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The jwx command line tool

jwx command line tool performs set of common operations involving JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE). This is provided as a sample application of sorts, and thus does not get much updates. As of this writing it is not possible to install this command using go install. Instead, install it by executing the following commands:

git clone
cd jwx
make jwx

This will install the jwx tool in $GOBIN (or $GOPATH/bin, if $GOBIN is not available).

If you do a lot of JOSE related work on the command line, we highly recommend for the same purpose, unless you might prefer to use jwx for its pure-Go implementation.


All examples use the "full" name for command names and option names, but you can use the short forms interchangeably.

jwx jwk

Work with JWKs

jwx jwk generate

Full form:

jwx jwk generate [options]

Short form:

jwx jwk gen [options]


Name Aliases Description
--type -t Type of JWK
--keysize -s Number of bits for RSA keys. Number of bytes for oct keys
--curve -c Elliptic curve type for EC or OKP keys
--template (none) Template to use to generate JWK. Must be a JSON object
--set (none) Always output as JWK set
--publick-key -p Generate a public key
--output -o Write output to file ("-" for STDOUT)


You can generate random JWKs for RSA/EC/oct/OKP key types:

# output truncated for brevity
% jwx jwk generate --type RSA --keysize 4096
  "d": "TGGiBzGzFEWQQPE32m...",
  "dp": "LjsdUBxJhshSa7FEBP...",
  "dq": "G4SPP5e5sp-k8iCEAa...",
  "e": "AQAB",
  "kty": "RSA",
  "n": "lgy17ssrTVUFKxFq5gO...",
  "p": "wEXZYzjrSbAn1bDpQpN...",
  "q": "x8hEaDhNND9mOqHD_xH...",
  "qi": "BVDWmgMEZ7QBC8ZSL9..."

% jwx jwk generate --type EC --curve P-521
% jwx jwk generate --type oct --keysize 128
% jwx jwk generate --type OKP --curve Ed25519

To include extra information in the key such as a key ID, use the --template option

# output truncated for brevity
% jwx jwk generate --type EC --curve P-384 --template '{"kid":"myawesomekey"}'
  "crv": "P-384",
  "d": "Q4JFCjI81uYC2T...",
  "kid": "myawesomekey",
  "kty": "EC",
  "x": "cm6GYmhtjYLr_B...",
  "y": "4_dIgUa68wytgg..."

jwx jwk format

Full form

jwx jwk format [options] [FILE]

Short form

jwx jwk fmt [options] [FILE]

You may specify "-" as FILE to tell the command to read from STDIN.


Name Aliases Description
--input-format -I JWK input format (json/pem)
--output-format -O JWK output format (json/pem)
--set (none) Always output as JWK set
--publick-key -p Display the public key version of the input
--output -o Write output to file ("-" for STDOUT)

Usage (Produce public key of a private key)

Given a private key in file ec.jwk


You can issue the following command to produce the public key of the above key:

% jwx jwk fmt --public-key ec.jwk
  "crv": "P-256",
  "kty": "EC",
  "x": "SVqB4JcUD6lsfvqMr-OKUNUphdNn64Eay60978ZlL74",
  "y": "lf0u0pMj4lGAzZix5u4Cm5CMQIgMNpkwy163wtKYVKI"

Usage (Parse JSON)

You can parse and make sure that the a given JWK is well-formatted.

Given an unformatted key in file ec.jwk


You can produce a pretty formatted key:

% jwx jwk format --input-format pem ec.jwk
  "crv": "P-256",
  "d": "0g5vAEKzugrXaRbgKG0Tj2qJ5lMP4Bezds1_sTybkfk",
  "kty": "EC",
  "x": "SVqB4JcUD6lsfvqMr-OKUNUphdNn64Eay60978ZlL74",
  "y": "lf0u0pMj4lGAzZix5u4Cm5CMQIgMNpkwy163wtKYVKI"

Usage (Parse PEM)

You can parse a ASN.1 DER format key, encoded in PEM.

Given a PEM encoded ASN.1 DER format key in a file ec.pem:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

You can get the JSON representation by:

% jwx jwk parse --input-format pem ec.pem
  "crv": "P-256",
  "d": "0g5vAEKzugrXaRbgKG0Tj2qJ5lMP4Bezds1_sTybkfk",
  "kty": "EC",
  "x": "SVqB4JcUD6lsfvqMr-OKUNUphdNn64Eay60978ZlL74",
  "y": "lf0u0pMj4lGAzZix5u4Cm5CMQIgMNpkwy163wtKYVKI"

Usage (Format JSON to PEM)

Formatting a JWK is equivalent to parsing, if the output format is json. However, if you specify the output format as pem, you can create PEM encoded ASN.1 DER format keys.

Given the following key in file rsa.jwk

  "e": "AQAB",
  "kty": "RSA",
  "n": "zGH571rQvCHeWzymnucl0sUE7fmabpegJ52VnyNk7SGq74xwRVLV0aPesu4aC-FVjjyhgrEajBQ5K23lI0a8fIi_deP7K58n-rIfXPGZNOMRDqStcqbwc_irOLmTm7Y554rX9DQRnYzCsb3k6vlROwVlCMkI7UPJmwzrIiy74e8"

You can produce a PEM encoded key:

% jwx jwk format --format pem rsa.jwk
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

jwx jws

jwx jws parse

jwx jws parse FILE

Parses the given JWS message, and prints out the content in a human-redable format.

