Follow the docs on how to set up cloud credentials for GCP
Install kubectl for working with Kubernetes
Additionally, Sonobuoy CLI is required. These tests results were produced using Sonobuoy v0.56.17
Download the Constellation CLI v2.9.1:
curl -fsSLO
mv constellation-linux-amd64 constellation
chmod +x constellation-linux-amd64
./constellation config generate gcp --kubernetes=1.27
./constellation iam create gcp \
--serviceAccountID=conform \
--zone=europe-west3-b \
--update-config \
./constellation create -c3 -w2 -y
./constellation init --conformance
export KUBECONFIG="$PWD/constellation-admin.conf"
# Runs for ~2 hours.
sonobuoy run --mode certified-conformance
# Once status shows tests have completed...
sonobuoy status
# ... download & display results.
outfile=$(sonobuoy retrieve)
sonobuoy results $outfile
The provided e2e.log
& junit_01.xml
were fetched like this:
tar -xvf $outfile
cat plugins/e2e/results/global/e2e.log
cat plugins/e2e/results/global/junit_01.xml
# Remove test deployments
sonobuoy delete --wait
# Or, shutdown cluster
./constellation terminate
rm constellation-mastersecret.base64