- Automatic parsing of proto definitions to render services and input messages
file discovery- Selection of multiple services and methods
- Basic configuration of TLS, including disabling TLS (plain text)
- Input generation for all scalar types
- Input generation for nested messages
- Input generation for enums, including nested
- Input generation for repeated fields
- Input generation for oneof and map fields
- Support for adding RPC metadata
- Execute unary requests
- Execute server streaming requests
- Execute client streaming requests
- Execute bidirectional requests
- Cancel requests in-flight
- Send EOF for client streaming and bi-directional streaming
- View response messages
- View RPC Header and Trailer
- View full RPC statistics
- MacOS build
- Linux build (inc AppImage)
- Reflection API to determine RPC schema
- Error messages on failed gRPC connections
- Windows build
- Multiple Workspaces
- Multiple Request's within a Workspace
Visit the Releases page for the latest downloads.
If you get this error message: "Wombat.app" can't be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed.
, Install by Right Click/Option Click -> Open -> Open. You'll only need to do this on first
If you are using the AppImage
, just download and set the file as executable:
$ chmod +x Wombat.AppImage