Usage (Parse and inspect a JWS message)

Given a JWS message stored in foo.jws as follows:


You can inspect the contents of the JWS message by issuing the following command

% jwx jws parse foo.jws
Signature:                 "dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk"
Protected Headers:         "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9"
Decoded Protected Headers: {
                             "alg": "HS256",
                             "typ": "JWT"
Payload:                   {"iss":"joe",

jwx jws verify

jwx jws verify [options] FILE

You may specify "-" as FILE to tell the command to read from STDIN.


Name Aliases Description
--alg -a Algorithm to use in single key mode
--key -k File name that contains the key to use. May be a single JWK or JWK set
--key-format (none) Format of the store key (json/pem)
--match-kid (none) If specified, attempts to verify using a key with a matching key ID ("kid") as the JWS
--output -o Write output to file ("-" for STDOUT)

Usage (Verify using specific algorithm)

jwx jws verify --alg [algorithm] --key [keyfile] FILE

Suppose we have symmetric.jwk containing the following:


And suppose we would like to verify the contents of the file signed.jws, with this message which has been signed using HS256.


Then the following command will verify the JWS message and display the decoded payload.

% jwx jws verify --key symmetric.jwk --alg HS256 signed.jws

Usage (Verify with matching key IDs)

jwx jws verify --key [keyfile] --match-kid FILE

Suppose we have set.jwk containing the following JWK set:

  "keys": [
      "kty": "EC",
      "kid": "otherkey",
      "crv": "P-256",
      "x": "SVqB4JcUD6lsfvqMr-OKUNUphdNn64Eay60978ZlL74",
      "y": "lf0u0pMj4lGAzZix5u4Cm5CMQIgMNpkwy163wtKYVKI",
      "d": "0g5vAEKzugrXaRbgKG0Tj2qJ5lMP4Bezds1_sTybkfk"
      "kty": "oct",
      "kid": "mykey",
      "alg": "HS256",
      "k": "AyM1SysPpbyDfgZld3umj1qzKObwVMkoqQ-EstJQLr_T-1qS0gZH75aKtMN3Yj0iPS4hcgUuTwjAzZr1Z9CAow"

Notice that the second key contains both "kid" and "alg" fields set to a proper values.

Then the following command will verify the JWS message and display the decoded payload.

% jwx jws verify --key set.jwk --match-kid signed.jws

jwx jws sign

Creates a signed JWS message in compact format from a key and payload.

jwx jws sign [command options] FILE

You may specify "-" as FILE to tell the command to read from STDIN.


Name Aliases Description
--alg -a Algorithm to use in single key mode
--key -k File name that contains the key to use. May be a single JWK or JWK set
--key-format (none) Format of the store key (json/pem)
--header (none) A string containing a template for additional header values. This must be a valid JSON object
--output -o Write output to file ("-" for STDOUT)

Usage (Signing a payload)

Given a file payload.txt containing the following payload:

Hello, World!

And JWK stored in ec.jwk as follows:


You can create a signed JWS in compact format by issuing the following command:

% jwx jws sign --key ec.jwk --alg ES256 payload.txt

jwx jwe

Work with JWE messages.

jwx jwe encrypt

Full form:

jwx jwe encrypt [options] FILE

Short form:

jwx jwe enc [options] FILE


Name Aliases Description
--key -k JWK to encrypt with
--key-format (none) JWK format: json or pem
--key-encryption -K Key encryption algorithm name
--content-encryption -C Content encryption algorithm name
--compress (none) Enable compression
--output -o Write output to file ("-" for STDOUT)

Usage (Encrypt a payload)

Given a file payload.txt containing the following payload:

Hello, World!

And JWK stored in ec.jwk as follows (Note: a private key may be used as well):


You can generate an encrypted JWE message with ECDH-ES key encryption and A256CBC-HS512 content encryption by issuing the following command:

% jwx jwe encrypt --key ec.jwk --key-encryption ECDH-ES --content-encryption A256CBC-HS512 payload.txt

jwx jwe decrypt

Full form:

jwx jwe decrypt [options] FILE

Short form:

jwx jwe dec [options] FILE


Name Aliases Description
--key -k JWK to encrypt with
--key-format (none) JWK format: json or pem
--key-encryption -K Key encryption algorithm name. If unspecified, we will try the algorithms in the message
--output -o Write output to file ("-" for STDOUT)

Usage (Decrypt a JWE message)

Given a file message.jwe containing the following JWE message:


And a private key in ec.jwk:


You can get the decrypted contents by issuing the following command:

% jwx jwe decrypt -k ec.jwk message.jwk
Hello, World!

jwx jwa

List supported algorithms.


Name Aliases Description
--key-type -k JWK key types
--elliptic-curve -E Elliptic curve types
--key-encryption -K Key encryption algorithms
--content-encryption -C Content encryption algorithms
--signature -S Signature algorithms