- gopkg.in "integration"
- Angular target that generates angular services for each resource.
- Client target that generates an API client package and command line tool.
- [DONE] Docs target that generates swagger and / or praxis JSON docs.
- Test target that generates API integration tests using gomega's ghttp package.
- [DONE] Generic target that takes the path to a Go package and the name of the "Generate" method and calls it passing in the metadata.
- NewRelic
- Errbit
- Plugin system a la Praxis
- Make sure "type overload" works. I.e. Param("foo", Type, func() { Attribute(...) })
- Documentation: [DONE] DSL reference, middleware support more examples etc
- Add examples to DSL including auto-generated examples
- Praxis JSON to goa metadata generator
- Implement response inline media type (with resource media type inheritance)
- Load then validate
- Render produces native types so that it works with JSON, YAML etc.
- Reference should walk each attribute and look for a parent definition (consider embedded structs)
- Configuration
- [DONE] Handle the case where an action handler did not write a response
- Before / After filter? (is middleware enough?)
- Handle attribute default value
- Examples (same behavior as Load / Dump)
- [DONE] Default view is required
- Rendering caching
- Versioning
- Encoding handlers (produces, consumes)
- [DONE] Rename "MediaType" to "DefaultMediaType" in Resource DSL
- [WILLNOTDO] Remove support for multiple routes?
- Default base path for resources built after resource name
- [DONE] // for absolute routes
- Generate action route builder helpers (other than canonical href)
- Equivalent to parse_href from praxis ResourceDefinition ?
- Only use default medai type if response template takes media type as arg (instead of hardcoded to 200)
- Parameterize traits
- Add swagger-like CollectionFormat
- Add swagger-like support for security definitions
- Add swagger-like support for deprecated, schemes