Overview of the stuff you'll find here For Beginners What you will need 1: Preparing the Files 2: Using UE Explorer 2.1: Using Startup.upk 2.2: Using Engine.upk 2.3: Setting Array-types in UE Explorer 2.4: My Array-types My Autohotkey-Autoexec-Tool/Script Introduction What does it do? Installation Pre-Compiled and infos about it Borderlands 2 Autoexec + Tools variant Basic Usage of the UCP FilterTool Normal codes Hotfix entry Credits Lootpools Find the Lootpool of the specific enemy you want to modify Modify the Lootpool Creating the Hotfix Adudney's converter method LightChaosman's UCP FilterTool method Credits Enemy Spawnrates Find the correct Population"pool" and modify it! Credits Useful commands Get Lootpools in current area Get the Levelnames Get the Drop Chance/Weight for DropODDS_BossUniqueRares for example Setting up a hotkey for commands Fun commands Climbing ladders super fast Change Gravity Speed Up or slow down the game Speed up EVERYTHING, even the warping screen, main menu etc Other general commands