Template for building Rails application environment with Docker on Heroku.
Includes automatic test (RSpec) execution and deployment environment using CircleCI.
- Rails 6.0.2 (+ Ruby 2.7.1)
$ docker pull ruby:2.7.1-alpine
$ git clone https://github.com/shifumin/docker_plain_rails_heroku
$ cd docker_plain_rails_heroku
# rails new
# Since .gitignore has been prepared in advance, add '--skip-git' option.
# For installing RSpec later, add '--skip-test' option.
$ docker-compose run --rm app rails new . --skip-git --skip-test --skip-bundle
# Add 'rspec-rails' gem to Gemfile and run 'bundle install'
$ vim Gemfile
$ docker-compose run --rm app bundle install
# Install RSpec
$ docker-compose run --rm app rails g rspec:install
# rails g
# the following is examples
$ docker-compose run --rm app rails g controller welcome index
# rspec
$ docker-compose run --rm app rspec
# create and start containers
# boot the app (= `rails s`)
$ docker-compose up
# or docker-compose run --rm --service-ports app
# stop and remove containers
$ docker-compose down
# build or rebuild services
# (e.g.: after changing Gemfile or Dockerfile)
$ docker-compose build # or `docker-compose up --build`
First, add the following environment variables to the build on CircleCI application.
And, register the GitHub repository on the CircleCI application.
# Put Dockerfile in app root to use Dockerfile with Heroku deploy
$ cp -i docker/web/Dockerfile .
HEROKU_AUTH_TOKEN=`heroku authorizations:create`
HEROKU_LOGIN='[email protected]'
HEROKU_API_KEY=`heroku authorizations:create`
# for development environment
Second, add the following environment valiables for Heroku on console.
$ heroku config:add RACK_ENV=production
$ heroku config:add RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=enabled
$ heroku config:add RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=enabled
# heroku config:add LANG=en_US.UTF-8
$ heroku config:add SECRET_KEY_BASE=$(docker-compose run --rm app rails secret)
Next, set up Heroku settings.
# Install container plugin
$ heroku plugins:install heroku-container-registry
$ heroku container:login
$ heroku create
$ heroku container:push web
After completing the above settings, execute deployment.
When git push origin master
, CircleCI executes RSpec test and deploys docker container to heroku container registroy.
$ git push origin master
# Confirm application on browser.
$ heroku open