This section describes how to run YCSB on Azure Cosmos DB.
For more information on Azure Cosmos DB see
This benchmark expects you to have pre-created the database "ycsb" and collection "usertable" before running the commands. When prompted for a Partition Key, use "id". For RUs, select a value you want to benchmark. RUs are the measure of provisioned thoughput that Azure Cosmos DB defines. The higher the RUs, the more throughput you will get. You can override the default database name with the azurecosmos.databaseName configuration value for side-by-side benchmarking.
You must set the uri and the primaryKey in the file in the commands below. $YCSB_HOME/bin/ycsb load azurecosmos -P workloads/workloada -P azurecosmos/conf/ $YCSB_HOME/bin/ycsb run azurecosmos -P workloads/workloada -P azurecosmos/conf/
Optionally you can set the uri and primaryKey as follows: $YCSB_HOME/bin/ycsb load azurecosmos -P workloads/workloada -p azurecosmos.primaryKey= -p azurecosmos.uri=
azurecosmos.uri < uri string > :
- Path to your Azure Cosmos DB account and can be obtained from the portal. It will look like the following:
azurecosmos.primaryKey < key string > :
- Obtained from the portal. The primary key is used to allow both read & write operations. If you are doing read only workloads you can substitute the readonly key from the portal.
azurecosmos.databaseName < name string > :
- Name of the database to use.
- Default: ycsb
azurecosmos.useUpsert (true | false):
- Set to true to allow inserts to update existing documents. If this is false and a document already exists the insert will fail.
- Default: false
azurecosmos.includeExceptionStackInLog (true | false):
- Determines if the full stack should be included in the log when an error happens.
- The default is false to reduce output size.
- Default: false
azurecosmos.userAgent < agent string >:
- The value to be appended to the user-agent header.
- In most cases, you should leave this as "azurecosmos-ycsb".
- Default: "azurecosmos-ycsb"
azurecosmos.useGateway (true | false):
- Specify if connection mode should use gateway as opposed to direct. By default, direct mode will be used, as the performance is generally better.
- Default: false
- If not specified, session level will be used by default.
- Default: SESSION
azurecosmos.maxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests < integer >
- Set the maximum number of retries in the case where the request fails due to rate limiting.
- Default: uses default value of azurecosmos Java SDK
azurecosmos.maxRetryWaitTimeInSeconds < integer >
- Sets the maximum timeout to for retry in seconds.
- Default: uses default value of azurecosmos Java SDK
azurecosmos.gatewayMaxConnectionPoolSize < integer >
- Set the value of the connection pool size in gateway mode.
azurecosmos.directMaxConnectionsPerEndpoint < integer >
- Set the value of the max connections per endpoint in direct mode.
azurecosmos.gatewayIdleConnectionTimeoutInSeconds < integer >
- Sets the value of the timeout in seconds for an idle connection in gateway mode. After that time, the connection will be automatically closed.
- Default: uses default value of azurecosmos Java SDK
azurecosmos.directIdleConnectionTimeoutInSeconds < integer >
- Sets the value of the timeout in seconds for an idle connection in direct mode. After that time, the connection will be automatically closed.
- Default: uses default value of azurecosmos Java SDK
azurecosmos.maxDegreeOfParallelism < integer >
- Sets the number of concurrent operations run client side during parallel query execution.
- Default: -1
azurecosmos.maxBufferedItemCount < integer >
- Sets the maximum number of items that can be buffered client side during parallel query execution.
- Default: 0
azurecosmos.preferredPageSize < integer >
- Sets the preferred page size when scanning.
- Default: -1
These parameters are also defined in a template configuration file in the following location: $YCSB_HOME/azurecosmos/conf/
./bin/ycsb run azurecosmos -P workloads/workloadc -p azurecosmos.primaryKey=<your key eg:45fgt...==> -p azurecosmos.uri= -p recordcount=100 -p operationcount=100