Python library for interact with Pingdom services (REST API and maintenance windows).
- Support for Multi-User Authentication
- Check management: create, delete, update, list
- Maintenance windows: create, delete, list
Since the Pingdom REST API don't support maintenance windows, we interact with the Website for it. Therefore this feature is hightly fragile and can break at any monment due to frontent changes on Pingdom website.
- Pingdom account
- requests (0.10.8 or newer)
pip install pypingdom
The client object will allow you to interact both with the REST Api and the GUI (for manintenance windows)
>>> import pypingdom
>>> client = pypingdom.Client(username="[email protected]",
the email parameter is required for Multi-User Authentication.
Since Pingdom do not treat the check name as identifier (as we probably want to do) the client object will retrieve the check list from the API and cache it as dict ( check_name => check_instance). You can access it through the checks atrribute:
>>> client.checks["my awsome check"]
pingdom.Check <1895866>
autoresolve: 0
alert_policy: 2118909
name: Diageo
created: 1448565930
lasterrortime: 1489325292
resolution: 1
lastresponsetime: 558
lasttesttime: 1489847772
alert_policy_name: Production Systems
paused: False
acktimeout: 0
ipv6: False
use_legacy_notifications: False
type: http
tags: []
a better way to retrive a check would be:
>>> client.get_check("my awsom check")
that will return None if the check doesn't exists
List checks with production and fromtend tags:
>>> client.get_checks(filters={"tags": ["production", "frontend"]})
Create a check:
>>> check_definition = {
"name": "My awsome check",
"paused": True,
"alert_policy": 201745,
"type": "http",
"host": "",
"url": "/",
"requestheaders": {
'XCustom': 'my header value'
"tags": ["pypingdom-test", "custom-tag"],
"encryption": False
>>> client.update_check(check, check_definition)
Refers to this page for the list of options.
alert_policy: can be set to the id of an existing alert policy or omitted to disable alerts. Once created the alert policy can be changed but not disabled (API restriction)
Update a check:
>>> client.update_check(check, {"paused": True})
this will retrun True if an effective change was sent to the API and False otherwise (userful for idempotency usage, like ansible modules)
Delete a check:
>>> client.delete_check(check)
Retrive maintenances windows for production websites in the last 7 days
>>> import datetime
>>> checks = client.get_checks(filters={"tags": ["production": "frontend"]})
>>> start = - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
>>> client.get_maintenances(filters={"checks": checks, "after": start}):
Create a 1 hour maintenance window for production websites
>>> start = + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10)
>>> end = start + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
>>> window = client.create_maintenance(filters={"checks": checks, "name": "pypyngdom test maintenance", "start": start, "stop": stop})
Delete futures maintenance windows
>>> windows = client.get_maintenances(filters={"checks": checks, "after":}):
>>> for m in maintenances: