This is the reference implementation of the Quilt server and package registry.
The instructions below are for testing purposes only, as docker-compose
does not instantiate a persistent database, and does not communicate with blob storage.
We recommend using docker-compose
to run a local Quilt registry for testing and development. This starts a collection of Docker containers to run the various services needed to run the registry: database, storage, and Flask web/API server. The advantage of Docker is that it isolates you from the details of installing each component correctly, including version, configuration, etc. -- with docker, everything is pre-configured for you.
It's important to note that this configuration of the registry is stateless. Because both the database and storage system are run in docker containers (without persistent volumes) all package state is reset every time the services are restarted. To configure the database to use persistent storage, set PGDATA
to point to a Docker volume as described here.
Instructions for popular operating systems:
- Ubuntu Linux 16.04
- Other Linux
- MacOS
- Do not use Homebrew, which installs an older and incompatible version
- docker
- docker-compose
- Windows
- docker
- docker compose
- Make sure you run both PowerShell and Docker for Windows as administrator.
docker-compose up
Typical expected output:
~/quilt/quilt/registry$ docker-compose up
Creating network "registry_default" with the default driver
Building flask
Step 1/20 : FROM ubuntu:latest
---> 0ef2e08ed3fa
Step 2/20 : MAINTAINER Quilt Data, Inc. [email protected]
---> Running in 132b216161ce
---> 283c1c4f43c9
Starting registry_flaskmigration_1 ...
Starting registry_flaskmigration_1
registry_flask_1 is up-to-date
registry_auth_1 is up-to-date
Starting registry_djangomigration_1 ...
Starting registry_djangomigration_1
Recreating aa25b07e0b3c_registry_catalog_1 ... done
Attaching to registry_s3_1, registry_db_1, registry_nginxflask_1, registry_flask_1, registry_auth_1, registry_django_1, registry_djangomigration_1, registry_flaskmigration_1, registry_catalog_1
flask_1 | [uWSGI] getting INI configuration from /etc/uwsgi.ini
flask_1 | *** Starting uWSGI 2.0.15 (64bit) on [Mon Jan 8 19:31:46 2018] ***
flask_1 | compiled with version: 5.4.0 20160609 on 08 January 2018 17:19:07
flask_1 | os: Linux-4.9.49-moby #1 SMP Fri Dec 8 13:40:02 UTC 2017
djangomigration_1 | Synchronizing apps without migrations:
djangomigration_1 | Creating tables...
djangomigration_1 | Running deferred SQL...
djangomigration_1 | Installing custom SQL...
djangomigration_1 | Running migrations:
djangomigration_1 | No migrations to apply.
registry_djangomigration_1 exited with code 0
note: docker-compose "hangs" (does not terminate) intentionally. This indicates that the servers are running, and if you kill this process (e.g. Ctrl-C) then it will terminate the Quilt servers. You can also issue docker-compose down
from another terminal window or if you are running docker-compose as a background process.
Configure your Quilt client to use this registry (http://localhost:5000
) instead of the public registry:
pip install quilt
quilt config
Please enter the URL for your custom Quilt registry (ask your administrator),
or leave this line blank to use the default registry: http://localhost:5000
sudo vi /etc/hosts
and add this line: auth s3 flask catalog
then run:
quilt login
and follow the instructions provided. The default login is "admin" and password "quilt".
Note: quilt login
is its own test that the server is working. You can now run quilt build
and quilt push
to add package(s) to this server, then quilt install
from another machine to install these packages.
To browse the catalog using a web browser, enter this location into your web browser: http://localhost:3000
Server installations (e.g. AWS) require special instructions because the web browser is not running on the same machine as the Quilt registry. For this example, let's assume that your server has an external IP address of $EXT_IP
First, modify your /etc/hosts
from this: auth s3 flask catalog
to this: $EXT_IP auth s3 flask catalog
Second, if your server has a firewall protecting against inbound connections (and most do!), you need to either (a) install and use a text browser such as lynx (on Ubuntu: apt-get install lynx; lynx http://localhost:5000/login
), (b) disable the firewall temporarily using port-forwarding instructions for AWS, or (c) setup an SSH tunnel so that your laptop browser can connect to your server instance behind its firewall.
You can let users signup/login to your registry using their credentials on GitHub, where their github username (e.g. "asah") is used for their Quilt registry username.
Create a new OAuth Application on GitHub (link) Homepage URL:
Authorization callback URL:http://flask:5000/oauth_callback
Save your new application's client ID and client secret to the local environment:
- Run this command to start the registry and it will automatically use GitHub OAuth for user authentication, instead of its local database:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-github-auth.yml up
Look for this line in the output, which indicates that the server is using github for authentication:
flask_1 | AUTH_PROVIDER=github
- When users run
quilt login
their browser should be redirected to a page on which handles login to the catalog webserver (via cookies/rediects) and also generates the access token for the Quilt client (command-line tools, Python API, etc).
Developers who make changes to source code in the registry, catalog or s3 proxy can follow these steps:
docker-compose down
Edit source code.
docker-compose up
Docker should rebuild any containers that need updating. To build them manually, follow these commands:
docker build -t quiltdata/catalog ../catalog
docker build -t quiltdata/nginx-s3-proxy nginx-s3
docker build -t quiltdata/flask .
To use the Teams user endoints, make sure the environment variable ENABLE_USER_ENDPOINTS is set.
- set up Ubuntu, python and virtualenv
apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install -y python3 python3-pip python3-venv virtualenvwrapper
source `find /usr -name|head -1`
mkvirtualenv -p $(which python3) quilt
export ENV=~/.virtualenvs/quilt
/bin/rm -f $ENV/bin/postactivate; touch $ENV/bin/postactivate
echo 'export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs' >> $ENV/bin/postactivate
echo 'export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/projects' >> $ENV/bin/postactivate
echo 'source `find /usr -name|head -1`' >> $ENV/bin/postactivate # diff versions put it in diff places
- enter the virtual environment
workon quilt
pip install --upgrade pip # ok if it says “requirement already met”
- clone the quilt repo
git clone
cd quilt/registry
git checkout team_crud # not once merged
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
- install docker and docker-compose from the existing readme: NOTE: do not run docker-compose up! Just install docker and docker-compose these are the commands for Ubuntu 16.04
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce -y
sudo curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
- build and start docker images -- NOTE: this should appear to hang! And end with something like this: djangomigration_1 | Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK registry_djangomigration_1 exited with code 0
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
- start the flask server (NEW TERMINAL WINDOW)
workon quilt
cd quilt/registry
sudo echo " auth s3 flask catalog" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
source quilt_server/
- configure client (NEW TERMINAL WINDOW)
workon quilt
cd quilt/compiler
pip install -e .
quilt config
# -- set registry to http://localhost:5000
- attempt to log in You need to make the ports for Flask and Django accessible to your browser. If you're running docker and flask on a machine with a browser, you can just use that. Options: lynx, ssh tunnel (ssh -L 5000:localhost:5000 -L 5002:localhost:5002 -L 3000:localhost:3000 user@remote_host)
quilt login