Command line interface to synchronize icons from Figma to local project directories.
npm install --global @glyphs/cli
After installing, run glyphs
to view options available and instructions for using the interfacre
_____ _ _
| __| |_ _ ___| |_ ___
| | | | | | . | |_ -|
|_____|_|_ | _|_|_|___|
Running @glyphs/cli
Example usage
$ glyphs <command> <options>
Help for a command
$ glyphs <command> --help
$ glyphs <command> -h
--version, -v Print Glyphs CLI version
add, a Configure a new icon set
remove, r Remove an existing icon set config
get, g Get details on the icon set config
list, l List configured icon sets
sync, s Sync an icon set to the current directory
preview, p Preview a local icon set in the browser
generate Generate a JS component set
help, h Display this message