name | slack_handle | github_handle |
Connor Menon |
@Connor Menon |
@Connor2648 |
The MAVprox is a magnetic hall effect sensor. It has the sensor on one end, and has a LED that will light up when it senses a magnet as well as emmitting voltage back. We designed it because we wanted a hall effect sensor that would be on the same plane of motion that the magnet would be moving in rather than in a perpendicular plane.
Both sets of boards will cost around $10 total.
On the MAVterm I added a mounting hole on the back of it because, though it will not mount onto something, a 3d-printed case will be designed for it so that it does not get damaged. The same kind of idea was implemented ont he MAVprox, but at first I put slots rather than holes so that the team could fine tune the exact placement of the sensor, but in the end, I chose to put just holes, and put slots on the 3d-printed cover in order to make it nicer.