Hello and welcome! We are so glad that you are interested in contributing to the Voice Based Translator! We only have a couple of rules and we hope you enjoy the process :)
- Don't move or delete any files. Only modify them.
- Put all translator related codes in the Translatory.py file, found under the 'Code' folder.
- Put all new files (not related to the translator) in the main branch.
- Fork the repository
- Clone your forked repository to your computer
- Head to the issues tab and look for an issue that you like.
- Once you have decided what issue to work on, give it a shot!
- Once done, push the code to your forked repository.
- Head to the Pull Requests tab and click on "Create New Pull Request"
- On the left of the arrow should be this repo and on the right should be yours.
- Add a small description to the Pull Request describing what you've done.
- Mention what Issue you have worked on. If the issue number is #3, you can mention "Closes #3" in the Pull Request description.
- Submit Pull Request
It's that easy! We hope you enjoy contributing to our repository. Don't hesitate to contact any of the maintainers about any problems!