ndarray is a C++ template library for n-dimensional arrays on CPU and GPU using NVIDIA CUDA™. It is extracted from the CUV library.
- This library was only tested on Ubuntu Karmic, Lucid and Maverick. It uses mostly standard components and should run without major modification on any current linux system.
- By default, code is generated for the lowest compute architecture. We recommend you change this to match your hardware. Using ccmake you can set the build variable "CUDA_ARCHITECTURE" for example to -arch=compute_20
- All GT 9800 and GTX 280 and above
- GT 9200 without convolutions. It might need some minor modifications to make the rest work. If you want to use that card and have problems, just get in contact.
- On 8800GTS, random numbers and convolutions wont work.
To build the C++ lib, you will need:
- cmake (and cmake-curses-gui for easy configuration)
- libboost-dev >= 1.37
- NVIDIA CUDA (tm), including SDK. We support versions 3.X, 4.X and 5.X
- thrust library - included in CUDA since 4.0
mkdir -p build/debug
cd build/debug
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../../
ccmake . # adjust paths to your system (cuda, thrust, ...)!
make -j
ctest # run tests to see if it went well
sudo make install
mkdir -p build/release
cd build/release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../../
ccmake . # adjust paths to your system (cuda, thrust, ...)!
make -j
ctest # run tests to see if it went well
sudo make install
#include <cuv/ndarray.hpp>
int main(void) {
// allocate a 10×20 array of ints in row-major order on host (CPU)
cuv::ndarray<int, cuv::host_memory_space> a_host(10, 20);
assert(a_host.ndim() == 2); // a_host is a two-dimensional array
assert(a_host.size() == 10 * 20);
// initialize the array
int x = 0;
for(int i=0; i < a_host.shape(0); i++) { // shape(0) == 10
for(int j=0; j < a_host.shape(1); j++) { // shape(1) == 20
a_host(i, j) = x++;
// reshape to a 20×10 array
a_host.reshape(20, 10);
assert(a_host.shape(0) == 20);
assert(a_host.shape(1) == 10);
// copy the array to the GPU
cuv::ndarray<int, cuv::dev_memory_space> a_device = a_host;
// get the pointer to global device memory
int* device_ptr = a_device.ptr();
return 0;