.. index:: commonconfig
To avoid repetition between configurations of a half dozen
independently running applications, common settings are consolidated
in a common configuration file:
All Socorro applications have these constants available to them. For a Socorro applications that are command line driven, each of these default values can be overidden by a command line switch of the same name.
To setup this configuration file, just copy the example,
Edit the file for your local situation.:
import socorro.lib.ConfigurationManager as cm import datetime import stat #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Relational Database Section databaseHost = cm.Option() databaseHost.doc = 'the hostname of the database servers' databaseHost.default = 'localhost' databasePort = cm.Option() databasePort.doc = 'the port of the database on the host' databasePort.default = 5432 databaseName = cm.Option() databaseName.doc = 'the name of the database within the server' databaseName.default = '' databaseUserName = cm.Option() databaseUserName.doc = 'the user name for the database servers' databaseUserName.default = '' databasePassword = cm.Option() databasePassword.doc = 'the password for the database user' databasePassword.default = '' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Crash storage system jsonFileSuffix = cm.Option() jsonFileSuffix.doc = 'the suffix used to identify a json file' jsonFileSuffix.default = '.json' dumpFileSuffix = cm.Option() dumpFileSuffix.doc = 'the suffix used to identify a dump file' dumpFileSuffix.default = '.dump' #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HBase storage system hbaseHost = cm.Option() hbaseHost.doc = 'Hostname for hbase hadoop cluster. May be a VIP or load balancer' hbaseHost.default = 'localhost' hbasePort = cm.Option() hbasePort.doc = 'hbase port number' hbasePort.default = 9090 hbaseTimeout = cm.Option() hbaseTimeout.doc = 'timeout in milliseconds for an HBase connection' hbaseTimeout.default = 5000 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # misc processorCheckInTime = cm.Option() processorCheckInTime.doc = 'the time after which a processor is considered dead (hh:mm:ss)' processorCheckInTime.default = "00:05:00" processorCheckInTime.fromStringConverter = lambda x: str(cm.timeDeltaConverter(x)) startWindow = cm.Option() startWindow.doc = 'The start of the single aggregation window (YYYY-MM-DD [hh:mm:ss])' startWindow.fromStringConverter = cm.dateTimeConverter deltaWindow = cm.Option() deltaWindow.doc = 'The length of the single aggregation window ([dd:]hh:mm:ss)' deltaWindow.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter defaultDeltaWindow = cm.Option() defaultDeltaWindow.doc = 'The length of the single aggregation window ([dd:]hh:mm:ss)' defaultDeltaWindow.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter # override this default for your particular cron task defaultDeltaWindow.default = '00:12:00' endWindow = cm.Option() endWindow.doc = 'The end of the single aggregation window (YYYY-MM-DD [hh:mm:ss])' endWindow.fromStringConverter = cm.dateTimeConverter startDate = cm.Option() startDate.doc = 'The start of the overall/outer aggregation window (YYYY-MM-DD [hh:mm])' startDate.fromStringConverter = cm.dateTimeConverter deltaDate = cm.Option() deltaDate.doc = 'The length of the overall/outer aggregation window ([dd:]hh:mm:ss)' deltaDate.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter initialDeltaDate = cm.Option() initialDeltaDate.doc = 'The length of the overall/outer aggregation window ([dd:]hh:mm:ss)' initialDeltaDate.fromStringConverter = cm.timeDeltaConverter # override this default for your particular cron task initialDeltaDate.default = '4:00:00:00' minutesPerSlot = cm.Option() minutesPerSlot.doc = 'how many minutes per leaf directory in the date storage branch' minutesPerSlot.default = 1 endDate = cm.Option() endDate.doc = 'The end of the overall/outer aggregation window (YYYY-MM-DD [hh:mm:ss])' endDate.fromStringConverter = cm.dateTimeConverter debug = cm.Option() debug.doc = 'do debug output and routines' debug.default = False debug.singleCharacter = 'D' debug.fromStringConverter = cm.booleanConverter