dcgan.caffe: A pure caffe-python implementation of DC-GAN
As far as I know, there is no light-weight implementation of DCGAN based on caffe.
Inspired by DeePSiM implementation, a few lines of python code can train the dcgan model quickly without any hack in caffe core lib (Dosovitskiy has already done this. However, I think the code could be merged back to master branch).
You will need to compile the deepsim-caffe-branch. And make sure your PYTHONPATH
point to it.
For face generator, please prepare celebA dataset as the link said. Than make a train list file and put it in the data.prototxt.
Just typing
python training
To view the model result by
python generate.py generator.prototxt snapshots_test/4000/generator.caffemodel
The visualizations of the models at iteration 3000 and 4000 are as following: