.

NOTICE! Some authentication subsystems require additional packages to be installed before they can be used. See below.

Table of Contents

Server-side configuration

The server's configuration is stored in the server's workspace folder, in server_config.json. This file is created, at the first start of the server, using the package's installed config/server_config.json as a template.

The authentication section of the config file controls how authentication is handled.

  • enabled

    Setting this to false disables privileged access

  • realm_name

    The name to show for web-browser viewers' pop-up login window via HTTP Authenticate

  • realm_error

    The error message shown in the browser when the user fails to authenticate

  • logins_until_cleanup

    After this many login attempts made towards the server, it will perform an automatic cleanup of old, expired sessions. This option can be changed and reloaded without server restart by using the --reload option of CodeChecker server command.

  • session_lifetime

    (in seconds) The lifetime of the session sets that after this many seconds since last session access the session is permanently invalidated.

    This option can be changed and reloaded without server restart by using the --reload option of CodeChecker server command.

  • refresh_time

    (in seconds) Refresh time of the local session objects. We use local session to prevent huge number of queries to the database. These sessions are stored in the memory so if multiple CodeChecker servers use the same configuration database these should be synced with each other and with the database. This option defines the lifetime of the local session sets that after this many seconds since last session access the local session is permanently invalidated.

    This option can be changed and reloaded without server restart by using the --reload option of CodeChecker server command. If the server is shut down, every session is immediately invalidated. The running sessions are only stored in the server's memory, they are not written to storage.

Every authentication method is its own JSON object in this section. Every authentication method has its own enabled key which dictates whether it is used at live authentication or not.

Users are authenticated if any authentication method successfully authenticates them. Authentications are attempted in the order they are described here: dicitonary takes precedence, pam is a secondary and ldap is a tertiary backend, if enabled.

Only refresh_time, session_lifetime and logins_until_cleanup options can be changed and reloaded without server restart by using the --reload option of CodeChecker server command.

Dictionary authentication

The authentication.method_dictionary contains a plaintext username:password credentials for authentication. If the user's login matches any of the credentials listed, the user will be authenticated.

Groups are configured in a map which maps to each username the list of groups the user belongs to.

"method_dictionary": {
  "enabled" : true,
  "auths" : [
  "groups" : {
      "global" : ["admin", "guest"],
      "test" : ["guest"]

External authentication methods

External authentication methods connect to a privilege manager to authenticate users against.

Using external authentication methods - such as PAM or LDAP - require additional packages and libraries to be installed on the system.

# get additional system libraries
sudo apt-get install libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libssl-dev

# the python virtual environment must be sourced!
source ~/checker_env/bin/activate

# install required python modules
pip3 install -r requirements_py/auth/requirements.txt

PAM authentication

To access the server via PAM authentication, the user must provide valid username and password which is accepted by PAM.

"method_pam": {
  "enabled" : true

The module can be configured to allow specific users or users belonging to specific groups only. In the example below, root and myname can access the server, and everyone who belongs to the adm or cc-users group can access the server.

"method_pam": {
  "enabled" : true,
  "users": [
    "root", "myname"
  "groups": [
    "adm", "cc-users"

LDAP authentication

CodeChecker also supports LDAP-based authentication. The authentication.method_ldap section contains the configuration for LDAP authentication: the server can be configured to connect to as much LDAP-servers as the administrator wants. Each LDAP server is identified by a connection_url and a list of queries to attempt to log in the username given.

Servers are connected to and queries are executed in the order they appear in the configuration file. Because of this, it is not advised to list too many servers as it can elongate the authentication process.

Configuration options

  • connection_url

    URL of the LDAP server which will be queried for user information and group membership.

  • tls_require_cert

    If set to never, skip verification of certificate in LDAPS connections (!!! INSECURE !!!).

  • username

    Optional username for LDAP bind, if not set bind with the login credentials will be attempted.

  • password

    Optional password for configured username.

  • referrals

    Microsoft Active Directory by returns referrals (search continuations). LDAPv3 does not specify which credentials should be used by the clients when chasing these referrals and will be tried as an anonymous access by the libldap library which might fail. Will be disabled by default.

  • deref

    Configure how the alias dereferencing is done in libldap (valid values: always, never).

  • accountBase

    Root tree containing all the user accounts.

  • accountScope

    Scope of the search performed. Accepted values are: base, one, subtree.

  • accountPattern

    The special $USN$ token in the query is replaced to the username at login. Query pattern used to search for a user account. Must be a valid LDAP query expression.

    Example configuration: (&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=$USN$))

  • user_dn_postfix_preference

    User DN postfix preference value can be used to select out one prefered user DN if multiple DN entries are found by the LDAP search. The configured value will be matched and the first matching will be used. If only one DN was found this postfix matching will not be used. If not set and multiple values are found the first value in the search result list will be used.

    Example configuration: OU=people,DC=example,DC=com

  • groupBase

    Root tree containing all the groups.

  • groupPattern

    Group query pattern used LDAP query expression to find the group objects a user is a member of. It must contain a $USERDN$ pattern. $USERDN$ will be automatically replaced by the queried user account DN.

  • groupNameAttr

    The attribute of the group object which contains the name of the group.

