Kurt Shuster, Da Ju, Stephen Roller, Emily Dinan, Y-Lan Boureau, Jason Weston
We introduce dodecaDialogue: a set of 12 tasks which measure if a conversational agent can communicate engagingly with personality and empathy, ask questions, answer questions by utilizing knowledge resources, discuss topics and situations, and perceive and converse about images. By multi-tasking on such a broad large-scale set of data we hope to both move towards and measure progress in producing a single unified agent that can perceive, reason and converse with humans in an open-domain setting. We show that such multi-tasking improves over a BERT pre-trained baseline, largely due to multi-tasking with very large dialogue datasets in a similar domain, and that the multi-tasking in general provides gains to both text and image-based tasks using several metrics in both the fine-tune and task transfer settings. We obtain state-of-the-art results on many of the tasks, providing a strong baseline for this challenge.
We release 14 models via the ParlAI Model Zoo.
- One model,
, contains model weights from pre-training on pushshift.io Reddit. - One model is the
model, which was multi-task trained on all 12 dodecaDialogue tasks (starting from thebase_model
weights). - Twelve models are the
model fine-tuned on each of the 12 dodecaDialogue tasks individually, and are named accordingly.
We provide a few commands below for using these models; for more details regarding all remaining models, please see the commands in the ParlAI Model Zoo
You can chat with any of the 14 models by simply using our interactive script.
For example, to chat with the the all_tasks_mt
model, simply run the following command:
python examples/interactive.py -mf zoo:dodecadialogue/all_tasks_mt/model \
--inference beam --beam-size 3 --beam-min-length 10 --beam-block-ngram 3 --beam-context-block-ngram 3
You can play around with the beam-search parameters or even the inference
parameter (beam
, nucleus
, etc.) for varied results.
You can also evaluate any of the pre-trained models on their respective tasks.
To evaluate the all_tasks_mt
model on all of the provided dodecaDialogue tasks in ParlAI, simply run the following command:
python examples/eval_model.py -mf zoo:dodecadialogue/all_tasks_mt/model -t "#Dodeca" \
--prepend-personality True --prepend-gold-knowledge True
We currently host 10 of the 12 dodecaDialogue tasks in ParlAI, with plans to host all 12.
To train a pre-trained model on these tasks, simply run the following command:
python examples/train_model.py -t "#Dodeca" --model image_seq2seq\
--prepend-gold-knowledge true --prepend-personality true \
-mf /tmp/dodeca_model --init-model zoo:dodecadialogue/base_model/model \
--dict-file zoo:dodecadialogue/dict/dodeca.dict --dict-tokenizer bpe --dict-lower true \
-bs 32 -eps 0.5 --betas 0.9,0.999 --warmup-updates 2000 --gradient-clip 0.1 --fp16 false \
-esz 512 --ffn-size 2048 --n-heads 16 --n-layers 8 --variant xlm --activation gelu \
--n-positions 512 --text-truncate 512 --label-truncate 128 \
\ -lr 7e-6 --lr-scheduler reduceonplateau --optimizer adamax --dropout 0.1 \
--validation-every-n-secs 3600 --validation-metric ppl --validation-metric-mode min \
--validation-patience 10 --embeddings-scale true --learn-positional-embeddings true \