CMS based on Spring Boot.
The aim is to create relative small, flexible and extendable content management system based pure on Spring Boot and SQL database.
It is an alternative to complex solutions such as Liferay, which are quite hart to understand.
It is classical MVC application, so everyone can understand it very easy and quicky.
It uses awesome Spring JPA to manipulate entities.
- Clone repository
- Go to project folder
cd cms-boot
- Build project
./gradlew build
- Run project
java -jar build/libs/cms-boot-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
- Run it on
Better way of usage is to create local database. Create file application-local.yml from application-local.yml.template and run it in local profile.
You can login as admin or developer on: /login
[email protected] / admin
[email protected] / admin
As a developer you can in administration add page texts and page images.
As a administrator you can edit this page texts and images.
Insert data to templates in controllers calling method addPageData
for example
public String index(Model model) {
addPageData(model, "homepage");
return "front/index";
In templates you maps pageTexts and pageImages. You have an access to data. For example in about.html.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12 text-center">
<h1 class="mt-5">About us</h1>
<p th:utext="${pageTexts.get('about-text')}"></p>
<image th:src="@{/file/} + ${pageImages.get('about-image')}"></image>
We recommand you to use IntelliJ IDEA.
Dev profile can be actived. In that case application-dev.yml is used and datasource is h2 db. To do in idea go to
Run/Debug Configuration > Active Profiles > Insert "dev"
Lombok is present and should be used in every entity. To run it smoothly in IDEA install Lombok plugin and turn on annotation processors in settings. ``