procedurally generated fish drawings
- generates all sorts of weird fishes
- outputs polylines (supported format svg, json, csv, etc.)
- full procedural generation, single file no dependencies
- plotter-centric
- export drawing animation:
node fishdraw.js > output.svg
specify seed (from a string) and output format:
node fishdraw.js --seed "Biggus fishus" --format smil > output.svg
- the seed string is used as the name of the fish (printed in the drawing). If unspecified, a random pseudo-Latin name will be auto generated.
- format options:
(regular svg),smil
(animated svg),csv
(each polyline on a comma-separated line) andjson
use as JS library:
const {fish,generate_params} = require('./fishdraw.js');
let polylines = fish(generate_params());