In this document we include a collection of tips to help you debug the system in case something is not working as expected.
Gaining visibility into the state of a Kubernetes cluster is hard. Thus we can
not stress enough how useful k9s
is to debug what is going on.
We strongly recommend you using it, you may install it with:
inv k9s.install
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/.config/kubeadm_kubeconfig
Another good observability tool are the journal logs. Both containerd
send logs to the former's systemd journal log. You may inspect
the logs using:
sudo journalctl -xeu containerd
To enable debug logging you may run:
inv containerd.set-log-level [debug,info]
inv kata.set-log-level [debug,info]
naturally, run the commands again with info
to reset the original log level.
When things really go wrong, resetting the whole cluster is usually a good way to get a clean start:
inv kubeadm.destroy kubeadm.create
If you want a really clean start, you can re-install cotnainerd and all the
inv kubeadm.destroy
inv containerd.install
inv k8s.install --clean
inv kubeadm.create