is a high performance Layer-4 load balancer based on DPDK. It's derived from Linux Virtual Server LVS and its modification alibaba/LVS.
The name
comes from "DPDK-LVS".
Several techniques are applied for high performance:
- Kernel by-pass (user space implementation).
- Share-nothing, per-CPU for key data (lockless).
- RX Steering and CPU affinity (avoid context switch).
- Batching TX/RX.
- Zero Copy (avoid packet copy and syscalls).
- Polling instead of interrupt.
- Lockless message for high performance IPC.
- Other techs enhanced by DPDK.
Major features of DPVS
- L4 Load Balancer, including FNAT, DR, Tunnel, DNAT modes, etc.
- SNAT mode for Internet access from internal network.
- NAT64 forwarding in FNAT mode for quick IPv6 adaptation without application changes.
- Different schedule algorithms like RR, WLC, WRR, MH(Maglev Hashing), Conhash(Consistent Hashing) etc.
- User-space Lite IP stack (IPv4/IPv6, Routing, ARP, Neighbor, ICMP ...).
- Support KNI, VLAN, Bonding, Tunneling for different IDC environment.
- Security aspect, support TCP syn-proxy, Conn-Limit, black-list, white-list.
- QoS: Traffic Control.
feature modules are illustrated as following picture.
This quick start is tested with the environment below.
- Linux Distribution: CentOS 7.2
- Kernel: 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64
- CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz
- NIC: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller 10-Gigabit X540-AT2 (rev 03)
- Memory: 64G with two NUMA node.
- GCC: gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4)
Other environments should also be OK if DPDK works, please check dpdk.org for more info.
- Please check this link for NICs supported by DPDK: http://dpdk.org/doc/nics.
- Note
(fdir) is needed forFNAT
mode with multi-cores.
$ git clone https://github.com/iqiyi/dpvs.git
$ cd dpvs
Well, let's start from DPDK then.
Currently, dpdk-stable-18.11.2
is recommended for DPVS
. dpdk-stable-17.11.2
and dpdk-stable-17.11.6
are supported until the lifecycle end of DPVS v1.8.
You can skip this section if experienced with DPDK, and refer the link for details.
$ wget https://fast.dpdk.org/rel/dpdk-18.11.2.tar.xz # download from dpdk.org if link failed.
$ tar xf dpdk-18.11.2.tar.xz
There are some patches for DPDK to support extra features needed by DPVS. Apply them if needed. For example, there's a patch for DPDK kni
driver for hardware multicast, apply it if you are to launch ospfd
on kni
Assuming we are in DPVS root directory and dpdk-stable-18.11.2 is under it, please note it's not mandatory, just for convenience.
$ cd <path-of-dpvs>
$ cp patch/dpdk-stable-18.11.2/*.patch dpdk-stable-18.11.2/
$ cd dpdk-stable-18.11.2/
$ patch -p1 < 0001-kni-use-netlink-event-for-multicast-driver-part.patch
$ patch -p1 < 0002-net-support-variable-IP-header-len-for-checksum-API.patch
$ ...
It's advised to patch all if your are not sure about what they are meant for.
- Using meson-ninja for building DPDK libraries. The
checks for presence of libdpdk
$ cd dpdk-stable-18.11.11
$ mkdir [user desired install folder - dpdklib]
$ mkdir [user desired build folder - dpdkbuild]
$ meson -Dprefix=[dpdklib] dpdkbuild
$ ninja -C dpdkbuild
$ cd dpdkbuild; ninja install
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH:+$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:}$(pwd)/../dpdklib/lib64/pkgconfig/libdpdk.pc
- Using Makefile for build DPDK linraries and export
env variable for DPDK app (DPVS).
$ cd dpdk-stable-18.11.2/
$ make config T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
Configuration done
$ make # or make -j40 to save time, where 40 is the cpu core number.
$ export RTE_SDK=$PWD
$ export RTE_TARGET=build
In our tutorial, RTE_TARGET
is set to the default "build", thus DPDK libs and header files can be found in dpdk-stable-18.11.2/build
Now to set up DPDK hugepage, our test environment is NUMA system. For single-node system please refer to the link.
$ # for NUMA machine
$ echo 8192 > /sys/devices/system/node/node0/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages
$ echo 8192 > /sys/devices/system/node/node1/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages
$ mkdir /mnt/huge
$ mount -t hugetlbfs nodev /mnt/huge
Install kernel modules and bind NIC with igb_uio
driver. Quick start uses only one NIC, normally we use 2 for FNAT cluster, even 4 for bonding mode. For example, suppose the NIC we would use to run DPVS is eth0, in the meantime, we still keep another standalone NIC eth1 for debugging.
