Lists (19)
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rodydavis / clean_architecture_todo_app
Forked from okaryo/CleanArchitectureTodoAppTrainingWithFlutterTodo App with Flutter + CleanArchitecture + riverpod + drift!
Make, Share and Grow. A showcase for your open-source projects.
Google Translate made in Flutter with an article explaining how to recreate it.
Dart and Flutter plugins/packages used and maintained by @appinioGmbH
A Tinder-like card swiper package. It allows you to swipe left, right, up and down and define your own business logic for each direction.
Flutter auth app with TDD Clean Architecture
为键盘工作者设计的单词记忆与英语肌肉记忆锻炼软件 VSCode 摸🐟版 / Words learning and English muscle memory training software designed for keyboard workers for VSCode
Tinder clone for movies. Movies are stacked in a deck of swipebale cards. If both users swipe right it's a match and you get notified. Work in progress.
A flutter flashcards app that swipe on cards like tinder
Performing piano with specific multiple ogg files in Flutter
An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
Some templates to get you started in Flutter.
Production-ready Flutter Widgets and Templates
Analysis of Tour de France stages based on Strava timeseries data carried out with Jupyter Lab/Notebooks, Python, Pandas and Plotly.
🧘 Things I think about when I write React code 🧘
Authentication API client with Flutter (Login, Register, Google Login, Facebook Login, Apple Login, Messages, Rooms, Private DMs)
A Flutter wrapper for AppAuth iOS and Android SDKs
Time Tracking app with Flutter & Firebase
An elegant todo app with some advanced features.
Flutter Community - A central place for community made Flutter content.
Multi directional infinite list with Sticky headers for Flutter applications
A directory of all my open source Flutter apps and projects.