Resumes generated using the GitHub informations
Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!
A WhatsApp client library for NodeJS that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app
🖥 A virtual Apple Macintosh with System 8, running in Electron. I'm sorry.
Fourth iteration of my personal website built with Gatsby
🦎 Use Tailwind CSS in React Native projects
Use Tailwind CSS to design HTML emails.
React Native date & time picker component for iOS, Android and Windows
API for Current cases and more stuff about COVID-19 and Influenza
AutoNumeric is a standalone library that provides live as-you-type formatting for international numbers and currencies.
A whatsapp clone progressive web application built with react nodejs and firebase
A Video Chat app build with NodeJS, Express, Peerjs,
A front-end clone project of the Spotify Web Player. The project was created using React. Preview Link in Readme.
Play games or watch YouTube videos together on Discord ! More than 18 games available !
React ile gelistirdigimiz Twitter (X) Klonu
A React Native component that creates a Apple-esque large header that fades in a smaller header as you scroll.
Complete project files for the Advanced GraphQL with Apollo & React book
An example Express based app implementing a GraphQL API using MySQL as its datastore
Derste birlikte geliştirdiğimiz instagram clonu - henüz bitmedi -
AirBnb Javascript Style Guide'ının Türkçe diline çevrildiği repository
A JavaScript framework for building user interfaces for web apps. v3 versiyonu icin front-end kodlari, back-end'e henuz baslamadik
A basic Join to Create Bot