Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women
- New Delhi
SummerProject Public
Forked from int-elligence3/SummerProjectA notes sharing website that helps students share their notes, upload notes and get notes of different subjects, branches and years.
Algo-Tree Public
Forked from Algo-Phantoms/Algo-TreeAlgo-Tree is a collection of Algorithms and data structures which are fundamentals to efficient code and good software design. Creating and designing excellent algorithms is required for being an e…
NeoAlgo Public
Forked from HarshCasper/NeoAlgoBringing all Data Structures and Algorithms under one Roof ⚡
C++ MIT License UpdatedApr 24, 2021 -
foss-events Public
Forked from DSC-JSS-NOIDA/foss-eventsA simple website with a collection of open-source events happening across the globe. This is a beginner-friendly repository that helps you learn git and contribute to web projects. Happy Hacktober!
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 25, 2021 -
doc2pen Public
Forked from smaranjitghose/doc2penAn open source project aimed at making your student life easier!
HacktoberFest2020 Public
Forked from Raksha1906/DS-AlgoRepository For beginners for Hacktoberfest 2020
CSS UpdatedOct 7, 2020 -
DS_Algorithms Public
Forked from tulika-99/DS_AlgorithmsA collection of various Algorithms for Data Structures in different languages. HacktoberFest2020
C++ UpdatedOct 5, 2020 -
Royal-Food-Cafe-Website Public
Forked from akshaydesai26/Royal-Food-Cafe-WebsiteWebsite is live at https://royal-food-cafe.netlify.app/
First-Projects Public
Forked from sakshamsingh01/First-ProjectsFirst-Projects contains the first projects of the programmers which they made while starting their journey. Everyone starts as a beginner, so why not help each-other and grow together! Fork this re…
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2020 -