This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language.
The New York Times Mobile Team’s Objective-C Style Guide
futuretap / UIViewController-Transitions-Example
Forked from TeehanLax/UIViewController-Transitions-ExampleAn example of how to use the new iOS 7 APIs to create custom view controller transitions.
Drop-in solution to achieve the "More" button in an UITableView's "Swipe to Delete" menu (as seen in under iOS 7)
Parallax, Sticky Headers, Growing image heading, done right in one UICollectionViewLayout.
yothin / PathCover
Forked from JackTeam/PathCoverPathCover is pull down refresh and a parallax top view with real time blur effect to any UITableView, inspired by Path for iOS.
shergin / facepy
Forked from jgorset/facepyFacepy makes it really easy to interact with Facebook's Graph API
shergin / sockjs-tornado
Forked from mrjoes/sockjs-tornadoWebSocket emulation - Python server
shergin / gitbook
Forked from schacon/gitbookGit Community Book Source. Russian version by community.