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Protractor with Typescript

Typescript provides code auto completion and helpful hints with a text editor like Microsoft's Visual Studio Code or another text editor with Typescript support.

Note that this example uses TypeScript 2.0.


There are two examples in this directory:

File organization

|- node_modules/       // downloaded node modules
|- tmp/                // compiled javascript output
|- .gitignore          // since typescript produces javascript, we should not
|                      // commit javascript to the repo
|- angularPage.ts      // page object example
|- confPageObjects.ts  // configuration for the page objects example
|- package.json        // node dependencies for the project
|-           // this file
|- spec.ts             // spec for the simple protractor example
|- specPageObjects.ts  // spec for the page objects example
|- tsconfig.json       // typescript transpile configuration

Getting started

This package.json references the local protractor directory with "protractor": "file: ../". For the type declarations to work, from the protractor directory run an npm install to generate the declarations file.

Next, install the exampleTypescript node_modules with:

npm install

Protractor typings

To use Protractor types, you'll need to import protractor. After this is imported, you should have autocompletion hints when typing.

import {browser, element, by, By, $, $$, ExpectedConditions} from 'protractor';

Although the Protractor configuration file can be written in javascript, creating it in typescript will have some hints. These hints and the reference configuration can be found in lib/config.ts. Below we are importing the Config interface and applying that interface to the config variable:

import {Config} from 'protractor';

export let config: Config = {

Ambient typings

Protractor also uses ambient types including jasmine, jasminewd2, and node. These are brought in via the tsconfig.json file, which uses npm module resolution to get types from node_modules/@types.

If you are using the jasmine framework for your tests, make sure to do:

npm install --save-dev @types/jasmine @types/jasminewd2

Compiling your code

To convert your typescript to javascript (transpiling), you'll use the Typescript compiler (tsc). If you install typescript globally, the command is tsc. If it is not installed globally, the typescript compiler can be executed with npm run tsc.

Running Protractor

After transpiling your code to javascript, you'll run Protractor like before: protractor conf.js

Helpful links