A quick and easy way to visually test your Rails application's API.
shemso / pyrocms-docs
Forked from pyrocms/pyrocms-docsDocumentation for PyroCMS.
facebook page event lister with fbgraph gem
The world's most popular free, open source ad serving system
Twitter Bootstrap CSS (with Sass flavour) and JS toolkits for Rails 3 projects
Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)
Integration of TinyMCE with the Rails asset pipeline
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Custom View component to load ads from OpenX zones
An open source payment processing library for CodeIgniter
Spark for Uniform Payments in CodeIgniter, based on PHP-Payments. Supports 12+ payment gateways.
CodeIgniter Tank Auth with Facebook, Twitter, Google Friend Connect, OpenID
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
A basic implementation for the youtube api as a CodeIgniter library. Removes dependencies on Zend for retrieval and manipulation of YouTube video data.
An example Rails 3.2 app with Devise and RSpec and Cucumber.
The base model that I use on all of my projects.
A high-powered, customizable Profiler replacement for CodeIgniter.
Connecting CodeIgniter Tank Auth library with other authentication systems (FB, Twitter and more)
A CodeIgniter library to interact with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Email Service (SES)
ComfortableMexicanSofa is a powerful Ruby on Rails 5.2+ CMS (Content Management System) Engine
Simple CSS3 framework for creating GitHub-style buttons
A CodeIgniter Content Management System
Fuel PHP Framework v1.x is a simple, flexible, community driven PHP 5.3+ framework, based on the best ideas of other frameworks, with a fresh start! FuelPHP is now fully PHP 8.0 compatible.