Scan Google (or other) search results for vulnerabilities.
dorkbot is a modular command-line tool for performing vulnerability scans against sets of webpages returned by Google search queries or other supported sources. It is broken up into two sets of modules:
- Indexers - modules that return a list of targets
- Scanners - modules that perform a vulnerability scan against each target
Targets are stored in a local database file until they are scanned, at which point a standard JSON report is produced containing any vulnerabilities found. Indexing and scanning processes can be run separately or combined in a single command (up to one of each).
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-d DATABASE] [-f] [-i INDEXER] [-l] [-o INDEXER_OPTIONS] [-p SCANNER_OPTIONS] [-s SCANNER] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Configuration file -d DATABASE, --database DATABASE SQLite3 database file or postgresql:// URI -f, --flush Flush table of fingerprints of previously-scanned items -i INDEXER, --indexer INDEXER Indexer module to use -l, --list List targets in database -o INDEXER_OPTIONS, --indexer-options INDEXER_OPTIONS Indexer-specific options (opt1=val1,opt2=val2,..) -p SCANNER_OPTIONS, --scanner-options SCANNER_OPTIONS Scanner-specific options (opt1=val1,opt2=val2,..) -s SCANNER, --scanner SCANNER Scanner module to use
Python 2.7.x / 3.x (cross-platform) psycopg2 (if using PostgreSQL)
As needed, dorkbot will search for tools in the following order:
- Directory specified via relevant module option
- Located in dorkbot's tools directory, with the subdirectory named after the tool
- Available in the user's PATH (e.g. installed system-wide)
Create a Google Custom Search Engine and note the search engine ID, e.g. 012345678901234567891:abc12defg3h. Download either Arachni or Wapiti, unpack it into the tools directory, and rename the subdirectory to arachni or wapiti as appropriate.
$ sudo apt install phantomjs
$ ./ -i google -o engine=012345678901234567891:abc12defg3h,query="filetype:php inurl:id"
$ ./ -s arachniOR
$ ./ -s wapiti
Search for targets in a Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) via custom search element.
Requirements: PhantomJS
- engine - CSE id
- query - search query
- phantomjs_dir - phantomjs base directory containing bin/phantomjs (default: tools/phantomjs/)
- domain - limit searches to specified domain
Search for targets in a Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) via JSON API.
Requirements: none
- key - API key
- engine - CSE id
- query - search query
- domain - limit searches to specified domain
Search for targets within results via
- domain - pull all results for given domain or subdomain
- cc_py_dir - base directory containing the file (default: tools/
- year - limit results to data sets from given year (17 or 18, defaults to all)
Read targets from standard input, one per line.
Requirements: none
Options: none
These options are applicable regardless of module chosen
- blacklist - file containing (regex) patterns to blacklist from scans (default: config/blacklist.txt)
- report_dir - directory to save vulnerability report (default: reports/)
- log - log file to append scan activity (default: prints to stdout)
- label - friendly name field to include in vulnerability report
- count - number of urls to scan, or -1 to scan all urls (default: -1)
- random - scan urls in random order
Scan targets with Arachni command-line scanner.
Requirements: Arachni
- arachni_dir - arachni base directory containing bin/arachni and bin/arachni_reporter (default: tools/arachni/)
- checks - space-delimited list of vulnerability checks to perform (default: "active/*")
- timeout - maximum scan time in hours:minutes:seconds (default: disabled)
- single-thread - set browser pool and max concurrency to one each
- throttle - maximum requests per second (default: disabled)
Scan targets with Wapiti command-line scanner.
Requirements: Wapiti
- wapiti_dir - wapiti base directory containing bin/wapiti (default: tools/wapiti/)
- modules - space-delimited list of modules to perform (default: "blindsql exec file permanentxss sql xss")