A rule-based tunnel for Android.
哔哩漫游,解除B站客户端番剧区域限制的Xposed模块,并且提供其他小功能。An Xposed module that unblocks bangumi area limit of BILIBILI with miscellaneous features.
Flexible multiple types for Android RecyclerView.
🔎 An HTTP inspector for Android & OkHTTP (like Charles but on device)
AboutLibraries automatically collects all dependencies and licenses of any gradle project (Kotlin MultiPlatform), and provides easy to integrate UI components for Android and Compose-jb environments
Wechat Spellbook 是一个使用Kotlin编写的开源微信插件框架,底层需要 Xposed 或 VirtualXposed 等Hooking框架的支持,而顶层可以轻松对接Java、Kotlin、Scala等JVM系语言。让程序员能够在几分钟内编写出简单的微信插件,随意揉捏微信的内部逻辑。
Mirai HTTP API (console) plugin
🔥 涵盖了Android系统文件的创建/删除/复制/打开文件(目录)、获取文件(目录)大小、获取常用目录、获取文件名称及后缀、获取MimeType以及MediaStore和SAF的相关操作等常用功能,并且也处理了获取文件Uri/Path的兼容问题、图片压缩和文件选择等功能。
Android APP缺省页的正确打开方式 高度解耦、低侵入、易拓展 多状态视图状态切换器
Minecraft 1.8.9 forge hacked client forked from LiquidBounce
A simple, declarative GUI library for Minecraft
使用 xml + linux shell 代码,快速创建使用ROOT权限执行的脚本管理器
[In Develop] A injection minecraft cheat using jvm attach api
A free mixin-based injection hacked client for Minecraft 1.8.9
UnlegitMC / FDPClient_legacy
Forked from CCBlueX/LiquidBounceAccess new repository here ↓
Support multiple scripting languages, use scripts to change Minecraft!
Android Kotlin app to parse JSON data using Retrofit2 library with Android Architecture Components
A proxy connects Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and Minecraft: Java Edition (in progress)
Elixir is a library designed to make minecraft login easier.