These files map controls setup in the scripts, into Elite Dangerous. Key mappings align with TARGET Script AD_EDKeyMap_v4.x.x.ttm. There are also some commands mapped only in the binding files, outside of the script.
Do you own/play with one of these rudder pedals (pictured below)?
YES, choose 'WITH MFG Crosswind'.
NO, choose 'WITHOUT MFG Crosswind'.
Copy Bindings To:
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings
Note: When you first load the binding file in ED after copying across, it will create a new copy of the binds with additional number designation added to the end of the filename (this is expected). This ensures original downloaded bindings remain untouched and any modifications will go under the newly named Aussiedroid Warthog Enhanced 4.x.x.3.0.binds.
[Home] MFG Crosswind
For those who have a set of MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals, these are the settings I am using with my profile. Toe Brake is combined & I have the tension on both the Toe & Rudder fairly high to offer good accuracy.
Please ensure you are running the latest software/firmware version from here.