Simple mini-project created using QuickAdminPanel and Adminlte.
This LMS is built on the Laravel framework, and uses various open source packages. This application is still in development, if you want to collaborate on the development, send us an email: [email protected] This Learning Management System (or LMS) that facilitates the creation of educational content by allowing you to manage courses and learning modules. The platform is simple and intuitive and provides features for:
- Course Management
- Lessons Management
- User Management
- Exam and result Management
- Payment system Using Stripe
- Question And Test
git clone
cd projectname
composer install [or] composer update
php artisan key:generate
Create a database
and inform .env
php artisan migrate --seed
to create and populate tables
php artisan serve
to start the app on http://localhost:8000/
Note: Admin login
email:[email protected]
Under the MIT license and please use/re-use however you want.