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Earthquakes Demo

This example provides sample files to ingest, analyze and visualize earthquake data using the Elastic Stack. You may refer to Earthquake data with the Elastic Stack blog post to find out your own story behind the data.

Version Requirements

The example has been tested in the following versions:

  • Elasticsearch 5.0.0
  • Logstash 5.0.0
  • Kibana 5.0.0


The earthquake datasets are gathered from the Northern California Earthquake Data Center through the ANSS Composite Catalog Search.


"Waveform data, metadata, or data products for this study were accessed through the Northern California Earthquake Data Center (NCEDC), doi:10.7932/NCEDC."


Filename: earthquakes.txt
Search parameters: catalog=ANSS, start_time=2016/01/01,00:00:00, end_time=2016/11/14,13:29:52, minimum_magnitude=1, maximum_magnitude=10, event_type=E
Size: 38095 lines (3031148 bytes)

Blasts (Quarry or Nuclear)

Filename: blasts.txt
Search parameters: catalog=ANSS, start_time=2016/01/01,00:00:00, end_time=2016/11/14,13:30:59, minimum_magnitude=1, maximum_magnitude=10, event_type=B
Size: 222 lines (17837 bytes)

Installation & Setup

  • Follow the Installation & Setup Guide to install and test the Elastic Stack (you can skip this step if you have a working installation of the Elastic Stack,)

  • Run Elasticsearch & Kibana

  • Check that Elasticsearch and Kibana are up and running.
    • Open localhost:9200 in web browser -- should return status code 200
    • Open localhost:5601 in web browser -- should display Kibana UI.

Note: By default, Elasticsearch runs on port 9200, and Kibana run on ports 5601. If you changed the default ports, change the above calls to use appropriate ports.

Download Example Files

Download the following files in this repo to a local directory:

  • ncedc-earthquakes-dataset.tar.gz - sample data (in csv format)
  • ncedc-earthquakes-logstash.conf - Logstash config for ingesting data into Elasticsearch
  • ncedc-earthquakes-template.json - template for custom mapping of fields
  • ncedc-earthquakes-dashboards.json - config file to load prebuilt creating Kibana dashboard
  • ncedc-earthquakes-screenshot.png - screenshot of final Kibana dashboard

Ingest Data

Extract the dataset archive with tar zxf ncedc-earthquakes-dataset.tar.gz from the terminal. Run the below commands to ingest the data into your Elasticsearch cluster. Please note, you may need to configure ncedc-earthquakes-logstash.conf file in case your are not running Elasticsearch node on your local host.

tail -n +2 earthquakes.txt | EVENT="earthquake" <path_to_logstash_root_dir>/bin/logstash -f ncedc-earthquakes-logstash.conf
tail -n +2 blasts.txt | EVENT="blast" <path_to_logstash_root_dir>/bin/logstash -f ncedc-earthquakes-logstash.conf

Importing Kibana Visuals and Dashboards

  1. Open Kibana and go to Settings > Indices. Type in ncedc-earthquakes as the index name and create the index pattern.
  2. Go to Saved Objects tab and click on Import, and select ncedc-earthquakes-dashboard.json by the file chooser.
  3. Go to Dashboard and click on Earthquake from the list of the dashboards.

Dashboard Screenshot