University of Oxford
- Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK
- https://sebbacon.github.io/
- in/sebbacon
Manage your Ruby application's gem dependencies
Cross-platform Ruby library for managing child processes.
routing-filter wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowing for unseen flexibility and power in Rails URL recognition and generation.
Ruby GetText, but 12x faster + 530x less garbage + simple + clean namespace + threadsafe + extendable + multiple backends
Provide a Freedom of Information request system for your jurisdiction
CI::Reporter is an add-on to popular test frameworks that allows you to generate XML reports
Rails: FastGettext, I18n integration -- simple, threadsafe and fast!
Support for unique jobs in Resque: Only one job with the same payload per queue.
A robust, full-featured Ruby implementation of Naive Bayes
A data scraping framework based on Open Civic Data's Pupa
Rake tasks to invoke single tests/specs with rakish syntax
selishta / alaveteli
Forked from mysociety/alaveteliProvide a Freedom of Information request system for your jurisdiction
sebbacon / xapian-full
Forked from rlane/xapian-fullRuby Xapian bindings, including xapian-core
Pseudo-shell hack with Rails environment preloaded for faster tests and faster generators and faster rake commands. Go go go go!
Alavateli theme for Informata Zyrtare (Kosovo)
sebbacon / routing-filter
Forked from svenfuchs/routing-filterrouting-filter wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowing for unseen flexibility and power in Rails URL recognition and generation.
sebbacon / single_test
Forked from grosser/single_testRake tasks to invoke single tests/specs with rakish syntax
sebbacon / fast_gettext
Forked from grosser/fast_gettextRuby GetText, but 3.5x faster + 560x less memory + simple + clean namespace + threadsave + extendable + multiple backends + Rails3 ready
sebbacon / bundler
Forked from rubygems/bundlerManage your application's gem dependencies with less pain
Rails: FastGettext, I18n integration -- simple, threadsafe and fast!
The Alaveteli theme for http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/