  • groupScope

    Scope of the search performed. (Valid values are: base, one, subtree)

"method_ldap": {
  "enabled" : true,
  "authorities": [
      "connection_url": "ldap://",
      "username" : null,
      "password" : null,
      "referrals" : false,
      "deref" : "always",
      "accountBase" : null,
      "accountScope" : "subtree",
      "accountPattern" : "(&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=$USN$))",
      "user_dn_postfix_preference": null,
      "groupBase" : null,
      "groupScope" : "subtree",
      "groupPattern" : "(&(objectClass=group)(member=$USERDN$))",
      "groupNameAttr" : "sAMAccountName"
      "connection_url"   : "ldaps://",
      "tls_require_cert" : null,
      "username" : null,
      "password" : null,
      "referrals" : false,
      "deref" : "always",
      "accountBase" : null,
      "accountScope" : "subtree",
      "accountPattern" : null,
      "groupBase" : null,
      "groupScope" : "subtree",
      "groupPattern" : null,
      "groupNameAttr" : null

Membership in custom groups with regex_groups

Many regular expressions can be listed to define a group. Please note that the regular expressions are searched in the whole username string, so they should be properly anchored if you want to match only in the beginning or in the end. Regular expression matching follows the rules of Python's

The following example will create a group named everybody that contains every user regardless of the authentication method, and a group named admins that contains the user admin and all usernames starting with admin_ or ending with _admin.

"regex_groups": {
  "enabled" : true,
  "groups" : {
      "everybody" : [ ".*" ],
      "admins"    : [ "^admin$", "^admin_", "_admin$" ]

When we manage permissions on the GUI we can give permission to these groups. For more information see.

Client-side configuration

Web-browser client

Authentication in the web browser is handled via standard HTTP Authenticate headers, the browser will prompt the user to supply their credentials.

For browser authentication to work, cookies must be enabled!

Command-line client

The CodeChecker cmd client needs to be authenticated for a server before any data communication could take place.

The client's configuration file is expected to be at ~/.codechecker.passwords.json, which is created at the first command executed by using the package's config/session_client.json as an example.

Please make sure, as a security precaution, that only you are allowed to access this file. Executing chmod 0600 ~/.codechecker.passwords.json will limit access to your user only.

$ CodeChecker cmd login --help (click to expand)
usage: CodeChecker cmd login [-h] [-d] [--url SERVER_URL]
                             [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Certain CodeChecker servers can require elevated privileges to access analysis
results. In such cases it is mandatory to authenticate to the server. This
action is used to perform an authentication in the command-line.

positional arguments:
  USERNAME              The username to authenticate with. (default: <username>)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --deactivate, --logout
                        Send a logout request to end your privileged session.

common arguments:
  --url SERVER_URL      The URL of the server to access, in the format of
                        '[http[s]://]host:port'. (default: localhost:8001)
  --verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}
                        Set verbosity level.

The user can log in onto the server by issuing the command CodeChecker cmd login <username>. After receiving an Authentication successful! message, access to the analysis information is given; otherwise, Invalid access is shown instead of real data.

Privileged session expire after a set amount of time. To log out manually, issue the command CodeChecker cmd login -d.

Preconfigured credentials

To alleviate the need for supplying authentication in the command-line every time a server is connected to, users can pre-configure their credentials to be used in authentication.

To do so first copy the config/session_client.json file from the CodeChecker package to your home directory and rename it to .codechecker.passwords.json After creating the new file open ~/.codechecker.passwords.json.

The credentials section is used by the client to read pre-saved authentication data in username:password format.

  "client_autologin" : true,
  "credentials": {
    "*" : "global:passphrase",
    "*:8080" : "webserver:1234",
    "localhost" : "local:admin",
    "localhost:6251" : "super:secret",
    "": "user:pass"

Credentials are matched for any particular server at login in the following order:

  1. An exact host:port match is tried
  2. Matching for the host (on any port) is tried
  3. Matching for a particular port (on any host address), in the form of *:port, is tried
  4. Global credentials for the installation is stored with the * key

Is it possible to generate a token from command line which can be used to authenticate in the name of the given user. This way no need to store passwords in text files. For more information see.

The location of the password file can be configured by the CC_PASS_FILE environment variable. This environment variable can also be used to setup different credential files to login to the same server with a different user.

Furthermore, the location of the session file can be configured by the CC_SESSION_FILE environment variable. This can be useful if CodeChecker does not have the permission to create a session file under the user's home directory (e.g. in some CI environments).

Automatic login

If authentication is required by the server and the user hasn't logged in but there are saved credentials for the server, CodeChecker cmd will automatically try to log in.

This behaviour can be disabled by setting client_autologin to false.

Currently active tokens

The user's currently active sessions' token are stored in the ~/.codechecker.session.json.

Personal access token

Command line clients can authenticate itself using the username/password stored in the .codechecker.passwords.json. It is obviously not a good idea to store passwords in text files. Instead of this the user is able to generate a token from command line, that can be used to authenticate in the name of his/her name. To generate a new token, the user must be logged in first.

Personal tokens can be written instead of the user's password in the ~/.codechecker.passwords.json file:

  "client_autologin" : true,
  "credentials": {
    "*" : "global:passphrase",
    "localhost:6251" : "super:22eca8f31ad117e90c371f2e98bcf4c9",
    "": "user:pass"

New personal access token

$ CodeChecker cmd token new --help (click to expand)
usage: CodeChecker cmd token new [-h] [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                 [--url SERVER_URL]
                                 [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Creating a new personal access token.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        A custom textual description to be shown alongside the

List personal access tokens

$ CodeChecker cmd token list --help (click to expand)
usage: CodeChecker cmd token list [-h] [--url SERVER_URL]
                                  [-o {plaintext,html,rows,table,csv,json}]
                                  [-e EXPORT_DIR] [-c]
                                  [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

List the available personal access tokens.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Remove personal access token

$ CodeChecker cmd token del --help (click to expand)
usage: CodeChecker cmd token del [-h] [--url SERVER_URL]
                                 [--verbose {info,debug,debug_analyzer}]

Removes the specified access token.

positional arguments:
  TOKEN                 Personal access token which will be deleted.