$ modprobe uio
$ cd dpdk-stable-18.11.2
$ insmod build/kmod/igb_uio.ko
$ insmod build/kmod/rte_kni.ko carrier=on
$ ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py --status
$ ifconfig eth0 down # assuming eth0 is 0000:06:00.0
$ ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b igb_uio 0000:06:00.0
Note that a kernel parameter
is added torte_kni.ko
since DPDK v18.11, and the default value for it is "off". We need to loadrte_kni.ko
with the extra parametercarrier=on
to make KNI devices work properly.
dpdk-devbind.py -u
can be used to unbind driver and switch it back to Linux driver like ixgbe
. You can also use lspci
or ethtool -i eth0
to check the NIC PCI bus-id. Please refer to DPDK site for more details.
Note: PMD of Mellanox NIC is built on top of libibverbs using the Raw Ethernet Accelerated Verbs AP. It doesn't rely on UIO/VFIO driver. Thus, Mellanox NICs should not bind the
driver. Refer to Mellanox DPDK for details.
It's simple, just set RTE_SDK
and build it.
$ cd dpdk-stable-18.11.2/
$ export RTE_SDK=$PWD
$ cd <path-of-dpvs>
$ make # or "make -j40" to speed up.
$ make install
Build dependencies may be needed, such as
(latest version),automake
. You can install the missing dependencies by using the package manager of the system, e.g.,yum install popt-devel
Output files are installed to dpvs/bin
$ ls bin/
dpip dpvs ipvsadm keepalived
is the main program.dpip
is the tool to set IP address, route, vlan, neigh, etc.ipvsadm
come from LVS, both are modified.
Now, dpvs.conf
must locate at /etc/dpvs.conf
, just copy it from conf/dpvs.conf.single-nic.sample
$ cp conf/dpvs.conf.single-nic.sample /etc/dpvs.conf
and start DPVS,
$ cd <path-of-dpvs>/bin
$ ./dpvs &
Check if it's get started ?
$ ./dpip link show
1: dpdk0: socket 0 mtu 1500 rx-queue 8 tx-queue 8
UP 10000 Mbps full-duplex fixed-nego promisc-off
If you see this message. Well done, DPVS
is working with NIC dpdk0
Don't worry if you see this error:
EAL: Error - exiting with code: 1
Cause: ports in DPDK RTE (2) != ports in dpvs.conf(1)
It means the NIC count of DPVS does not match
. Please usedpdk-devbind
to adjust the NIC number or modifydpvs.conf
. We'll improve this part to make DPVS more "clever" to avoid modify config file when NIC count does not match.
What config items does dpvs.conf
support and how to configure them? Well, DPVS
maintains a config item file conf/dpvs.conf.items
which lists all supported config entries and corresponding feasible values.
The test topology looks like the following diagram.
Set VIP and Local IP (LIP, needed by FNAT mode) on DPVS. Let's put commands into setup.sh
. You do some check by ./ipvsadm -ln
, ./dpip addr show
$ cat setup.sh
./dpip addr add ${VIP}/24 dev dpdk0
./ipvsadm -A -t ${VIP}:80 -s rr
./ipvsadm -a -t ${VIP}:80 -r ${RS} -b
./ipvsadm --add-laddr -z ${LIP} -t ${VIP}:80 -F dpdk0
$ ./setup.sh
Access VIP from Client, it looks good!
client $ curl
Your ip:port :
More configure examples can be found in the Tutorial Document. Including,
- WAN-to-LAN
reverse proxy. - Direct Route (
) mode setup. - Master/Backup model (
) setup. - OSPF/ECMP cluster model setup.
mode for Internet access from internal network.- Virtual Devices (
). UOA
module to get real UDP client IP/port inFNAT
.- ... and more ...
We also listed some frequently asked questions in the FAQ Document. It may help when you run into problems with DPVS.
Our test shows the forwarding speed (pps) of DPVS is several times than LVS and as good as Google's Maglev.
Please refer to the License file for details.
Please refer to the CONTRIBUTING file for details.
Currently, DPVS has been widely accepted by dozens of community cooperators, who have successfully used and contributed a lot to DPVS. We just list some of them alphabetically as below.
CMSoft | ![]() |
IQiYi | ![]() |
NetEase | ![]() |
Shopee | ![]() |
Xiaomi | ![]() |
is developed by iQiYi QLB team since April 2016. It's widely used in iQiYi IDC for L4 load balancer and SNAT clusters, and we have already replaced nearly all our LVS clusters with DPVS. We open-sourced DPVS at October 2017, and are excited to see that more people can get involved in this project. Welcome to try, report issues and submit pull requests. And please feel free to contact us through Github or Email.
- github:
- email:
iig_cloud_qlb # qiyi.com
(Please remove the white-spaces and replace#