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FSF-GA: A Feature Selection Framework for Phenotype Prediction Using Genetic Algorithm

This repository holds the source code for "Mowlaei, M. E., Shi, X.: FSF-GA: A Feature Selection Framework for Phenotype Prediction Using Genetic Algorithm" manuscript, accepted at ICIBM2021. FSF-GA is a bi-objective framwork, designed to perform phenotype prediction and QTL detection. The main code resides in the file. The results reported in the paper are stored in as comma seperated (CSV) files. Overlap_Cheker.ipynb contains codes used for detecting overlap of QTLs between our results and previous research, as well as LD concordance calculations.

FSF-GA framework:

Feature Selection Framework for Phenotype Prediction Using Genetic Algorithm (FSF-GA) Phenotype prediction involves solving two problems, namely epistatic interactions among loci and curse of dimensionality. To address the latter, we propose FSF-GA in order to reduce the search space for effective SNPs in phenotype prediction. While our method does not directly address the epistasis detection problem, it can be used as a prior step in order to solve the aforementioned problem. Our motivation and method will be described in the following. The overall pipeline used in this study is illustrated below:

The dataset is first partitioned into training and test sets. Afterwards, pre-processing is applied to both sets, restricting features that will be used for the GA in the next step. In the GA, we aim to find the optimal set of features that maximize our criteria, namely $R_{\text{Adj}}^2$, on the training set. A regression model is then fit on the test set using the selected subset of features and we evaluate the performance using this model. Selected features can depend on the regression model used in the fitness function of the GA; however, the final output of the GA is the set of the features. Since GA is a stochastic algorithm, we run it more than once and consider the overlap of produced sets as the final output.

The Optimization Problem

GA is a nature-inspired method and a major constitution of Computational Intelligence (CI), designed to solve real world problems. Our objective in the GA is to find the optimal solution for an optimization problem.

In this study, given a certain regression model M and a dataset D, we look for the minimal subset of SNPs in D that provides us the best phenotype prediction results, as our goal. The normal procedure for stopping a GA, in case the optimal goal is not met, includes (but is not limited to) setting time limit on the runtime of the algorithm or the number of iterations. Here, we employ the latter and set maximum number of iterations to 5000.

There are a limited number of metrics used for regression problems. Among them, MSE is commonly used as a measure to compare different methods. However, through empirical study we found out that $R_{\text{Adj}}^2$, serves as a better objective for the task at hand. This metric can be calculated as follows:

$$R_{\text{Adj}}^2 = 1 - \dfrac{(1-R^2) (n - 1)}{n-p-1};$$

where p is number of independent features selected for training the model, n is the number of samples, and $R^{2}$ is calculated as below:

$$R^{2} = 1 - \dfrac{RSS}{TSS};$$

where RSS is the sum of squares of residuals and TSS is total sum of squares for a given trait. $R_{\text{Adj}}^2$ and $R^{2}$ range from 0 to 1, with 1/0 being the best/worst value. We set maximizing $R_{\text{Adj}}^2$ and minimizing the number of features as primary and secondary objectives in our GA, respectively. In other terms, our optimization algorithm maximizes $R_{\text{Adj}}^2$ of phenotype prediction using as few features as possible.


The purpose of GA in our approach is to find the minimum set of the features, for each trait, that delivers the best prediction power. However, evolutionary algorithms alone cannot prioritize suitable features, resulting in extremely long run-times until convergence. In order to guide our GA, we first mark valid SNPs for each trait and our GA is only allowed to use them in order to form the output set of the features. To do so, we make use of LD between SNP pairs and Pearson Correlation Coefficients among each SNP and the target trait. LD between SNP pairs is calculated using Python scikit-allel package. The code for pre-processing can be found at

The Genetic Algorithm

In this section, we present the details of our GA. The inputs to our GA are the training set and valid feature indices acquired by the pre-processing step. The output is the set of selected SNPs that give the optimal result for predicting the phenotype of interest. Since randomness in evolutionary algorithms is inevitable, specially in this problem, we run the GA three times and use the intersection of outputs as the final set, for each setting.

The building blocks of each GA are chromosomes and three functions named fitness , mutate , and crossover. The overall process of the proposed GA is illustrated below:

In our algorithm, each chromosome contains a vector of binary values (1/0) called genes. In other terms, genes is referred to the parameters of the solutions in our problem, this should not be confused with the concept of genes in genetics, and through this paper, we use gene(s) only in context of GA. The length of each array is equal to the number of loci in genotypes. Setting each element in these arrays to 1/0 indicates that the corresponding feature should be used/discarded in the respective data subset. In other terms, these arrays mask the presence of features in the dataset, as demonstrated below:

The fitness function in the proposed GA simply calculates fitness score on the training set, that is, $R_{\text{Adj}}^2$ in this study, using Bayesian Ridge regressor implementation from Scikit-learn package. The key to selecting the model for the fitness function is that it should not have inherent L1 penalty (e.g. Lasso), so that redundant features affect model performance are removed in the process. Tabu Search (TS) is incorporated into our GA in order to improve local search and prohibiting it from re-checking previously-visited solutions. Furthermore, TS can save time by preventing redundant calculations in the fitness function.

The mutate function takes a chromosome and modifies its genes, exploring the search space for the global optimum. Mutate function contains the code for the mutate function. The inputs of crossover function are two chromosomes, named parents $(G_P, G_D)$, their respective fitness scores, and fitness function. Generally speaking, in GA, crossover operation combines two sets of genes, resulting in a new chromosome, named child $G_C$, in which genes are inherited from either of parents --performing exploitation and leading to convergence in search subspace. The same is applied in our crossover function. The source code of crossover function is can be found at Crossover function.

The base code of our GA is adopted from Genetic Algorithms with Python. However, as mentioned above, the code was heavily modified. The size of parent pool in our GA is set to 10. The rate of mutation and crossover is set dynamically according to the last 3 improvement. However, we have designed the algorithm so that mutation/crossover rate cannot fall under 20%, and in each turn, only one of these operations is performed on each chromosome. For instance, if 2 out of 3 last improvements are resulted from crossover, then the next function to apply on the next chromosomes, until the next improvement is found, are crossover/mutation with a probability of 60/40%.

Computational Complexity

The bottleneck in proposed GA is the fitness function, the most costly operation in this function is training Bayesian Ridge model on the data. Considering we have n samples and p features, the training takes $O(np^2+p^3)$ operations. After pre-processing step $n \gg p$; hence, we can safely assume the cost of Bayesian Ridge to be $O(p^2n)$. Mutation and crossover take $O(Lnp^2)$ since their inner loops involve calls to fitness function up to L times. The GA runs for K iterations and parent pool holds S chromosomes in total, meaning that the total computational complexity of our GA, in this study, equals to $O(LKSnp^2)$.

Getting Started:

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


virtualenv >= 16.4.3
Jupyter notebook 6.1.5


Create virtual environment

git clone
mkdir venv
python3 -m venv venv/
source venv/bin/activate

Install requirment dependents

pip3 install scipy sklearn pandas jupyter matplotlib seaborn scikit-allel

Running the code

You can simply run the code by opening a terminal in working directory and entering the following command:

.../<FSF-GA>$python3 -pi [Phenotype Index] -ldt [LD cutoff Threshold]

The dataset should be partitioned into genotype and phenotype parts, and the path of these files should be set at