huafu / keyword-brunch
Forked from bolasblack/keyword-brunchA brunch plugin to replace predefined keywords of public files after every compilation.
jnordberg / coffeeify
Forked from jtmalinowski/coffeeifybrowserify transform to compile coffee-script automatically
anvaka / dat.gui
Forked from dataarts/dat.guidat.gui is a lightweight controller library for JavaScript.
Replaces the standard jQuery timer loop with requestAnimationFrame where supported. Requires jQuery 1.8
Replaces the standard jQuery timer loop with requestAnimationFrame where supported. Requires jQuery 1.8
mszyndel / Ensure-New-Line-at-the-EOF.tmbundle
Forked from bomberstudios/Strip-Whitespace-On-Save.tmbundleTextMate 2 bundle: Strips trailing whitespace from current document when saving
skyzyx / svg2png-cli
Forked from lucor/svg2pngA SVG to PNG converter and resizer, using PhantomJS.
jhgg / onepage-scroll2
Forked from peachananr/onepage-scrollA fork/re-write of peachananr/onepage-scroll
GerHobbelt / keymaster
Forked from madrobby/keymasterA simple micro-library for defining and dispatching keyboard shortcuts. It has no dependencies.
hazart / generator-pr0d
Forked from mazerte/generator-footguardYeoman generator for Single Page Application with Backbone framework, coffeescript, jade and stylus.
Sass support for TextMate & Sublime Text (2 & 3)
elia / ruby-haml.tmbundle
Forked from textmate/ruby-haml.tmbundleTextMate support for Ruby Haml
JohnAlbin / normalize-scss
Forked from necolas/normalize.cssThis is the Sass version of Normalize.css, a collection of HTML element and attribute rulesets to normalize styles across all browsers.
bc-luke / sassy-brunch
Forked from brunch/brunch-with-chaplinBoilerplate application for Brunch with Sass and Chaplin framework included.
Sass bundle for TextMate
liip / build-entropy-php
Forked from chregu/build-entropy-phpEntropy PHP forked from ebi, customized for
fdintino / projectplus
Forked from markhuot/projectplusProjectPlus is a plug-in for TextMate which extends the functionality of project-related features.
phuibonhoa / handcrafted-haml-textmate-bundle
Forked from handcrafted/handcrafted-haml-textmate-bundleHAML Bundle for Textmate