This project audits the source code repositories published by Canadian governments.
Care about open data? Head over to the database of Canadian open government data catalogs.
Download the data as YAML:
- Software license usage
- Programming language usage
- GitHub organizations controlled by Canadian governments
Generate a personal access token on GitHub and set an ACCESS_TOKEN
environment variable:
export ACCESS_TOKEN=22276075e3468c2ede27c6b3abfbc502d0d7b45f
Then, follow the documentation relating to:
- What software licenses Canadian governments use
- Tweeting each time a Canadian government creates a GitHub repository
- What programming languages Canadian governments use
bundle exec rake organizations > data/organizations.txt
bundle exec rake licenses:github languages:github validate ONLYNEW=true
bundle exec rake licenses:none
bundle exec rake licenses:unknown
Last updated: March 4, 2018
Copyright (c) 2017 James McKinney, released under the MIT license