s# Python Bot Making This repository is for Python Bot Making course created by Christopher Wang.
This course will teach you to create discord bot using Python and MySQL server.
You need have a computer, windows, mac, etc.
You should have basic concepts of programming, it's better if you programmed before
Basic Python programming skills are preferred
You should be able to install softwares on your machine
You should have a discord account, if you don't have one, please go to https://discord.com/register to register an account.
You should have a github account, whihc will be used to submit your homework, and send out class handout.
Install a your preferred Python IDE, if you don't know one, you can use Pycharm.
- You need to install git on your machine, if you don't know how to install git, please got google.com to search "How to install git on ", then follow the instructions.
- Go to github.com to create an account
- Go to https://github.com/NotOrca22/discord-bot, and click on fork button on right side, it will fork a new branch to your github account.
- Go to your machine and open a terminal and try to run below command: git clone [email protected]:[Your github account name]/discord-bot.git
- Then you go to your Python IDE, open discord-bot folder.
- You can run git status to see what files are changed, or use IDE to do it.
- You also can run git diff to know what changes in each changed files, or do it in IDE
- Run git remote add upstream [email protected]:NotOrca22/discord-bot.git to set upstream, or run git remote set-url upstream [email protected]:NotOrca22/discord-bot.git to set your upstream to Christopher's repo
- You can run git add , then run git commit -m "meaningful commit message"
- After you committed your changes, you need to push to github by run git push origin master:master
- Then go to your discord-bot repo on github.com, then click on Pull requests button to create a Pull Request, After reviewed your code, it will be merged into major repo.
- You can run git pull upstream master to sync your repo with major repo.