EGRET is a Python-based package for electrical grid optimization based on the Pyomo optimization modeling language. EGRET is designed to be friendly for performing high-level analysis (e.g., as an engine for solving different optimization formulations), while also providing flexibility for researchers to rapidly explore new optimization formulations.
Major features:
- Solution of Unit-Commitment problems
- Solution of Economic Dispatch (optimal power flow) problems (e.g., DCOPF, ACOPF)
- Library of different problem formulations and approximations
- Generic handling of data across model formulations
- Declarative model representation to support formulation development
EGRET is available under the BDS License (see LICENSE.txt)
EGRET is a Pythonb package and requires a python installation. We recommend using Anaconda with the latest Python (
These installation instructions assume that you have a recent version of Pyomo installed with the required solvers (see
Download (or clone) EGRET from this GitHub site
From the main egret folder (folder containing, use a terminal (or the Anaconda prompt for Windows users), and run to install EGRET into your Python installation.
python install
- Pyomo version 5.6 or later
- Optimization solvers for Pyomo - specific requirements depends on the models being solved, however, EGRET is tested with GUROBI or CPLEX for MIP-based problems (e.g., unit commitment) and IPOPT (with HSL linear solvers) for NLP problems.