.. index:: prodinstall
This guide assumes that you have already followed all steps in :ref:`installation-chapter`
Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install supervisor rsyslog libapache2-mod-wsgi memcached
Set up directories and permissions
sudo mkdir /etc/socorro sudo mkdir /var/log/socorro sudo mkdir -p /data/socorro sudo useradd socorro sudo chown socorro:socorro /var/log/socorro sudo mkdir /home/socorro/primaryCrashStore /home/socorro/fallback /home/socorro/persistent sudo chown www-data-socorro /home/socorro/primaryCrashStore /home/socorro/fallback sudo chmod 2775 /home/socorro/primaryCrashStore /home/socorro/fallback
Install dependencies
sudo yum install httpd mod_ssl mod_wsgi memcached daemonize
Set up directories and permissions
sudo mkdir /etc/socorro sudo mkdir /var/log/socorro sudo mkdir -p /data/socorro sudo useradd socorro sudo chown socorro:socorro /var/log/socorro sudo mkdir /home/socorro/primaryCrashStore /home/socorro/fallback /home/socorro/persistent sudo chown apache /home/socorro/primaryCrashStore /home/socorro/fallback sudo chmod 2775 /home/socorro/primaryCrashStore /home/socorro/fallback
From inside the Socorro checkout
make install
By default, this installs files to /data/socorro. You can change this by specifying the PREFIX:
make install PREFIX=/usr/local/socorro
From inside the Socorro checkout, as the root user
cp config/\*.ini /etc/socorro/
It is highly recommended that you customize the files to change default passwords, and include the common_*.ini files rather than specifying the default password in each config file.
Socorro's cron jobs are managed by :ref:`crontabber-chapter`.
:ref:`crontabber-chapter` runs every 5 minutes from the system crontab.
edit /etc/cron.d/socorro
\*/5 * * * * socorro /data/socorro/application/scripts/crons/crontabber.sh
TODO use init scripts, supervisord etc. Some old examples in puppet/files/etc_supervisor/
Socorro uses three virtual hosts:
- crash-stats - the web UI for viewing crash reports
- socorro-api - the "middleware" used by the web UI
- crash-reports - receives reports from crashing clients (via HTTP POST)
As root:
cp puppet/files/etc_apache2_sites-available/{crash-reports,crash-stats,socorro-api} /etc/httpd/conf.d/
edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/{crash-reports,crash-stats,socorro-api} and customize as needed for your site
As root
mkdir /var/log/httpd/{crash-stats,crash-reports,socorro-api}.example.com chown apache /data/socorro/htdocs/application/logs/
Note - use www-data instead of apache for debian/ubuntu