Android camera2 api example with continous stream from camera. You don't need to click a button to get frame bitmap
PhoneGap / Cordova plugin for iOS to save the contents of an HTML canvas to the device's Photo Library
Cordova plugin that allows camera interaction from HTML code
Simple Node.js package for robust face detection and face recognition. JavaScript and TypeScript API.
A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++
宝宝特效Demo通过短视频SDK、直播SDK轻松实现特效与视频剪辑,为用户提供特效相机,拍摄辅助,自动美颜相机,抖音滤镜、直播礼物、直播贴纸等,超低占用空间,十秒大型场景仅100KB+, 精准人脸识别、人脸跟踪,支持3D特效,3D动画特效,2D特效、动画渲染、特效渲染等, visual effects IOS demo, support 3D effect, 3D Animation, 2D…
基于Express写的百度AI平台(baidu-aip-sdk)简单服务端接口 Simple server interface for Baidu AI platform (baidu-aip-sdk) based on Express
It's a Baidu face recognition plugin.
cordova-plugin-camera-preview Sample App
A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
Use the Node.js development WeChat(使用Node.js 开发微信公众号)【 博客地址: 】
An opinionated Typescript starter setup for Express + Pino, deployable with Docker and PM2.
An Express JS app template using PM2 to host within a docker container
API Rest built with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB
This repository is boilerplate for API based development with express js. the application contains all the development tools, those are swagger and swager ui documentation tools, mocha and chai tes…
🚚 A boilerplate for API Server with Node.js, Express, and Mongoose on Nodemon.
基于 umi + dva + antd-mobile 快速构建H5 APP 应用。